namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core { // The language classes are built for easy xml-serialization (makes save/load code simple) public class LanguageStructure { public class General { public string Title { get; set; } public string Version { get; set; } public string TranslatedBy { get; set; } public string CultureName { get; set; } public string HelpFile { get; set; } public string Ok { get; set; } public string Cancel { get; set; } public string Apply { get; set; } public string None { get; set; } public string All { get; set; } public string Preview { get; set; } public string SubtitleFiles { get; set; } public string AllFiles { get; set; } public string VideoFiles { get; set; } public string AudioFiles { get; set; } public string OpenSubtitle { get; set; } public string OpenVideoFile { get; set; } public string OpenVideoFileTitle { get; set; } public string NoVideoLoaded { get; set; } public string VideoInformation { get; set; } public string StartTime { get; set; } public string EndTime { get; set; } public string Duration { get; set; } public string CharsPerSec { get; set; } public string WordsPerMin { get; set; } public string Actor { get; set; } public string Gap { get; set; } public string Region { get; set; } public string NumberSymbol { get; set; } public string Number { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public string HourMinutesSecondsMilliseconds { get; set; } public string HourMinutesSecondsFrames { get; set; } public string Bold { get; set; } public string Italic { get; set; } public string Underline { get; set; } public string Visible { get; set; } public string FrameRate { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string FileNameXAndSize { get; set; } public string ResolutionX { get; set; } public string FrameRateX { get; set; } public string TotalFramesX { get; set; } public string VideoEncodingX { get; set; } public string SingleLineLengths { get; set; } public string TotalLengthX { get; set; } public string TotalLengthXSplitLine { get; set; } public string SplitLine { get; set; } public string NotAvailable { get; set; } public string OverlapPreviousLineX { get; set; } public string OverlapX { get; set; } public string OverlapNextX { get; set; } public string Negative { get; set; } public string RegularExpressionIsNotValid { get; set; } public string CurrentSubtitle { get; set; } public string OriginalText { get; set; } public string OpenOriginalSubtitleFile { get; set; } public string PleaseWait { get; set; } public string SessionKey { get; set; } public string UserName { get; set; } public string UserNameAlreadyInUse { get; set; } public string WebServiceUrl { get; set; } public string IP { get; set; } public string VideoWindowTitle { get; set; } public string AudioWindowTitle { get; set; } public string ControlsWindowTitle { get; set; } public string Advanced { get; set; } public string Style { get; set; } public string StyleLanguage { get; set; } public string Character { get; set; } public string Class { get; set; } public string GeneralText { get; set; } public string LineNumber { get; set; } public string Before { get; set; } public string After { get; set; } public string Size { get; set; } public string Search { get; set; } public string DeleteCurrentLine { get; set; } public string Width { get; set; } public string Height { get; set; } public string Collapse { get; set; } public string ShortcutX { get; set; } public string ExampleX { get; set; } } public class About { public string Title { get; set; } public string AboutText1 { get; set; } } public class AddToNames { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } public class AddToOcrReplaceList { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } public class AddToUserDictionary { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } public class AddWaveform { public string Title { get; set; } public string SourceVideoFile { get; set; } public string GenerateWaveformData { get; set; } public string PleaseWait { get; set; } public string VlcMediaPlayerNotFoundTitle { get; set; } public string VlcMediaPlayerNotFound { get; set; } public string GoToVlcMediaPlayerHomePage { get; set; } public string GeneratingPeakFile { get; set; } public string GeneratingSpectrogram { get; set; } public string ExtractingSeconds { get; set; } public string ExtractingMinutes { get; set; } public string WaveFileNotFound { get; set; } public string WaveFileMalformed { get; set; } public string LowDiskSpace { get; set; } public string FreeDiskSpace { get; set; } public string NoAudioTracksFoundGenerateEmptyWaveform { get; set; } } public class AddWaveformBatch { public string Title { get; set; } public string ExtractingAudio { get; set; } public string Calculating { get; set; } public string Done { get; set; } public string Error { get; set; } } public class AdjustDisplayDuration { public string Title { get; set; } public string AdjustVia { get; set; } public string Seconds { get; set; } public string Percent { get; set; } public string Recalculate { get; set; } public string AddSeconds { get; set; } public string SetAsPercent { get; set; } public string Note { get; set; } public string Fixed { get; set; } public string Milliseconds { get; set; } public string ExtendOnly { get; set; } } public class ApplyDurationLimits { public string Title { get; set; } public string FixesAvailable { get; set; } public string UnableToFix { get; set; } } public class AudioToText { public string Title { get; set; } public string ExtractingAudioUsingX { get; set; } public string ExtractingTextUsingX { get; set; } public string ProgessViaXy { get; set; } public string ShowLess { get; set; } public string ShowMore { get; set; } } public class AutoBreakUnbreakLines { public string TitleAutoBreak { get; set; } public string TitleUnbreak { get; set; } public string LinesFoundX { get; set; } public string OnlyBreakLinesLongerThan { get; set; } public string OnlyUnbreakLinesLongerThan { get; set; } } public class BatchConvert { public string Title { get; set; } public string Input { get; set; } public string InputDescription { get; set; } public string Status { get; set; } public string Output { get; set; } public string SaveInSourceFolder { get; set; } public string SaveInOutputFolder { get; set; } public string OverwriteFiles { get; set; } public string Style { get; set; } public string UseStyleFromSource { get; set; } public string ConvertOptions { get; set; } public string RemoveFormatting { get; set; } public string RemoveTextForHI { get; set; } public string OverwriteOriginalFiles { get; set; } public string RedoCasing { get; set; } public string Convert { get; set; } public string NothingToConvert { get; set; } public string PleaseChooseOutputFolder { get; set; } public string NotConverted { get; set; } public string Converted { get; set; } public string Settings { get; set; } public string FixRtl { get; set; } public string FixRtlAddUnicode { get; set; } public string FixRtlRemoveUnicode { get; set; } public string FixRtlReverseStartEnd { get; set; } public string SplitLongLines { get; set; } public string AutoBalance { get; set; } public string ScanFolder { get; set; } public string Recursive { get; set; } public string BridgeGaps { get; set; } public string PlainText { get; set; } public string Ocr { get; set; } public string Filter { get; set; } public string FilterSkipped { get; set; } public string FilterSrtNoUtf8BOM { get; set; } public string FilterMoreThanTwoLines { get; set; } public string FilterContains { get; set; } public string FilterFileNameContains { get; set; } public string FixCommonErrorsErrorX { get; set; } public string MultipleReplaceErrorX { get; set; } public string AutoBalanceErrorX { get; set; } public string OffsetTimeCodes { get; set; } public string TransportStreamSettings { get; set; } public string TransportStreamOverrideXPosition { get; set; } public string TransportStreamOverrideYPosition { get; set; } public string TransportStreamOverrideVideoSize { get; set; } public string TransportStreamFileNameEnding { get; set; } public string TransportStreamSettingsButton { get; set; } public string RemoveLineBreaks { get; set; } public string TryToUseSourceEncoding { get; set; } public string MkvLanguageInOutputFileName { get; set; } public string MkvLanguageInOutputFileNameX { get; set; } public string MkvLanguageStyleTwoLetter { get; set; } public string MkvLanguageStyleThreeLetter { get; set; } public string MkvLanguageStyleEmpty { get; set; } } public class Beamer { public string Title { get; set; } } public class Bookmarks { public string EditBookmark { get; set; } public string AddBookmark { get; set; } public string GoToBookmark { get; set; } } public class ChangeCasing { public string Title { get; set; } public string ChangeCasingTo { get; set; } public string NormalCasing { get; set; } public string FixNamesCasing { get; set; } public string FixOnlyNamesCasing { get; set; } public string OnlyChangeAllUppercaseLines { get; set; } public string AllUppercase { get; set; } public string AllLowercase { get; set; } } public class ChangeCasingNames { public string Title { get; set; } public string NamesFoundInSubtitleX { get; set; } public string Enabled { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string LinesFoundX { get; set; } public string ExtraNames { get; set; } } public class ChangeFrameRate { public string Title { get; set; } public string ConvertFrameRateOfSubtitle { get; set; } public string FromFrameRate { get; set; } public string ToFrameRate { get; set; } public string FrameRateNotCorrect { get; set; } public string FrameRateNotChanged { get; set; } } public class ChangeSpeedInPercent { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleShort { get; set; } public string Info { get; set; } public string Custom { get; set; } public string ToDropFrame { get; set; } public string FromDropFrame { get; set; } } public class CheckForUpdates { public string Title { get; set; } public string CheckingForUpdates { get; set; } public string CheckingForUpdatesFailedX { get; set; } public string CheckingForUpdatesNoneAvailable { get; set; } public string CheckingForUpdatesNewVersion { get; set; } public string InstallUpdate { get; set; } public string NoUpdates { get; set; } } public class ChooseAudioTrack { public string Title { get; set; } } public class ChooseEncoding { public string Title { get; set; } public string CodePage { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } public string PleaseSelectAnEncoding { get; set; } } public class ChooseLanguage { public string Title { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } } public class ColorChooser { public string Title { get; set; } public string Red { get; set; } public string Green { get; set; } public string Blue { get; set; } public string Alpha { get; set; } } public class ColumnPaste { public string Title { get; set; } public string ChooseColumn { get; set; } public string OverwriteShiftCellsDown { get; set; } public string Overwrite { get; set; } public string ShiftCellsDown { get; set; } public string TimeCodesOnly { get; set; } public string TextOnly { get; set; } public string OriginalTextOnly { get; set; } } public class CompareSubtitles { public string Title { get; set; } public string PreviousDifference { get; set; } public string NextDifference { get; set; } public string SubtitlesNotAlike { get; set; } public string XNumberOfDifference { get; set; } public string XNumberOfDifferenceAndPercentChanged { get; set; } public string XNumberOfDifferenceAndPercentLettersChanged { get; set; } public string ShowOnlyDifferences { get; set; } public string IgnoreLineBreaks { get; set; } public string IgnoreFormatting { get; set; } public string OnlyLookForDifferencesInText { get; set; } public string CannotCompareWithImageBasedSubtitles { get; set; } } public class DCinemaProperties { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleSmpte { get; set; } public string SubtitleId { get; set; } public string GenerateId { get; set; } public string MovieTitle { get; set; } public string ReelNumber { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } public string IssueDate { get; set; } public string EditRate { get; set; } public string TimeCodeRate { get; set; } public string StartTime { get; set; } public string Font { get; set; } public string FontId { get; set; } public string FontUri { get; set; } public string FontColor { get; set; } public string FontEffect { get; set; } public string FontEffectColor { get; set; } public string FontSize { get; set; } public string TopBottomMargin { get; set; } public string FadeUpTime { get; set; } public string FadeDownTime { get; set; } public string ZPosition { get; set; } public string ZPositionHelp { get; set; } public string ChooseColor { get; set; } public string Generate { get; set; } } public class DurationsBridgeGaps { public string Title { get; set; } public string GapsBridgedX { get; set; } public string GapToNext { get; set; } public string BridgeGapsSmallerThanXPart1 { get; set; } public string BridgeGapsSmallerThanXPart2 { get; set; } public string MinMillisecondsBetweenLines { get; set; } public string ProlongEndTime { get; set; } public string DivideEven { get; set; } } public class DvdSubRip { public string Title { get; set; } public string DvdGroupTitle { get; set; } public string IfoFile { get; set; } public string IfoFiles { get; set; } public string VobFiles { get; set; } public string Add { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string Clear { get; set; } public string MoveUp { get; set; } public string MoveDown { get; set; } public string Languages { get; set; } public string PalNtsc { get; set; } public string Pal { get; set; } public string Ntsc { get; set; } public