
444 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.VobSub
public class VobSubWriter : IDisposable
private class MemWriter
private readonly byte[] _buf;
private long _pos;
public MemWriter(long size)
_buf = new byte[size];
_pos = 0;
public byte[] GetBuf()
return _buf;
public long GetPosition()
return _pos;
public void GotoBegin()
_pos = 0;
public void WriteByte(byte val)
_buf[_pos++] = val;
private readonly string _subFileName;
private FileStream _subFile;
private readonly StringBuilder _idx = new StringBuilder();
private readonly int _screenWidth = 720;
private readonly int _screenHeight = 480;
private readonly int _bottomMargin = 15;
private readonly int _leftRightMargin = 15;
private readonly int _languageStreamId;
private Color _background = Color.Transparent;
private Color _pattern = Color.White;
private Color _emphasis1 = Color.Black;
private readonly bool _useInnerAntialiasing = true;
private Color _emphasis2 = Color.FromArgb(240, Color.Black);
private readonly string _languageName = "English";
private readonly string _languageNameShort = "en";
public VobSubWriter(string subFileName, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int bottomMargin, int leftRightMargin, int languageStreamId, Color pattern, Color emphasis1, bool useInnerAntialiasing, string languageName, string languageNameShort)
_subFileName = subFileName;
_screenWidth = screenWidth;
_screenHeight = screenHeight;
_bottomMargin = bottomMargin;
_leftRightMargin = leftRightMargin;
_languageStreamId = languageStreamId;
_pattern = pattern;
_emphasis1 = emphasis1;
_useInnerAntialiasing = useInnerAntialiasing;
_languageName = languageName;
_languageNameShort = languageNameShort;
_idx = CreateIdxHeader();
_subFile = new FileStream(subFileName, FileMode.Create);
public static void WriteEndianWord(int i, Stream stream)
stream.WriteByte((byte)(i / 256));
stream.WriteByte((byte)(i % 256));
private byte[] GetSubImageBuffer(RunLengthTwoParts twoPartBuffer, NikseBitmap nbmp, Paragraph p, ContentAlignment alignment)
var ms = new MemoryStream();
// sup picture datasize
WriteEndianWord(twoPartBuffer.Length + 34, ms);
// first display control sequence table address
int startDisplayControlSequenceTableAddress = twoPartBuffer.Length + 4;
WriteEndianWord(startDisplayControlSequenceTableAddress, ms);
// Write image
const int imageTopFieldDataAddress = 4;
ms.Write(twoPartBuffer.Buffer1, 0, twoPartBuffer.Buffer1.Length);
int imageBottomFieldDataAddress = 4 + twoPartBuffer.Buffer1.Length;
ms.Write(twoPartBuffer.Buffer2, 0, twoPartBuffer.Buffer2.Length);
// Write zero delay
// next display control sequence table address (use current is last)
WriteEndianWord(startDisplayControlSequenceTableAddress + 24, ms); // start of display control sequence table address
// Control command start
if (p.Forced)
ms.WriteByte(0); // ForcedStartDisplay==0
ms.WriteByte(1); // StartDisplay==1
// Control command 3 = SetColor
WriteColors(ms); // 3 bytes
// Control command 4 = SetContrast
WriteContrast(ms); // 3 bytes
// Control command 5 = SetDisplayArea
WriteDisplayArea(ms, nbmp, alignment); // 7 bytes
// Control command 6 = SetPixelDataAddress
WritePixelDataAddress(ms, imageTopFieldDataAddress, imageBottomFieldDataAddress); // 5 bytes
// Control command exit
ms.WriteByte(255); // 1 byte
// Control Sequence Table
// Write delay - subtitle duration
WriteEndianWord(Convert.ToInt32(p.Duration.TotalMilliseconds * 90.0 - 1023) >> 10, ms);
// next display control sequence table address (use current is last)
WriteEndianWord(startDisplayControlSequenceTableAddress + 24, ms); // start of display control sequence table address
// Control command 2 = StopDisplay
// extra byte - for compatability with gpac/MP4BOX
ms.WriteByte(255); // 1 byte
return ms.ToArray();
public void WriteParagraph(Paragraph p, Bitmap bmp, ContentAlignment alignment) // inspired by code from SubtitleCreator
// timestamp: 00:00:33:900, filepos: 000000000
_idx.AppendLine(string.Format("timestamp: {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}:{3:000}, filepos: {4}", p.StartTime.Hours, p.StartTime.Minutes, p.StartTime.Seconds, p.StartTime.Milliseconds, _subFile.Position.ToString("X").PadLeft(9, '0').ToLower()));
