using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.SubtitleFormats { /// /// Nexflix version of timed text - time code is "00:00:04.000", tag
is converted to
/// See ///
public class NetflixTimedText : TimedText10 { public override string Extension { get { return ".dfxp"; } } public new const string NameOfFormat = "Netflix Timed Text"; public override string Name { get { return NameOfFormat; } } public override bool IsTimeBased { get { return true; } } public override bool IsMine(List lines, string fileName) { if (fileName != null && !(fileName.EndsWith(Extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || fileName.EndsWith(".xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) return false; var sb = new StringBuilder(); lines.ForEach(line => sb.AppendLine(line)); if (!sb.ToString().Contains("Netflix Subtitle")) return false; var subtitle = new Subtitle(); LoadSubtitle(subtitle, lines, fileName); return subtitle.Paragraphs.Count > 0; } public override string ToText(Subtitle subtitle, string title) { bool convertedFromSubStationAlpha = false; if (subtitle.Header != null) { XmlNode styleHead = null; try { var x = new XmlDocument(); x.LoadXml(subtitle.Header); var xnsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(x.NameTable); xnsmgr.AddNamespace("ttml", ""); if (x.DocumentElement != null) styleHead = x.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ttml:head", xnsmgr); } catch { styleHead = null; } if (styleHead == null && (subtitle.Header.Contains("[V4+ Styles]") || subtitle.Header.Contains("[V4 Styles]"))) { var x = new XmlDocument(); x.LoadXml(new ItunesTimedText().ToText(new Subtitle(), "tt")); // load default xml var xnsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(x.NameTable); xnsmgr.AddNamespace("ttml", ""); if (x.DocumentElement != null) { styleHead = x.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ttml:head", xnsmgr); styleHead.SelectSingleNode("ttml:styling", xnsmgr).RemoveAll(); foreach (string styleName in AdvancedSubStationAlpha.GetStylesFromHeader(subtitle.Header)) { try { var ssaStyle = AdvancedSubStationAlpha.GetSsaStyle(styleName, subtitle.Header); if (ssaStyle != null) { string fontStyle = "normal"; if (ssaStyle.Italic) fontStyle = "italic"; string fontWeight = "normal"; if (ssaStyle.Bold) fontWeight = "bold"; AddStyleToXml(x, styleHead, xnsmgr, ssaStyle.Name, ssaStyle.FontName, fontWeight, fontStyle, Utilities.ColorToHex(ssaStyle.Primary), ssaStyle.FontSize.ToString()); convertedFromSubStationAlpha = true; } } catch { // ignored } } } subtitle.Header = x.OuterXml; // save new xml with styles in header } } var xml = new XmlDocument { XmlResolver = null }; var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("ttml", ""); nsmgr.AddNamespace("ttp", ""); nsmgr.AddNamespace("tts", ""); nsmgr.AddNamespace("ttm", ""); const string xmlStructure = @" Netflix Subtitle
"; xml.LoadXml(xmlStructure); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { var headNode = xml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//ttml:head", nsmgr); var metadataNode = headNode?.SelectSingleNode("ttml:metadata", nsmgr); var titleNode = metadataNode?.FirstChild; if (titleNode != null) { titleNode.InnerText = "Netflix Subtitle for " + title; } } var div = xml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//ttml:body", nsmgr).SelectSingleNode("ttml:div", nsmgr); bool hasBottomCenterRegion = false; bool hasTopCenterRegion = false; foreach (XmlNode node in xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//ttml:head/ttml:layout/ttml:region", nsmgr)) { string id = null; if (node.Attributes["xml:id"] != null) id = node.Attributes["xml:id"].Value; else if (node.Attributes["id"] != null) id = node.Attributes["id"].Value; if (id != null && id == "bottomCenter") hasBottomCenterRegion = true; if (id != null && id == "topCenter") hasTopCenterRegion = true; } int no = 0; foreach (var p in subtitle.Paragraphs) { XmlNode paragraph = xml.CreateElement("p", ""); string text = p.Text; XmlAttribute pid = xml.CreateAttribute("xml:id"); pid.InnerText = "p" + ++no; paragraph.Attributes.Append(pid); XmlAttribute start = xml.CreateAttribute("begin"); start.InnerText = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}", p.StartTime.Hours, p.StartTime.Minutes, p.StartTime.Seconds, p.StartTime.Milliseconds); paragraph.Attributes.Append(start); XmlAttribute