mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 05:21:40 +01:00
237 lines
12 KiB
237 lines
12 KiB
<!-- Credit goes to: MilanRS [http://www.prijevodi-online.org] -->
<Word from="ču" to="ću" />
<Word from="češ" to="ćeš" />
<Word from="če" to="će" />
<Word from="ćš" to="ćeš" />
<Word from="ćmo" to="ćemo" />
<Word from="ćte" to="ćete" />
<Word from="čemo" to="ćemo" />
<Word from="čete" to="čete" />
<Word from="djete" to="dijete" />
<Word from="Hey" to="Hej" />
<Word from="hey" to="hej" />
<Word from="htjeo" to="htio" />
<Word from="Hočeš" to="Hoćeš" />
<Word from="hočeš" to="hoćeš" />
<Word from="iči" to="ići" />
<Word from="jel" to="je l'" />
<Word from="Jel" to="Je l'" />
<Word from="nedaj" to="ne daj" />
<Word from="odkad" to="otkad" />
<Word from="Odkad" to="Otkad" />
<Word from="odkako" to="otkako" />
<Word from="Odkako" to="Otkako" />
<Word from="Rješit" to="Riješit" />
<Word from="smjeo" to="smio" />
<Word from="uopče" to="uopće" />
<Word from="valda" to="valjda" />
<Word from="želila" to="željela" />
<PartialWordsAlways />
<WordPart from="¤" to="o" />
<WordPart from="vv" to="w" />
<WordPart from="IVI" to="M" />
<WordPart from="lVI" to="M" />
<WordPart from="IVl" to="M" />
<WordPart from="lVl" to="M" />
<LinePart from="bi smo" to="bismo" />
<LinePart from="dali je" to="da li je" />
<LinePart from="dali si" to="da li si" />
<LinePart from="Dali si" to="Da li si" />
<LinePart from="Jel sam ti" to="Jesam li ti" />
<LinePart from="Jel si" to="Jesi li" />
<LinePart from="Jel' si" to="Jesi li" />
<LinePart from="Je I'" to="Jesi li" />
<LinePart from="Jel si to" to="Jesi li to" />
<LinePart from="Jel' si to" to="Da li si to" />
<LinePart from="jel si to" to="da li si to" />
<LinePart from="jel' si to" to="jesi li to" />
<LinePart from="Jel si ti" to="Da li si ti" />
<LinePart from="Jel' si ti" to="Da li si ti" />
<LinePart from="jel si ti" to="da li si ti" />
<LinePart from="jel' si ti" to="da li si ti" />
<LinePart from="jel ste " to="jeste li " />
<LinePart from="Jel ste" to="Jeste li" />
<LinePart from="jel' ste " to="jeste li " />
<LinePart from="Jel' ste " to="Jeste li " />
<LinePart from="Jel su " to="Jesu li " />
<LinePart from="Jel da " to="Zar ne" />
<LinePart from="jel da " to="zar ne" />
<LinePart from="jel'da " to="zar ne" />
<LinePart from="Jeli sve " to="Je li sve" />
<LinePart from="Jeli on " to="Je li on" />
<LinePart from="Jeli ti " to="Je li ti" />
<LinePart from="jeli ti " to="je li ti" />
<LinePart from="Jeli to " to="Je li to" />
<LinePart from="Nebrini" to="Ne brini" />
<LinePart from="nedaj" to="ne daj" />
<LinePart from="ne ću" to="neću" />
<LinePart from="Nemogu" to="Ne mogu" />
<LinePart from="ne mogu" to="ne mogu" />
<LinePart from="Nemoraš" to="Ne moraš" />
<LinePart from="od kako" to="otkako" />
<LinePart from="Si dobro" to="Jesi li dobro" />
<LinePart from="Svo vreme" to="Sve vrijeme" />
<LinePart from="Svo vrijeme" to="Sve vrijeme" />
<LinePart from="Cijelo vrijeme" to="Sve vrijeme" />
<PartialLinesAlways />
<BeginLines />
<EndLines />
<WholeLines />
<RegEx find="đž" replaceWith="dž" />
<RegEx find="ajsmiješnij" replaceWith="ajsmješnij" />
<RegEx find="boži[čć]([aeiu]|em|ima)?\b" replaceWith="Božić$1" />
<RegEx find=" g-dine\.$" replaceWith=" gospodine." />
<RegEx find=" g-dine +(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽ])" replaceWith=" g. " />
<RegEx find="([gG])dine? +(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽ])" replaceWith="$1. " />
<RegEx find="([gG])-đo +(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽ])" replaceWith="$1gđo " />
<RegEx find="gdina +(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽ])" replaceWith="g. " />
<RegEx find=" gosp +" replaceWith=" g. " />
<RegEx find="Jel si sigur" replaceWith="Jesi li sigur" />
<RegEx find="Jel' si sigur" replaceWith="Jesi li sigur" />
<RegEx find="\b([jJ])el\?" replaceWith="$1e l'?" />
<RegEx find="\bJel'" replaceWith="Je l'" />
<RegEx find="([kK]alib(?:ar|r[aeui]))\. *([0-9])" replaceWith="$1 .$2" />
<RegEx find="([mM])jenjati" replaceWith="$1ijenjati" />
<RegEx find="([mM])oguč" replaceWith="$1oguć" />