var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
_emphasis2 = nbmp.ConverToFourColors(_background, _pattern, _emphasis1, _useInnerAntialiasing);
var twoPartBuffer = nbmp.RunLengthEncodeForDvd(_background, _pattern, _emphasis1, _emphasis2);
var imageBuffer = GetSubImageBuffer(twoPartBuffer, nbmp, p, alignment);
int bufferIndex = 0;
byte vobSubId = (byte)_languageStreamId;
var mwsub = new MemWriter(200000);
byte[] subHeader = new byte[30];
byte[] ts = new byte[4];
// Lended from "Son2VobSub" by Alain Vielle and Petr Vyskocil
// And also from Sup2VobSub by Emmel
subHeader[0] = 0x00; // MPEG 2 PACK HEADER
subHeader[1] = 0x00;
subHeader[2] = 0x01;
subHeader[3] = 0xba;
subHeader[4] = 0x44;
subHeader[5] = 0x02;
subHeader[6] = 0xc4;
subHeader[7] = 0x82;
subHeader[8] = 0x04;
subHeader[9] = 0xa9;
subHeader[10] = 0x01;
subHeader[11] = 0x89;
subHeader[12] = 0xc3;
subHeader[13] = 0xf8;
subHeader[14] = 0x00; // PES
subHeader[15] = 0x00;
subHeader[16] = 0x01;
subHeader[17] = 0xbd;
int packetSize = imageBuffer.Length;
long toWrite = packetSize; // Image buffer + control sequence length
bool header0 = true;
while (toWrite > 0)
long headerSize;
if (header0)
header0 = false;
// This is only for first packet
subHeader[20] = 0x81; // mark as original
subHeader[21] = 0x80; // first packet: PTS
subHeader[22] = 0x05; // PES header data length
// PTS (90kHz):
subHeader[23] = (byte)((ts[3] & 0xc0) >> 5 | 0x21);
subHeader[24] = (byte)((ts[3] & 0x3f) << 2 | (ts[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
subHeader[25] = (byte)((ts[2] & 0x3f) << 2 | (ts[1] & 0x80) >> 6 | 0x01);
subHeader[26] = (byte)((ts[1] & 0x7f) << 1 | (ts[0] & 0x80) >> 7);
subHeader[27] = (byte)((ts[0] & 0x7f) << 1 | 0x01);
const string pre = "0010"; // 0011 or 0010 ? (KMPlayer will not understand 0011!!!)
long newPts = (long)(p.StartTime.TotalSeconds * 90000.0 + 0.5);
string bString = Convert.ToString(newPts, 2).PadLeft(33, '0');
string fiveBytesString = pre + bString.Substring(0, 3) + "1" + bString.Substring(3, 15) + "1" + bString.Substring(18, 15) + "1";
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
subHeader[23 + i] = Convert.ToByte(fiveBytesString.Substring((i * 8), 8), 2);
subHeader[28] = vobSubId;
headerSize = 29;
subHeader[20] = 0x81; // mark as original
subHeader[21] = 0x00; // no PTS
subHeader[22] = 0x00; // header data length
subHeader[23] = vobSubId;
headerSize = 24;
if ((toWrite + headerSize) <= 0x800)
// write whole image in one 0x800 part
long j = (headerSize - 20) + toWrite;
subHeader[18] = (byte)(j / 0x100);
subHeader[19] = (byte)(j % 0x100);
// First Write header
for (int x = 0; x < headerSize; x++)
// Write Image Data
for (int x = 0; x < toWrite; x++)
// Pad remaining space
long paddingSize = 0x800 - headerSize - toWrite;
for (int x = 0; x < paddingSize; x++)
toWrite = 0;
// write multiple parts
long blockSize = 0x800 - headerSize;
long j = (headerSize - 20) + blockSize;
subHeader[18] = (byte)(j / 0x100);
subHeader[19] = (byte)(j % 0x100);
// First Write header
for (int x = 0; x < headerSize; x++)
// Write Image Data
for (int x = 0; x < blockSize; x++)
toWrite -= blockSize;
// Write whole memory stream to file
long endPosition = mwsub.GetPosition();
_subFile.Write(mwsub.GetBuf(), 0, (int)endPosition);
private static void WritePixelDataAddress(Stream stream, int imageTopFieldDataAddress, int imageBottomFieldDataAddress)
WriteEndianWord(imageTopFieldDataAddress, stream);
WriteEndianWord(imageBottomFieldDataAddress, stream);
private void WriteDisplayArea(Stream stream, NikseBitmap nbmp, ContentAlignment alignment)
// Write 6 bytes of area - starting X, ending X, starting Y, ending Y, each 12 bits
ushort startX = (ushort)((_screenWidth - nbmp.Width) / 2);
ushort startY = (ushort)(_screenHeight - nbmp.Height - _bottomMargin);
if (alignment == ContentAlignment.TopLeft || alignment == ContentAlignment.TopCenter || alignment == ContentAlignment.TopRight)
startY = (ushort)_bottomMargin;
if (alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight)
startY = (ushort)((_screenHeight / 2) - (nbmp.Height / 2));
