mirror of https://git.teknik.io/Teknikode/Teknik.git synced 2023-08-02 14:16:22 +02:00

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using nClam;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Teknik.Areas.Transparency.Models;
using Teknik.Areas.Upload.Models;
using Teknik.Areas.Users.Models;
using Teknik.Areas.Users.Utility;
using Teknik.Configuration;
using Teknik.Helpers;
using Teknik.Models;
namespace ServerMaint
public class Program
private static string currentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
private static string virusFile = Path.Combine(currentPath, "virusLogs.txt");
private static string errorFile = Path.Combine(currentPath, "errorLogs.txt");
private static string configPath = currentPath;
private const string TAKEDOWN_REPORTER = "Teknik Automated System";
public static event Action<string> OutputEvent;
public static int Main(string[] args)
ArgumentOptions options = new ArgumentOptions();
var parser = new CommandLine.Parser(config => config.HelpWriter = Console.Out);
if (parser.ParseArguments(args, options))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Config))
configPath = options.Config;
if (Directory.Exists(configPath))
Config config = Config.Load(configPath);
TeknikEntities db = new TeknikEntities();
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Started Server Maintenance Process.", DateTime.Now));
// Scan all the uploads for viruses, and remove the bad ones
if (options.ScanUploads && config.UploadConfig.VirusScanEnable)
ScanUploads(config, db);
// Cleans all inactive users
if (options.CleanUsers)
CleanUsers(config, db, options.DaysBeforeDeletion);
// Cleans the email for unused accounts
if (options.CleanEmails)
CleanEmail(config, db);
// Cleans all the git accounts that are unused
if (options.CleanGit)
CleanGit(config, db);
// Generates a file for all of the user's last seen dates
if (options.GenerateLastSeen)
GenerateLastSeen(config, db, options.LastSeenFile);
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Finished Server Maintenance Process.", DateTime.Now));
return 0;
string msg = string.Format("[{0}] Config File does not exist.", DateTime.Now);
File.AppendAllLines(errorFile, new List<string> { msg });
catch (Exception ex)
string msg = string.Format("[{0}] Exception: {1}", DateTime.Now, ex.GetFullMessage(true));
File.AppendAllLines(errorFile, new List<string> { msg });
return -1;
public static void ScanUploads(Config config, TeknikEntities db)
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Started Virus Scan.", DateTime.Now));
List<Upload> uploads = db.Uploads.ToList();
// Initialize ClamAV
ClamClient clam = new ClamClient(config.UploadConfig.ClamServer, config.UploadConfig.ClamPort);
clam.MaxStreamSize = config.UploadConfig.MaxUploadSize;
int totalCount = uploads.Count();
int totalScans = 0;
int totalClean = 0;
int totalViruses = 0;
foreach (Upload upload in uploads)
string subDir = upload.FileName[0].ToString();
string filePath = Path.Combine(config.UploadConfig.UploadDirectory, subDir, upload.FileName);
if (File.Exists(filePath))
// Read in the file
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
// If the IV is set, and Key is set, then decrypt it
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upload.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(upload.IV))
// Decrypt the data
data = AES.Decrypt(data, upload.Key, upload.IV);
// We have the data, let's scan it
ClamScanResult scanResult = clam.SendAndScanFile(data);
switch (scanResult.Result)
case ClamScanResults.Clean:
string cleanMsg = string.Format("[{0}] Clean Scan: {1}/{2} Scanned | {3} - {4}", DateTime.Now, totalScans, totalCount, upload.Url, upload.FileName);
