restic: update example config file with all options

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas KAROLAK 2018-06-07 11:23:34 +02:00 committed by Jerome Charaoui
parent c0426653fc
commit 1661e23a11

View File

@ -8,71 +8,213 @@
# when = everyday at 01 # when = everyday at 01
[general] [general]
# Create a new backup of files and/or directories [yes/no]
#run_backup = yes
# Remove snapshots from the repository [yes/no]
#run_forget = yes
# Check the repository for errors [yes/no]
#run_check = no
# Remove unneeded data from the repository [yes/no]
#run_prune = no
# Build a new index file [yes/no]
#run_rebuild_index = no
# Repository to backup to or restore from [path]
repository = /mnt/backup repository = /mnt/backup
# Repository password [string]
password = secret password = secret
# backup = yes
# forget = no
# check = no
# prune = no
# rebuild_index = no
# [s3] # File to load root certificates from (default: use system certificates) [path]
# aws_access_key_id = #cacert =
# aws_secret_access_key =
# [swift] # Set the cache directory [path]
# os_auth_url = #cache_dir =
# os_tenant_id =
# os_tenant_name =
# os_username =
# os_password =
# [b2] # Auto remove old cache directories [yes/no]
# b2_account_id = #cleanup_cache =
# b2_account_key =
# [azure] # Set output mode to JSON for commands that support it [yes/no]
# azure_account_name = #json =
# azure_account_key =
# [gs] # Limits downloads to a maximum rate in KiB/s. (default: unlimited) [integer]
# google_project_id = #limit_download =
# google_application_credentials =
# [backup] # Limits uploads to a maximum rate in KiB/s. (default: unlimited) [integer]
# include = / #limit_upload =
# exclude = /dev
# exclude = /lost+found
# exclude = /media
# exclude = /mnt
# exclude = /proc
# exclude = /run
# exclude = /sys
# exclude = /tmp
# exclude = /var/cache
# exclude = /var/lock
# exclude = /var/spool
# exclude = /var/run
# exclude = /var/tmp
# flag = --one-file-system
# tag =
# [forget] # Do not use a local cache [yes/no]
# keep_last = 7 #no_cache =
# keep_hourly = 24
# keep_daily = 7
# keep_weekly = 4
# keep_monthly = 12
# keep_yearly = 3
# keep_within =
# keep_tag =
# flag = --prune
# [check] # Do not lock the repo, this allows some operations on read-only repos [yes/no]
# flag = #no_lock =
# [prune] # Set extended option (can be specified multiple times) [key=value]
# flag = #option =
# [rebuild_index] # Read the repository password from a file [path]
# flag = #password_file =
# Do not output comprehensive progress report [yes/no]
#quiet =
# Path to a file containing PEM encoded TLS client certificate and private key [path]
#tls_client_cert =
# Be verbose (level n) [integer]
#verbose =
#aws_access_key_id =
#aws_secret_access_key =
#os_auth_url =
#os_tenant_id =
#os_tenant_name =
#os_username =
#os_password =
#b2_account_id =
#b2_account_key =
#azure_account_name =
#azure_account_key =
#google_project_id =
#google_application_credentials =
# Files adn directories to backup (can be specified multiple times) [path]
#include = /
# Exclude a pattern (can be specified multiple times) [pattern]
#exclude = /dev
#exclude = /lost+found
#exclude = /media
#exclude = /mnt
#exclude = /proc
#exclude = /run
#exclude = /sys
#exclude = /tmp
#exclude = /var/cache
#exclude = /var/lock
#exclude = /var/spool
#exclude = /var/run
#exclude = /var/tmp
# Excludes cache directories that are marked with a CACHEDIR.TAG file [yes/no]
#exclude_caches =
# Read exclude patterns from a file (can be specified multiple times) [path]
#exclude_file =
# Takes filename[:header], exclude contents of directories containing filename (except filename itself) if header of that file is as provided (can be specified multiple times) [stringArray]
#exclude_if_present =
# Read the files to backup from file (can be combined with file args) [path]
#files_from =
# Force re-reading the target files/directories (overrides the "parent" flag) [yes/no]
#force =
# Set the hostname for the snapshot manually. To prevent an expensive rescan use the "parent" flag [string]
#hostname =
# Exclude other file systems [yes/no]
#one_file_system =
# Use this parent snapshot (default: last snapshot in the repo that has the same target files/directories) [string]
#parent =
# Add a tag for the new snapshot (can be specified multiple times) [string]
#tag =
# Time of the backup (ex. '2012-11-01 22:08:41') (default: now) [string]
#time =
# Store the atime for all files and directories [yes/no]
#with_atime =
# Keep the last n snapshots [integer]
#keep_last = 7
# Keep the last n hourly snapshots [integer]
#keep_hourly =
# Keep the last n daily snapshots [integer]
#keep_daily =
# Keep the last n weekly snapshots [integer]
#keep_weekly =
# Keep the last n monthly snapshots [integer]
#keep_monthly =
# Keep the last n yearly snapshots [integer]
#keep_yearly =
# Keep snapshots that were created within duration before the newest (e.g. 1y5m7d) [string]
#keep_within =
# Keep snapshots with this tag (can be specified multiple times) [string]
#keep_tag =
# Only consider snapshots with the given host [string]
#host =
# Only consider snapshots which include this tag (can be specified multiple times) [string]
#tag =
# Only consider snapshots which include this (absolute) path (can be specified multiple times) [string]
#path =
# Use compact format [yes/no]
#compact =
# String for grouping snapshots by host,paths,tags (default "host,paths") [string]
#group_by =
# Do not delete anything, just print what would be done [yes/no]
dry_run =
# Automatically run the 'prune' command if snapshots have been removed [yes/no]
#prune =
# Find unused blobs [yes/no]
#check_unused =
# Read all data blobs [yes/no]
#read_data =
# Read subset of data packs [string]
#read_data_subset =
# Use the cache [yes/no]
#with_cache =