using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core { public class IfoParser : IDisposable { public struct AudioStream { public int LanguageTypeSpecified; public string Language; public string LanguageCode; public string CodingMode; public int Channels; public string Extension; }; public struct VideoStream { public string Aspect; public string Standard; public string CodingMode; public string Resolution; } public class VtsVobs { public int NumberOfAudioStreams; public int NumberOfSubtitles; public VideoStream VideoStream; public List AudioStreams; public List Subtitles; public List SubtitleIDs; public List SubtitleTypes; public List GetAllLanguages() { var list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < Subtitles.Count; i++) { if (i < SubtitleIDs.Count && i < SubtitleTypes.Count) { var ids = SubtitleIDs[i].Split(','); var types = SubtitleTypes[i].Split(','); if (ids.Length == 2 && ids[0].Trim() == ids[1].Trim() || ids.Length == 3 && ids[0].Trim() == ids[1].Trim() && ids[1].Trim() == ids[2].Trim()) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + " (" + ids[0].Trim() + ")"); } else { if (ids.Length >= 1 && types.Length >= 1) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[0].Trim() + " (" + ids[0].Trim() + ")"); } if (ids.Length >= 2 && types.Length >= 2) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[1].Trim() + " (" + ids[1].Trim() + ")"); } if (ids.Length >= 3 && types.Length >= 3) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[2].Trim() + " (" + ids[2].Trim() + ")"); } if (ids.Length >= 4 && types.Length >= 4) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[3].Trim() + " (" + ids[3].Trim() + ")"); } } } } return list; } public VtsVobs() { VideoStream = new VideoStream(); AudioStreams = new List(); Subtitles = new List(); SubtitleIDs = new List(); SubtitleTypes = new List(); } }; public class ProgramChain { public int NumberOfPgc; public int NumberOfCells; public string PlaybackTime; public List PgcEntryCells; public List PgcPlaybackTimes; public List PgcStartTimes; public List AudioStreamsAvailable; public List SubtitlesAvailable; public List ColorLookupTable; public ProgramChain() { PgcEntryCells = new List(); PgcPlaybackTimes = new List(); PgcStartTimes = new List(); AudioStreamsAvailable = new List(); SubtitlesAvailable = new List(); ColorLookupTable = new List(); } public bool Has43Subs { get; set; } public bool HasWideSubs { get; set; } public bool HasLetterSubs { get; set; } public bool HasPanSubs { get; set; } public bool HasNoSpecificSubs { get; set; } }; public class VtsPgci { public int NumberOfProgramChains; public List ProgramChains; public VtsPgci() { ProgramChains = new List(); } }; private readonly List _arrayOfAudioMode = new List { "AC3", "...", "MPEG1", "MPEG2", "LPCM", "...", "DTS" }; private readonly List _arrayOfAudioExtension = new List { "unspecified", "normal", "for visually impaired", "director's comments", "alternate director's comments" }; private readonly List _arrayOfAspect = new List { "4:3", "...", "...", "16:9" }; private readonly List _arrayOfStandard = new List { "NTSC", "PAL", "...", "..." }; private readonly List _arrayOfCodingMode = new List { "MPEG1", "MPEG2" }; private readonly List _arrayOfNtscResolution = new List { "720x480", "704x480", "352x480", "352x240" }; private readonly List _arrayOfPalResolution = new List { "720x576", "704x576", "352x576", "352x288" }; public static List ArrayOfLanguageCode = new List { " ", "aa", "ab", "af", "am", "ar", "as", "ay", "az", "ba", "be", "bg", "bh", "bi", "bn", "bo", "br", "ca", "co", "cs", "cy", "da", "de", "dz", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi", "fj", "fo", "fr", "fy", "ga", "gd", "gl", "gn", "gu", "ha", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "hy", "ia", "id", "ie", "ik", "in", "is", "it", "iu", "iw", "ja", "ji", "jw", "ka", "kk", "kl", "km", "kn", "ko", "ks", "ku", "ky", "la", "ln", "lo", "lt", "lv", "mg", "mi", "mk", "ml", "mn", "mo", "mr", "ms", "mt", "my", "na", "ne", "nl", "no", "oc", "om", "or", "pa", "pl", "ps", "pt", "qu", "rm", "rn", "ro", "ru", "rw", "sa", "sd", "sg", "sh", "si", "sk", "sl", "sm", "sn", "so", "sq", "sr", "ss", "st", "su", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tg", "th", "ti", "tk", "tl", "tn", "to", "tr", "ts", "tt", "tw", "ug", "uk", "ur", "uz", "vi", "vo", "wo", "xh", "yi", "yo", "za", "zh", "zu", ""}; public