case ClamScanResults.VirusDetected:
string msg = string.Format("[{0}] Virus Detected: {1} - {2} - {3}", DateTime.Now, upload.Url, upload.FileName, scanResult.InfectedFiles.First().VirusName);
File.AppendAllLines(virusFile, new List<string> { msg });
// Delete from the DB
// Delete the File
if (File.Exists(filePath))
case ClamScanResults.Error:
string errorMsg = string.Format("[{0}] Scan Error: {1}", DateTime.Now, scanResult.RawResult);
File.AppendAllLines(errorFile, new List<string> { errorMsg });
case ClamScanResults.Unknown:
string unkMsg = string.Format("[{0}] Unknown Scan Result: {1}", DateTime.Now, scanResult.RawResult);
File.AppendAllLines(errorFile, new List<string> { unkMsg });
2016-05-10 09:03:22 +02:00
if (totalViruses > 0)
// Add to transparency report if any were found
Takedown report = db.Takedowns.Create();
report.Requester = TAKEDOWN_REPORTER;
report.RequesterContact = config.SupportEmail;
report.DateRequested = DateTime.Now;
report.Reason = "Malware Found";
report.ActionTaken = string.Format("{0} Uploads removed", totalViruses);
report.DateActionTaken = DateTime.Now;
2016-05-10 09:03:22 +02:00
Output(string.Format("Scanning Complete. {0} Scanned | {1} Viruses Found | {2} Total Files", totalScans, totalViruses, totalCount));
public static void CleanUsers(Config config, TeknikEntities db, int maxDays)
int totalUsers = 0;
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Started Cleaning of Inactive Users.", DateTime.Now));
List<User> curUsers = db.Users.ToList();
foreach (User user in curUsers)
// If the username is reserved, don't clean it
2016-05-19 06:52:42 +02:00
if (UserHelper.UsernameReserved(config, user.Username))
// If the username is invalid, let's clean the sucker, data and all
2016-05-19 06:52:42 +02:00
if (!UserHelper.ValidUsername(config, user.Username))
UserHelper.DeleteAccount(db, config, user);
#region Inactivity Cleaning
DateTime lastActivity = UserHelper.GetLastAccountActivity(db, config, user);
TimeSpan inactiveTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastActivity);
// If older than max days, check their current usage
if (inactiveTime >= new TimeSpan(maxDays, 0, 0, 0, 0))
// Check the user's usage of the service.
bool noData = true;
// Any blog comments?
var blogCom = db.BlogComments.Include("Users").Where(c => c.UserId == user.UserId);
noData &= !(blogCom != null && blogCom.Any());
// Any blog posts?
var blogPosts = db.BlogPosts.Include("Blog").Include("Blog.Users").Where(p => p.Blog.UserId == user.UserId);
noData &= !(blogPosts != null && blogPosts.Any());
// Any podcast comments?
var podCom = db.PodcastComments.Include("Users").Where(p => p.UserId == user.UserId);
noData &= !(podCom != null && podCom.Any());
// Any email?
if (config.EmailConfig.Enabled)
var app = new hMailServer.Application();
app.Authenticate(config.EmailConfig.Username, config.EmailConfig.Password);
var domain = app.Domains.ItemByName[config.EmailConfig.Domain];
var account = domain.Accounts.ItemByAddress[UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, user.Username)];
noData &= ((account.Messages.Count == 0) && ((int)account.Size == 0));
catch { }
// Any git repos?
if (config.GitConfig.Enabled)
string email = UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, user.Username);
// We need to check the actual git database
MysqlDatabase mySQL = new MysqlDatabase(config.GitConfig.Database);
string sql = @"SELECT * FROM gogs.repository
LEFT JOIN gogs.action ON gogs.user.id = gogs.action.act_user_id
WHERE gogs.user.login_name = {0}";
var results = mySQL.Query(sql, new object[] { email });
noData &= !(results != null && results.Any());
if (noData)
// They have no data, so safe to delete them.
