using Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.Enums; using Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.SubtitleFormats; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core { public class Subtitle { private List _paragraphs; private List _history; private SubtitleFormat _format; private bool _wasLoadedWithFrameNumbers; public string Header { get; set; } public string Footer { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public const int MaximumHistoryItems = 100; public SubtitleFormat OriginalFormat { get { return _format; } } public List HistoryItems { get { return _history; } } public Subtitle() { _paragraphs = new List(); _history = new List(); FileName = "Untitled"; } public Subtitle(List historyItems) : this() { _history = historyItems; } /// /// Copy constructor (only paragraphs) /// /// Subtitle to copy public Subtitle(Subtitle subtitle) : this() { if (subtitle == null) return; foreach (Paragraph p in subtitle.Paragraphs) { _paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(p, false)); } _wasLoadedWithFrameNumbers = subtitle.WasLoadedWithFrameNumbers; Header = subtitle.Header; Footer = subtitle.Footer; } public List Paragraphs { get { return _paragraphs; } } /// /// Get the paragraph of index, null if out of bounds /// /// Index of wanted paragraph /// Paragraph, null if index is index is out of bounds public Paragraph GetParagraphOrDefault(int index) { if (_paragraphs == null || _paragraphs.Count <= index || index < 0) return null; return _paragraphs[index]; } public Paragraph GetParagraphOrDefaultById(string id) { foreach (Paragraph p in _paragraphs) { if (p.ID == id) return p; } return null; } public SubtitleFormat ReloadLoadSubtitle(List lines, string fileName) { Paragraphs.Clear(); foreach (SubtitleFormat subtitleFormat in SubtitleFormat.AllSubtitleFormats) { if (subtitleFormat.IsMine(lines, fileName)) { subtitleFormat.LoadSubtitle(this, lines, fileName); _format = subtitleFormat; return subtitleFormat; } } return null; } public SubtitleFormat LoadSubtitle(string fileName, out Encoding encoding, Encoding useThisEncoding) { return LoadSubtitle(fileName, out encoding, useThisEncoding, false); } public SubtitleFormat LoadSubtitle(string fileName, out Encoding encoding, Encoding useThisEncoding, bool batchMode) { FileName = fileName; _paragraphs = new List(); var lines = new List(); StreamReader sr; if (useThisEncoding != null) { try { sr = new StreamReader(fileName, useThisEncoding); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); encoding = Encoding.UTF8; return null; } } else { try { sr = new StreamReader(fileName, Utilities.GetEncodingFromFile(fileName), true); } catch { try { Stream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); sr = new StreamReader(fs); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); encoding = Encoding.UTF8; return null; } } } encoding = sr.CurrentEncoding; while (!sr.EndOfStream) lines.Add(sr.ReadLine()); sr.Close(); foreach (SubtitleFormat subtitleFormat in SubtitleFormat.AllSubtitleFormats) { if (subtitleFormat.IsMine(lines, fileName)) { Header = null; subtitleFormat.BatchMode = batchMode; subtitleFormat.LoadSubtitle(this, lines, fileName); _format = subtitleFormat; _wasLoadedWithFrameNumbers = _format.IsFrameBased; if (_wasLoadedWithFrameNumbers) CalculateTimeCodesFromFrameNumbers(Configuration.Settings.General.CurrentFrameRate); return subtitleFormat; } } if (useThisEncoding == null) return LoadSubtitle(fileName, out encoding, Encoding.Unicode); return null; } public void MakeHistoryForUndo(string description, SubtitleFormat subtitleFormat, DateTime fileModified, Subtitle original, string originalSubtitleFileName, int lineNumber, int linePosition, int linePositionAlternate) { // don't fill memory with history - use a max rollback points if (_history.Count > MaximumHistoryItems) _history.RemoveAt(0); _history.Add(new HistoryItem(_history.Count, this, description, FileName, fileModified, subtitleFormat.FriendlyName, original, originalSubtitleFileName, lineNumber, linePosition, linePositionAlternate)); } public bool CanUndo { get { return _history.Count > 0; } } public string UndoHistory(int index, out string subtitleFormatFriendlyName, out DateTime fileModified, out Subtitle originalSubtitle, out string originalSubtitleFileName) { _paragraphs.Clear(); foreach (Paragraph p in _history[index].Subtitle.Paragraphs) _paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(p)); subtitleFormatFriendlyName = _history[index].SubtitleFormatFriendlyName; FileName = _history[index].FileName; fileModified = _history[index].FileModified; originalSubtitle = new Subtitle(_history[index].OriginalSubtitle); originalSubtitleFileName = _history[index].OriginalSubtitleFileName; return FileName; } /// /// Creates subtitle as text in it'snative format /// /// Format to output /// Native format as text string public string ToText(SubtitleFormat format) { return format.ToText(this, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName)); } public void AddTimeToAllParagraphs(TimeSpan time) { foreach (Paragraph p in