static List ArrayOfLanguage = new List { "Not Specified", "Afar", "Abkhazian", "Afrikaans", "Amharic", "Arabic", "Assamese", "Aymara", "Azerbaijani", "Bashkir", "Byelorussian", "Bulgarian", "Bihari", "Bislama", "Bengali; Bangla", "Tibetan", "Breton", "Catalan", "Corsican", "Czech(Ceske)", "Welsh", "Dansk", "Deutsch", "Bhutani", "Greek", "English", "Esperanto", "Espanol", "Estonian", "Basque", "Persian", "Suomi", "Fiji", "Faroese", "Français", "Frisian", "Irish", "Scots Gaelic", "Galician", "Guarani", "Gujarati", "Hausa", "Hebrew", "Hindi", "Hrvatski", "Magyar", "Armenian", "Interlingua", "Indonesian", "Interlingue", "Inupiak", "Indonesian", "Islenska", "Italiano", "Inuktitut", "Hebrew", "Japanese", "Yiddish", "Javanese", "Georgian", "Kazakh", "Greenlandic", "Cambodian", "Kannada", "Korean", "Kashmiri", "Kurdish", "Kirghiz", "Latin", "Lingala", "Laothian", "Lithuanian", "Latvian, Lettish", "Malagasy", "Maori", "Macedonian", "Malayalam", "Mongolian", "Moldavian", "Marathi", "Malay", "Maltese", "Burmese", "Nauru", "Nepali", "Nederlands", "Norsk", "Occitan", "(Afan) Oromo", "Oriya", "Punjabi", "Polish", "Pashto, Pushto", "Portugues", "Quechua", "Rhaeto-Romance", "Kirundi", "Romanian", "Russian", "Kinyarwanda", "Sanskrit", "Sindhi", "Sangho", "Serbo-Croatian", "Sinhalese", "Slovak", "Slovenian", "Samoan", "Shona", "Somali", "Albanian", "Serbian", "Siswati", "Sesotho", "Sundanese", "Svenska", "Swahili", "Tamil", "Telugu", "Tajik", "Thai", "Tigrinya", "Turkmen", "Tagalog", "Setswana", "Tonga", "Turkish", "Tsonga", "Tatar", "Twi", "Uighur", "Ukrainian", "Urdu", "Uzbek", "Vietnamese", "Volapuk", "Wolof", "Xhosa", "Yiddish", "Yoruba", "Zhuang", "Chinese", "Zulu", "???"}; public VtsPgci VideoTitleSetProgramChainTable { get { return _vtsPgci; } } public VtsVobs VideoTitleSetVobs { get { return _vtsVobs; } } public string ErrorMessage { get; private set; } private readonly VtsVobs _vtsVobs = new VtsVobs(); private readonly VtsPgci _vtsPgci = new VtsPgci(); private FileStream _fs; public IfoParser(string fileName) { try { _fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); var buffer = new byte[12]; _fs.Position = 0; _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 12); string id = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); if (id != "DVDVIDEO-VTS") { ErrorMessage = string.Format(Configuration.Settings.Language.DvdSubRip.WrongIfoType, id, Environment.NewLine, fileName); return; } ParseVtsVobs(); ParseVtsPgci(); _fs.Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorMessage = exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace; } } private void ParseVtsVobs() { var buffer = new byte[16]; //retrieve video info _fs.Position = 0x200; var data = IntToBin(GetEndian(2), 16); _vtsVobs.VideoStream.CodingMode = _arrayOfCodingMode[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 0, 2))]; _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Standard = _arrayOfStandard[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 2, 2))]; _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Aspect = _arrayOfAspect[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 4, 2))]; if (_vtsVobs.VideoStream.Standard == "PAL") _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Resolution = _arrayOfPalResolution[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 13, 2))]; else if (_vtsVobs.VideoStream.Standard == "NTSC") _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Resolution = _arrayOfNtscResolution[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 13, 2))]; //retrieve audio info _fs.Position = 