2016-05-19 06:52:42 +02:00
UserHelper.DeleteAccount(db, config, UserHelper.GetUser(db, user.Username));
if (totalUsers > 0)
// Add to transparency report if any users were removed
Takedown report = db.Takedowns.Create();
report.Requester = TAKEDOWN_REPORTER;
report.RequesterContact = config.SupportEmail;
report.DateRequested = DateTime.Now;
report.Reason = "User Inactive";
report.ActionTaken = string.Format("{0} Users Removed", totalUsers);
report.DateActionTaken = DateTime.Now;
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Finished Cleaning of Inactive Users. {1} Users Removed.", DateTime.Now, totalUsers));
public static void CleanEmail(Config config, TeknikEntities db)
if (config.EmailConfig.Enabled)
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Started Cleaning of Orphaned Email Accounts.", DateTime.Now));
List<User> curUsers = db.Users.ToList();
int totalAccounts = 0;
// Connect to hmailserver COM
var app = new hMailServer.Application();
app.Authenticate(config.EmailConfig.Username, config.EmailConfig.Password);
var domain = app.Domains.ItemByName[config.EmailConfig.Domain];
var accounts = domain.Accounts;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.Count; i++)
var account = accounts[i];
bool userExists = curUsers.Exists(u => UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, u.Username) == account.Address);
bool isReserved = UserHelper.GetReservedUsernames(config).Exists(r => UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, r).ToLower() == account.Address.ToLower());
if (!userExists && !isReserved)
// User doesn't exist, and it isn't reserved. Let's nuke it.
UserHelper.DeleteUserEmail(config, account.Address);
if (totalAccounts > 0)
// Add to transparency report if any users were removed
Takedown report = db.Takedowns.Create();
report.Requester = TAKEDOWN_REPORTER;
report.RequesterContact = config.SupportEmail;
report.DateRequested = DateTime.Now;
report.Reason = "Orphaned Email Account";
report.ActionTaken = string.Format("{0} Accounts Removed", totalAccounts);
report.DateActionTaken = DateTime.Now;
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Finished Cleaning of Orphaned Email Accounts. {1} Accounts Removed.", DateTime.Now, totalAccounts));
public static void CleanGit(Config config, TeknikEntities db)
if (config.GitConfig.Enabled)
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Started Cleaning of Orphaned Git Accounts.", DateTime.Now));
List<User> curUsers = db.Users.ToList();
int totalAccounts = 0;
// We need to check the actual git database
MysqlDatabase mySQL = new MysqlDatabase(config.GitConfig.Database);
string sql = @"SELECT gogs.user.login_name AS login_name, gogs.user.lower_name AS username FROM gogs.user";
var results = mySQL.Query(sql);
if (results != null && results.Any())
foreach (var account in results)
bool userExists = curUsers.Exists(u => UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, u.Username).ToLower() == account["login_name"].ToString().ToLower());
bool isReserved = UserHelper.GetReservedUsernames(config).Exists(r => UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, r) == account["login_name"].ToString().ToLower());
if (!userExists && !isReserved)
UserHelper.DeleteUserGit(config, account["username"].ToString());
if (totalAccounts > 0)
// Add to transparency report if any users were removed
Takedown report = db.Takedowns.Create();
report.Requester = TAKEDOWN_REPORTER;
report.RequesterContact = config.SupportEmail;
report.DateRequested = DateTime.Now;
report.Reason = "Orphaned Git Account";
report.ActionTaken = string.Format("{0} Accounts Removed", totalAccounts);
report.DateActionTaken = DateTime.Now;
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Finished Cleaning of Orphaned Git Accounts. {1} Accounts Removed.", DateTime.Now, totalAccounts));
public static void GenerateLastSeen(Config config, TeknikEntities db, string fileName)
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Started Generation of Last Activity List.", DateTime.Now));
List<User> curUsers = db.Users.ToList();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("Username,Last Activity,Creation Date,Last Website Activity,Last Email Activity,Last Git Activity");
foreach (User user in curUsers)
UserHelper.GetLastAccountActivity(db, config, user).ToString("g"),
UserHelper.UserEmailLastActive(config, UserHelper.GetUserEmailAddress(config, user.Username)).ToString("g"),
UserHelper.UserGitLastActive(config, user.Username).ToString("g")));
string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
File.WriteAllText(fileName, sb.ToString());
Output(string.Format("[{0}] Finished Generating Last Activity List.", DateTime.Now));
public static void Output(string message)
if (OutputEvent != null)