init restic support

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas KAROLAK 2018-06-06 09:51:21 +02:00 committed by Jerome Charaoui
parent 568dbaa9fd
commit ca028e1959
2 changed files with 463 additions and 0 deletions

examples/example.restic Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# restic handler example file
# Mandatory options are un-commented with suggested values
# Other options are commented out with their default values
# when = everyday at 01
repository = /mnt/backup
password = secret
# backup = yes
# forget = no
# check = no
# prune = no
# rebuild_index = no
# [s3]
# aws_access_key_id =
# aws_secret_access_key =
# [swift]
# os_auth_url =
# os_tenant_id =
# os_tenant_name =
# os_username =
# os_password =
# [b2]
# b2_account_id =
# b2_account_key =
# [azure]
# azure_account_name =
# azure_account_key =
# [gs]
# google_project_id =
# google_application_credentials =
# [backup]
# include = /
# exclude = /dev
# exclude = /lost+found
# exclude = /media
# exclude = /mnt
# exclude = /proc
# exclude = /run
# exclude = /sys
# exclude = /tmp
# exclude = /var/cache
# exclude = /var/lock
# exclude = /var/spool
# exclude = /var/run
# exclude = /var/tmp
# flag = --one-file-system
# tag =
# [forget]
# keep_last = 7
# keep_hourly = 24
# keep_daily = 7
# keep_weekly = 4
# keep_monthly = 12
# keep_yearly = 3
# keep_within =
# keep_tag =
# flag = --prune
# [check]
# flag =
# [prune]
# flag =
# [rebuild_index]
# flag =

