using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.SubtitleFormats { public class UnknownSubtitle60 : SubtitleFormat { //01:00:31:14 //THE PRIME MINISTER //Thank you. //01:00:32:06 //STIG //But first we'll go to our foreign guest, welcome to the programme. It’s a great pleasure having you here. Let me start with a standard question; is this your first time in Sweden? //01:00:44:16 //FEMALE ARTIST //No, I was here once many years ago, and I was introduced to your ”surströmming” – is that..? private static readonly Regex RegexTimeCodes1 = new Regex(@"^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$", RegexOptions.Compiled); public override string Extension => ".txt"; public override string Name => "Unknown 60"; public override string ToText(Subtitle subtitle, string title) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Paragraph p in subtitle.Paragraphs) { sb.AppendLine(EncodeTimeCode(p.StartTime)); sb.AppendLine(EncodeTimeCode(p.EndTime)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Actor)) sb.AppendLine(p.Actor.ToUpper()); else sb.AppendLine("UNKNOWN ACTOR"); sb.AppendLine(HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(p.Text)); sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } private static string EncodeTimeCode(TimeCode time) { return $"{time.Hours:00}:{time.Minutes:00}:{time.Seconds:00}:{MillisecondsToFramesMaxFrameRate(time.Milliseconds):00}"; } public override void LoadSubtitle(Subtitle subtitle, List lines, string fileName) { _errorCount = 0; bool expectStartTime = true; bool expectActor = false; var p = new Paragraph(); subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); foreach (string line in lines) { string s = line.Trim(); var match = RegexTimeCodes1.Match(s); if (match.Success && s.Length == 11) { if (p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds > 0) { subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(p); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Text)) _errorCount++; } p = new Paragraph(); string[] parts = s.Split(':'); if (parts.Length == 4) { try { p.StartTime = DecodeTimeCodeFramesFourParts(parts); expectActor = true; expectStartTime = false; } catch (Exception exception) { _errorCount++; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception.Message); expectStartTime = true; } } } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) && expectActor) { if (line == line.ToUpper()) p.Actor = line; else _errorCount++; expectActor = false; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) && !expectActor && !expectStartTime) { p.Text = (p.Text + Environment.NewLine + line).Trim(); if (p.Text.Length > 5000) { _errorCount += 10; return; } } } if (p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds > 0) subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(p); bool allNullEndTime = true; for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++) { p = subtitle.Paragraphs[i]; if (p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds != 0) allNullEndTime = false; p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + Utilities.GetOptimalDisplayMilliseconds(p.Text); if (i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count - 2 && p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds >= subtitle.Paragraphs[i + 1].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds) p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = subtitle.Paragraphs[i + 1].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - Configuration.Settings.General.MinimumMillisecondsBetweenLines; } if (!allNullEndTime) subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); subtitle.RemoveEmptyLines(); subtitle.Renumber(); } } }