Paragraphs) { p.StartTime.AddTime(time); p.EndTime.AddTime(time); } } /// /// Calculate the time codes from frame number/frame rate /// /// Number of frames per second /// True if times could be calculated public bool CalculateTimeCodesFromFrameNumbers(double frameRate) { if (_format == null || _format.IsTimeBased) return false; foreach (Paragraph p in Paragraphs) { p.CalculateTimeCodesFromFrameNumbers(frameRate); } return true; } /// /// Calculate the frame numbers from time codes/frame rate /// /// /// public bool CalculateFrameNumbersFromTimeCodes(double frameRate) { if (_format == null || _format.IsFrameBased) return false; foreach (Paragraph p in Paragraphs) { p.CalculateFrameNumbersFromTimeCodes(frameRate); } FixEqualOrJustOverlappingFrameNumbers(); return true; } public void CalculateFrameNumbersFromTimeCodesNoCheck(double frameRate) { foreach (Paragraph p in Paragraphs) p.CalculateFrameNumbersFromTimeCodes(frameRate); FixEqualOrJustOverlappingFrameNumbers(); } private void FixEqualOrJustOverlappingFrameNumbers() { for (int i = 0; i < Paragraphs.Count - 1; i++) { Paragraph p = Paragraphs[i]; Paragraph next = GetParagraphOrDefault(i + 1); if (next != null && (p.EndFrame == next.StartFrame || p.EndFrame == next.StartFrame + 1)) p.EndFrame = next.StartFrame - 1; } } public void ChangeFrameRate(double oldFrameRate, double newFrameRate) { foreach (Paragraph p in Paragraphs) { double startFrame = p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds / TimeCode.BaseUnit * oldFrameRate; double endFrame = p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds / TimeCode.BaseUnit * oldFrameRate; p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds = startFrame * (TimeCode.BaseUnit / newFrameRate); p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = endFrame * (TimeCode.BaseUnit / newFrameRate); p.CalculateFrameNumbersFromTimeCodes(newFrameRate); } } public bool WasLoadedWithFrameNumbers { get { return _wasLoadedWithFrameNumbers; } set { _wasLoadedWithFrameNumbers = value; } } public void AdjustDisplayTimeUsingPercent(double percent, ListView.SelectedIndexCollection selectedIndexes) { for (int i = 0; i < _paragraphs.Count; i++) { if (selectedIndexes == null || selectedIndexes.Contains(i)) { double nextStartMilliseconds = _paragraphs[_paragraphs.Count - 1].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds + TimeCode.BaseUnit; if (i + 1 < _paragraphs.Count) nextStartMilliseconds = _paragraphs[i + 1].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds; double newEndMilliseconds = _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds; newEndMilliseconds = _paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + (((newEndMilliseconds - _paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds) * percent) / 100); if (newEndMilliseconds > nextStartMilliseconds) newEndMilliseconds = nextStartMilliseconds - 1; _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = newEndMilliseconds; } } } public void AdjustDisplayTimeUsingSeconds(double seconds, ListView.SelectedIndexCollection selectedIndexes) { for (int i = 0; i < _paragraphs.Count; i++) { if (selectedIndexes == null || selectedIndexes.Contains(i)) { double nextStartMilliseconds = _paragraphs[_paragraphs.Count - 1].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds + TimeCode.BaseUnit; if (i + 1 < _paragraphs.Count) nextStartMilliseconds = _paragraphs[i + 1].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds; double newEndMilliseconds = _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds + (seconds * TimeCode.BaseUnit); if (newEndMilliseconds > nextStartMilliseconds) newEndMilliseconds = nextStartMilliseconds - 1; if (seconds < 0) { if (_paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + 100 > newEndMilliseconds) _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = _paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + 100; else _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = newEndMilliseconds; } else { _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = newEndMilliseconds; } } } } public void RecalculateDisplayTimes(double maxCharactersPerSecond, ListView.SelectedIndexCollection selectedIndexes) { for (int i = 0; i < _paragraphs.Count; i++) { if (selectedIndexes == null || selectedIndexes.Contains(i)) { Paragraph p = _paragraphs[i]; double duration = Utilities.GetOptimalDisplayMilliseconds(p.Text); p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + duration; while (Utilities.GetCharactersPerSecond(p) > maxCharactersPerSecond) { duration++; p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + duration; } Paragraph next = GetParagraphOrDefault(i + 1); if (next != null && p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + duration + Configuration.Settings.General.MinimumMillisecondsBetweenLines > next.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds) { p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = next.