
395 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.TransportStream
public class DvbSubPes
public const int HeaderLength = 6;
public const int Mpeg2HeaderLength = 14;
public readonly UInt32 StartCode;
public readonly int StreamId;
public readonly int Length;
public readonly int ScramblingControl;
public readonly int Priority;
public readonly int DataAlignmentIndicator;
public readonly int Copyright;
public readonly int OriginalOrCopy;
public readonly int PresentationTimestampDecodeTimestampFlags;
public readonly int ElementaryStreamClockReferenceFlag;
public readonly int EsRateFlag;
public readonly int DsmTrickModeFlag;
public readonly int AdditionalCopyInfoFlag;
public readonly int CrcFlag;
public readonly int ExtensionFlag;
public readonly int HeaderDataLength;
public readonly UInt64? PresentationTimestamp;
public readonly UInt64? DecodeTimestamp;
public readonly int? SubPictureStreamId;
private readonly byte[] _dataBuffer;
public DvbSubPes(byte[] buffer, int index)
if (buffer.Length < 9)
StartCode = Helper.GetEndian(buffer, index + 0, 3);
StreamId = buffer[index + 3];
Length = Helper.GetEndianWord(buffer, index + 4);
ScramblingControl = (buffer[index + 6] >> 4) & Helper.B00000011;
Priority = buffer[index + 6] & Helper.B00001000;
DataAlignmentIndicator = buffer[index + 6] & Helper.B00000100;
Copyright = buffer[index + 6] & Helper.B00000010;
OriginalOrCopy = buffer[index + 6] & Helper.B00000001;
PresentationTimestampDecodeTimestampFlags = buffer[index + 7] >> 6;
ElementaryStreamClockReferenceFlag = buffer[index + 7] & Helper.B00100000;
EsRateFlag = buffer[index + 7] & Helper.B00010000;
DsmTrickModeFlag = buffer[index + 7] & Helper.B00001000;
AdditionalCopyInfoFlag = buffer[index + 7] & Helper.B00000100;
CrcFlag = buffer[index + 7] & Helper.B00001000;
ExtensionFlag = buffer[index + 7] & Helper.B00000010;
HeaderDataLength = buffer[index + 8];
if (StreamId == 0xBD) // 10111101 binary = 189 decimal = 0xBD hex -> private_stream_1
int id = buffer[index + 9 + HeaderDataLength];
if (id >= 0x20 && id <= 0x40) // x3f 0r x40 ?
SubPictureStreamId = id;
int tempIndex = index + 9;
if (PresentationTimestampDecodeTimestampFlags == Helper.B00000010 ||
PresentationTimestampDecodeTimestampFlags == Helper.B00000011)
PresentationTimestamp = (ulong)buffer[tempIndex + 4] >> 1;
PresentationTimestamp += (ulong)buffer[tempIndex + 3] << 7;
PresentationTimestamp += (ulong)(buffer[tempIndex + 2] & Helper.B11111110) << 14;
PresentationTimestamp += (ulong)buffer[tempIndex + 1] << 22;
PresentationTimestamp += (ulong)(buffer[tempIndex + 0] & Helper.B00001110) << 29;
if (PresentationTimestampDecodeTimestampFlags == Helper.B00000011)
DecodeTimestamp = (ulong)buffer[tempIndex + 4] >> 1;
DecodeTimestamp += (ulong)buffer[tempIndex + 3] << 7;
DecodeTimestamp += (ulong)(buffer[tempIndex + 2] & Helper.B11111110) << 14;
DecodeTimestamp += (ulong)buffer[tempIndex + 1] << 22;
DecodeTimestamp += (ulong)(buffer[tempIndex + 0] & Helper.B00001110) << 29;
int dataIndex = index + HeaderDataLength + 24 - Mpeg2HeaderLength;
int dataSize = Length - (4 + HeaderDataLength);
if (dataSize < 0 || (dataSize + dataIndex > buffer.Length)) // to fix bad subs...
dataSize = buffer.Length - dataIndex;
if (dataSize < 0)
_dataBuffer = new byte[dataSize + 1];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, dataIndex - 1, _dataBuffer, 0, _dataBuffer.Length); // why subtract one from dataIndex???
