mirror of https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl.git synced 2025-02-01 03:51:42 +01:00
Mike Fährmann 57fc6fcf83
replace '24*3600' with '86400'
and generalize cache maxage values
2023-12-18 23:57:22 +01:00

272 lines
9.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://mangadex.org/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, util, exception
from ..cache import cache, memcache
from collections import defaultdict
BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?mangadex\.(?:org|cc)"
class MangadexExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for mangadex extractors"""
category = "mangadex"
directory_fmt = (
"{category}", "{manga}",
"{volume:?v/ />02}c{chapter:>03}{chapter_minor}{title:?: //}")
filename_fmt = (
archive_fmt = "{chapter_id}_{page}"
root = "https://mangadex.org"
_cache = {}
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.uuid = match.group(1)
def _init(self):
self.session.headers["User-Agent"] = util.USERAGENT
self.api = MangadexAPI(self)
def items(self):
for chapter in self.chapters():
uuid = chapter["id"]
data = self._transform(chapter)
data["_extractor"] = MangadexChapterExtractor
self._cache[uuid] = data
yield Message.Queue, self.root + "/chapter/" + uuid, data
def _transform(self, chapter):
relationships = defaultdict(list)
for item in chapter["relationships"]:
manga = self.api.manga(relationships["manga"][0]["id"])
for item in manga["relationships"]:
cattributes = chapter["attributes"]
mattributes = manga["attributes"]
lang = cattributes.get("translatedLanguage")
if lang:
lang = lang.partition("-")[0]
if cattributes["chapter"]:
chnum, sep, minor = cattributes["chapter"].partition(".")
chnum, sep, minor = 0, "", ""
data = {
"manga" : (mattributes["title"].get("en") or
"manga_id": manga["id"],
"title" : cattributes["title"],
"volume" : text.parse_int(cattributes["volume"]),
"chapter" : text.parse_int(chnum),
"chapter_minor": sep + minor,
"chapter_id": chapter["id"],
"date" : text.parse_datetime(cattributes["publishAt"]),
"lang" : lang,
"language": util.code_to_language(lang),
"count" : cattributes["pages"],
"_external_url": cattributes.get("externalUrl"),
data["artist"] = [artist["attributes"]["name"]
for artist in relationships["artist"]]
data["author"] = [author["attributes"]["name"]
for author in relationships["author"]]
data["group"] = [group["attributes"]["name"]
for group in relationships["scanlation_group"]]
data["status"] = mattributes["status"]
data["tags"] = [tag["attributes"]["name"]["en"]
for tag in mattributes["tags"]]
return data
class MangadexChapterExtractor(MangadexExtractor):
"""Extractor for manga-chapters from mangadex.org"""
subcategory = "chapter"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/chapter/([0-9a-f-]+)"
example = ("https://mangadex.org/chapter"
def items(self):
data = self._cache.pop(self.uuid)
except KeyError:
chapter = self.api.chapter(self.uuid)
data = self._transform(chapter)
if data.get("_external_url") and not data["count"]:
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"Chapter %s%s is not available on MangaDex and can instead be "
"read on the official publisher's website at %s.",
data["chapter"], data["chapter_minor"], data["_external_url"])
yield Message.Directory, data
server = self.api.athome_server(self.uuid)
chapter = server["chapter"]
base = "{}/data/{}/".format(server["baseUrl"], chapter["hash"])
enum = util.enumerate_reversed if self.config(
"page-reverse") else enumerate
for data["page"], page in enum(chapter["data"], 1):
text.nameext_from_url(page, data)
yield Message.Url, base + page, data
class MangadexMangaExtractor(MangadexExtractor):
"""Extractor for manga from mangadex.org"""
subcategory = "manga"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:title|manga)/(?!feed$)([0-9a-f-]+)"
example = ("https://mangadex.org/title"
def chapters(self):
return self.api.manga_feed(self.uuid)
class MangadexFeedExtractor(MangadexExtractor):
"""Extractor for chapters from your Followed Feed"""
subcategory = "feed"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/title/feed$()"
example = "https://mangadex.org/title/feed"
def chapters(self):
return self.api.user_follows_manga_feed()
class MangadexAPI():
"""Interface for the MangaDex API v5
def __init__(self, extr):
self.extractor = extr
self.headers = {}
self.username, self.password = extr._get_auth_info()
if not self.username:
self.authenticate = util.noop
server = extr.config("api-server")
self.root = ("https://api.mangadex.org" if server is None
else text.ensure_http_scheme(server).rstrip("/"))
def athome_server(self, uuid):
return self._call("/at-home/server/" + uuid)
def chapter(self, uuid):
params = {"includes[]": ("scanlation_group",)}
return self._call("/chapter/" + uuid, params)["data"]
def manga(self, uuid):
params = {"includes[]": ("artist", "author")}
return self._call("/manga/" + uuid, params)["data"]
def manga_feed(self, uuid):
order = "desc" if self.extractor.config("chapter-reverse") else "asc"
params = {
"order[volume]" : order,
"order[chapter]": order,
return self._pagination("/manga/" + uuid + "/feed", params)
def user_follows_manga_feed(self):
params = {"order[publishAt]": "desc"}
return self._pagination("/user/follows/manga/feed", params)
def authenticate(self):
self.headers["Authorization"] = \
self._authenticate_impl(self.username, self.password)
@cache(maxage=900, keyarg=1)
def _authenticate_impl(self, username, password):
refresh_token = _refresh_token_cache(username)
if refresh_token:
self.extractor.log.info("Refreshing access token")
url = self.root + "/auth/refresh"
data = {"token": refresh_token}
self.extractor.log.info("Logging in as %s", username)
url = self.root + "/auth/login"
data = {"username": username, "password": password}
data = self.extractor.request(
url, method="POST", json=data, fatal=None).json()
if data.get("result") != "ok":
raise exception.AuthenticationError()
if refresh_token != data["token"]["refresh"]:
_refresh_token_cache.update(username, data["token"]["refresh"])
return "Bearer " + data["token"]["session"]
def _call(self, endpoint, params=None):
url = self.root + endpoint
while True:
response = self.extractor.request(
url, params=params, headers=self.headers, fatal=None)
if response.status_code < 400:
return response.json()
if response.status_code == 429:
until = response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Retry-After")
msg = ", ".join('{title}: {detail}'.format_map(error)
for error in response.json()["errors"])
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"%s %s (%s)", response.status_code, response.reason, msg)
def _pagination(self, endpoint, params=None):
if params is None:
params = {}
config = self.extractor.config
ratings = config("ratings")
if ratings is None:
ratings = ("safe", "suggestive", "erotica", "pornographic")
lang = config("lang")
if isinstance(lang, str) and "," in lang:
lang = lang.split(",")
params["contentRating[]"] = ratings
params["translatedLanguage[]"] = lang
params["includes[]"] = ("scanlation_group",)
params["offset"] = 0
api_params = config("api-parameters")
if api_params:
while True:
data = self._call(endpoint, params)
yield from data["data"]
params["offset"] = data["offset"] + data["limit"]
if params["offset"] >= data["total"]:
@cache(maxage=28*86400, keyarg=0)
def _refresh_token_cache(username):
return None