handlers/restic Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
# -*- mode: sh; sh-basic-offset: 3; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# vim: set filetype=sh sw=3 sts=3 expandtab autoindent:
# restic script for backupninja
setsection general
getconf repository
getconf password
getconf backup "yes"
getconf forget "no"
getconf check "no"
getconf prune "no"
getconf rebuild_index "no"
setsection s3
getconf aws_access_key_id
getconf aws_secret_access_key
setsection swift
getconf os_auth_url
getconf os_tenant_id
getconf os_tenant_name
getconf os_username
getconf os_password
setsection b2
getconf b2_account_id
getconf b2_account_key
setsection azure
getconf azure_account_name
getconf azure_account_key
setsection gs
getconf google_project_id
getconf google_application_credentials
### SANITY CHECKS ##############################################################
[ -n "$repository" ] \
&& export RESTIC_REPOSITORY=$repository \
&& debug "The restic repository is: $repository" \
|| fatal "The repo option must be set."
[ -n "$password" ] \
&& export RESTIC_PASSWORD=$password \
&& debug "The restic password is set." \
|| fatal "The password option must be set."
# SFTP repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "sftp" ]; then
remote="$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $2}')"
# try SSH connection
ssh -q $remote exit \
&& debug "Connection to '$remote' established successfully." \
|| fatal "Cannot connect to '$remote'."
# REST Server repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "rest" ]; then
remote="$(echo ${repository#rest:})"
# try HTTP connection
[[ "$(curl -I $remote 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d$' ' -f2)" == "200" ]] \
&& debug "Connection to '$remote' established successfully." \
|| fatal "Cannot connect to '$remote'."
# Amazon S3 repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "s3" ]; then
[ -n "$aws_access_key_id" ] \
&& export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$aws_access_key_id \
&& debug "The Amazon access key ID is: $aws_access_key_id" \
|| fatal "Amazon access key ID option must be set for S3 backups."
[ -n "$aws_secret_access_key" ] \
&& export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$aws_secret_access_key \
&& debug "The Amazon secret access key is set." \
|| fatal "Amazon secret access key option must be set for S3 backups."
# OpenStack Swift repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "swift" ]; then
[ -n "$os_auth_url" ] \
&& export OS_AUTH_URL=$os_auth_url \
&& debug "The OpenStack Auth URL is: $os_auth_url" \
|| fatal "OpenStack authentication URL option must be set for Swift backups."
[ -n "$os_tenant_id" ] \
&& export OS_TENANT_ID=$os_tenant_id \
&& debug "The OpenStack tenant ID is: $os_tenant_id" \
|| fatal "OpenStack tenant ID option must be set for Swift backups."
[ -n "$os_tenant_name" ] \
&& export OS_TENANT_NAME=$os_tenant_name \
&& debug "The OpenStack tenant name is: $os_tenant_name" \
|| fatal "OpenStack tenant name option must be set for Swift backups."
[ -n "$os_username" ] \
&& export OS_USERNAME=$os_username \
&& debug "The OpenStack username is: $os_username" \
|| fatal "OpenStack username option must be set for Swift backups."
[ -n "$os_password" ] \
&& export OS_PASSWORD=$os_password \
&& debug "The OpenStack password is set." \
|| fatal "OpenStack password option must be set for Swift backups."
# Backblaze B2 repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "b2" ]; then
[ -n "$b2_account_id" ] \
&& export B2_ACCOUNT_ID=$b2_account_id \
&& debug "The Blackbaze account ID is: $b2_account_id" \
|| fatal "Blackbaze account ID option must be set for B2 backups."
[ -n "$b2_account_key" ] \
&& export B2_ACCOUNT_KEY=$b2_account_key \
&& debug "The Blackbaze account key is set." \
|| fatal "Blackbaze account key option must be set for B2 backups."
# Microsoft Azure Blob Storage repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "azure" ]; then
[ -n "$azure_account_name" ] \
&& export AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME=$azure_account_name \
&& debug "The Azure account name is: $azure_account_name" \
|| fatal "Azure account name option must be set for Azure backups."
[ -n "$azure_account_key" ] \
&& export AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$azure_account_key \
&& debug "The Blackbaze account key is set." \
|| fatal "Azure account key option must be set for Azure backups."
# Google Cloud Storage repository
if [ "$(echo $repository | /usr/bin/awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" == "gs" ]; then
[ -n "$google_project_id" ] \
&& export GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID=$google_project_id \
&& debug "The Google project ID is: $google_project_id" \
|| fatal "Google project ID option must be set for GS Storage backups."
[ -n "$google_application_credentials" ] \
&& export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$google_application_credentials \
&& debug "The Google application credentials path is set." \
|| fatal "Google application credentials path option must be set for GS Storage backups."
### BACKUP #####################################################################
if [[ "$backup" == "yes" ]]; then
setsection backup
getconf include "/"
getconf exclude "/dev /lost+found /media /mnt /proc /run /sys /tmp /var/cache /var/lock /var/spool /var/run /var/tmp"
getconf flag "--one-file-system"
getconf tag
# prevent bash from expanding glob
set -f
[ -n "$include" ] \
&& debug "These files and directories will be included in backups: $include" \
|| fatal "No files or directories specified for backup."
[ -n "$exclude" ] \
&& debug "Files matching the following patterns will be excluded from backups: $exclude" \
|| debug "No exclusion patterns defined."
[ -n "$flag" ] \
&& debug "The following additional flags will be applied to backups: $flag" \
|| debug "No additional flags defined."
[ -n "$tag" ] \
&& debug "The following tags will be added to backups: $tag" \
|| debug "No tags defined."
# format exclusion list
exclude=$(for i in $exclude; do echo "--exclude=$i "; done)
# exclude local repository from backups
[ -d "$repostory" ] \
&& exclude+="--exclude=$repository"
# format tags list
tag=$(for i in $tag; do echo "--tag=$i "; done)
# format command
cmd="restic backup $flag $tag $include $exclude"
cmd="${cmd//$'\n'/' '}"
# execute backup
info "Taking backup snapshot."
debug "Running: $cmd"
$cmd \
|| fatal "Restic backup failed."
# set bash orginal globbing behavior
set +f
### FORGET #####################################################################
if [[ "$forget" == "yes" ]]; then
setsection forget
getconf keep_last "7"
getconf keep_hourly "24"
getconf keep_daily "7"
getconf keep_weekly "4"
getconf keep_monthly "12"
getconf keep_yearly "3"
getconf keep_within
getconf keep_tag
getconf flag "--prune"
[ -n "$keep_last" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_last" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_last' is set, it must be an integer." ) \
&& debug "Never delete the $keep_last last (most recent) snapshots." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_last' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_hourly" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_hourly" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_hourly' is set, it must be an integer." ) \
&& debug "For the last $keep_hourly hours in which a snapshot was made, keep only the last snapshot for each hour." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_hourly' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_daily" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_daily" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_daily' is set, it must be an integer." ) \
&& debug "For the last $keep_daily days which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that day." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_daily' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_weekly" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_weekly" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_weekly' is set, it must be an integer." ) \
&& debug "For the last $keep_weekly weeks which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that week." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_weekly' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_monthly" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_monthly" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_monthly' is set, it must be an integer." ) \
&& debug "For the last $keep_monthly months which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that month." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_monthly' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_yearly" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_yearly" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_yearly' is set, it must be an integer." ) \
&& debug "For the last $keep_year years which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that year." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_yearly' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_within" ] \
&& ( [[ "$keep_within" =~ ^([0-9]+[ymwdh])+$ ]] || fatal "If 'keep_within' is set, it must looks like '2y5m7d'." ) \
&& debug "Keep all snapshots which have been made within '$keep_within' of the latest snapshot." \
|| debug "Option 'keep_within' is not set."
[ -n "$keep_tag" ] \
&& debug "Keep all snapshots tagged: $keep_tag" \
|| debug "Option 'keep_tag' is not set."
[ -n "$flag" ] \
&& debug "The following additional flags will be applied to backups: $flag" \
|| debug "No additional flags defined."
# format tags list
keep_options=$(for i in $keep_tag; do echo "--tag=$i "; done)
# concatenate range options
keeps=( last hourly daily weekly monthly yearly within )
for range in "${keeps[@]}"; do
[ -n "${!keep_range}" ] \
&& keep_options+=" --keep-${range} ${!keep_range}"
# format command
cmd="restic forget $flag $keep_options"
cmd="${cmd//$'\n'/' '}"
# execute forget
info "Removing old snapshots based on defined retention policy."
debug "Running: $cmd"
$cmd \
|| fatal "Restic forget expired snapshots failed."
### CHECK ######################################################################
if [[ "$check" == "yes" ]]; then
setsection check
getconf flag
# format command
cmd="restic check $flag"
cmd="${cmd//$'\n'/' '}"
# execute check
info "Checking repository integrity and consistency."
debug "Running: $cmd"
$cmd \
|| fatal "Restic check repository integrity and consistency failed."
### PRUNE ######################################################################
if [[ "$prune" == "yes" ]]; then
setsection prune
getconf flag
# format command
cmd="restic prune $flag"
cmd="${cmd//$'\n'/' '}"
# execute prune
info "Removing data not referenced and not needed any more."
debug "Running: $cmd"
$cmd \
|| fatal "Restic prune repository failed."
### REBUILD INDEX ##############################################################
if [[ "$rebuild_index" == "yes" ]]; then
setsection rebuild_index
getconf flag
# format command
cmd="restic rebuild-index $flag"
cmd="${cmd//$'\n'/' '}"
# execute rebuild-index
info "Rebuilding index based on files in the repository."
debug "Running: $cmd"
$cmd \
|| fatal "Restic rebuild index repository failed."
### CLEAN UP ###################################################################
debug "Unsetting environment variables"
return 0