string StartRipping { get; set; } public string Abort { get; set; } public string AbortedByUser { get; set; } public string ReadingSubtitleData { get; set; } public string RippingVobFileXofYZ { get; set; } public string WrongIfoType { get; set; } } public class DvdSubRipChooseLanguage { public string Title { get; set; } public string ChooseLanguageStreamId { get; set; } public string UnknownLanguage { get; set; } public string SubtitleImageXofYAndWidthXHeight { get; set; } public string SubtitleImage { get; set; } } public class EbuSaveOptions { public string Title { get; set; } public string GeneralSubtitleInformation { get; set; } public string CodePageNumber { get; set; } public string DiskFormatCode { get; set; } public string DisplayStandardCode { get; set; } public string ColorRequiresTeletext { get; set; } public string CharacterCodeTable { get; set; } public string LanguageCode { get; set; } public string OriginalProgramTitle { get; set; } public string OriginalEpisodeTitle { get; set; } public string TranslatedProgramTitle { get; set; } public string TranslatedEpisodeTitle { get; set; } public string TranslatorsName { get; set; } public string SubtitleListReferenceCode { get; set; } public string CountryOfOrigin { get; set; } public string TimeCodeStatus { get; set; } public string TimeCodeStartOfProgramme { get; set; } public string RevisionNumber { get; set; } public string MaxNoOfDisplayableChars { get; set; } public string MaxNumberOfDisplayableRows { get; set; } public string DiskSequenceNumber { get; set; } public string TotalNumberOfDisks { get; set; } public string Import { get; set; } public string TextAndTimingInformation { get; set; } public string JustificationCode { get; set; } public string VerticalPosition { get; set; } public string MarginTop { get; set; } public string MarginBottom { get; set; } public string NewLineRows { get; set; } public string Teletext { get; set; } public string UseBox { get; set; } public string DoubleHeight { get; set; } public string Errors { get; set; } public string ErrorsX { get; set; } public string MaxLengthError { get; set; } public string TextUnchangedPresentation { get; set; } public string TextLeftJustifiedText { get; set; } public string TextCenteredText { get; set; } public string TextRightJustifiedText { get; set; } public string UseBoxForOneNewLine { get; set; } } public class EffectKaraoke { public string Title { get; set; } public string ChooseColor { get; set; } public string TotalMilliseconds { get; set; } public string EndDelayInMilliseconds { get; set; } } public class EffectTypewriter { public string Title { get; set; } public string TotalMilliseconds { get; set; } public string EndDelayInMilliseconds { get; set; } } public class ExportCustomText { public string Title { get; set; } public string Formats { get; set; } public string New { get; set; } public string Edit { get; set; } public string Delete { get; set; } public string SaveAs { get; set; } public string SaveSubtitleAs { get; set; } public string SubtitleExportedInCustomFormatToX { get; set; } } public class ExportCustomTextFormat { public string Title { get; set; } public string Template { get; set; } public string Header { get; set; } public string TextLine { get; set; } public string TimeCode { get; set; } public string NewLine { get; set; } public string Footer { get; set; } public string DoNotModify { get; set; } } public class ExportFcpXmlAdvanced { public string Title { get; set; } public string FontName { get; set; } public string FontSize { get; set; } public string FontFace { get; set; } public string FontFaceRegular { get; set; } public string Alignment { get; set; } public string Baseline { get; set; } } public class ExportPngXml { public string Title { get; set; } public string ImageSettings { get; set; } public string FontFamily { get; set; } public string FontSize { get; set; } public string FontColor { get; set; } public string BorderColor { get; set; } public string BorderWidth { get; set; } public string BorderStyle { get; set; } public string BorderStyleOneBox { get; set; } public string BorderStyleBoxForEachLine { get; set; } public string BorderStyleNormalWidthX { get; set; } public string ShadowColor { get; set; } public string ShadowWidth { get; set; } public string Transparency { get; set; } public string ImageFormat { get; set; } public string FullFrameImage { get; set; } public string SimpleRendering { get; set; } public string AntiAliasingWithTransparency { get; set; } public string Text3D { get; set; } public string SideBySide3D { get; set; } public string HalfTopBottom3D { get; set; } public string Depth { get; set; } public string ExportAllLines { get; set; } public string XImagesSavedInY { get; set; } public string VideoResolution { get; set; } public string Align { get; set; } public string Left { get; set; } public string Right { get; set; } public string Center { get; set; } public string CenterLeftJustify { get; set; } public string CenterTopJustify { get; set; } public string CenterRightJustify { get; set; } public string BottomMargin { get; set; } public string LeftRightMargin { get; set; } public string SaveBluRraySupAs { get; set; } public string SaveVobSubAs { get; set; } public string SaveFabImageScriptAs { get; set; } public string SaveDvdStudioProStlAs { get; set; } public string SaveDigitalCinemaInteropAs { get; set; } public string SaveDigitalCinemaSmpte2014 { get; set; } public string SavePremiereEdlAs { get; set; } public string SaveFcpAs { get; set; } public string SaveDostAs { get; set; } public string SomeLinesWereTooLongX { get; set; } public string LineHeight { get; set; } public string BoxSingleLine { get; set; } public string BoxMultiLine { get; set; } public string Forced { get; set; } public string ChooseBackgroundColor { get; set; } public string SaveImageAs { get; set; } public string FcpUseFullPathUrl { get; set; } } public class ExportText { public string Title { get; set; } public string Preview { get; set; } public string ExportOptions { get; set; } public string FormatText { get; set; } public string None { get; set; } public string MergeAllLines { get; set; } public string UnbreakLines { get; set; } public string RemoveStyling { get; set; } public string ShowLineNumbers { get; set; } public string AddNewLineAfterLineNumber { get; set; } public string ShowTimeCode { get; set; } public string AddNewLineAfterTimeCode { get; set; } public string AddNewLineAfterTexts { get; set; } public string AddNewLineBetweenSubtitles { get; set; } public string TimeCodeFormat { get; set; } public string Srt { get; set; } public string Milliseconds { get; set; } public string HHMMSSFF { get; set; } public string TimeCodeSeparator { get; set; } } public class ExtractDateTimeInfo { public string Title { get; set; } public string OpenVideoFile { get; set; } public string StartFrom { get; set; } public string DateTimeFormat { get; set; } public string Example { get; set; } public string GenerateSubtitle { get; set; } } public class FindDialog { public string Title { get; set; } public string Find { get; set; } public string Normal { get; set; } public string CaseSensitive { get; set; } public string RegularExpression { get; set; } public string WholeWord { get; set; } public string Count { get; set; } public string XNumberOfMatches { get; set; } public string OneMatch { get; set; } } public class FindSubtitleLine { public string Title { get; set; } public string Find { get; set; } public string FindNext { get; set; } } public class FixCommonErrors { public string Title { get; set; } public string Step1 { get; set; } public string WhatToFix { get; set; } public string Example { get; set; } public string SelectAll { get; set; } public string InverseSelection { get; set; } public string Back { get; set; } public string Next { get; set; } public string Step2 { get; set; } public string Fixes { get; set; } public string Log { get; set; } public string Function { get; set; } public string RemovedEmptyLine { get; set; } public string RemovedEmptyLineAtTop { get; set; } public string RemovedEmptyLineAtBottom { get; set; } public string RemovedEmptyLineInMiddle { get; set; } public string RemovedEmptyLinesUnsedLineBreaks { get; set; } public string EmptyLinesRemovedX { get; set; } public string FixOverlappingDisplayTimes { get; set; } public string FixShortDisplayTimes { get; set; } public string FixLongDisplayTimes { get; set; } public string FixShortGaps { get; set; } public string FixInvalidItalicTags { get; set; } public string RemoveUnneededSpaces { get; set; } public string RemoveUnneededPeriods { get; set; } public string FixCommas { get; set; } public string FixMissingSpaces { get; set; } public string BreakLongLines { get; set; } public string RemoveLineBreaks { get; set; } public string RemoveLineBreaksAll { get; set; } public string FixUppercaseIInsindeLowercaseWords { get; set; } public string FixDoubleApostrophes { get; set; } public string AddPeriods { get; set; } public string StartWithUppercaseLetterAfterParagraph { get; set; } public string StartWithUppercaseLetterAfterPeriodInsideParagraph { get; set; } public string StartWithUppercaseLetterAfterColon { get; set; } public string FixLowercaseIToUppercaseI { get; set; } public string FixCommonOcrErrors { get; set; } public string CommonOcrErrorsFixed { get; set; } public string RemoveSpaceBetweenNumber { get; set; } public string FixDialogsOnOneLine { get; set; } public string NormalizeStrings { get; set; } public string RemoveSpaceBetweenNumbersFixed { get; set; } public string FixTurkishAnsi { get; set; } public string FixDanishLetterI { get; set; } public string FixSpanishInvertedQuestionAndExclamationMarks { get; set; } public string AddMissingQuote { get; set; } public string AddMissingQuotes { get; set; } public string RemoveHyphensSingleLine { get; set; } public string XHyphensSingleLineRemoved { get; set; } public string FixHyphensInDialogs { get; set; } public string XHyphensInDialogsFixed { get; set; } public string AddMissingQuotesExample { get; set; } public string XMissingQuotesAdded { get; set; } public string Fix3PlusLines { get; set; } public string Fix3PlusLine { get; set; } public string X3PlusLinesFixed { get; set; } public string Analysing { get; set; } public string NothingToFix { get; set; } public string FixesFoundX { get; set; } public string XFixesApplied { get; set; } public string NothingFixableBut { get; set; } public string XFixedBut { get; set; } public string XCouldBeFixedBut { get; set; } public string UncheckedFixLowercaseIToUppercaseI { get; set; } public string XIsChangedToUppercase { get; set; } public string FixFirstLetterToUppercaseAfterParagraph { get; set; } public string MergeShortLine { get; set; } public string MergeShortLineAll { get; set; } public string XLineBreaksAdded { get; set; } public string BreakLongLine { get; set; } public string FixLongDisplayTime { get; set; } public string FixInvalidItalicTag { get; set; } public string FixShortDisplayTime { get; set; } public string FixOverlappingDisplayTime { get; set; } public string FixShortGap { get; set; } public string FixInvalidItalicTagsExample { get; set; } public string RemoveUnneededSpacesExample { get; set; } public string RemoveUnneededPeriodsExample { get; set; } public string FixMissingSpacesExample { get; set; } public string FixUppercaseIInsindeLowercaseWordsExample { get; set; } public string FixLowercaseIToUppercaseIExample { get; set; } public string StartTimeLaterThanEndTime { get; set; } public string UnableToFixStartTimeLaterThanEndTime { get; set; } public string XFixedToYZ { get; set; } public string UnableToFixTextXY { get; set; } public string XOverlappingTimestampsFixed { get; set; } public string XDisplayTimesProlonged { get; set; } public string XInvalidHtmlTagsFixed { get; set; } public string XDisplayTimesShortned { get; set; } public string XGapsFixed { get; set; } public string XLinesUnbreaked { get; set; } public string UnneededSpace { get; set; } public string XUnneededSpacesRemoved { get; set; } public string UnneededPeriod { get; set; } public string XUnneededPeriodsRemoved { get; set; } public string FixMissingSpace { get; set; } public string XMissingSpacesAdded { get; set; } public string FixUppercaseIInsideLowercaseWord { get; set; } public string XPeriodsAdded { get; set; } public string FixMissingPeriodAtEndOfLine { get; set; } public string XDoubleApostrophesFixed { get; set; } public string XUppercaseIsFoundInsideLowercaseWords { get; set; } public string RefreshFixes { get; set; } public string ApplyFixes { get; set; } public string AutoBreak { get; set; } public string Unbreak { get; set; } public string FixDoubleDash { get; set; } public string FixDoubleGreaterThan { get; set; } public string FixEllipsesStart { get; set; } public string FixMissingOpenBracket { get; set; } public string FixMusicNotation { get; set; } public string XFixDoubleDash { get; set; } public string XFixDoubleGreaterThan { get; set; } public string XFixEllipsesStart { get; set; } public string XFixMissingOpenBracket { get; set; } public string XFixMusicNotation { get; set; } public string FixDoubleDashExample { get; set; } public string FixDoubleGreaterThanExample { get; set; } public string FixEllipsesStartExample { get; set; } public string FixMissingOpenBracketExample { get; set; } public string FixMusicNotationExample { get; set; } public string NumberOfImportantLogMessages { get; set; } public string FixedOkXY { get; set; } public string FixOcrErrorExample { get; set; } public string FixSpaceBetweenNumbersExample { get; set; } public string FixDialogsOneLineExample { get; set; } public string SelectDefault { get; set; } public string SetDefault { get; set; } public string FixContinuationStyleX { get; set; } public