rdiff works with sshd banner... rdiff local dest works... create logfile... when=hourly... rdiff nice...

This commit is contained in:
Elijah Saxon 2005-04-13 05:29:33 +00:00
parent fb77e73173
commit c7e96acc45
4 changed files with 53 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ function process_action() {
getconf when "$defaultwhen"
if [ "$processnow" == 1 ]; then
info "running $file because of --now"
elif [ "$when" == "hourly" ]; then
debug "running $file because 'when = hourly'"
for w in $when; do
@ -408,6 +410,7 @@ getconf GZIP /bin/gzip
getconf RSYNC /usr/bin/rsync
[ -d "$configdirectory" ] || fatal "Configuration directory '$configdirectory' not found."
[ -f "$logfile" ] || touch $logfile
if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then
echo "$0 can only be run as root"

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@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
version 0.5 -- April 12 2005
rdiff handler works when remote sshd has a banner
rdiff handler supports local dest
logfile is created if it doesn't exist
added "when = hourly"
xxxx fixed bug with 'when' option
added 'nice' to rdiff handler
fixed bug where actions were not run in numeric order.
version 0.4.4 -- March 18 2005
results of handlers are now read line by line.
changes to rdiff handler: added "options", and "keep" is

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@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
## passed directly to rdiff-backup
# options = --force
## default is 0, but set to 19 if you want to lower the priority.
# nicelevel = 19
## default is yes. set to no to skip the test if the remote host is alive
# testconnect = no
## source section
## (where the files to be backed up are coming from)
@ -18,6 +24,11 @@ type = local
# (you can also use the time format of rdiff-backup, e.g. 6D5h)
keep = 60
# a note about includes and excludes:
# all the excludes come after all the includes.
# otherwise, the order is not taken into account.
# currently, you cannot do "include = /"
# files to include in the backup
# (supports globbing with '*')
include = /var/spool/cron/crontabs
@ -40,17 +51,18 @@ include = /var/lib/dpkg/status-old
# only remote type is currently supported
# default is remote, if set to 'local' then
# ignore the 'host' and 'user' options.
type = remote
# the machine which will receive the backups
host = backuphost
# put the backups under this directory
directory = /backups
# the machine which will receive the backups
host = backuphost
# make the files owned by this user
# note: you must be able to ssh backupuser@backhost
# without specifying a password
# without specifying a password (if type = remote).
user = backupuser

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@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
getconf options
getconf testconnect yes
getconf nicelevel 0
setsection source
getconf type; sourcetype=$type
getconf label
getconf user root; sourceuser=$user
getconf keep 60
getconf include
getconf exclude
@ -24,29 +25,31 @@ getconf user; destuser=$user
getconf host; desthost=$host
[ "$destdir" != "" ] || fatal "Destination directory not set"
[ "$desttype" == "remote" ] || fatal "Only remote destinations are supported"
# see if we can login
debug "su $sourceuser -c \"ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser 'echo -n 1'\""
if [ ! $test ]; then
result=`su $sourceuser -c "ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser 'echo -n 1'" 2>&1`
if [ "$result" != "1" ]; then
fatal "Can't connect to $desthost as $destuser."
if [ "$desttype" == "remote" ]; then
# see if we can login
if [ "$testconnect" == "yes" ]; then
debug "ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser 'echo -n 1'"
ret=`ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser 'echo -n host is alive'`
if echo $ret | grep "host is alive"; then
debug "Connected to $desthost as $destuser successfully"
fatal "Can't connect to $desthost as $destuser."
# see that rdiff-backup has the same version as here
debug "su $sourceuser -c \"ssh $desthost -l $destuser '$RDIFFBACKUP -V'\""
if [ ! $test ]; then
remoteversion=`su $sourceuser -c "ssh $desthost -l $destuser '$RDIFFBACKUP -V'" 2>&1`
# see that rdiff-backup has the same version as here
debug "ssh $desthost -l $destuser '$RDIFFBACKUP -V'\""
remoteversion=`ssh $desthost -l $destuser "$RDIFFBACKUP -V | grep rdiff-backup"`
localversion=`$RDIFFBACKUP -V`
if [ "$remoteversion" != "$localversion" ]; then
fatal "rdiff-backup does not have the same version on this computer and the backup server."
### SOURCE ###
[ "$label" != "" ] || fatal "Source missing label"
@ -67,9 +70,9 @@ if [ "$desttype" == "remote" ]; then
debug "su $sourceuser -c '$removestr'"
debug "$removestr"
if [ ! $test ]; then
output=`su $sourceuser -c "$removestr" 2>&1`
output=`$removestr 2>&1`
if [ "$code" == "0" ]; then
debug $output
@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ if [ ! $test ]; then
execstr="$RDIFFBACKUP $options --print-statistics "
# TODO: order the includes and excludes
@ -104,9 +107,9 @@ execstr="${execstr}--exclude '/*' "
# include client-part and server-part
execstr="${execstr}$execstr_clientpart $execstr_serverpart"
debug "su $sourceuser -c '$execstr'"
debug "$execstr"
if [ ! $test ]; then
output=`su $sourceuser -c "$execstr" 2>&1`
output=`nice -n $nicelevel su -c "$execstr" 2>&1`
if [ "$code" == "0" ]; then
debug $output