end = xml.CreateAttribute("end"); end.InnerText = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}", p.EndTime.Hours, p.EndTime.Minutes, p.EndTime.Seconds, p.EndTime.Milliseconds); paragraph.Attributes.Append(end); XmlAttribute regionP = xml.CreateAttribute("region"); if (text.StartsWith("{\\an7}", StringComparison.Ordinal) || text.StartsWith("{\\an8}", StringComparison.Ordinal) || text.StartsWith("{\\an9}", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (hasTopCenterRegion) { regionP.InnerText = "topCenter"; paragraph.Attributes.Append(regionP); } } else if (hasBottomCenterRegion) { regionP.InnerText = "bottomCenter"; paragraph.Attributes.Append(regionP); } if (text.StartsWith("{\\an", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.Length > 6 && text[5] == '}') text = text.Remove(0, 6); if (convertedFromSubStationAlpha) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Style)) { p.Style = p.Extra; } } bool first = true; bool italicOn = false; foreach (string line in text.SplitToLines()) { if (!first) { XmlNode br = xml.CreateElement("br", ""); paragraph.AppendChild(br); } var styles = new Stack(); XmlNode currentStyle = xml.CreateTextNode(string.Empty); paragraph.AppendChild(currentStyle); int skipCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++) { if (skipCount > 0) { skipCount--; } else if (line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { styles.Push(currentStyle); currentStyle = xml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "span", null); paragraph.AppendChild(currentStyle); XmlAttribute attr = xml.CreateAttribute("tts:fontStyle", ""); attr.InnerText = "italic"; currentStyle.Attributes.Append(attr); skipCount = 2; italicOn = true; } else if (line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { currentStyle = xml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "span", null); paragraph.AppendChild(currentStyle); XmlAttribute attr = xml.CreateAttribute("tts:fontWeight", ""); attr.InnerText = "bold"; currentStyle.Attributes.Append(attr); skipCount = 2; } else if (line.Substring(i).StartsWith("'); if (endIndex > 0) { skipCount = endIndex + 1; string fontContent = line.Substring(i, skipCount); if (fontContent.Contains(" color=")) { var arr = fontContent.Substring(fontContent.IndexOf(" color=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7).Trim().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (arr.Length > 0) { string fontColor = arr[0].Trim('\'').Trim('"').Trim('\''); currentStyle = xml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "span", null); paragraph.AppendChild(currentStyle); XmlAttribute attr = xml.CreateAttribute("tts:color", ""); attr.InnerText = fontColor; currentStyle.Attributes.Append(attr); } } } else { skipCount = line.Length; } } else if (line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) || line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) || line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { currentStyle = xml.CreateTextNode(string.Empty); if (styles.Count > 0) { currentStyle = styles.Pop().CloneNode(true); currentStyle.InnerText = string.Empty; } paragraph.AppendChild(currentStyle); if (line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) skipCount = 6; else skipCount = 3; italicOn = false; } else { if (i == 0 && italicOn && !(line.Substring(i).StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal))) { styles.Push(currentStyle); currentStyle = xml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "span", null); paragraph.AppendChild(currentStyle); XmlAttribute attr = xml.CreateAttribute("tts:fontStyle", ""); attr.InnerText = "italic"; currentStyle.Attributes.Append(attr); } currentStyle.InnerText = currentStyle.InnerText + line[i]; } } first = false; } div.AppendChild(paragraph); } string xmlString = ToUtf8XmlString(xml).Replace(" xmlns=\"\"", string.Empty).Replace(" xmlns:tts=\"\">", ">").Replace("
", "
"); if (subtitle.Header == null) subtitle.Header = xmlString; return xmlString; } public override void LoadSubtitle(Subtitle subtitle, List lines, string fileName) { base.LoadSubtitle(subtitle, lines, fileName); // Remove regions subtitle.Paragraphs.ForEach(p => p.Text = Regex.Replace(p.Text, @"^({\\an[1-9]})", string.Empty)); } public override bool HasStyleSupport { get { return false; } } } }