string XFixContinuationStyle { get; set; } public string FixUnnecessaryLeadingDots { get; set; } public string XFixUnnecessaryLeadingDots { get; set; } } public class GetDictionaries { public string Title { get; set; } public string DescriptionLine1 { get; set; } public string DescriptionLine2 { get; set; } public string ChooseLanguageAndClickDownload { get; set; } public string OpenDictionariesFolder { get; set; } public string Download { get; set; } public string XDownloaded { get; set; } } public class GetTesseractDictionaries { public string Title { get; set; } public string DescriptionLine1 { get; set; } public string DownloadFailed { get; set; } public string GetDictionariesHere { get; set; } public string ChooseLanguageAndClickDownload { get; set; } public string OpenDictionariesFolder { get; set; } public string Download { get; set; } public string XDownloaded { get; set; } } public class GoogleTranslate { public string Title { get; set; } public string From { get; set; } public string To { get; set; } public string Translate { get; set; } public string PleaseWait { get; set; } public string PoweredByGoogleTranslate { get; set; } public string PoweredByMicrosoftTranslate { get; set; } public string MsClientSecretNeeded { get; set; } public string GoogleApiKeyNeeded { get; set; } public string GoogleNoApiKeyWarning { get; set; } } public class GoogleOrMicrosoftTranslate { public string Title { get; set; } public string From { get; set; } public string To { get; set; } public string Translate { get; set; } public string SourceText { get; set; } public string GoogleTranslate { get; set; } public string MicrosoftTranslate { get; set; } } public class GoToLine { public string Title { get; set; } public string XIsNotAValidNumber { get; set; } } public class ImportImages { public string Title { get; set; } public string ImageFiles { get; set; } public string Input { get; set; } public string InputDescription { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string RemoveAll { get; set; } } public class ImportSceneChanges { public string Title { get; set; } public string OpenTextFile { get; set; } public string Generate { get; set; } public string Import { get; set; } public string TextFiles { get; set; } public string TimeCodes { get; set; } public string Frames { get; set; } public string Seconds { get; set; } public string Milliseconds { get; set; } public string GetSceneChangesWithFfmpeg { get; set; } public string Sensitivity { get; set; } public string SensitivityDescription { get; set; } public string NoSceneChangesFound { get; set; } } public class ImportText { public string Title { get; set; } public string OneSubtitleIsOneFile { get; set; } public string OpenTextFile { get; set; } public string OpenTextFiles { get; set; } public string ImportOptions { get; set; } public string Splitting { get; set; } public string AutoSplitText { get; set; } public string OneLineIsOneSubtitle { get; set; } public string TwoLinesAreOneSubtitle { get; set; } public string LineBreak { get; set; } public string SplitAtBlankLines { get; set; } public string MergeShortLines { get; set; } public string RemoveEmptyLines { get; set; } public string RemoveLinesWithoutLetters { get; set; } public string GenerateTimeCodes { get; set; } public string TakeTimeFromFileName { get; set; } public string GapBetweenSubtitles { get; set; } public string Auto { get; set; } public string Fixed { get; set; } public string Refresh { get; set; } public string TextFiles { get; set; } public string PreviewLinesModifiedX { get; set; } public string TimeCodes { get; set; } public string SplitAtEndChars { get; set; } } public class Interjections { public string Title { get; set; } } public class JoinSubtitles { public string Title { get; set; } public string Information { get; set; } public string NumberOfLines { get; set; } public string StartTime { get; set; } public string EndTime { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public string Join { get; set; } public string TotalNumberOfLinesX { get; set; } public string AlreadyCorrectTimeCodes { get; set; } public string AppendTimeCodes { get; set; } public string AddMs { get; set; } } public class LanguageNames { public string NotSpecified { get; set; } public string UnknownCodeX { get; set; } public string aaName { get; set; } public string abName { get; set; } public string afName { get; set; } public string amName { get; set; } public string arName { get; set; } public string asName { get; set; } public string ayName { get; set; } public string azName { get; set; } public string baName { get; set; } public string beName { get; set; } public string bgName { get; set; } public string bhName { get; set; } public string biName { get; set; } public string bnName { get; set; } public string boName { get; set; } public string brName { get; set; } public string caName { get; set; } public string coName { get; set; } public string csName { get; set; } public string cyName { get; set; } public string daName { get; set; } public string deName { get; set; } public string dzName { get; set; } public string elName { get; set; } public string enName { get; set; } public string eoName { get; set; } public string esName { get; set; } public string etName { get; set; } public string euName { get; set; } public string faName { get; set; } public string fiName { get; set; } public string fjName { get; set; } public string foName { get; set; } public string frName { get; set; } public string fyName { get; set; } public string gaName { get; set; } public string gdName { get; set; } public string glName { get; set; } public string gnName { get; set; } public string guName { get; set; } public string haName { get; set; } public string heName { get; set; } public string hiName { get; set; } public string hrName { get; set; } public string huName { get; set; } public string hyName { get; set; } public string iaName { get; set; } public string idName { get; set; } public string ieName { get; set; } public string ikName { get; set; } public string isName { get; set; } public string itName { get; set; } public string iuName { get; set; } public string jaName { get; set; } public string jvName { get; set; } public string kaName { get; set; } public string kkName { get; set; } public string klName { get; set; } public string kmName { get; set; } public string knName { get; set; } public string koName { get; set; } public string ksName { get; set; } public string kuName { get; set; } public string kyName { get; set; } public string laName { get; set; } public string lbName { get; set; } public string lnName { get; set; } public string loName { get; set; } public string ltName { get; set; } public string lvName { get; set; } public string mgName { get; set; } public string miName { get; set; } public string mkName { get; set; } public string mlName { get; set; } public string mnName { get; set; } public string moName { get; set; } public string mrName { get; set; } public string msName { get; set; } public string mtName { get; set; } public string myName { get; set; } public string naName { get; set; } public string neName { get; set; } public string nlName { get; set; } public string noName { get; set; } public string ocName { get; set; } public string omName { get; set; } public string orName { get; set; } public string paName { get; set; } public string plName { get; set; } public string psName { get; set; } public string ptName { get; set; } public string quName { get; set; } public string rmName { get; set; } public string rnName { get; set; } public string roName { get; set; } public string ruName { get; set; } public string rwName { get; set; } public string saName { get; set; } public string sdName { get; set; } public string sgName { get; set; } public string shName { get; set; } public string siName { get; set; } public string skName { get; set; } public string slName { get; set; } public string smName { get; set; } public string snName { get; set; } public string soName { get; set; } public string sqName { get; set; } public string srName { get; set; } public string ssName { get; set; } public string stName { get; set; } public string suName { get; set; } public string svName { get; set; } public string swName { get; set; } public string taName { get; set; } public string teName { get; set; } public string tgName { get; set; } public string thName { get; set; } public string tiName { get; set; } public string tkName { get; set; } public string tlName { get; set; } public string tnName { get; set; } public string toName { get; set; } public string trName { get; set; } public string tsName { get; set; } public string ttName { get; set; } public string twName { get; set; } public string ugName { get; set; } public string ukName { get; set; } public string urName { get; set; } public string uzName { get; set; } public string viName { get; set; } public string voName { get; set; } public string woName { get; set; } public string xhName { get; set; } public string yiName { get; set; } public string yoName { get; set; } public string zaName { get; set; } public string zhName { get; set; } public string zuName { get; set; } } public class Main { public MainMenu Menu { get; set; } public MainControls Controls { get; set; } public MainVideoControls VideoControls { get; set; } public string SaveChangesToUntitled { get; set; } public string SaveChangesToX { get; set; } public string SaveChangesToUntitledOriginal { get; set; } public string SaveChangesToOriginalX { get; set; } public string SaveSubtitleAs { get; set; } public string SaveOriginalSubtitleAs { get; set; } public string NoSubtitleLoaded { get; set; } public string VisualSyncSelectedLines { get; set; } public string VisualSyncTitle { get; set; } public string BeforeVisualSync { get; set; } public string VisualSyncPerformedOnSelectedLines { get; set; } public string VisualSyncPerformed { get; set; } public string FileXIsLargerThan10MB { get; set; } public string ContinueAnyway { get; set; } public string BeforeLoadOf { get; set; } public string LoadedSubtitleX { get; set; } public string LoadedEmptyOrShort { get; set; } public string FileIsEmptyOrShort { get; set; } public string FileNotFound { get; set; } public string SavedSubtitleX { get; set; } public string SavedOriginalSubtitleX { get; set; } public string FileOnDiskModified { get; set; } public string OverwriteModifiedFile { get; set; } public string FileXIsReadOnly { get; set; } public string UnableToSaveSubtitleX { get; set; } public string FormatXShouldUseUft8 { get; set; } public string BeforeNew { get; set; } public string New { get; set; } public string BeforeConvertingToX { get; set; } public string ConvertedToX { get; set; } public string BeforeShowEarlier { get; set; } public string BeforeShowLater { get; set; } public string LineNumberX { get; set; } public string OpenVideoFile { get; set; } public string NewFrameRateUsedToCalculateTimeCodes { get; set; } public string NewFrameRateUsedToCalculateFrameNumbers { get; set; } public string FindContinue { get; set; } public string FindContinueTitle { get; set; } public string ReplaceContinueNotFound { get; set; } public string ReplaceXContinue { get; set; } public string ReplaceContinueTitle { get; set; } public string SearchingForXFromLineY { get; set; } public string XFoundAtLineNumberY { get; set; } public string XNotFound { get; set; } public string BeforeReplace { get; set; } public string MatchFoundX { get; set; } public string NoMatchFoundX { get; set; } public string FoundNothingToReplace { get; set; } public string ReplaceCountX { get; set; } public string NoXFoundAtLineY { get; set; } public string OneReplacementMade { get; set; } public string BeforeChangesMadeInSourceView { get; set; } public string UnableToParseSourceView { get; set; } public string GoToLineNumberX { get; set; } public string CreateAdjustChangesApplied { get; set; } public string SelectedLines { get; set; } public string BeforeDisplayTimeAdjustment { get; set; } public string DisplayTimeAdjustedX { get; set; } public string DisplayTimesAdjustedX { get; set; } public string StarTimeAdjustedX { get; set; } public string BeforeCommonErrorFixes { get; set; } public string CommonErrorsFixedInSelectedLines { get; set; } public string CommonErrorsFixed { get; set; } public string BeforeRenumbering { get; set; } public string RenumberedStartingFromX { get; set; } public string BeforeRemovalOfTextingForHearingImpaired { get; set; } public string TextingForHearingImpairedRemovedOneLine { get; set; } public string TextingForHearingImpairedRemovedXLines { get; set; } public string SubtitleSplitted { get; set; } public string SubtitleAppendPrompt { get; set; } public string SubtitleAppendPromptTitle { get; set; } public string OpenSubtitleToAppend { get; set; } public string AppendViaVisualSyncTitle { get; set; } public string AppendSynchronizedSubtitlePrompt { get; set; } public string BeforeAppend { get; set; } public string SubtitleAppendedX { get; set; } public string SubtitleNotAppended { get; set; } public string GoogleTranslate { get; set; } public string MicrosoftTranslate { get; set; } public string BeforeGoogleTranslation { get; set; } public string SelectedLinesTranslated { get; set; } public string SubtitleTranslated { get; set; } public string TranslateSwedishToDanish { get; set; } public string TranslateSwedishToDanishWarning { get; set; } public string TranslatingViaNikseDkMt { get; set; } public string BeforeSwedishToDanishTranslation { get; set; } public string TranslationFromSwedishToDanishComplete { get; set; } public string TranslationFromSwedishToDanishFailed { get; set; } public string UndoPerformed { get; set; } public string RedoPerformed { get; set; } public string NothingToUndo { get; set; } public string InvalidLanguageNameX { get; set; } public string DoNotDisplayMessageAgain { get; set; } public string NumberOfCorrectedWords { get; set; } public string NumberOfSkippedWords { get; set; } public string NumberOfCorrectWords { get; set; } public string NumberOfWordsAddedToDictionary { get; set; } public string NumberOfNameHits { get; set; } public string SpellCheck { get; set; } public string BeforeSpellCheck { get; set; } public string SpellCheckChangedXToY { get; set; } public string BeforeAddingTagX { get; set; } public string TagXAdded { get; set; } public string LineXOfY { get; set; } public string XLinesSavedAsY { get; set; } public string XLinesDeleted { get; set; } public string BeforeDeletingXLines { get; set; } public string DeleteXLinesPrompt { get; set; } public string OneLineDeleted { get; set; } public string BeforeDeletingOneLine { get; set; } public string DeleteOneLinePrompt { get; set; } public string BeforeInsertLine { get; set; } public string LineInserted { get; set; } public string BeforeLineUpdatedInListView { get; set; } public string BeforeSplitLine { get; set; } public string LineSplitted { get; set; } public string BeforeMergeLines { get; set; } public string LinesMerged { get; set; } public string BeforeSettingColor { get; set; } public string BeforeSettingFontName { get; set; } public string BeforeTypeWriterEffect { get; set; } public string BeforeKaraokeEffect { get; set; } public string BeforeImportingDvdSubtitle { get; set; } public string OpenMatroskaFile { get; set; } public string MatroskaFiles { get; set; } public string NoSubtitlesFound { get; set; } public string NotAValidMatroskaFileX { get; set; } public string BlurayNotSubtitlesFound { get; set; } public string ParsingMatroskaFile { get; set; } public string ParsingTransportStreamFile { get; set; } public string BeforeImportFromMatroskaFile { get; set; } public string SubtitleImportedFromMatroskaFile { get; set; } public string DropFileXNotAccepted { get; set; } public string DropOnlyOneFile { get; set; } public string OpenAnsiSubtitle { get; set; } public string BeforeChangeCasing { get; set; } public string CasingCompleteMessageNoNames { get; set; } public string CasingCompleteMessageOnlyNames { get; set; } public string CasingCompleteMessage { get; set; } public string BeforeChangeFrameRate { get; set; } public string BeforeAdjustSpeedInPercent { get; set; } public string FrameRateChangedFromXToY { get; set; } public string IdxFileNotFoundWarning { get; set; } public string InvalidVobSubHeader { get; set; } public string OpenVobSubFile { get; set; } public string VobSubFiles { get; set; } public string OpenBluRaySupFile { get; set; } public string BluRaySupFiles { get; set; } public string OpenXSubFiles { get; set; } public string XSubFiles { get; set; } public string BeforeImportingVobSubFile { get; set; } public string BeforeImportingBluRaySupFile { get; set; } public string BeforeImportingBdnXml { get; set; } public string BeforeShowSelectedLinesEarlierLater { get; set; } public string ShowAllLinesXSecondsLinesEarlier { get; set; } public string ShowAllLinesXSecondsLinesLater { get; set; } public string ShowSelectedLinesXSecondsLinesEarlier { get; set; } public string ShowSelectedLinesXSecondsLinesLater { get; set; } public string ShowSelectionAndForwardXSecondsLinesEarlier { get; set; } public string ShowSelectionAndForwardXSecondsLinesLater { get; set; } public string DoubleWordsViaRegEx { get; set; } public string BeforeSortX { get; set; } public string SortedByX { get; set; } public string BeforeAutoBalanceSelectedLines { get; set; } public string NumberOfLinesAutoBalancedX { get; set; } public string BeforeRemoveLineBreaksInSelectedLines { get; set; } public string NumberOfWithRemovedLineBreakX { get; set; } public string BeforeMultipleReplace { get; set; } public string NumberOfLinesReplacedX { get; set; } public string NameXAddedToNameList { get; set; } public string NameXNotAddedToNameList { get; set; } public string WordXAddedToUserDic { get; set; } public string WordXNotAddedToUserDic { get; set; } public string OcrReplacePairXAdded { get; set; } public string OcrReplacePairXNotAdded { get; set; } public string XLinesSelected { get; set; } public string UnicodeMusicSymbolsAnsiWarning { get; set; } public string NegativeTimeWarning { get; set; } public string BeforeMergeShortLines { get; set; } public string MergedShortLinesX { get; set; } public string BeforeSplitLongLines { get; set; } public string LongLinesSplitX { get; set; } public string BeforeDurationsBridgeGap { get; set; } public string BeforeSetMinimumDisplayTimeBetweenParagraphs { get; set; } public string XMinimumDisplayTimeBetweenParagraphsChanged { get; set; } public string BeforeImportText { get; set; } public string TextImported { get; set; } public string BeforePointSynchronization { get; set; } public string PointSynchronizationDone { get; set; } public string BeforeTimeCodeImport { get; set; } public string TimeCodeImportedFromXY { get; set; } public string BeforeInsertSubtitleAtVideoPosition { get; set; } public string BeforeSetStartTimeAndOffsetTheRest { get; set; } public string BeforeSetEndTimeAndOffsetTheRest { get; set; } public string BeforeSetEndAndVideoPosition { get; set; } public string ContinueWithCurrentSpellCheck { get; set; } public string CharactersPerSecond { get; set; } public string GetFrameRateFromVideoFile { get; set; } public string NetworkMessage { get; set; } public string NetworkUpdate { get; set; } public string NetworkInsert { get; set; } public string NetworkDelete { get; set; } public string NetworkNewUser { get; set; } public string NetworkByeUser { get; set; } public string NetworkUnableToConnectToServer { get; set; } public string UserAndAction { get; set; } public string NetworkMode { get; set; } public string XStartedSessionYAtZ { get; set; } public string OpenOtherSubtitle { get; set; } public string BeforeToggleDialogDashes { get; set; } public string ExportPlainTextAs { get; set; } public string TextFiles { get; set; } public string SubtitleExported { get; set; } public string LineNumberXErrorReadingFromSourceLineY { get; set; } public string LineNumberXErrorReadingTimeCodeFromSourceLineY { get; set; } public string LineNumberXExpectedNumberFromSourceLineY { get; set; } public string LineNumberXExpectedEmptyLine { get; set; } public string BeforeGuessingTimeCodes { get; set; } public string BeforeAutoDuration { get; set; } public string BeforeColumnPaste { get; set; } public string BeforeColumnDelete { get; set; } public string BeforeColumnImportText { get; set; } public string BeforeColumnShiftCellsDown { get; set; } public string BeforeX { get; set; } public string LinesUpdatedX { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadingPluginXErrorY { get; set; } public string BeforeRunningPluginXVersionY { get; set; } public string UnableToReadPluginResult { get; set; } public string UnableToCreateBackupDirectory { get; set; } public string BeforeDisplaySubtitleJoin { get; set; } public string SubtitlesJoined { get; set; } public string StatusLog { get; set; } public string XSceneChangesImported { get; set; } public string PluginXExecuted { get; set; } public string NotAValidXSubFile { get; set; } public string BeforeMergeLinesWithSameText { get; set; } public string ImportTimeCodesDifferentNumberOfLinesWarning { get; set; } public string ParsingTransportStream { get; set; } public string XPercentCompleted { get; set; } public string NextX { get; set; } public string PromptInsertSubtitleOverlap { get; set; } public string SubtitleContainsNegativeDurationsX { get; set; } public string SetPlayRateX { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadIdx { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadRar { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadZip { get; set; } public string ErrorLoad7Zip { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadPng { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadJpg { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadSrr { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadTorrent { get; set; } public string ErrorLoadBinaryZeroes { get; set; } public string ErrorDirectoryDropNotAllowed { get; set; } public string NoSupportEncryptedVobSub { get; set; } public string NoSupportHereBluRaySup { get; set; } public string NoSupportHereDvdSup { get; set; } public string NoSupportHereVobSub { get; set; } public string NoSupportHereDivx { get; set; } public class MainMenu { public class FileMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string New { get; set; } public string Open { get; set; } public string OpenKeepVideo { get; set; } public string Reopen { get; set; } public string Save { get; set; } public string SaveAs { get; set; } public string RestoreAutoBackup { get; set; } public string AdvancedSubStationAlphaProperties { get; set; } public string SubStationAlphaProperties { get; set; } public string EbuProperties { get; set; } public string DvdStuioProProperties { get; set; } public string TimedTextProperties { get; set; } public string PacProperties { get; set; } public string OpenOriginal { get; set; } public string SaveOriginal { get; set; } public string CloseOriginal { get; set; } public string OpenContainingFolder { get; set; } public string Compare { get; set; } public string Statistics { get; set; } public string Plugins { get; set; } public string ImportOcrFromDvd { get; set; } public string ImportOcrVobSubSubtitle { get; set; } public string ImportBluRaySupFile { get; set; } public string ImportXSub { get; set; } public string ImportSubtitleFromMatroskaFile { get; set; } public string ImportSubtitleWithManualChosenEncoding { get; set; } public string ImportText { get; set; } public string ImportImages { get; set; } public string ImportTimecodes { get; set; } public string Export { get; set; } public string ExportBdnXml { get; set; } public string ExportBluRaySup { get; set; } public string ExportVobSub { get; set; } public string ExportCavena890 { get; set; } public string ExportEbu { get; set; } public string ExportPac { get; set; } public string ExportPlainText { get; set; } public string ExportAdobeEncoreFabImageScript { get; set; } public string ExportKoreanAtsFilePair { get; set; } public string ExportAvidStl { get; set; } public string ExportDvdStudioProStl { get; set; } public string ExportCapMakerPlus { get; set; } public string ExportCaptionsInc { get; set; } public string ExportCheetahCap { get; set; } public string ExportUltech130 { get; set; } public string ExportCustomTextFormat { get; set; } public string Exit { get; set; } } public class EditMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string Undo { get; set; } public string Redo { get; set; } public string ShowUndoHistory { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeSymbol { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharacters { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharactersLRM { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharactersRLM { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharactersLRE { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharactersRLE { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharactersLRO { get; set; } public string InsertUnicodeControlCharactersRLO { get; set; } public string Find { get; set; } public string FindNext { get; set; } public string Replace { get; set; } public string MultipleReplace { get; set; } public string GoToSubtitleNumber { get; set; } public string RightToLeftMode { get; set; } public string FixTrlViaUnicodeControlCharacters { get; set; } public string ReverseRightToLeftStartEnd { get; set; } public string ShowOriginalTextInAudioAndVideoPreview { get; set; } public string ModifySelection { get; set; } public string InverseSelection { get; set; } } public class ToolsMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string AdjustDisplayDuration { get; set; } public string ApplyDurationLimits { get; set; } public string SubtitlesBridgeGaps { get; set; } public string FixCommonErrors { get; set; } public string StartNumberingFrom { get; set; } public string RemoveTextForHearingImpaired { get; set; } public string ChangeCasing { get; set; } public string ChangeFrameRate { get; set; } public string ChangeSpeedInPercent { get; set; } public string MergeShortLines { get; set; } public string MergeDuplicateText { get; set; } public string MergeSameTimeCodes { get; set; } public string SplitLongLines { get; set; } public string MinimumDisplayTimeBetweenParagraphs { get; set; } public string SortBy { get; set; } public string NetflixQualityCheck { get; set; } public string Number { get; set; } public string StartTime { get; set; } public string EndTime { get; set; } public string Duration { get; set; } public string TextAlphabetically { get; set; } public string TextSingleLineMaximumLength { get; set; } public string TextTotalLength { get; set; } public string TextNumberOfLines { get; set; } public string TextNumberOfCharactersPerSeconds { get; set; } public string WordsPerMinute { get; set; } public string Style { get; set; } public string Ascending { get; set; } public string Descending { get; set; } public string MakeNewEmptyTranslationFromCurrentSubtitle { get; set; } public string BatchConvert { get; set; } public string GenerateTimeAsText { get; set; } public string MeasurementConverter { get; set; } public string SplitSubtitle { get; set; } public string AppendSubtitle { get; set; } public string JoinSubtitles { get; set; } } public class VideoMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string OpenVideo { get; set; } public string OpenVideoFromUrl { get; set; } public string OpenDvd { get; set; } public string ChooseAudioTrack { get; set; } public