Jérôme Charaoui ed55eaab73
install packages with explicit TMPDIR
For package installation, the runner $TMPDIR may not be big enough, eg
when rebuilding an initramfs it runs out of space, so use a new function
that sets it explicitly.
2023-02-12 13:00:21 -05:00

455 lines
15 KiB

load common
begin_dup() {
install_pkgs debootstrap duplicity trickle
if [ ! -d /var/cache/bntest ]; then
debootstrap --variant=minbase testing "$BN_SRCDIR"
setup_dup() {
cat << EOF > "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/test.dup"
when = manual
options =
nicelevel = 0
testconnect = no
ionicelevel =
tmpdir = /tmp
password = 123test
signpassword =
sign =
encryptkey =
signkey =
include = ${BN_SRCDIR}
exclude = ${BN_SRCDIR}/var
incremental = yes
increments = 30
keep = yes
keepincroffulls = all
desturl = file:///${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup
sshoptions =
bandwidthlimit = 0
desthost =
destdir = ${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup
destuser =
chmod 0640 "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/test.dup"
# reset duplicity archive-dir
# default path set by handler is /var/cache/backupninja
finish_dup() {
cleanup_backups local remote
# cleanup duplicity cache dir
rm -rf /var/cache/backupninja
remote_command "sudo rm -rf /var/cache/backupninja"
# cleanup test gpg keys
gpg --list-secret-keys \*@bntest0 | grep -e '^\s\+[A-Z0-9]\{40\}' | tr -d ' ' | xargs -L1 sudo gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --no-tty --yes
gpg --list-keys \*@bntest0 | grep -e '^\s\+[A-Z0-9]\{40\}' | tr -d ' ' | xargs -L1 sudo gpg --delete-keys --batch --no-tty --yes
@test "check ssh connection test" {
setconfig testconnect yes
setconfig dest destuser $BN_REMOTEUSER
setconfig dest desthost $BN_REMOTEHOST
delconfig dest desturl
greplog "Debug: Connected to ${BN_REMOTEHOST} as ${BN_REMOTEUSER} successfully$"
@test "check config parameter nicelevel" {
# nicelevel is 0 by default
delconfig nicelevel
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\bnice -n 0\b'
# nicelevel is defined
setconfig nicelevel -19
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\bnice -n -19\b'
@test "check config parameter ionicelevel" {
# no ionice by default
delconfig ionicelevel
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\bionice -c2\b'
# acceptable value
setconfig ionicelevel 7
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\bionice -c2 -n 7\b'
# unacceptable value
setconfig ionicelevel 10
greplog 'Fatal: The value of ionicelevel is expected to be either empty or an integer from 0 to 7. Got: 10$'
@test "check config parameter options" {
setconfig options "--verbosity 8"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\s--verbosity 8\b'
@test "check config parameter tmpdir" {
# tmpdir undefined
delconfig tmpdir
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\s--tmpdir\b'
# tmpdir defined
setconfig tmpdir /tmp
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\s--tmpdir /tmp\b'
@test "check config parameter source/include" {
# missing path
delconfig source include
greplog 'Fatal: No source includes specified.$'
# single path
setconfig source include "$BN_SRCDIR"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--include '${BN_SRCDIR}'"
# multiple paths
setconfig_repeat source include "$BN_SRCDIR" /foo /bar
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--include '${BN_SRCDIR}' --include '/foo' --include '/bar'\s"
@test "check config parameter source/exclude" {
# absent path
delconfig source exclude
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--include '${BN_SRCDIR}' --exclude '\*\*' /\s"
# single path
setconfig source exclude "${BN_SRCDIR}/var"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--exclude '${BN_SRCDIR}/var'\s"
# multiple paths
setconfig_repeat source exclude "$BN_SRCDIR/var" "$BN_SRCDIR/foo" "$BN_SRCDIR/bar"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--exclude '${BN_SRCDIR}/var' --exclude '${BN_SRCDIR}/foo' --exclude '${BN_SRCDIR}/bar'\s"
@test "check config parameter dest/incremental" {
# absent parameter, defaults to yes
delconfig dest incremental
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' 'Debug: nice -n 0 LC_ALL=C duplicity --no-print-statistics'
# defined, set to yes
setconfig dest incremental yes
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' 'Debug: nice -n 0 LC_ALL=C duplicity --no-print-statistics'
# defined, set to no
setconfig dest incremental no
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' 'Debug: nice -n 0 LC_ALL=C duplicity full --no-print-statistics'
@test "check config parameter dest/increments" {
# absent parameter, defaults to 30
delconfig dest increments