<RegEx find="\b([nN])ebih?" replaceWith="$1e bi" />
<RegEx find="\b([nN])eč([ue]š?|emo|ete)\b" replaceWith="$1eć$2" />
<RegEx find="\b([nN])emože(mo|š|te)?\b" replaceWith="$1e može$2" />
<RegEx find="\b([nN])ezna([šm]o?|t[ei]|ju|jući|vši)?\b" replaceWith="$1e zna$2" />
<RegEx find="najcijenjen" replaceWith="najcjenjen" />
<RegEx find="N[jJ]u Jork" replaceWith="Njujork" />
<RegEx find="([oO])ružij([aeu])" replaceWith="$1ružj$2" />
<RegEx find="([oO])sječa" replaceWith="$1sjeća" />
<RegEx find="([pPdD])onje([lt])" replaceWith="$1onije$2" />
<RegEx find="([pP])objedi([mšto])" replaceWith="$1obijedi$2" />
<RegEx find="([pP])redamnom" replaceWith="$1reda mnom" />
<RegEx find="([pP])redpostav" replaceWith="$1retpostav" />
<RegEx find="([pP])rimjeti" replaceWith="$1rimijeti" />
<RegEx find="([pP])romjeni([mštol])" replaceWith="$1romijeni$2" />
<RegEx find="([rR])azumijeć" replaceWith="$1azumjeć" />
<RegEx find="rascjepljen" replaceWith="rascijepljen" />
<RegEx find="redhodn" replaceWith="rethodn" />
<RegEx find="rimjenjen" replaceWith="rimijenjen" />
<RegEx find="([^d])rješit" replaceWith="$1riješit" />
<RegEx find="([sSzZ])amnom" replaceWith="$1a mnom" />
<RegEx find="([sS])lijede[čć]([aeiu]|e[mg])" replaceWith="$1ljedeć$2" />
<RegEx find="([sS])mješno" replaceWith="$1miješno" />
<RegEx find="([uU])mijesto" replaceWith="$1mjesto" />
<RegEx find="([uU])spijeh" replaceWith="$1spjeh" />
<RegEx find="([uU])spiješ(an|n[aeiou]|no[mgj])" replaceWith="$1spješ$2" />
<RegEx find="([uU])vjek" replaceWith="$1vijek" />
<RegEx find="\b([vV])eč([aeiou])" replaceWith="$1eć$2" />
<RegEx find="([zZ])ahtijeva" replaceWith="$1ahtjeva" />
<RegEx find="([zZ])ahtjeva([ojlmšt])" replaceWith="$1ahtijeva$2" />
<RegEx find="([ks]ao)\.:" replaceWith="$1:" />
<RegEx find="(?<=[a-zčđšž])Ij(?=[a-zčđšž])" replaceWith="lj" />
<RegEx find="(?<=[^A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])Iju(?=bav|d|t)" replaceWith="lju" />
<!-- kad ima razmak između tagova </i> <i> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="(>) +(<)" replaceWith="$1$2" /> -->
<!-- ',"' to '",' -->
<RegEx find="(?<=\w),"(?=\s|$)" replaceWith=""," />
<RegEx find=",\.{3}|\.{3},|\.{2} \." replaceWith="..." />
<!-- "1 :", "2 :"... "n :" to "n:" -->
<RegEx find="([0-9]) +: +(\D)" replaceWith="$1: $2" />
<!-- Two or more consecutive "," to "..." -->
<RegEx find=",{2,}" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Two or more consecutive "-" to "..." -->
<RegEx find="-{2,}" replaceWith="..." />
<RegEx find="([^().])\.{2}([^().:])" replaceWith="$1...$2" />
<!-- separator stotica i decimalnog ostatka 1,499,000.00 -> 1.499.000,00 -->
<RegEx find="([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{2}[^0-9])" replaceWith="$1,$2" />
<RegEx find="([0-9]),([0-9]{3}\D)" replaceWith="$1.$2" />
<!-- Apostrophes -->
<RegEx find="´´" replaceWith=""" />
<!-- <RegEx find="[´`]" replaceWith="'" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="[“”]" replaceWith=""" /> -->
<RegEx find="''" replaceWith=""" />
<!-- Two or more consecutive '"' to one '"' -->
<RegEx find=""{2,}" replaceWith=""" />
<!-- Fix zero and capital 'o' ripping mistakes -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[0-9]\.?)O" replaceWith="0" />
<RegEx find="\b0(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])" replaceWith="O" />
<!-- Brisanje crte - na početku 1. reda (i kada ima dva reda) -->
<RegEx find="\A- ?([A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž0-9„'"]|\.{3})" replaceWith="$1" />
<RegEx find="\A(<[ibu]>)- ?" replaceWith="$1" />
<RegEx find=" - " replaceWith=" -" />
<!-- Brisanje razmaka iza crte - na početku 2. reda -->
<RegEx find="(?<=\n(<[ibu]>)?)- (?=[A-ZČĐŠŽčš0-9„'"<])" replaceWith="-" />
<!-- Korigovanje crte - kad je u sredini prvog reda -->
<RegEx find="([.!?">]) - ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš'"<])" replaceWith="$1 -$2" />
<!-- Zatvoren tag pa razmak poslije crtice -->
<RegEx find="(>) - ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš„'"])" replaceWith="$1 -$2" />
<!-- Zatvoren tag pa crtica razmak -->
