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284 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.Dictionaries;
namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core
public class FixCasing
public bool FixNormal = true;
public bool FixNormalOnlyAllUppercase = false;
public bool FixMakeLowercase = false;
public bool FixMakeUppercase = false;
private readonly string _language;
private readonly List<string> _names;
public FixCasing(string language)
_language = language;
var nameList = new NameList(Configuration.DictionariesDirectory, language, Configuration.Settings.WordLists.UseOnlineNames, Configuration.Settings.WordLists.NamesUrl);
_names = nameList.GetAllNames();
// Longer names must be first
_names.Sort((s1, s2) => s2.Length.CompareTo(s1.Length));
public int NoOfLinesChanged { get; set; }
public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle)
var subCulture = GetCultureInfoFromLanguage(_language);
Paragraph last = null;
foreach (Paragraph p in subtitle.Paragraphs)
if (last != null)
p.Text = Fix(p.Text, last.Text, _names, subCulture, p.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - last.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds);
p.Text = Fix(p.Text, string.Empty, _names, subCulture, 10000);
// fix casing of English alone i to I
if (FixNormal && _language.StartsWith("en", StringComparison.Ordinal))
p.Text = FixEnglishAloneILowerToUpper(p.Text);
p.Text = FixCasingAfterTitles(p.Text);
if (FixNormal)
p.Text = FixStutter(p.Text);
last = p;
private static CultureInfo GetCultureInfoFromLanguage(string language)
return CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(language);
return CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
private static string FixEnglishAloneILowerToUpper(string input)
const string pre = " >¡¿♪♫([";
const string post = " <!?.:;,♪♫)]";
var text = input;
if (text.StartsWith("I-i ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(0, 3).Insert(0, "I-I");
text = text.Replace(" i-i ", " I-I ");
if (text.StartsWith("I-i-i ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(0, 5).Insert(0, "I-I-I");
text = text.Replace(" i-i-i ", " I-I-I ");
if (text.StartsWith("I-if ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(0, 4).Insert(0, "I-If ");
for (var indexOfI = text.IndexOf('i'); indexOfI >= 0; indexOfI = text.IndexOf('i', indexOfI + 1))
if (indexOfI == 0 || pre.Contains(text[indexOfI - 1]))
if (text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i-i ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 3).Insert(indexOfI, "I-I");
else if (text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i-if ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 4).Insert(indexOfI, "I-If");
else if (indexOfI + 1 == text.Length || post.Contains(text[indexOfI + 1]))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
else if (indexOfI > 1 && indexOfI < text.Length - 2 && "\r\n".Contains(text[indexOfI + 1]) && text[indexOfI - 1] == ' ')
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
if (indexOfI > 1 && indexOfI < text.Length - 2 && "\r\n".Contains(text[indexOfI - 1]) && " .?!".Contains(text[indexOfI + 1]))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
else if (indexOfI > 1 && "\r\n ".Contains(text[indexOfI - 1]) && text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i-i ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 3).Insert(indexOfI, "I-I");
else if (indexOfI >= 1 && indexOfI < text.Length - 2 && "“\"".Contains(text[indexOfI - 1]) && " .?!".Contains(text[indexOfI + 1]))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
else if (indexOfI > 2 && text.Substring(indexOfI - 2).StartsWith("I-i ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI - 2, 3).Insert(indexOfI - 2, "I-I");
else if (indexOfI > 2 && text.Substring(indexOfI - 2).StartsWith("I-it's ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI - 2, 3).Insert(indexOfI - 2, "I-I");
else if (text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i'll ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
else if (text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i've ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
else if (text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i'm ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
else if (text.Substring(indexOfI).StartsWith("i'd ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
text = text.Remove(indexOfI, 1).Insert(indexOfI, "I");
return text;
private string FixCasingAfterTitles(string input)
var text = input;
var titles = new[] { "Mrs.", "Miss.", "Mr.", "Ms.", "Dr." };
var notChangeWords = new[] { "does", "has", "will", "is", "and", "for", "but", "or", "of" };
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length - 4; i++)
var start = text.Substring(i);
foreach (var title in titles)
if (start.StartsWith(title, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var idx = i + title.Length;
if (idx < text.Length - 2 && text[idx] == ' ')
var words = text.Substring(idx).Split(' ', '\r', '\n', ',', '"', '?', '!', '.', '\'');
if (words.Length > 0 && !notChangeWords.Contains(words[0]))
var upper = text[idx].ToString().ToUpperInvariant();
text = text.Remove(idx, 1).Insert(idx, upper);
return text;
public static string FixStutter(string text)
if (!text.Contains("-"))
return text;
var sb = new StringBuilder(text.Length);
bool firstLetter = true;
bool tagOn = false;
var index = 0;
while (index < text.Length)
var ch = text[index];
if (ch == '<' || ch == '{')
tagOn = true;
else if (ch == '<' || ch == '}')
tagOn = false;
else if (ch == '.' || ch == '!' || ch == '?')
firstLetter = true;
else if (!tagOn && char.IsLetter(ch))
if (firstLetter && index < text.Length - 6 && char.IsUpper(text[index]) &&
text[index + 1] == '-' && char.IsLower(text[index + 2]) && text[index] == char.ToUpperInvariant(text[index + 2]) &&
text[index + 3] == '-' && char.IsLower(text[index + 4]) && text[index] == char.ToUpperInvariant(text[index + 4]) &&
text[index + 5] != '-')
index += 4;
else if (firstLetter && index < text.Length - 4 && char.IsUpper(text[index]) &&
text[index + 1] == '-' && char.IsLower(text[index + 2]) && text[index] == char.ToUpperInvariant(text[index + 2]) &&
text[index + 3] != '-')
index += 2;
firstLetter = false;
return sb.ToString();
private string Fix(string original, string lastLine, List<string> nameList, CultureInfo subtitleCulture, double millisecondsFromLast)
var text = original;
if (FixNormal)
if (FixNormalOnlyAllUppercase && text != text.ToUpper(subtitleCulture))
return text;
if (text.Length > 1)
// first all to lower
text = text.ToLower(subtitleCulture).Trim();
text = text.FixExtraSpaces();
var st = new StrippableText(text);
st.FixCasing(nameList, false, true, true, lastLine, millisecondsFromLast); // fix all casing but names (that's a seperate option)
text = st.MergedString;
else if (FixMakeUppercase)
var st = new StrippableText(text);
text = st.Pre + st.StrippedText.ToUpper(subtitleCulture) + st.Post;
text = HtmlUtil.FixUpperTags(text); // tags inside text
else if (FixMakeLowercase)
text = text.ToLower(subtitleCulture);
if (original != text)
return text;