uniform sampler2D u_boneMap; uniform float u_vectorSize; uniform float u_rowSize; mat4 fetchMatrix(float column, float row) { column *= u_vectorSize * 4.0; row *= u_rowSize; // Add in half texel to sample in the middle of the texel. // Otherwise, since the sample is directly on the boundry, small floating point errors can cause the sample to get the wrong pixel. // This is mostly noticable with NPOT textures, which the bone maps are. column += 0.5 * u_vectorSize; row += 0.5 * u_rowSize; return mat4(texture2D(u_boneMap, vec2(column, row)), texture2D(u_boneMap, vec2(column + u_vectorSize, row)), texture2D(u_boneMap, vec2(column + u_vectorSize * 2.0, row)), texture2D(u_boneMap, vec2(column + u_vectorSize * 3.0, row))); }