<RegEx find="(>)- ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš„'"])" replaceWith="$1-$2" />
<!-- Zagrada pa crtica razmak -->
<RegEx find="\(- ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš„'"])" replaceWith="(-$1" />
<!-- Smart space after dot -->
<!-- osim kad je zadnje t (riječ kolt) -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[a-su-zá-úñä-ü])\.(?=[^\s\n().:?!*^“”'"<])" replaceWith=". " />
<!-- Oznaka za kalibar. Npr. "Colt .45" -->
<!-- Da bi radilo, da bi ovaj razmak bio dozvoljen, odčekirajte "Razmaci ispred tačke" -->
<RegEx find="t\.(?=[0-9]{2})" replaceWith="t ." />
<!-- Joey(j)a -->
<RegEx find="(?<=\b[A-Z][a-z])eyj(?=[a-z])" replaceWith="ey" />
<!-- Sređuje zarez sa razmakom -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšžá-úñä-ü"]),(?=[^\s(),?!“<])" replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" +,(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])" replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" +, +" replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" +,$" replaceWith="," />
<RegEx find="([?!])-" replaceWith="$1 -" />
<!-- Space after last of some consecutive dots (eg. "...") -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[a-zčđšž])(\.{3}|!)(?=[a-zčđšž])" replaceWith="$1 " />
<!-- Delete space after "..." that is at the beginning of the line. You may delete this line if you don't like it -->
<!-- <RegEx find="^\.{3} +" replaceWith="..." /> -->
<!-- "tekst ... tekst" mijenja u "tekst... tekst" -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž]) +\.{3} +" replaceWith="... " />
<RegEx find="(?<=\S)\. +"" replaceWith="."" />
<RegEx find="" +\." replaceWith=""." />
<RegEx find="(?<=\S\.{3}) +"(?=\s|$)" replaceWith=""" />
<RegEx find=" +\.{3}$" replaceWith="..." />
<RegEx find="(?<=[a-zčđšž])(?: +\.{3}|\.{2}$)" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Razmak ispred zagrade -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])\(" replaceWith=" (" />
<!-- Razmak iza upitnika -->
<RegEx find="\?(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽčš])" replaceWith="? " />
<RegEx find="(?<=^|>)\.{3} +(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽčš])" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Brise ... kad je na poč. reda "... -->
<RegEx find="^"\.{3} +" replaceWith=""" />
<RegEx find="(?<=[0-9])\$" replaceWith=" $$" />
<!-- ti š -> t š by Strider -->
<!-- Zamijeni sva "**ti šu*" s "**t šu*" i "**ti še*" s "**t še*" -->
<!-- <RegEx find="([a-z])ti (š+[eu])" replaceWith="$1t $2" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="([A-Za-z])ti( |\r?\n)(š[eu])" replaceWith="$1t$2$3" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="(?i)\b(ni)t (š[eu])" replaceWith="$1ti $2" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="\. +Mr. " replaceWith=". G. " /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="\. +Mrs. " replaceWith=". Gđa " /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find="\. +Miss " replaceWith=". Gđica " /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find=", +Mrs. " replaceWith=", gđo " /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find=", +Miss " replaceWith=", gđice " /> -->
<!-- Razmak poslije <i> i poslije .. -->
<RegEx find="^(<[ibu]>) +" replaceWith="$1" />
<RegEx find="^\.{2} +" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Razmak ? "</i> -->
<RegEx find="([.?!]) +("<)" replaceWith="$1$2" />
<!-- Bez razmaka kod Npr.: -->
<RegEx find="(?<=[Nn]pr\.) *: *" replaceWith=": " />
<RegEx find="\. ," replaceWith=".," />
<RegEx find="([?!])\." replaceWith="$1" />
<!-- Da ne kvari potpise sa ..:: -->
<RegEx find="\.{3}::" replaceWith="..::" />
<RegEx find="::\.{3}" replaceWith="::.." />
<RegEx find="\.{2} +::" replaceWith="..::" />
<!-- Skracenice bez razmaka -->
<RegEx find="d\. o\.o\." replaceWith="d.o.o." />
<!-- Kad red počinje sa ...pa malo slovo -->
<!-- <RegEx find="^\.{3}([a-zčđšž"<])" replaceWith="$1" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find=" +([.?!])" replaceWith="$1" /> -->
</OCRFixReplaceList> |