string CloseVideo { get; set; } public string SetVideoOffset { get; set; } public string SmptTimeMode { get; set; } public string GenerateTextFromVideo { get; set; } public string GenerateImportSceneChanges { get; set; } public string RemoveSceneChanges { get; set; } public string WaveformBatchGenerate { get; set; } public string ShowHideVideo { get; set; } public string ShowHideWaveform { get; set; } public string ShowHideWaveformAndSpectrogram { get; set; } public string UnDockVideoControls { get; set; } public string ReDockVideoControls { get; set; } } public class SpellCheckMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string SpellCheck { get; set; } public string SpellCheckFromCurrentLine { get; set; } public string FindDoubleWords { get; set; } public string FindDoubleLines { get; set; } public string GetDictionaries { get; set; } public string AddToNameList { get; set; } } public class SynchronizationkMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string AdjustAllTimes { get; set; } public string VisualSync { get; set; } public string PointSync { get; set; } public string PointSyncViaOtherSubtitle { get; set; } } public class AutoTranslateMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string TranslatePoweredByGoogle { get; set; } public string TranslatePoweredByMicrosoft { get; set; } public string TranslateFromSwedishToDanish { get; set; } } public class OptionsMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string Settings { get; set; } public string ChooseLanguage { get; set; } } public class NetworkingMenu { public string Title { get; set; } public string StartNewSession { get; set; } public string JoinSession { get; set; } public string ShowSessionInfoAndLog { get; set; } public string Chat { get; set; } public string LeaveSession { get; set; } } public class HelpMenu { public string CheckForUpdates { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Help { get; set; } public string About { get; set; } } public class ToolBarMenu { public string New { get; set; } public string Open { get; set; } public string Save { get; set; } public string SaveAs { get; set; } public string Find { get; set; } public string Replace { get; set; } public string FixCommonErrors { get; set; } public string RemoveTextForHi { get; set; } public string VisualSync { get; set; } public string SpellCheck { get; set; } public string NetflixQualityCheck { get; set; } public string Settings { get; set; } public string Help { get; set; } public string ShowHideWaveform { get; set; } public string ShowHideVideo { get; set; } } public class ListViewContextMenu { public string SizeAllColumnsToFit { get; set; } public string AdvancedSubStationAlphaSetStyle { get; set; } public string SubStationAlphaSetStyle { get; set; } public string SetActor { get; set; } public string SubStationAlphaStyles { get; set; } public string AdvancedSubStationAlphaStyles { get; set; } public string TimedTextSetRegion { get; set; } public string TimedTextSetStyle { get; set; } public string TimedTextStyles { get; set; } public string TimedTextSetLanguage { get; set; } public string SamiSetStyle { get; set; } public string NuendoSetStyle { get; set; } public string Cut { get; set; } public string Copy { get; set; } public string Paste { get; set; } public string Delete { get; set; } public string SplitLineAtCursorPosition { get; set; } public string SplitLineAtCursorAndWaveformPosition { get; set; } public string AutoDurationCurrentLine { get; set; } public string SelectAll { get; set; } public string InsertFirstLine { get; set; } public string InsertBefore { get; set; } public string InsertAfter { get; set; } public string InsertSubtitleAfter { get; set; } public string CopyToClipboard { get; set; } public string Column { get; set; } public string ColumnDeleteText { get; set; } public string ColumnDeleteTextAndShiftCellsUp { get; set; } public string ColumnInsertEmptyTextAndShiftCellsDown { get; set; } public string ColumnInsertTextFromSubtitle { get; set; } public string ColumnImportTextAndShiftCellsDown { get; set; } public string ColumnPasteFromClipboard { get; set; } public string ColumnTextUp { get; set; } public string ColumnTextDown { get; set; } public string ColumnCopyOriginalTextToCurrent { get; set; } public string Split { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLines { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLinesAsDialog { get; set; } public string MergeWithLineBefore { get; set; } public string MergeWithLineAfter { get; set; } public string ExtendToLineBefore { get; set; } public string ExtendToLineAfter { get; set; } public string RemoveFormatting { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingAll { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingBold { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingItalic { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingUnderline { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingColor { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingFontName { get; set; } public string RemoveFormattingAlignment { get; set; } public string Underline { get; set; } public string Box { get; set; } public string Color { get; set; } public string FontName { get; set; } public string Superscript { get; set; } public string Subscript { get; set; } public string Alignment { get; set; } public string AutoBalanceSelectedLines { get; set; } public string RemoveLineBreaksFromSelectedLines { get; set; } public string TypewriterEffect { get; set; } public string KaraokeEffect { get; set; } public string ShowSelectedLinesEarlierLater { get; set; } public string VisualSyncSelectedLines { get; set; } public string GoogleAndMicrosoftTranslateSelectedLine { get; set; } public string TranslateSelectedLines { get; set; } public string AdjustDisplayDurationForSelectedLines { get; set; } public string FixCommonErrorsInSelectedLines { get; set; } public string ChangeCasingForSelectedLines { get; set; } public string SaveSelectedLines { get; set; } public string WebVTTSetNewVoice { get; set; } public string WebVTTRemoveVoices { get; set; } public string NewActor { get; set; } public string RemoveActors { get; set; } public string EditBookmark { get; set; } public string RemoveBookmark { get; set; } } public FileMenu File { get; set; } public EditMenu Edit { get; set; } public ToolsMenu Tools { get; set; } public VideoMenu Video { get; set; } public SpellCheckMenu SpellCheck { get; set; } public SynchronizationkMenu Synchronization { get; set; } public AutoTranslateMenu AutoTranslate { get; set; } public OptionsMenu Options { get; set; } public NetworkingMenu Networking { get; set; } public HelpMenu Help { get; set; } public ToolBarMenu ToolBar { get; set; } public ListViewContextMenu ContextMenu { get; set; } } public class MainControls { public string SubtitleFormat { get; set; } public string FileEncoding { get; set; } public string ListView { get; set; } public string SourceView { get; set; } public string UndoChangesInEditPanel { get; set; } public string Previous { get; set; } public string Next { get; set; } public string AutoBreak { get; set; } public string Unbreak { get; set; } } public class MainVideoControls { public string Translate { get; set; } public string CreateAndAdjust { get; set; } public string Create { get; set; } public string Adjust { get; set; } public string SelectCurrentElementWhilePlaying { get; set; } //translation helper public string AutoRepeat { get; set; } public string AutoRepeatOn { get; set; } public string AutoRepeatCount { get; set; } public string AutoContinue { get; set; } public string AutoContinueOn { get; set; } public string DelayInSeconds { get; set; } public string OriginalText { get; set; } public string Previous { get; set; } public string Stop { get; set; } public string PlayCurrent { get; set; } public string Next { get; set; } public string Playing { get; set; } public string RepeatingLastTime { get; set; } public string RepeatingXTimesLeft { get; set; } public string AutoContinueInOneSecond { get; set; } public string AutoContinueInXSeconds { get; set; } public string StillTypingAutoContinueStopped { get; set; } // create/adjust public string InsertNewSubtitleAtVideoPosition { get; set; } public string InsertNewSubtitleAtVideoPositionNoTextBoxFocus { get; set; } public string Auto { get; set; } public string PlayFromJustBeforeText { get; set; } public string Pause { get; set; } public string GoToSubtitlePositionAndPause { get; set; } public string SetStartTime { get; set; } public string SetEndTimeAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustedViaEndTime { get; set; } public string SetEndTime { get; set; } public string SetstartTimeAndOffsetOfRest { get; set; } public string SearchTextOnline { get; set; } public string GoogleTranslate { get; set; } public string GoogleIt { get; set; } public string SecondsBackShort { get; set; } public string SecondsForwardShort { get; set; } public string VideoPosition { get; set; } public string TranslateTip { get; set; } public string BeforeChangingTimeInWaveformX { get; set; } public string NewTextInsertAtX { get; set; } public string Center { get; set; } public string PlayRate { get; set; } } } public class MatroskaSubtitleChooser { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleMp4 { get; set; } public string PleaseChoose { get; set; } public string TrackXLanguageYTypeZ { get; set; } } public class MeasurementConverter { public string Title { get; set; } public string ConvertFrom { get; set; } public string ConvertTo { get; set; } public string CopyToClipboard { get; set; } public string Celsius { get; set; } public string Fahrenheit { get; set; } public string Miles { get; set; } public string Kilometers { get; set; } public string Meters { get; set; } public string Yards { get; set; } public string Feet { get; set; } public string Inches { get; set; } public string Pounds { get; set; } public string Kilos { get; set; } } public class MergeDoubleLines { public string Title { get; set; } public string MaxMillisecondsBetweenLines { get; set; } public string IncludeIncrementing { get; set; } } public class MergeShortLines { public string Title { get; set; } public string MaximumCharacters { get; set; } public string MaximumMillisecondsBetween { get; set; } public string NumberOfMergesX { get; set; } public string MergedText { get; set; } public string OnlyMergeContinuationLines { get; set; } } public class MergeTextWithSameTimeCodes { public string Title { get; set; } public string MaxDifferenceMilliseconds { get; set; } public string ReBreakLines { get; set; } public string NumberOfMergesX { get; set; } public string MergedText { get; set; } } public class ModifySelection { public string Title { get; set; } public string Rule { get; set; } public string CaseSensitive { get; set; } public string DoWithMatches { get; set; } public string MakeNewSelection { get; set; } public string AddToCurrentSelection { get; set; } public string SubtractFromCurrentSelection { get; set; } public string IntersectWithCurrentSelection { get; set; } public string MatchingLinesX { get; set; } public string Contains { get; set; } public string StartsWith { get; set; } public string EndsWith { get; set; } public string NoContains { get; set; } public string RegEx { get; set; } public string UnequalLines { get; set; } public string EqualLines { get; set; } public string DurationLessThan { get; set; } public string DurationGreaterThan { get; set; } public string MoreThanTwoLines { get; set; } } public class MultipleReplace { public string Title { get; set; } public string FindWhat { get; set; } public string ReplaceWith { get; set; } public string Normal { get; set; } public string CaseSensitive { get; set; } public string RegularExpression { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string LinesFoundX { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string Add { get; set; } public string Update { get; set; } public string Enabled { get; set; } public string SearchType { get; set; } public string RemoveAll { get; set; } public string Import { get; set; } public string Export { get; set; } public string ImportRulesTitle { get; set; } public string ExportRulesTitle { get; set; } public string ChooseGroupsToImport { get; set; } public string ChooseGroupsToExport { get; set; } public string Rules { get; set; } public string MoveToTop { get; set; } public string MoveToBottom { get; set; } public string MoveSelectedRulesToGroup { get; set; } public string Groups { get; set; } public string RulesForGroupX { get; set; } public string GroupName { get; set; } public string RenameGroup { get; set; } public string NewGroup { get; set; } public string NothingToImport { get; set; } } public class NetworkChat { public string Title { get; set; } public string Send { get; set; } } public class NetworkJoin { public string Title { get; set; } public string Information { get; set; } public string Join { get; set; } } public class NetworkLogAndInfo { public string Title { get; set; } public string Log { get; set; } } public class NetworkStart { public string Title { get; set; } public string ConnectionTo { get; set; } public string Information { get; set; } public string Start { get; set; } } public class OpenVideoDvd { public string Title { get; set; } public string OpenDvdFrom { get; set; } public string Disc { get; set; } public string Folder { get; set; } public string ChooseDrive { get; set; } public string ChooseFolder { get; set; } } public class PluginsGet { public string Title { get; set; } public string InstalledPlugins { get; set; } public string GetPlugins { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string Version { get; set; } public string Date { get; set; } public string Type { get; set; } public