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\s--full-if-older-than 30D\b'
# defined, set to 60
setconfig dest increments 60
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\s--full-if-older-than 60D\b'
# defined, set to keep
setconfig dest increments keep
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' '\s--full-if-older-than\s'
@test "check config parameter dest/keep" {
# absent parameter, defaults to 60
delconfig dest keep
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity remove-older-than$' '\sduplicity remove-older-than 60D\b'
# defined, set to 180
setconfig dest keep 180
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity remove-older-than$' '\sduplicity remove-older-than 180D\b'
# defined, set to yes
setconfig dest keep yes
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity remove-older-than$'
@test "check config parameter dest/keepincroffulls" {
# absent parameter, defaults to all
setconfig dest keep 30
delconfig dest keepincroffulls
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full$'
# defined, set to 1
setconfig dest keep 30
setconfig dest keepincroffulls 1
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full$' '\sduplicity remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full 1\b'
# defined, set to all
setconfig dest keep 30
setconfig dest keepincroffulls all
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full$'
@test "check config parameter dest/awsaccesskeyid" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/awssecretaccesskey" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/cfusername" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/cfapikey" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/cfauthurl" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/dropboxappkey" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/dropboxappsecret" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/dropboxaccesstoken" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/ftp_password" {
skip "not implemented"
@test "check config parameter dest/sshoptions" {
# undefined
delconfig dest sshoptions
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--ssh-options ''\s"
# defined
setconfig dest sshoptions "-oIdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\s--ssh-options '-oIdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa'\s"
@test "check config parameter dest/bandwidthlimit" {
# undefined, disabled by default
delconfig dest bandwidthlimit
not_greplog "\btrickle -s\b"
# defined, set to 250, local file path
setconfig dest bandwidthlimit 250
setconfig dest desturl "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
greplog 'Warning: The bandwidthlimit option is not used with a local file path destination.'
not_greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\strickle -s -d 250 -u 250 duplicity\s"
# defined, set to 250, remote path
setconfig dest bandwidthlimit 250
setconfig dest desturl "sftp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@${BN_REMOTEHOST}:22${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\strickle -s -d 250 -u 250 duplicity\s"
@test "check config parameter dest/desturl" {
# undefined desturl
delconfig dest desturl
delconfig dest desthost
greplog 'Fatal: The destination host (desthost) must be set when desturl is not used.$'
# desturl, file protocol
setconfig dest desturl "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\sfile://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup$"
# desturl, sftp protocol
setconfig dest desturl "sftp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@${BN_REMOTEHOST}:22${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\ssftp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@${BN_REMOTEHOST}:22${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup$"
@test "check config parameters dest/desthost, dest/destuser, dest/destdir" {
delconfig dest desturl
setconfig dest desthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig dest destuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
setconfig dest destdir "$BN_BACKUPDIR/testdup"
greplog 'Debug: executing duplicity$' "\sscp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@${BN_REMOTEHOST}/${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup$"
@test "create local backup with symmetric encryption" {
cleanup_backups local
mkdir -p /var/backups/testdup
setconfig gpg password 123test
setconfig dest desturl "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
delconfig dest destdir
greplog "Debug: Data will be encrypted using symmetric encryption."
greplog "Info: Duplicity finished successfully."