if (alignment == ContentAlignment.TopLeft || alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || alignment == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft)
startX = (ushort)_leftRightMargin;
if (alignment == ContentAlignment.TopRight || alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight || alignment == ContentAlignment.BottomRight)
startX = (ushort)(_screenWidth - nbmp.Width - _leftRightMargin);
ushort endX = (ushort)(startX + nbmp.Width - 1);
ushort endY = (ushort)(startY + nbmp.Height - 1);
WriteEndianWord((ushort)(startX << 4 | endX >> 8), stream); // 16 - 12 start x + 4 end x
WriteEndianWord((ushort)(endX << 8 | startY >> 4), stream); // 16 - 8 endx + 8 starty
WriteEndianWord((ushort)(startY << 12 | endY), stream); // 16 - 4 start y + 12 end y
/// <summary>
/// Directly provides the four contrast (alpha blend) values to associate with the four pixel values. One nibble per pixel value for a total of 2 bytes. 0x0 = transparent, 0xF = opaque
/// </summary>
private void WriteContrast(Stream stream)
stream.WriteByte((byte)((_emphasis2.A << 4) | _emphasis1.A)); // emphasis2 + emphasis1
stream.WriteByte((byte)((_pattern.A << 4) | _background.A)); // pattern + background
/// <summary>
/// provides four indices into the CLUT for the current PGC to associate with the four pixel values. One nibble per pixel value for a total of 2 bytes.
/// </summary>
private static void WriteColors(Stream stream)
// Index to palette
const byte emphasis2 = 3;
const byte emphasis1 = 2;
const byte pattern = 1;
const byte background = 0;
stream.WriteByte((emphasis2 << 4) | emphasis1); // emphasis2 + emphasis1
stream.WriteByte((pattern << 4) | background); // pattern + background
public void WriteIdxFile()
string idxFileName = _subFileName.Substring(0, _subFileName.Length - 3) + "idx";
File.WriteAllText(idxFileName, _idx.ToString().Trim());
private StringBuilder CreateIdxHeader()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(@"# VobSub index file, v7 (do not modify this line!)
# To repair desynchronization, you can insert gaps this way:
# (it usually happens after vob id changes)
# delay: [sign]hh:mm:ss:ms
# Where:
# [sign]: +, - (optional)
# hh: hours (0 <= hh)
# mm/ss: minutes/seconds (0 <= mm/ss <= 59)
# ms: milliseconds (0 <= ms <= 999)
# Note: You can't position a sub before the previous with a negative value.
# You can also modify timestamps or delete a few subs you don't like.
# Just make sure they stay in increasing order.
# Settings
# Original frame size
size: " + _screenWidth + "x" + _screenHeight + @"
# Origin, relative to the upper-left corner, can be overloaded by aligment
org: 0, 0
# Image scaling (hor,ver), origin is at the upper-left corner or at the alignment coord (x, y)
scale: 100%, 100%
# Alpha blending
alpha: 100%
# Smoothing for very blocky images (use OLD for no filtering)
smooth: OFF
# In milliseconds
fadein/out: 50, 50
# Force subtitle placement relative to (org.x, org.y)
align: OFF at LEFT TOP
# For correcting non-progressive desync. (in milliseconds or hh:mm:ss:ms)
# Note: Not effective in DirectVobSub, use 'delay: ... ' instead.
time offset: 0
# ON: displays only forced subtitles, OFF: shows everything
forced subs: OFF
# The original palette of the DVD
palette: 000000, " + ToHexColor(_pattern) + ", " + ToHexColor(_emphasis1) + ", " + ToHexColor(_emphasis2) + @", 828282, 828282, 828282, ffffff, 828282, bababa, 828282, 828282, 828282, 828282, 828282, 828282
# Custom colors (transp idxs and the four colors)
custom colors: OFF, tridx: 0000, colors: 000000, 000000, 000000, 000000
# Language index in use
langidx: 0
# " + _languageName + @"
id: " + _languageNameShort + @", index: 0
# Decomment next line to activate alternative name in DirectVobSub / Windows Media Player 6.x
# alt: " + _languageName + @"
# Vob/Cell ID: 1, 1 (PTS: 0)");
return sb;
private static string ToHexColor(Color c)
return (c.R.ToString("X2") + c.G.ToString("X2") + c.B.ToString("X2")).ToLower();
private void ReleaseManagedResources()
if (_subFile != null)
_subFile = null;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)