string OpenPluginsFolder { get; set; } public string GetPluginsInfo1 { get; set; } public string GetPluginsInfo2 { get; set; } public string PluginXDownloaded { get; set; } public string Download { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string UpdateAllX { get; set; } public string UnableToDownloadPluginListX { get; set; } public string NewVersionOfSubtitleEditRequired { get; set; } public string UpdateAvailable { get; set; } public string UpdateAll { get; set; } public string XPluginsUpdated { get; set; } } public class RegularExpressionContextMenu { public string WordBoundary { get; set; } public string NonWordBoundary { get; set; } public string NewLine { get; set; } public string NewLineShort { get; set; } public string AnyDigit { get; set; } public string NonDigit { get; set; } public string AnyCharacter { get; set; } public string AnyWhitespace { get; set; } public string NonSpaceCharacter { get; set; } public string ZeroOrMore { get; set; } public string OneOrMore { get; set; } public string InCharacterGroup { get; set; } public string NotInCharacterGroup { get; set; } } public class RemoveTextFromHearImpaired { public string Title { get; set; } public string RemoveTextConditions { get; set; } public string RemoveTextBetween { get; set; } public string SquareBrackets { get; set; } public string Brackets { get; set; } public string Parentheses { get; set; } public string QuestionMarks { get; set; } public string And { get; set; } public string RemoveTextBeforeColon { get; set; } public string OnlyIfTextIsUppercase { get; set; } public string OnlyIfInSeparateLine { get; set; } public string LinesFoundX { get; set; } public string RemoveTextIfContains { get; set; } public string RemoveTextIfAllUppercase { get; set; } public string RemoveInterjections { get; set; } public string EditInterjections { get; set; } } public class ReplaceDialog { public string Title { get; set; } public string FindWhat { get; set; } public string Normal { get; set; } public string CaseSensitive { get; set; } public string RegularExpression { get; set; } public string ReplaceWith { get; set; } public string Find { get; set; } public string Replace { get; set; } public string ReplaceAll { get; set; } } public class RestoreAutoBackup { public string Title { get; set; } public string Information { get; set; } public string DateAndTime { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public string Extension { get; set; } public string NoBackedUpFilesFound { get; set; } } public class SeekSilence { public string Title { get; set; } public string SearchDirection { get; set; } public string Forward { get; set; } public string Back { get; set; } public string LengthInSeconds { get; set; } public string MaxVolume { get; set; } } public class SetMinimumDisplayTimeBetweenParagraphs { public string Title { get; set; } public string PreviewLinesModifiedX { get; set; } public string ShowOnlyModifiedLines { get; set; } public string MinimumMillisecondsBetweenParagraphs { get; set; } public string FrameInfo { get; set; } public string OneFrameXisYMilliseconds { get; set; } } public class SetSyncPoint { public string Title { get; set; } public string SyncPointTimeCode { get; set; } public string ThreeSecondsBack { get; set; } public string HalfASecondBack { get; set; } public string HalfASecondForward { get; set; } public string ThreeSecondsForward { get; set; } } public class Settings { public string Title { get; set; } public string General { get; set; } public string Toolbar { get; set; } public string VideoPlayer { get; set; } public string WaveformAndSpectrogram { get; set; } public string Tools { get; set; } public string WordLists { get; set; } public string SsaStyle { get; set; } public string Network { get; set; } public string Rules { get; set; } public string ShowToolBarButtons { get; set; } public string New { get; set; } public string Open { get; set; } public string Save { get; set; } public string SaveAs { get; set; } public string Find { get; set; } public string Replace { get; set; } public string VisualSync { get; set; } public string SpellCheck { get; set; } public string NetflixQualityCheck { get; set; } public string SettingsName { get; set; } public string Help { get; set; } public string UnbreakNoSpace { get; set; } public string ToggleBookmarks { get; set; } public string ToggleBookmarksWithComment { get; set; } public string ClearBookmarks { get; set; } public string GoToBookmark { get; set; } public string GoToPreviousBookmark { get; set; } public string GoToNextBookmark { get; set; } public string ChooseProfile { get; set; } public string DuplicateLine { get; set; } public string FontInUi { get; set; } public string ShowFrameRate { get; set; } public string DefaultFrameRate { get; set; } public string DefaultFileEncoding { get; set; } public string AutoDetectAnsiEncoding { get; set; } public string Profile { get; set; } public string Profiles { get; set; } public string ImportProfiles { get; set; } public string ExportProfiles { get; set; } public string SubtitleLineMaximumLength { get; set; } public string OptimalCharactersPerSecond { get; set; } public string MaximumCharactersPerSecond { get; set; } public string MaximumWordssPerMinute { get; set; } public string AutoWrapWhileTyping { get; set; } public string DurationMinimumMilliseconds { get; set; } public string DurationMaximumMilliseconds { get; set; } public string MinimumGapMilliseconds { get; set; } public string MaximumLines { get; set; } public string SubtitleFont { get; set; } public string SubtitleFontSize { get; set; } public string SubtitleBold { get; set; } public string VideoAutoOpen { get; set; } public string AllowVolumeBoost { get; set; } public string SubtitleCenter { get; set; } public string SubtitleFontColor { get; set; } public string SubtitleBackgroundColor { get; set; } public string SpellChecker { get; set; } public string RememberRecentFiles { get; set; } public string StartWithLastFileLoaded { get; set; } public string RememberSelectedLine { get; set; } public string RememberPositionAndSize { get; set; } public string StartInSourceView { get; set; } public string RemoveBlankLinesWhenOpening { get; set; } public string ShowLineBreaksAs { get; set; } public string SaveAsFileNameFrom { get; set; } public string MainListViewDoubleClickAction { get; set; } public string MainListViewColumnsInfo { get; set; } public string MainListViewNothing { get; set; } public string MainListViewVideoGoToPositionAndPause { get; set; } public string MainListViewVideoGoToPositionAndPlay { get; set; } public string MainListViewEditText { get; set; } public string MainListViewVideoGoToPositionMinus1SecAndPause { get; set; } public string MainListViewVideoGoToPositionMinusHalfSecAndPause { get; set; } public string MainListViewVideoGoToPositionMinus1SecAndPlay { get; set; } public string MainListViewEditTextAndPause { get; set; } public string VideoFileName { get; set; } public string ExistingFileName { get; set; } public string AutoBackup { get; set; } public string AutoBackupEveryMinute { get; set; } public string AutoBackupEveryFiveMinutes { get; set; } public string AutoBackupEveryFifteenMinutes { get; set; } public string AutoBackupDeleteAfter { get; set; } public string AutoBackupDeleteAfterOneMonth { get; set; } public string AutoBackupDeleteAfterThreeMonths { get; set; } public string AutoBackupDeleteAfterSixMonths { get; set; } public string CheckForUpdates { get; set; } public string AutoSave { get; set; } public string AllowEditOfOriginalSubtitle { get; set; } public string PromptDeleteLines { get; set; } public string TimeCodeMode { get; set; } public string TimeCodeModeHHMMSSMS { get; set; } public string TimeCodeModeHHMMSSFF { get; set; } public string SplitBehavior { get; set; } public string SplitBehaviorPrevious { get; set; } public string SplitBehaviorHalf { get; set; } public string SplitBehaviorNext { get; set; } public string VideoEngine { get; set; } public string DirectShow { get; set; } public string DirectShowDescription { get; set; } public string MpcHc { get; set; } public string MpcHcDescription { get; set; } public string MpvPlayer { get; set; } public string MpvPlayerDescription { get; set; } public string MpvHandlesPreviewText { get; set; } public string VlcMediaPlayer { get; set; } public string VlcMediaPlayerDescription { get; set; } public string VlcBrowseToLabel { get; set; } public string ShowStopButton { get; set; } public string ShowMuteButton { get; set; } public string ShowFullscreenButton { get; set; } public string PreviewFontSize { get; set; } public string MainWindowVideoControls { get; set; } public string CustomSearchTextAndUrl { get; set; } public string WaveformAppearance { get; set; } public string WaveformGridColor { get; set; } public string WaveformShowGridLines { get; set; } public string WaveformShowCps { get; set; } public string WaveformShowWpm { get; set; } public string ReverseMouseWheelScrollDirection { get; set; } public string WaveformAllowOverlap { get; set; } public string WaveformSetVideoPosMoveStartEnd { get; set; } public string WaveformFocusMouseEnter { get; set; } public string WaveformListViewFocusMouseEnter { get; set; } public string WaveformSingleClickSelect { get; set; } public string WaveformSnapToSceneChanges { get; set; } public string WaveformBorderHitMs1 { get; set; } public string WaveformBorderHitMs2 { get; set; } public string WaveformColor { get; set; } public string WaveformSelectedColor { get; set; } public string WaveformBackgroundColor { get; set; } public string WaveformCursorColor { get; set; } public string WaveformTextColor { get; set; } public string WaveformTextFontSize { get; set; } public string WaveformAndSpectrogramsFolderEmpty { get; set; } public string WaveformAndSpectrogramsFolderInfo { get; set; } public string Spectrogram { get; set; } public string GenerateSpectrogram { get; set; } public string SpectrogramAppearance { get; set; } public string SpectrogramOneColorGradient { get; set; } public string SpectrogramClassic { get; set; } public string WaveformUseFFmpeg { get; set; } public string DownloadFFmpeg { get; set; } public string WaveformFFmpegPath { get; set; } public string WaveformBrowseToFFmpeg { get; set; } public string WaveformBrowseToVLC { get; set; } public string SubStationAlphaStyle { get; set; } public string ChooseColor { get; set; } public string SsaOutline { get; set; } public string SsaShadow { get; set; } public string SsaOpaqueBox { get; set; } public string Testing123 { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } public string NamesIgnoreLists { get; set; } public string AddName { get; set; } public string AddWord { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string AddPair { get; set; } public string UserWordList { get; set; } public string OcrFixList { get; set; } public string Location { get; set; } public string UseOnlineNames { get; set; } public string WordAddedX { get; set; } public string WordAlreadyExists { get; set; } public string WordNotFound { get; set; } public string RemoveX { get; set; } public string CannotUpdateNamesOnline { get; set; } public string ProxyServerSettings { get; set; } public string ProxyAddress { get; set; } public string ProxyAuthentication { get; set; } public string ProxyUserName { get; set; } public string ProxyPassword { get; set; } public string ProxyDomain { get; set; } public string NetworkSessionSettings { get; set; } public string NetworkSessionNewSound { get; set; } public string PlayXSecondsAndBack { get; set; } public string StartSceneIndex { get; set; } public string EndSceneIndex { get; set; } public string FirstPlusX { get; set; } public string LastMinusX { get; set; } public string FixCommonerrors { get; set; } public string RemoveTextForHi { get; set; } public string MergeLinesShorterThan { get; set; } public string DialogStyle { get; set; } public string DialogStyleDashBothLinesWithSpace { get; set; } public string DialogStyleDashBothLinesWithoutSpace { get; set; } public string DialogStyleDashSecondLineWithSpace { get; set; } public string DialogStyleDashSecondLineWithoutSpace { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyle { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleNone { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleNoneTrailingDots { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleNoneLeadingTrailingDots { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleOnlyTrailingDots { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleLeadingTrailingDots { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleLeadingTrailingDash { get; set; } public string ContinuationStyleLeadingTrailingDashDots { get; set; } public string MusicSymbol { get; set; } public string MusicSymbolsReplace { get; set; } public string FixCommonOcrErrorsUseHardcodedRules { get; set; } public string FixCommonerrorsFixShortDisplayTimesAllowMoveStartTime { get; set; } public string FixCommonErrorsSkipStepOne { get; set; } public string Shortcuts { get; set; } public string Shortcut { get; set; } public string Control { get; set; } public string Alt { get; set; } public string Shift { get; set; } public string Key { get; set; } public string ListViewAndTextBox { get; set; } public string ListView { get; set; } public string TextBox { get; set; } public string UpdateShortcut { get; set; } public string ToggleDockUndockOfVideoControls { get; set; } public string CreateSetEndAddNewAndGoToNew { get; set; } public string AdjustViaEndAutoStart { get; set; } public string AdjustViaEndAutoStartAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustSetEndTimeAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustSetStartAutoDurationAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustSetEndNextStartAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustStartDownEndUpAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustSelected100MsForward { get; set; } public string AdjustSelected100MsBack { get; set; } public string AdjustStartXMsBack { get; set; } public string AdjustStartXMsForward { get; set; } public string AdjustEndXMsBack { get; set; } public string AdjustEndXMsForward { get; set; } public string AdjustStartOneFrameBack { get; set; } public string AdjustStartOneFrameForward { get; set; } public string AdjustEndOneFrameBack { get; set; } public string AdjustEndOneFrameForward { get; set; } public string AdjustStartOneFrameBackKeepGapPrev { get; set; } public string AdjustStartOneFrameForwardKeepGapPrev { get; set; } public string AdjustEndOneFrameBackKeepGapNext { get; set; } public string AdjustEndOneFrameForwardKeepGapNext { get; set; } public string AdjustSetStartTimeKeepDuration { get; set; } public string AdjustSetEndAndOffsetTheRest { get; set; } public string AdjustSetEndAndOffsetTheRestAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string AdjustExtendCurrentSubtitle { get; set; } public string AdjustExtendToNextSceneChange { get; set; } public string AdjustExtendToPreviousSceneChange { get; set; } public string AdjustExtendToNextSubtitle { get; set; } public string AdjustExtendToPreviousSubtitle { get; set; } public string RecalculateDurationOfCurrentSubtitle { get; set; } public string MainCreateStartDownEndUp { get; set; } public string MergeDialog { get; set; } public string GoToNext { get; set; } public string GoToPrevious { get; set; } public string GoToCurrentSubtitleStart { get; set; } public string GoToCurrentSubtitleEnd { get; set; } public string GoToPreviousSubtitleAndFocusVideo { get; set; } public string GoToNextSubtitleAndFocusVideo { get; set; } public string GoToPrevSubtitleAndPlay { get; set; } public string GoToNextSubtitleAndPlay { get; set; } public string ToggleFocus { get; set; } public string ToggleDialogDashes { get; set; } public string ToggleMusicSymbols { get; set; } public string Alignment { get; set; } public string AlignmentN1 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN2 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN3 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN4 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN5 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN6 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN7 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN8 { get; set; } public string AlignmentN9 { get; set; } public string CopyTextOnly { get; set; } public string CopyTextOnlyFromOriginalToCurrent { get; set; } public string AutoDurationSelectedLines { get; set; } public string ReverseStartAndEndingForRtl { get; set; } public string VerticalZoom { get; set; } public string VerticalZoomOut { get; set; } public string WaveformSeekSilenceForward { get; set; } public string WaveformSeekSilenceBack { get; set; } public string WaveformAddTextHere { get; set; } public string WaveformAddTextHereFromClipboard { get; set; } public string SetParagraphAsSelection { get; set; } public string WaveformPlayNewSelection { get; set; } public string WaveformPlayNewSelectionEnd { get; set; } public string WaveformPlayFirstSelectedSubtitle { get; set; } public string WaveformFocusListView { get; set; } public string WaveformGoToPreviousSceneChange { get; set; } public string WaveformGoToNextSceneChange { get; set; } public string WaveformToggleSceneChange { get; set; } public string WaveformGuessStart { get; set; } public string GoBack1Frame { get; set; } public string GoForward1Frame { get; set; } public string GoBack1FrameWithPlay { get; set; } public string GoForward1FrameWithPlay { get; set; } public string GoBack100Milliseconds { get; set; } public string GoForward100Milliseconds { get; set; } public string GoBack500Milliseconds { get; set; } public string GoForward500Milliseconds { get; set; } public string GoBack1Second { get; set; } public string GoForward1Second { get; set; } public string GoBack5Seconds { get; set; } public string GoForward5Seconds { get; set; } public string GoBack3Second { get; set; } public string GoToStartCurrent { get; set; } public string ToggleStartEndCurrent { get; set; } public string PlayCurrent { get; set; } public string WaveformGoToPrevSubtitle { get; set; } public string WaveformGoToNextSubtitle { get; set; } public string WaveformSelectNextSubtitle { get; set; } public string TogglePlayPause { get; set; } public string Pause { get; set; } public string Fullscreen { get; set; } public string PlayRateSlower { get; set; } public string PlayRateFaster { get; set; } public string VideoResetSpeedAndZoom { get; set; } public string CustomSearch1 { get; set; } public string CustomSearch2 { get; set; } public string CustomSearch3 { get; set; } public string CustomSearch4 { get; set; } public string CustomSearch5 { get; set; } public string SyntaxColoring { get; set; } public string ListViewSyntaxColoring { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorDurationIfTooSmall { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorDurationIfTooLarge { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorTextIfTooLong { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorTextIfTooWide { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorTextMoreThanMaxLines { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorOverlap { get; set; } public string SyntaxColorGap { get; set; } public string SyntaxErrorColor { get; set; } public string SyntaxLineWidthSettings { get; set; } public string LineWidthSettings { get; set; } public string MaximumLineWidth { get; set; } public string Pixels { get; set; } public string MeasureFont { get; set; } public string GoToFirstSelectedLine { get; set; } public string GoToNextEmptyLine { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLines { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLinesAndAutoBreak { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLinesAndUnbreak { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLinesAndUnbreakCjk { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLinesOnlyFirstText { get; set; } public string MergeSelectedLinesBilingual { get; set; } public string SplitSelectedLineBilingual { get; set; } public string ToggleTranslationMode { get; set; } public string SwitchOriginalAndTranslation { get; set; } public string MergeOriginalAndTranslation { get; set; } public string MergeWithNext { get; set; } public string MergeWithPrevious { get; set; } public string ShortcutIsAlreadyDefinedX { get; set; } public string ToggleTranslationAndOriginalInPreviews { get; set; } public string ListViewColumnDelete { get; set; } public string ListViewColumnDeleteAndShiftUp { get; set; } public string ListViewColumnInsert { get; set; } public string ListViewColumnPaste { get; set; } public string ListViewColumnTextUp { get; set; } public string ListViewColumnTextDown { get; set; } public string ListViewFocusWaveform { get; set; } public string ListViewGoToNextError { get; set; } public string ShowBeamer { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxMoveLastWordDown { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxMoveFirstWordFromNextUp { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxMoveFirstWordUpCurrent { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxMoveLastWordDownCurrent { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxSelectionToLower { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxSelectionToUpper { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxSelectionToRuby { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxToggleAutoDuration { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxAutoBreak { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxAutoBreakFromPos { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxAutoBreakFromPosAndGoToNext { get; set; } public string MainTextBoxUnbreak { get; set; } public string MainFileSaveAll { get; set; } public string Miscellaneous { get; set; } public string CpsIncludesSpace { get; set; } public string UseDoNotBreakAfterList { get; set; } public string BreakEarlyForLineEnding { get; set; } public string BreakByPixelWidth { get; set; } public string BreakPreferBottomHeavy { get; set; } public string BreakEarlyForDashDialog { get; set; } public string BreakEarlyForComma { get; set; } public string GoogleTranslate { get; set; } public string GoogleTranslateApiKey { get; set; } public string MicrosoftBingTranslator { get; set; } public string HowToSignUp { get; set; } public string MicrosoftTranslateApiKey { get; set; } public string MicrosoftTranslateTokenEndpoint { get; set; } public string FontNote { get; set; } public string RestoreDefaultSettings { get; set; } public string RestoreDefaultSettingsMsg { get; set; } public string RemoveTimeCodes { get; set; } public string EditFixContinuationStyleSettings { get; set; } public string FixContinuationStyleSettings { get; set; } public string UncheckInsertsAllCaps { get; set; } public string UncheckInsertsItalic { get; set; } public string UncheckInsertsLowercase { get; set; } public string HideContinuationCandidatesWithoutName { get; set; } public string IgnoreLyrics { get; set; } public string MinFrameGap { get; set; } public string XFramesAtYFrameRateGivesZMs { get; set; } public string UseXAsNewGap { get; set; } } public class SettingsMpv { public string Title { get; set; } public string DownloadMpv { get; set; } public string DownloadMpvFailed { get; set; } public string DownloadMpvOk { get; set; } } public class SettingsFfmpeg { public string Title { get; set; } public string XDownloadFailed { get; set; } public string XDownloadOk { get; set; } } public class SetVideoOffset { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string RelativeToCurrentVideoPosition { get; set; } public string KeepTimeCodes { get; set; } public string Reset { get; set; } } public class ShowEarlierLater { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleAll { get; set; } public string ShowEarlier { get; set; } public string ShowLater { get; set; } public string TotalAdjustmentX { get; set; } public string AllLines { get; set; } public string SelectedLinesOnly { get; set; } public string SelectedLinesAndForward { get; set; } } public class ShowHistory { public string Title { get; set; } public string SelectRollbackPoint { get; set; } public string Time { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string CompareHistoryItems { get; set; } public string CompareWithCurrent { get; set; } public string Rollback { get; set; } } public class SpellCheck { public string Title { get; set; } public string FullText { get; set; } public string WordNotFound { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } public string Change { get; set; } public string ChangeAll { get; set; } public string SkipOnce { get; set; } public string SkipAll { get; set; } public string AddToUserDictionary { get; set; } public string AddToNamesAndIgnoreList { get; set; } public string AddToOcrReplaceList { get; set; } public string Abort { get; set; } public string Use { get; set; } public string UseAlways { get; set; } public string Suggestions { get; set; } public string SpellCheckProgress { get; set; } public string EditWholeText { get; set; } public string EditWordOnly { get; set; } public string AddXToNames { get; set; } public string AddXToUserDictionary { get; set; } public string AutoFixNames { get; set; } public string AutoFixNamesViaSuggestions { get; set; } public string CheckOneLetterWords { get; set; } public string TreatINQuoteAsING { get; set; } public string RememberUseAlwaysList { get; set; } public string ImageText { get; set; } public string SpellCheckCompleted { get; set; } public string SpellCheckAborted { get; set; } public string SpacesNotAllowed { get; set; } public string UndoX { get; set; } } public class NetflixQualityCheck { public string GlyphCheckReport { get; set; } public string WhiteSpaceCheckReport { get; set; } public string ReportPrompt { get; set; } public string OpenReportInFolder { get; set; } public string FoundXIssues { get; set; } public string CheckOk { get; set; } public string MaximumXCharsPerSecond { get; set; } public string MaximumLineLength { get; set; } public string MinimumDuration { get; set; } } public class Split { public string Title { get; set; } public string SplitOptions { get; set; } public string Lines { get; set; } public string Characters { get; set; } public string NumberOfEqualParts { get; set; } public string SubtitleInfo { get; set; } public string NumberOfLinesX { get; set; } public string NumberOfCharactersX { get; set; } public string Output { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public string OutputFolder { get; set; } public string DoSplit { get; set; } public string Basic { get; set; } } public class SplitLongLines { public string Title { get; set; } public string SingleLineMaximumLength { get; set; } public string LineMaximumLength { get; set; } public string LineContinuationBeginEndStrings { get; set; } public string NumberOfSplits { get; set; } public string LongestSingleLineIsXAtY { get; set; } public string LongestLineIsXAtY { get; set; } } public class SplitSubtitle { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description1 { get; set; } public string Description2 { get; set; } public string Split { get; set; } public string Done { get; set; } public string NothingToSplit { get; set; } public string SavePartOneAs { get; set; } public string SavePartTwoAs { get; set; } public string Part1 { get; set; } public string Part2 { get; set; } public string UnableToSaveFileX { get; set; } public string OverwriteExistingFiles { get; set; } public