@test "verify local backup with symmetric encryption" {
export PASSPHRASE="123foo"
run duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
[ "$status" -eq 31 ]
export PASSPHRASE="123test"
duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
@test "create local backup with public key encryption, unsigned" {
cleanup_backups local
mkdir -p /var/backups/testdup
setconfig gpg encryptkey "$BN_ENCRYPTKEY"
setconfig gpg password 123test
setconfig dest desturl "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
delconfig dest destdir
greplog "Debug: Data will be encrypted with the GnuPG key $BN_ENCRYPTKEY.$"
greplog "Debug: Data won't be signed."
greplog "Info: Duplicity finished successfully."
@test "verify local backup with public key encryption, unsigned" {
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123foo"
run duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
[ "$status" -eq 31 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "gpg: public key decryption failed: Bad passphrase"
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123encrypt"
duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
@test "create local backup with public key encryption, signed with same key" {
cleanup_backups local
mkdir -p /var/backups/testdup
setconfig gpg encryptkey "$BN_ENCRYPTKEY"
setconfig gpg password 123encrypt
setconfig gpg sign yes
setconfig dest desturl "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
delconfig dest destdir
greplog "Debug: Data will be encrypted ang signed with the GnuPG key ${BN_ENCRYPTKEY}.$"
greplog "Info: Duplicity finished successfully."
@test "verify local backup with public key encryption, signed with same key" {
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123foo"
run duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
[ "$status" -eq 31 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "gpg: public key decryption failed: Bad passphrase"
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123encrypt"
duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
@test "create local backup with public key encryption, signed with different key" {
cleanup_backups local
mkdir -p /var/backups/testdup
setconfig gpg encryptkey "$BN_ENCRYPTKEY"
setconfig gpg password 123encrypt
setconfig gpg sign yes
setconfig gpg signkey "$BN_SIGNKEY"
setconfig gpg signpassword 123sign
setconfig dest desturl "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
delconfig dest destdir
greplog "Debug: Data will be encrypted with the GnuPG key ${BN_ENCRYPTKEY}.$"
greplog "Debug: Data will be signed with the GnuPG key ${BN_SIGNKEY}.$"
greplog "Info: Duplicity finished successfully."
@test "verify local backup with public key encryption, signed with different key" {
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123foo" SIGN_PASSPHRASE="123foo"
run duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
[ "$status" -eq 31 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "gpg: public key decryption failed: Bad passphrase"
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123encrypt" SIGN_PASSPHRASE="123sign"
duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "file://${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
@test "create remote backup with symmetric encryption" {
setconfig gpg password 123test
delconfig dest desturl
setconfig dest destuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
setconfig dest desthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig dest destdir "${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
cleanup_backups remote
greplog "Debug: Data will be encrypted using symmetric encryption."
greplog "Info: Duplicity finished successfully."
@test "verify remote backup with symmetric encryption" {
export PASSPHRASE="123foo"
run duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "scp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@$BN_REMOTEHOST/${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
[ "$status" -eq 31 ]
export PASSPHRASE="123test"
duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "scp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@$BN_REMOTEHOST/${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
@test "create remote backup with public key encryption, signed with same key" {
setconfig gpg encryptkey "$BN_ENCRYPTKEY"
setconfig gpg password 123encrypt
setconfig gpg sign yes
delconfig dest desturl
setconfig dest destuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
setconfig dest desthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig dest destdir "${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup"
cleanup_backups remote
greplog "Debug: Data will be encrypted ang signed with the GnuPG key ${BN_ENCRYPTKEY}.$"
greplog "Info: Duplicity finished successfully."
@test "verify remote backup with public key encryption, signed with same key" {
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123foo"
run duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "scp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@$BN_REMOTEHOST/${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"
[ "$status" -eq 31 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "gpg: public key decryption failed: Bad passphrase"
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent && export PASSPHRASE="123encrypt"
duplicity verify --archive-dir "$BN_DUPARCHIVEDIR" "scp://${BN_REMOTEUSER}@$BN_REMOTEHOST/${BN_BACKUPDIR}/testdup" "$BN_SRCDIR"