0x202; //useless but here for readability _vtsVobs.NumberOfAudioStreams = GetEndian(2); for (int i = 0; i < _vtsVobs.NumberOfAudioStreams; i++) { var audioStream = new AudioStream(); data = IntToBin(GetEndian(2), 16); audioStream.LanguageTypeSpecified = Convert.ToInt32(MidStr(data, 4, 2)); audioStream.CodingMode = _arrayOfAudioMode[(BinToInt(MidStr(data, 0, 3)))]; audioStream.Channels = BinToInt(MidStr(data, 13, 3)) + 1; _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); audioStream.LanguageCode = new string(new[] { Convert.ToChar(buffer[0]), Convert.ToChar(buffer[1]) }); if (ArrayOfLanguageCode.Contains(audioStream.LanguageCode)) audioStream.Language = ArrayOfLanguage[ArrayOfLanguageCode.IndexOf(audioStream.LanguageCode)]; _fs.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); audioStream.Extension = _arrayOfAudioExtension[_fs.ReadByte()]; _fs.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); _vtsVobs.AudioStreams.Add(audioStream); } //retrieve subs info (only name) _fs.Position = 0x254; _vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles = GetEndian(2); _fs.Position += 2; for (int i = 0; i < _vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles; i++) { _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); var languageTwoLetter = new string(new[] { Convert.ToChar(buffer[0]), Convert.ToChar(buffer[1]) }); _vtsVobs.Subtitles.Add(InterpretLanguageCode(languageTwoLetter)); _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); // reserved for language code extension + code extension //switch (buffer[0]) // 4, 8, 10-12 unused //{ // // // case 1: subtitleFormat = "(caption/normal size char)"; break; //0 = unspecified caption // case 2: subtitleFormat = "(caption/large size char)"; break; // case 3: subtitleFormat = "(caption for children)"; break; // case 5: subtitleFormat = "(closed caption/normal size char)"; break; // case 6: subtitleFormat = "(closed caption/large size char)"; break; // case 7: subtitleFormat = "(closed caption for children)"; break; // case 9: subtitleFormat = "(forced caption)"; break; // case 13: subtitleFormat = "(director comments/normal size char)"; break; // case 14: subtitleFormat = "(director comments/large size char)"; break; // case 15: subtitleFormat = "(director comments for children)"; break; //} _fs.Position += 2; } } private static int BinToInt(string p) { return Convert.ToInt32(p, 2); } private static string MidStr(string data, int start, int count) { return data.Substring(start, count); } private static string IntToBin(int value, int digits) { string result = Convert.ToString(value, 2); while (result.Length < digits) result = "0" + result; return result; } private int GetEndian(int count) { int result = 0; for (int i = count; i > 0; i--) { int b = _fs.ReadByte(); result = (result << 8) + b; } return result; } private static string InterpretLanguageCode(string code) { int i = 0; while (ArrayOfLanguageCode[i] != code && i < 143) { i++; } return ArrayOfLanguage[i]; } private void ParseVtsPgci() { const int sectorSize = 2048; _fs.Position = 0xCC; //Get VTS_PGCI adress int tableStart = sectorSize * GetEndian(4); _fs.Position = tableStart; _vtsPgci.NumberOfProgramChains = GetEndian(2); _vtsPgci.ProgramChains = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < _vtsPgci.NumberOfProgramChains; i++) { //Parse PGC Header var programChain = new ProgramChain(); _fs.Position = tableStart + 4 + 8 * (i + 1); //Get PGC adress int programChainAdress = GetEndian(4); _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 2; //Move to PGC programChain.NumberOfPgc = _fs.ReadByte(); programChain.NumberOfCells = _fs.ReadByte(); programChain.PlaybackTime = InterpretTime(GetEndian(4)); _fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); // check if audio streams are available for this PGC _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xC; for (int j = 0; j < _vtsVobs.NumberOfAudioStreams; j++) { string temp = IntToBin(_fs.ReadByte(), 8); programChain.AudioStreamsAvailable.Add(temp[0]); _fs.