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using Stripe;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Teknik.BillingCore.Models;
using Teknik.Configuration;
namespace Teknik.BillingCore
public class StripeService : BillingService
public StripeService(BillingConfig config) : base(config)
StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = config.StripeSecretApiKey;
public override object GetCustomer(string id)
var service = new CustomerService();
return service.Get(id);
public override bool CreateCustomer(string email)
var options = new CustomerCreateOptions
Email = email,
var service = new CustomerService();
var customer = service.Create(options);
return customer != null;
public override List<Models.Product> GetProductList()
var productList = new List<Models.Product>();
var productService = new ProductService();
var options = new ProductListOptions
Active = true
var products = productService.List(options);
foreach (var product in products)
return productList;
public override Models.Product GetProduct(string productId)
var productService = new ProductService();
Stripe.Product product = productService.Get(productId);
if (product != null)
return ConvertProduct(product);
return null;
public override List<Models.Price> GetPriceList(string productId)
var foundPrices = new List<Models.Price>();
var options = new PriceListOptions
Active = true,
Product = productId
var priceService = new PriceService();
var priceList = priceService.List(options);
if (priceList != null)
foreach (var price in priceList)
return foundPrices;
public override Models.Price GetPrice(string priceId)
var priceService = new PriceService();
var price = priceService.Get(priceId);
if (price != null)
return ConvertPrice(price);
return null;
public override List<Models.Subscription> GetSubscriptionList(string customerId)
var subscriptionList = new List<Models.Subscription>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerId))
var options = new SubscriptionListOptions
Customer = customerId
var subService = new SubscriptionService();
var subs = subService.List(options);
if (subs != null)
foreach (var sub in subs)
return subscriptionList;
public override Models.Subscription GetSubscription(string subscriptionId)
var subService = new SubscriptionService();
var sub = subService.Get(subscriptionId);
if (sub != null)
return ConvertSubscription(sub);
return null;
public override Tuple<bool, string, string> CreateSubscription(string customerId, string priceId)
// Create the subscription. Note we're expanding the Subscription's
// latest invoice and that invoice's payment_intent
// so we can pass it to the front end to confirm the payment
var subscriptionOptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions
Customer = customerId,
Items = new List<SubscriptionItemOptions>
new SubscriptionItemOptions
Price = priceId,
PaymentBehavior = "default_incomplete",
var subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService();
Stripe.Subscription subscription = subscriptionService.Create(subscriptionOptions);
return new Tuple<bool, string, string>(true, subscription.Id, subscription.LatestInvoice.PaymentIntent.ClientSecret);
catch (StripeException e)
return new Tuple<bool, string, string>(false, $"Failed to create subscription. {e}", null);
public override bool EditSubscription(Models.Subscription subscription)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool RemoveSubscription(string subscriptionId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SyncSubscriptions()
throw new NotImplementedException();
private Models.Product ConvertProduct(Stripe.Product product)
return new Models.Product()
ProductId = product.Id,
Name = product.Name,
Description = product.Description,
Prices = GetPriceList(product.Id)
private Models.Price ConvertPrice(Stripe.Price price)
var interval = Interval.Once;
if (price.Type == "recurring")
switch (price.Recurring.Interval)
case "day":
interval = Interval.Day;
case "week":
interval = Interval.Week;
case "month":
interval = Interval.Month;
case "year":
interval = Interval.Year;
var convPrice = new Models.Price()
Id = price.Id,
ProductId = price.ProductId,
Name = price.Nickname,
Interval = interval,
Currency = price.Currency
if (price.UnitAmountDecimal != null)
convPrice.Amount = price.UnitAmountDecimal / 100;
if (price.Metadata.ContainsKey("storage"))
convPrice.Storage = long.Parse(price.Metadata["storage"]);
return convPrice;
private Models.Subscription ConvertSubscription(Stripe.Subscription subscription)
var status = SubscriptionStatus.Incomplete;
switch (subscription.Status)
case "active":
status = SubscriptionStatus.Active;
case "past_due":
status = SubscriptionStatus.PastDue;
case "unpaid":
status = SubscriptionStatus.Unpaid;
case "canceled":
status = SubscriptionStatus.Canceled;
case "incomplete":
status = SubscriptionStatus.Incomplete;
case "incomplete_expired":
status = SubscriptionStatus.IncompleteExpired;
case "trialing":
status = SubscriptionStatus.Trialing;
var prices = new List<Models.Price>();
if (subscription.Items != null)
foreach (var item in subscription.Items)
return new Models.Subscription()
Id = subscription.Id,
CustomerId = subscription.CustomerId,
Status = status,
Prices = prices