string FolderNotFoundX { get; set; } public string Untitled { get; set; } } public class StartNumberingFrom { public string Title { get; set; } public string StartFromNumber { get; set; } public string PleaseEnterAValidNumber { get; set; } } public class Statistics { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleWithFileName { get; set; } public string GeneralStatistics { get; set; } public string MostUsed { get; set; } public string MostUsedLines { get; set; } public string MostUsedWords { get; set; } public string NothingFound { get; set; } public string NumberOfLinesX { get; set; } public string LengthInFormatXinCharactersY { get; set; } public string NumberOfCharactersInTextOnly { get; set; } public string TotalDuration { get; set; } public string TotalCharsPerSecond { get; set; } public string TotalWords { get; set; } public string NumberOfItalicTags { get; set; } public string NumberOfBoldTags { get; set; } public string NumberOfUnderlineTags { get; set; } public string NumberOfFontTags { get; set; } public string NumberOfAlignmentTags { get; set; } public string LineLengthMinimum { get; set; } public string LineLengthMaximum { get; set; } public string LineLengthAverage { get; set; } public string LinesPerSubtitleAverage { get; set; } public string SingleLineLengthMinimum { get; set; } public string SingleLineLengthMaximum { get; set; } public string SingleLineLengthAverage { get; set; } public string SingleLineWidthMinimum { get; set; } public string SingleLineWidthMaximum { get; set; } public string SingleLineWidthAverage { get; set; } public string DurationMinimum { get; set; } public string DurationMaximum { get; set; } public string DurationAverage { get; set; } public string CharactersPerSecondMinimum { get; set; } public string CharactersPerSecondMaximum { get; set; } public string CharactersPerSecondAverage { get; set; } public string Export { get; set; } } public class SubStationAlphaProperties { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleSubstationAlpha { get; set; } public string Script { get; set; } public string ScriptTitle { get; set; } public string OriginalScript { get; set; } public string Translation { get; set; } public string Editing { get; set; } public string Timing { get; set; } public string SyncPoint { get; set; } public string UpdatedBy { get; set; } public string UpdateDetails { get; set; } public string Resolution { get; set; } public string VideoResolution { get; set; } public string Options { get; set; } public string WrapStyle { get; set; } public string Collision { get; set; } public string ScaleBorderAndShadow { get; set; } } public class SubStationAlphaStyles { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleSubstationAlpha { get; set; } public string Styles { get; set; } public string Properties { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Font { get; set; } public string FontName { get; set; } public string FontSize { get; set; } public string UseCount { get; set; } public string Primary { get; set; } public string Secondary { get; set; } public string Tertiary { get; set; } public string Outline { get; set; } public string Shadow { get; set; } public string Back { get; set; } public string Alignment { get; set; } public string TopLeft { get; set; } public string TopCenter { get; set; } public string TopRight { get; set; } public string MiddleLeft { get; set; } public string MiddleCenter { get; set; } public string MiddleRight { get; set; } public string BottomLeft { get; set; } public string BottomCenter { get; set; } public string BottomRight { get; set; } public string Colors { get; set; } public string Margins { get; set; } public string MarginLeft { get; set; } public string MarginRight { get; set; } public string MarginVertical { get; set; } public string Border { get; set; } public string PlusShadow { get; set; } public string OpaqueBox { get; set; } public string Import { get; set; } public string Export { get; set; } public string Copy { get; set; } public string CopyOfY { get; set; } public string CopyXOfY { get; set; } public string New { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string RemoveAll { get; set; } public string ImportStyleFromFile { get; set; } public string ExportStyleToFile { get; set; } public string ChooseStyle { get; set; } public string StyleAlreadyExits { get; set; } public string StyleXExportedToFileY { get; set; } public string StyleXImportedFromFileY { get; set; } } public class PointSync { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleViaOtherSubtitle { get; set; } public string SyncHelp { get; set; } public string SetSyncPoint { get; set; } public string RemoveSyncPoint { get; set; } public string SyncPointsX { get; set; } public string Info { get; set; } public string ApplySync { get; set; } } public class TransportStreamSubtitleChooser { public string Title { get; set; } public string PidLineImage { get; set; } public string PidLineTeletext { get; set; } public string SubLine { get; set; } } public class UnknownSubtitle { public string Title { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } public string ImportAsPlainText { get; set; } } public class VisualSync { public string Title { get; set; } public string StartScene { get; set; } public string EndScene { get; set; } public string Synchronize { get; set; } public string HalfASecondBack { get; set; } public string ThreeSecondsBack { get; set; } public string PlayXSecondsAndBack { get; set; } public string FindText { get; set; } public string GoToSubPosition { get; set; } public string KeepChangesTitle { get; set; } public string KeepChangesMessage { get; set; } public string SynchronizationDone { get; set; } public string StartSceneMustComeBeforeEndScene { get; set; } public string Tip { get; set; } } public class VobSubEditCharacters { public string Title { get; set; } public string ChooseCharacter { get; set; } public string ImageCompareFiles { get; set; } public string CurrentCompareImage { get; set; } public string TextAssociatedWithImage { get; set; } public string IsItalic { get; set; } public string Update { get; set; } public string Delete { get; set; } public string ImageDoubleSize { get; set; } public string ImageFileNotFound { get; set; } public string Image { get; set; } } public class VobSubOcr { public string Title { get; set; } public string TitleBluRay { get; set; } public string OcrMethod { get; set; } public string OcrViaTesseractVersionX { get; set; } public string OcrViaImageCompare { get; set; } public string OcrViaModi { get; set; } public string OcrViaNOCR { get; set; } public string TesseractEngineMode { get; set; } public string TesseractEngineModeLegacy { get; set; } public string TesseractEngineModeNeural { get; set; } public string TesseractEngineModeBoth { get; set; } public string TesseractEngineModeDefault { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } public string ImageDatabase { get; set; } public string NoOfPixelsIsSpace { get; set; } public string MaxErrorPercent { get; set; } public string New { get; set; } public string Edit { get; set; } public string StartOcr { get; set; } public string Stop { get; set; } public string StartOcrFrom { get; set; } public string LoadingVobSubImages { get; set; } public string LoadingImageCompareDatabase { get; set; } public string ConvertingImageCompareDatabase { get; set; } public string SubtitleImage { get; set; } public string SubtitleText { get; set; } public string UnableToCreateCharacterDatabaseFolder { get; set; } public string SubtitleImageXofY { get; set; } public string ImagePalette { get; set; } public string UseCustomColors { get; set; } public string Transparent { get; set; } public string TransparentMinAlpha { get; set; } public string TransportStream { get; set; } public string TransportStreamGrayscale { get; set; } public string TransportStreamGetColor { get; set; } public string PromptForUnknownWords { get; set; } public string TryToGuessUnkownWords { get; set; } public string AutoBreakSubtitleIfMoreThanTwoLines { get; set; } public string AllFixes { get; set; } public string GuessesUsed { get; set; } public string UnknownWords { get; set; } public string UnknownWordToGuessInLine { get; set; } public string OcrAutoCorrectionSpellChecking { get; set; } public string FixOcrErrors { get; set; } public string ImportTextWithMatchingTimeCodes { get; set; } public string ImportNewTimeCodes { get; set; } public string SaveSubtitleImageAs { get; set; } public string SaveAllSubtitleImagesAsBdnXml { get; set; } public string SaveAllSubtitleImagesWithHtml { get; set; } public string XImagesSavedInY { get; set; } public string DictionaryX { get; set; } public string RightToLeft { get; set; } public string ShowOnlyForcedSubtitles { get; set; } public string UseTimeCodesFromIdx { get; set; } public string NoMatch { get; set; } public string AutoTransparentBackground { get; set; } public string CaptureTopAlign { get; set; } public string InspectCompareMatchesForCurrentImage { get; set; } public string EditLastAdditions { get; set; } public string SetItalicAngle { get; set; } public string ItalicAngle { get; set; } public string DiscardTitle { get; set; } public string DiscardText { get; set; } public string MinLineSplitHeight { get; set; } public string FallbackToX { get; set; } public string ImagePreProcessing { get; set; } public string EditImageDb { get; set; } public string OcrTraining { get; set; } public string SubtitleTrainingFile { get; set; } public string LetterCombinations { get; set; } public string TrainingOptions { get; set; } public string NumberOfSegments { get; set; } public string AlsoTrainItalic { get; set; } public string AlsoTrainBold { get; set; } public string StartTraining { get; set; } public string NowTraining { get; set; } } public class VobSubOcrCharacter { public string Title { get; set; } public string ShrinkSelection { get; set; } public string ExpandSelection { get; set; } public string SubtitleImage { get; set; } public string Characters { get; set; } public string CharactersAsText { get; set; } public string Italic { get; set; } public string Abort { get; set; } public string Skip { get; set; } public string Nordic { get; set; } public string Spanish { get; set; } public string German { get; set; } public string AutoSubmitOnFirstChar { get; set; } public string EditLastX { get; set; } } public class VobSubOcrCharacterInspect { public string Title { get; set; } public string InspectItems { get; set; } public string AddBetterMatch { get; set; } public string Add { get; set; } } public class VobSubOcrNewFolder { public string Title { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } } public class VobSubOcrSetItalicAngle { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } public class OcrPreprocessing { public string Title { get; set; } public string Colors { get; set; } public string AdjustAlpha { get; set; } public string OriginalImage { get; set; } public string PostImage { get; set; } public string BinaryThreshold { get; set; } public string InvertColors { get; set; } public string YellowToWhite { get; set; } public string ColorToWhite { get; set; } public string ColorToRemove { get; set; } public string Cropping { get; set; } public string CropTransparentColors { get; set; } } public class Watermark { public string Title { get; set; } public string WatermarkX { get; set; } public string GenerateWatermarkTitle { get; set; } public string SpreadOverEntireSubtitle { get; set; } public string CurrentLineOnlyX { get; set; } public string Generate { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string BeforeWatermark { get; set; } public string ErrorUnicodeEncodingOnly { get; set; } } public class Waveform { public string ClickToAddWaveform { get; set; } public string ClickToAddWaveformAndSpectrogram { get; set; } public string Seconds { get; set; } public string ZoomIn { get; set; } public string ZoomOut { get; set; } public string AddParagraphHere { get; set; } public string AddParagraphHereAndPasteText { get; set; } public string SetParagraphAsSelection { get; set; } public string FocusTextBox { get; set; } public string GoToPrevious { get; set; } public string GoToNext { get; set; } public string DeleteParagraph { get; set; } public string Split { get; set; } public string SplitAtCursor { get; set; } public string MergeWithPrevious { get; set; } public string MergeWithNext { get; set; } public string ExtendToPrevious { get; set; } public string ExtendToNext { get; set; } public string PlaySelection { get; set; } public string ShowWaveformAndSpectrogram { get; set; } public string ShowWaveformOnly { get; set; } public string ShowSpectrogramOnly { get; set; } public string AddSceneChange { get; set; } public string RemoveSceneChange { get; set; } public string GuessTimeCodes { get; set; } public string SeekSilence { get; set; } public string InsertSubtitleHere { get; set; } public string CharsSecX { get; set; } public string WordsMinX { get; set; } } public class WaveformGenerateTimeCodes { public string Title { get; set; } public string StartFrom { get; set; } public string CurrentVideoPosition { get; set; } public string Beginning { get; set; } public string DeleteLines { get; set; } public string FromCurrentVideoPosition { get; set; } public string DetectOptions { get; set; } public string ScanBlocksOfMs { get; set; } public string BlockAverageVolMin1 { get; set; } public string BlockAverageVolMin2 { get; set; } public string BlockAverageVolMax1 { get; set; } public string BlockAverageVolMax2 { get; set; } public string SplitLongLinesAt1 { get; set; } public string SplitLongLinesAt2 { get; set; } public string Other { get; set; } } public class WebVttNewVoice { public string Title { get; set; } public string VoiceName { get; set; } } } }