public DvbSubPes(int index, byte[] buffer)
int start = index;
Length = index + 1;
if (index + 9 >= buffer.Length)
if (buffer[0 + index] != 0x20)
if (buffer[1 + index] != 0)
SubtitleSegments = new List<SubtitleSegment>();
ClutDefinitions = new List<ClutDefinitionSegment>();
RegionCompositions = new List<RegionCompositionSegment>();
PageCompositions = new List<PageCompositionSegment>();
ObjectDataList = new List<ObjectDataSegment>();
// Find length of segments
index = start + 2;
var ss = new SubtitleSegment(buffer, index);
while (ss.SyncByte == Helper.B00001111)
index += 6 + ss.SegmentLength;
if (index + 6 < buffer.Length)
ss = new SubtitleSegment(buffer, index);
ss.SyncByte = Helper.B11111111;
Length = index;
int size = index - start;
_dataBuffer = new byte[size];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, start, _dataBuffer, 0, _dataBuffer.Length);
// Parse segments
index = 2;
ss = new SubtitleSegment(_dataBuffer, index);
while (ss.SyncByte == Helper.B00001111)
if (ss.ClutDefinition != null)
else if (ss.RegionComposition != null)
else if (ss.PageComposition != null)
else if (ss.ObjectData != null)
index += 6 + ss.SegmentLength;
if (index + 6 < _dataBuffer.Length)
ss = new SubtitleSegment(_dataBuffer, index);
ss.SyncByte = Helper.B11111111;
public bool IsDvbSubpicture
get { return SubPictureStreamId.HasValue && SubPictureStreamId.Value == 32; }
public int DataIdentifier
if (_dataBuffer == null || _dataBuffer.Length < 2)
return 0;
return _dataBuffer[0];
public int SubtitleStreamId
if (_dataBuffer == null || _dataBuffer.Length < 2)
return 0;
return _dataBuffer[1];
public List<SubtitleSegment> SubtitleSegments { get; set; }
public List<ClutDefinitionSegment> ClutDefinitions { get; set; }
public List<RegionCompositionSegment> RegionCompositions { get; set; }
public List<PageCompositionSegment> PageCompositions { get; set; }
public List<ObjectDataSegment> ObjectDataList { get; set; }
public void ParseSegments()
if (SubtitleSegments != null)
SubtitleSegments = new List<SubtitleSegment>();
ClutDefinitions = new List<ClutDefinitionSegment>();
RegionCompositions = new List<RegionCompositionSegment>();
PageCompositions = new List<PageCompositionSegment>();
ObjectDataList = new List<ObjectDataSegment>();
int index = 2;
var ss = new SubtitleSegment(_dataBuffer, index);
while (ss.SyncByte == Helper.B00001111)
if (ss.ClutDefinition != null)
else if (ss.RegionComposition != null)
else if (ss.PageComposition != null)
else if (ss.ObjectData != null)
index += 6 + ss.SegmentLength;
if (index + 6 < _dataBuffer.Length)
ss = new SubtitleSegment(_dataBuffer, index);
ss.SyncByte = Helper.B11111111;
private ClutDefinitionSegment GetClutDefinitionSegment(ObjectDataSegment ods)
foreach (RegionCompositionSegment rcs in RegionCompositions)
foreach (RegionCompositionSegmentObject o in rcs.Objects)
if (o.ObjectId == ods.ObjectId)
foreach (ClutDefinitionSegment cds in ClutDefinitions)
if (cds.ClutId == rcs.RegionClutId)
return cds;
if (ClutDefinitions.Count > 0)
return ClutDefinitions[0];
return null; // TODO: Return default clut
public Point GetImagePosition(ObjectDataSegment ods)
if (SubtitleSegments == null)
var p = new Point(0, 0);
foreach (RegionCompositionSegment rcs in RegionCompositions)
foreach (RegionCompositionSegmentObject o in rcs.Objects)
if (o.ObjectId == ods.ObjectId)
foreach (PageCompositionSegment cds in PageCompositions)
foreach (var r in cds.Regions)
if (r.RegionId == rcs.RegionId)
p.X = r.RegionHorizontalAddress + o.ObjectHorizontalPosition;
p.Y = r.RegionVerticalAddress + o.ObjectVerticalPosition;
return p;
p.X = o.ObjectHorizontalPosition;
p.Y = o.ObjectVerticalPosition;
return p;
public Bitmap GetImage(ObjectDataSegment ods)
if (SubtitleSegments == null)
if (ods.Image != null)
return ods.Image;
ClutDefinitionSegment cds = GetClutDefinitionSegment(ods);
ods.DecodeImage(_dataBuffer, ods.BufferIndex, cds);
return ods.Image;
public Bitmap GetImageFull()
if (SubtitleSegments == null)
int width = 720;
int height = 576;
var segments = SubtitleSegments;
foreach (SubtitleSegment ss in segments)
if (ss.DisplayDefinition != null)
width = ss.DisplayDefinition.DisplayWith;
height = ss.DisplayDefinition.DisplayHeight;
var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
foreach (var ods in ObjectDataList)
var odsImage = GetImage(ods);
if (odsImage != null)
var odsPoint = GetImagePosition(ods);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.DrawImageUnscaled(odsImage, odsPoint);
return bmp;
public static string GetStreamIdDescription(int streamId)
if (0xC0 <= streamId && streamId < 0xE0)
return "ISO/IEC 13818-3 or ISO/IEC 11172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-7 or ISO/IEC 14496-3 audio stream number " + (streamId & 0x1F).ToString("X4");
if (0xE0 <= streamId && streamId < 0xF0)
return "ITU-T Rec. H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 or ISO/IEC 11172-2 or ISO/IEC 14496-2 video stream number " + (streamId & 0x0F).ToString("X4");
switch (streamId)
case 0xBC: return "program_stream_map";
case 0xBD: return "private_stream_1";
case 0xBE: return "padding_stream";
case 0xBF: return "private_stream_2";
case 0xF0: return "ECM_stream";
case 0xF1: return "EMM_stream";
case 0xF2: return "DSMCC_stream";
case 0xF3: return "ISO/IEC_13522_stream";
case 0xF4: return "ITU-T Rec. H.222.1 type A";
case 0xF5: return "ITU-T Rec. H.222.1 type B";
case 0xF6: return "ITU-T Rec. H.222.1 type C";
case 0xF7: return "ITU-T Rec. H.222.1 type D";
case 0xF8: return "ITU-T Rec. H.222.1 type E";
case 0xF9: return "ancillary_stream";
case 0xFA: return "ISO/IEC14496-1_SL-packetized_stream";
case 0xFB: return "ISO/IEC14496-1_FlexMux_stream";
case 0xFC: return "metadata stream";
case 0xFD: return "extended_stream_id";
case 0xFE: return "reserved data stream";
case 0xFF: return "program_stream_directory";
default: return "?";
public ulong PresentationTimestampToMilliseconds()
if (PresentationTimestamp.HasValue)
return (ulong)Math.Round((PresentationTimestamp.Value + 45.0) / 90.0);
return 0;
public void WriteToStream(Stream stream)
stream.Write(_dataBuffer, 0, _dataBuffer.Length);