just some initial code that still requires a lot of work ...
- folders
- old-style albums (which are nearly all of them ...)
- images from users
- OAuth
It could also happen that the API credentials used will become invalid
whenever my 14 day trial period ends (7 days remaining), but that
would just require users to supply their own.
calling 'abort()' in a filter aborts the current extractor run
in a cleaner way than using something like 1/0, which
causes an error message to be printed
Missing or undefined keywords will now be replaced with the value
set for 'keywords-default'. The default is Python's 'None', which
is equivalent to setting this option to JSON's 'null'.
Instead of a dictionary/object, input file options are now specified
by a 'key=value' pair starting with '-' for options only applying to
the next URL or '-G' for Global options applying to all following URLs.
See the docstring of parse_inputfile() for details.
Example option specifiers:
- filename = "{id}.{extension}"
- extractor.pixiv.user.directory = ["Pixiv Users", "{user[id]}"]
-G keywords = {"global": "option"}
- see docstring of parse_inputfile() for details
- TODO: unittests, recursion (currently setting for example
{"extractor": {"key": "value"}} will override the whole "extractor"
branch instead of merging {"key": "value"} into the already existing
- '--no-part' command line option to disable them
- 'downloader.http.part' and 'downloader.text.part' config options
Disabling .part files restores the behaviour of the old downloader
Trying to restrict access to Python's builtin functions (exec,
print, __import__, ...) can easily be circumvented and is
therefore completely pointless.
This also adds 'safe_int()' and the 'datetime' module to the global
namespace used when evaluating filter expressions.
This allows for image filtering via Python expressions by the same
metadata that is also used to build filenames (--list-keywords).
The usually shunned eval() function is used to evaluate
filter-expressions, but it seemed quite appropriate in this case and
shouldn't introduce any new security issues, as any attacker that could do
> gallery-dl --filter "delete-everything()" ...
could as well do
> python -c "delete-everything()"
Duplicate URLs might occur if, for example, an artist adds another
image to his gallery while an extractor is running and images are being
downloaded on sites like pixiv/nijie/hentaifoundry.
The next image on the next page will have already been downloaded and
will cause a premature end if '--abort-on-skip' is being used.
When using 2 or more config files, the values of the second would
improperly overwrite nested dictionaries of the first one.
The new method properly combines these nested dictionaries as well.
the 'skip' config option controls skipping behavior:
true - skip download if file already exist (default)
false - download and overwrite files even if it exists
"abort" - abort extractor run if a download would be skipped
(same as '--abort-on-skip')