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); } // check if subtitles are available for this PGC _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0x1C; for (int j = 0; j < _vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles; j++) { // read and save full subpicture stream info inside program chain var subtitle = new byte[4]; _fs.Read(subtitle, 0, 4); programChain.SubtitlesAvailable.Add(subtitle); } CalculateSubtitleTypes(programChain); //Parse Color LookUp Table (CLUT) - offset 00A4, 16*4 (0, Y, Cr, Cb) _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xA4; for (int colorNumber = 0; colorNumber < 16; colorNumber++) { var colors = new byte[4]; _fs.Read(colors, 0, 4); int y = colors[1] - 16; int cr = colors[2] - 128; int cb = colors[3] - 128; int r = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(Math.Round(1.1644F * y + 1.596F * cr), 0), 255); int g = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(Math.Round(1.1644F * y - 0.813F * cr - 0.391F * cb), 0), 255); int b = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(Math.Round(1.1644F * y + 2.018F * cb), 0), 255); programChain.ColorLookupTable.Add(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); } //Parse Program Map _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xE6; _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + GetEndian(2); for (int j = 0; j < programChain.NumberOfPgc; j++) { programChain.PgcEntryCells.Add((byte)_fs.ReadByte()); } // Cell Playback Info Table to retrieve duration _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xE8; _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + GetEndian(2); var timeArray = new List(); for (int k = 0; k < programChain.NumberOfPgc; k++) { int time = 0; int max; if (k == programChain.NumberOfPgc - 1) max = programChain.NumberOfCells; else max = programChain.PgcEntryCells[k + 1] - 1; for (int j = programChain.PgcEntryCells[k]; j <= max; j++) { _fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); time += TimeToMs(GetEndian(4)); _fs.Seek(16, SeekOrigin.Current); } programChain.PgcPlaybackTimes.Add(MsToTime(time)); timeArray.Add(time); //convert to start time time = 0; for (int l = 1; l <= k; l++) { time += timeArray[l - 1]; } if (k == 0) programChain.PgcStartTimes.Add(MsToTime(0)); if (k > 0) programChain.PgcStartTimes.Add(MsToTime(time)); } _vtsPgci.ProgramChains.Add(programChain); } } private void CalculateSubtitleTypes(ProgramChain programChain) { // Additional Code to analyse stream bytes if (_vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles > 0) { // load the 'last' subpicture stream info, // because if we have more than one subtitle stream, // all subtitle positions > 0 // lastSubtitle[0] is related to 4:3 // lastSubtitle[1] is related to Wide // lastSubtitle[2] is related to letterboxed // lastSubtitle[3] is related to pan&scan byte[] lastSubtitle = programChain.SubtitlesAvailable[programChain.SubtitlesAvailable.Count - 1]; int countSubs = 0; // set defaults for all possible subpicture types and positions programChain.Has43Subs = false; programChain.HasWideSubs = false; programChain.HasLetterSubs = false; programChain.HasPanSubs = false; programChain.HasNoSpecificSubs = true; int pos43Subs = -1; int posWideSubs = -1; int posLetterSubs = -1; int posPanSubs = -1; // parse different subtitle bytes if (lastSubtitle[0] > 0x80) { programChain.Has43Subs = true; countSubs++; // 4:3 } if (lastSubtitle[1] > 0) { programChain.HasWideSubs = true; countSubs++; // wide } if (lastSubtitle[2] > 0) { programChain.HasLetterSubs = true; countSubs++; // letterboxed } if (lastSubtitle[3] > 0) { programChain.HasPanSubs = true; countSubs++; // pan&scan } if (countSubs == 0) { // may be, only a 4:3 stream exists // -> lastSubtitle[0] = 0x80 } else { if (_vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles == 1) { // only 1 stream exists, may be letterboxed // if so we cound't find wide id, because lastSubtitle[1] = 0 !! // corresponding wide stream byte is 0 => wide id = 0x20 // letterboxed = 0x21 if (programChain.HasLetterSubs && !programChain.HasWideSubs) { // repair it programChain.HasWideSubs = true; } } programChain.HasNoSpecificSubs = false; } // subpucture streams start with 0x20 int subStream = 0x20; // Now we know all about available subpicture streams, including position type // And we can create whole complete definitions for all avalable streams foreach (byte[] subtitle in programChain.SubtitlesAvailable) { if (programChain.HasNoSpecificSubs) { // only one unspezified subpicture stream exists _vtsVobs.SubtitleIDs.Add(string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream++)); _vtsVobs.SubtitleTypes.Add("unspecific"); } else { // read stream position for evey subtitle type from subtitle byte if (programChain.Has43Subs) { pos43Subs = subtitle[0] - 0x80; } if (programChain.HasWideSubs) { posWideSubs = subtitle[1]; } if (programChain.HasLetterSubs) { posLetterSubs = subtitle[2]; } if (programChain.HasPanSubs) { posPanSubs = subtitle[3]; } // Now we can create subpicture id's and types for every stream // All used subpicture id's and types will beappended to string, separated by colon // So it's possible to split it later string sub = string.Empty; string subType = string.Empty; if (programChain.Has43Subs) { sub = string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + pos43Subs); subType = "4:3"; } if (programChain.HasWideSubs) { if (sub.Length > 0) { sub += ", "; subType += ", "; } sub += string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + posWideSubs); subType += "wide"; } if (programChain.HasLetterSubs) { if (sub.Length > 0) { sub += ", "; subType += ", "; } sub += string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + posLetterSubs); subType += "letterboxed"; } if (programChain.HasPanSubs) { if (sub.Length > 0) { sub += ", "; subType += ", "; } sub += string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + posPanSubs); subType += "pan&scan"; } _vtsVobs.SubtitleIDs.Add(sub); _vtsVobs.SubtitleTypes.Add(subType); } } } } private static int TimeToMs(int time) { double fps; var temp = IntToBin(time, 32); var result = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 0, 8)), 1)) * 3600000; result = result + StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 8, 8)), 2)) * 60000; result = result + StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 16, 8)), 2)) * 1000; if (temp.Substring(24, 2) == "11") fps = 30; else fps = 25; result += (int)Math.Round((TimeCode.BaseUnit / fps) * StrToFloat(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 26, 6)), 3))); return result; } private static double StrToFloat(string p) { return Convert.ToDouble(p, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } private static int StrToInt(string p) { return int.Parse(p); } private static string IntToHex(int value, int digits) { string hex = value.ToString("X"); return hex.PadLeft(digits, '0'); } private static string MsToTime(double milliseconds) { var ts = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds); string s = string.Format("{0:#0}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds); return s; } private static string InterpretTime(int timeNumber) { string timeBytes = IntToBin(timeNumber, 32); int h = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(0, 8)), 1)); int m = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(8, 8)), 2)); int s = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(16, 8)), 2)); int fps = 25; if (timeBytes.Substring(24, 2) == "11") fps = 30; int milliseconds = (int)Math.Round((TimeCode.BaseUnit / fps) * StrToFloat(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(26, 6)), 3))); var ts = new TimeSpan(0, h, m, s, milliseconds); return MsToTime(ts.TotalMilliseconds); } private void ReleaseManagedResources() { if (_fs != null) { _fs.Dispose(); _fs = null; } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { ReleaseManagedResources(); } } } }