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - Configuration.Settings.General.MinimumMillisecondsBetweenLines; if (p.Duration.TotalMilliseconds <= 0) p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds = p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds + 1; } } } } public void Renumber(int startNumber = 1) { foreach (Paragraph p in _paragraphs) { p.Number = startNumber++; } } public int GetIndex(Paragraph p) { if (p == null) return -1; int index = _paragraphs.IndexOf(p); if (index >= 0) return index; for (int i = 0; i < _paragraphs.Count; i++) { if (p.ID == _paragraphs[i].ID) return i; if (i < _paragraphs.Count - 1 && p.ID == _paragraphs[i + 1].ID) return i + 1; if (p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds == _paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds && p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds == _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds) return i; if (p.Number == _paragraphs[i].Number && (p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds == _paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds || p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds == _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds)) return i; if (p.Text == _paragraphs[i].Text && (p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds == _paragraphs[i].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds || p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds == _paragraphs[i].EndTime.TotalMilliseconds)) return i; } return -1; } public Paragraph GetFirstAlike(Paragraph p) { foreach (Paragraph item in _paragraphs) { if (p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds == item.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds && p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds == item.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds && p.Text == item.Text) return item; } return null; } public Paragraph GetFirstParagraphByLineNumber(int number) { foreach (Paragraph p in _paragraphs) { if (p.Number == number) return p; } return null; } public int RemoveEmptyLines() { int count = _paragraphs.Count; if (count > 0) { int firstNumber = _paragraphs[0].Number; for (int i = _paragraphs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Paragraph p = _paragraphs[i]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Text)) _paragraphs.RemoveAt(i); } if (count != _paragraphs.Count) Renumber(firstNumber); } return count - _paragraphs.Count; } /// /// Sort subtitle paragraphs /// /// Paragraph sort criteria public void Sort(SubtitleSortCriteria sortCriteria) { switch (sortCriteria) { case SubtitleSortCriteria.Number: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Number.CompareTo(p2.Number)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.StartTime: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds.CompareTo(p2.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.EndTime: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds.CompareTo(p2.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.Duration: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Duration.TotalMilliseconds.CompareTo(p2.Duration.TotalMilliseconds)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.Text: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => string.Compare(p1.Text, p2.Text, StringComparison.Ordinal)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.TextMaxLineLength: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => Utilities.GetMaxLineLength(p1.Text).CompareTo(Utilities.GetMaxLineLength(p2.Text))); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.TextTotalLength: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Text.Length.CompareTo(p2.Text.Length)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.TextNumberOfLines: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.NumberOfLines.CompareTo(p2.NumberOfLines)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.TextCharactersPerSeconds: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => Utilities.GetCharactersPerSecond(p1).CompareTo(Utilities.GetCharactersPerSecond(p2))); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.WordsPerMinute: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.WordsPerMinute.CompareTo(p2.WordsPerMinute)); break; case SubtitleSortCriteria.Style: _paragraphs.Sort((p1, p2) => string.Compare(p1.Extra, p2.Extra, StringComparison.Ordinal)); break; } } public void InsertParagraphInCorrectTimeOrder(Paragraph newParagraph) { for (int i = 0; i < Paragraphs.Count; i++) { Paragraph p = Paragraphs[i]; if (newParagraph.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds < p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds) { Paragraphs.Insert(i, newParagraph); return; } } Paragraphs.Add(newParagraph); } /// /// Fast hash code for subtitle (only includes start + end + text) /// /// Hash value that can be used for quick compare public string GetFastHashCode() { var sb = new StringBuilder(Paragraphs.Count * 50); for (int i = 0; i < Paragraphs.Count; i++) { var p = Paragraphs[i]; sb.Append(p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds.GetHashCode()); sb.Append(p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds.GetHashCode()); sb.Append(p.Text); } return sb.ToString().TrimEnd(); } } }