@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL PUSHD %~dp0 SET "ConfigurationName=%~2" IF /I "%~1" == "lang" GOTO UpdateLanguageFiles IF /I "%~1" == "rev" GOTO UpdateAssemblyInfo :END POPD ENDLOCAL EXIT /B :UpdateLanguageFiles IF NOT EXIST "src\UpdateLanguageFiles\bin\%ConfigurationName%\UpdateLanguageFiles.exe" ( ECHO Compile Subtitle Edit first! GOTO END ) "src\UpdateLanguageFiles\bin\%ConfigurationName%\UpdateLanguageFiles.exe" "LanguageMaster.xml" "src\Logic\LanguageDeserializer.cs" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO ERROR: Something went wrong when generating the language files... ) GOTO END :UpdateAssemblyInfo IF NOT EXIST "src\UpdateAssemblyInfo\bin\%ConfigurationName%\UpdateAssemblyInfo.exe" ( ECHO Compile Subtitle Edit first! GOTO END ) "src\UpdateAssemblyInfo\bin\%ConfigurationName%\UpdateAssemblyInfo.exe" "src\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.template" "libse\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.template" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO ERROR: Something went wrong when generating the revision number... ) GOTO END