2021-01-24 14:17:27 -05:00

339 lines
14 KiB

load common
teardown_backupninja() {
[ -x /usr/bin/mail.moved ] && mv /usr/bin/mail.moved /usr/bin/mail
[ -x /usr/bin/rsync.moved ] && mv /usr/bin/rsync.moved /usr/bin/rsync
create_test_action() {
echo '#!/bin/sh' > "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
echo "$1 $2" >> "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
chmod 0750 "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
@test "general: usage information is displayed" {
run backupninja --help
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[0]}" = "/usr/sbin/backupninja usage:" ]
@test "general: error thrown on bad command-line option" {
run backupninja --foo
[ "$status" -eq 3 ]
echo "${lines[0]}" | grep -q "Error: Unknown option --foo"
@test "general: error thrown on attempt to run as non-root user" {
run sudo -u vagrant backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 3 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = "backupninja can only be run as root" ]
@test "general: logfile is created" {
run backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log" ]
@test "general: no backup actions configured is logged" {
run backupninja --test -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[0]}" = "Info: No backup actions configured in '${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d', run ninjahelper!" ]
@test "general: file without suffix in action directory is ignored" {
touch "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/test"
chmod 0640 "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/test"
run backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Info: Skipping ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/test" "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "permissions: error thrown when backup action is owned by non-root user" {
chown vagrant: "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
run backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 2 ]
echo "${lines[0]}" | grep -qe '^Configuration files must be owned by root!'
@test "permissions: error thrown when backup action is world readable" {
chmod 0755 "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
run backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 2 ]
echo "${lines[0]}" | grep -qe '^Configuration files must not be world writable/readable!'
@test "permissions: error thrown when backup action group ownership is bad" {
chgrp staff "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 2 ]
echo "${lines[0]}" | grep -qe '^Configuration files must not be writable/readable by group staff!'
@test "permissions: admingroup allows non-root group ownership of backup action" {
setconfig backupninja.conf admingroup staff
chgrp staff "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@test "reports: report is mailed when halts > 0" {
create_test_action halt test_halt
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q "\*halt\* -- ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/" /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: report is mailed when fatals > 0" {
create_test_action fatal test_error
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q "\*failed\* -- ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/" /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: report is mailed when reportwarning = yes and warnings > 0" {
create_test_action warning test_warning
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess no
setconfig backupninja.conf reportwarning yes
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q "Warning: test_warning" /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: report is mailed when reportsuccess = yes" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q "success -- ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/" /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: success report contains informational messages" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q "Info: test_info" /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: success report contains disk space info" {
create_test_action info test_info
echo "directory = /" >> "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportspace yes
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q "/dev/sda1" /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: emits error if mail executable is not found" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
mv /usr/bin/mail /usr/bin/mail.moved
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "reports: wraps report text to 1000 columns by default" {
create_test_action info "$(printf \'=%.0s\' {1..2000})"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q '^=\{1000\}$' /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: wraps report text according to reportwrap" {
create_test_action info "$(printf \'=%.0s\' {1..2000})"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportwrap 100
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
sleep 0.1
grep -q '^=\{100\}$' /var/mail/vagrant
@test "reports: reporthost sends report to remote host" {
cleanup_backups remote
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportdirectory "$BN_BACKUPDIR"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
ssh "${BN_REMOTEUSER}@${BN_REMOTEHOST}" test -s "${BN_BACKUPDIR}/backupninja.log"
@test "reports: emits error when reportuser is empty" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportdirectory "$BN_BACKUPDIR"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "reports: emits error when reportdirectory is empty" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "reports: emits error when rsync is not found" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
mv /usr/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync.moved
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "reports: emits error when reporthost is invalid" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost foo
setconfig backupninja.conf reportuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportdirectory "$BN_BACKUPDIR"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "reports: emits error when reportuser is invalid" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportuser foo
setconfig backupninja.conf reportdirectory "$BN_BACKUPDIR"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "reports: emits error when reportdirectory is unwritable" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf reportsuccess yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reportinfo yes
setconfig backupninja.conf reporthost "$BN_REMOTEHOST"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportuser "$BN_REMOTEUSER"
setconfig backupninja.conf reportdirectory "/foo"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "scheduling: runs when = 'everyday at 01' and time matches" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when 'everyday at 01'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-12 01:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Info: FINISHED: 1 actions run. 0 fatal. 0 error. 0 warning." "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: skips when = 'everyday at 01' and time is mismatched" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when 'everyday at 01'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-12 02:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Debug: skipping ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/ because current time does not match everyday at 01" "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: runs when = 'Tuesday at 04' and time matches" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when 'Tuesday at 04'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-12 04:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Info: FINISHED: 1 actions run. 0 fatal. 0 error. 0 warning." "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: skips when = 'Tuesday at 04' and time is mismatched" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when 'Tuesday at 04'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-13 04:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Debug: skipping ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/ because current time does not match Tuesday at 04" "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: runs when = '1st at 10' and time matches" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when '1st at 10'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-01 10:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Info: FINISHED: 1 actions run. 0 fatal. 0 error. 0 warning." "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: skips when = '1st at 10' and time is mismatched" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when '1st at 10'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-15 10:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Debug: skipping ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/ because current time does not match 1st at 10" "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: runs when = '21 at 09:00' and time matches" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when '21 at 09:00'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-21 09:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Info: FINISHED: 1 actions run. 0 fatal. 0 error. 0 warning." "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "scheduling: skips when = '21 at 09:00' and time is mismatched" {
create_test_action info test_info
setconfig backupninja.conf when '21 at 09:00'
run faketime -f '@2018-06-22 09:00:00' backupninja -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
grep -q "Debug: skipping ${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/ because current time does not match 21 at 09:00" "${BATS_TMPDIR}/log/backupninja.log"
@test "exit code: rc=2 when halt error raised in handler" {
create_test_action halt test_halt
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 2 ]
@test "exit code: rc=2 when fatal error raised in handler" {
create_test_action fatal test_fatal
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 2 ]
@test "exit code: rc=1 when error raised in handler" {
create_test_action error test_error
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "exit code: rc=1 when warning raised in handler and reportwarning=yes" {
create_test_action warning test_warning
setconfig backupninja.conf reportwarning yes
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "exit code: rc=0 when warning raised in handler and reportwarning=no" {
create_test_action warning test_warning
setconfig backupninja.conf reportwarning no
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@test "exit code: rc=0 when no warnings/errors raised in handler" {
create_test_action "true"
run backupninja --now -f "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backupninja.conf" --run "${BATS_TMPDIR}/backup.d/"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]