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synced 2025-02-01 03:51:42 +01:00
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490 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://e-hentai.org/ and https://exhentai.org/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, util, exception
from ..cache import cache
import itertools
import math
BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?(e[x-]|g\.e-)hentai\.org"
class ExhentaiExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for exhentai extractors"""
category = "exhentai"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{gid} {title[:247]}")
filename_fmt = "{gid}_{num:>04}_{image_token}_{filename}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{gid}_{num}"
cookies_domain = ".exhentai.org"
cookies_names = ("ipb_member_id", "ipb_pass_hash")
root = "https://exhentai.org"
request_interval = 5.0
LIMIT = False
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.version = match.group(1)
def initialize(self):
domain = self.config("domain", "auto")
if domain == "auto":
domain = ("ex" if self.version == "ex" else "e-") + "hentai.org"
self.root = "https://" + domain
self.cookies_domain = "." + domain
if self.version != "ex":
self.cookies.set("nw", "1", domain=self.cookies_domain)
self.original = self.config("original", True)
limits = self.config("limits", False)
if limits and limits.__class__ is int:
self.limits = limits
self._remaining = 0
self.limits = False
def request(self, url, **kwargs):
response = Extractor.request(self, url, **kwargs)
if response.history and response.headers.get("Content-Length") == "0":
self.log.info("blank page")
raise exception.AuthorizationError()
return response
def login(self):
"""Login and set necessary cookies"""
if self.LIMIT:
raise exception.StopExtraction("Image limit reached!")
if self.cookies_check(self.cookies_names):
username, password = self._get_auth_info()
if username:
return self.cookies_update(self._login_impl(username, password))
self.log.info("no username given; using e-hentai.org")
self.root = "https://e-hentai.org"
self.cookies_domain = ".e-hentai.org"
self.cookies.set("nw", "1", domain=self.cookies_domain)
self.original = False
self.limits = False
@cache(maxage=90*24*3600, keyarg=1)
def _login_impl(self, username, password):
self.log.info("Logging in as %s", username)
url = "https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=Login&CODE=01"
headers = {
"Referer": "https://e-hentai.org/bounce_login.php?b=d&bt=1-1",
data = {
"CookieDate": "1",
"b": "d",
"bt": "1-1",
"UserName": username,
"PassWord": password,
"ipb_login_submit": "Login!",
response = self.request(url, method="POST", headers=headers, data=data)
if b"You are now logged in as:" not in response.content:
raise exception.AuthenticationError()
return {c: response.cookies[c] for c in self.cookies_names}
class ExhentaiGalleryExtractor(ExhentaiExtractor):
"""Extractor for image galleries from exhentai.org"""
subcategory = "gallery"
pattern = (BASE_PATTERN +
example = "https://e-hentai.org/g/12345/67890abcde/"
def __init__(self, match):
ExhentaiExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.key = {}
self.count = 0
self.gallery_id = text.parse_int(match.group(2) or match.group(5))
self.gallery_token = match.group(3)
self.image_token = match.group(4)
self.image_num = text.parse_int(match.group(6), 1)
def _init(self):
source = self.config("source")
if source == "hitomi":
self.items = self._items_hitomi
def favorite(self, slot="0"):
url = self.root + "/gallerypopups.php"
params = {
"gid": self.gallery_id,
"t" : self.gallery_token,
"act": "addfav",
data = {
"favcat" : slot,
"apply" : "Apply Changes",
"update" : "1",
self.request(url, method="POST", params=params, data=data)
def items(self):
if self.gallery_token:
gpage = self._gallery_page()
self.image_token = text.extr(gpage, 'hentai.org/s/', '"')
if not self.image_token:
self.log.error("Failed to extract initial image token")
self.log.debug("Page content:\n%s", gpage)
ipage = self._image_page()
ipage = self._image_page()
part = text.extr(ipage, 'hentai.org/g/', '"')
if not part:
self.log.error("Failed to extract gallery token")
self.log.debug("Page content:\n%s", ipage)
self.gallery_token = part.split("/")[1]
gpage = self._gallery_page()
data = self.get_metadata(gpage)
self.count = text.parse_int(data["filecount"])
yield Message.Directory, data
def _validate_response(response):
# declared inside 'items()' to be able to access 'data'
if not response.history and response.headers.get(
"content-type", "").startswith("text/html"):
return True
images = itertools.chain(
(self.image_from_page(ipage),), self.images_from_api())
for url, image in images:
if self.limits:
if "/fullimg.php" in url:
data["_http_validate"] = _validate_response
data["_http_validate"] = None
yield Message.Url, url, data
fav = self.config("fav")
if fav is not None:
def _items_hitomi(self):
if self.config("metadata", False):
data = self.metadata_from_api()
data["date"] = text.parse_timestamp(data["posted"])
data = {}
from .hitomi import HitomiGalleryExtractor
url = "https://hitomi.la/galleries/{}.html".format(self.gallery_id)
data["_extractor"] = HitomiGalleryExtractor
yield Message.Queue, url, data
def get_metadata(self, page):
"""Extract gallery metadata"""
data = self.metadata_from_page(page)
if self.config("metadata", False):
data["date"] = text.parse_timestamp(data["posted"])
return data
def metadata_from_page(self, page):
extr = text.extract_from(page)
data = {
"gid" : self.gallery_id,
"token" : self.gallery_token,
"thumb" : extr("background:transparent url(", ")"),
"title" : text.unescape(extr('<h1 id="gn">', '</h1>')),
"title_jpn" : text.unescape(extr('<h1 id="gj">', '</h1>')),
"_" : extr('<div id="gdc"><div class="cs ct', '"'),
"eh_category" : extr('>', '<'),
"uploader" : extr('<div id="gdn">', '</div>'),
"date" : text.parse_datetime(extr(
'>Posted:</td><td class="gdt2">', '</td>'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
"parent" : extr(
'>Parent:</td><td class="gdt2"><a href="', '"'),
"expunged" : "Yes" != extr(
'>Visible:</td><td class="gdt2">', '<'),
"language" : extr('>Language:</td><td class="gdt2">', ' '),
"filesize" : text.parse_bytes(extr(
'>File Size:</td><td class="gdt2">', '<').rstrip("Bb")),
"filecount" : extr('>Length:</td><td class="gdt2">', ' '),
"favorites" : extr('id="favcount">', ' '),
"rating" : extr(">Average: ", "<"),
"torrentcount" : extr('>Torrent Download (', ')'),
if data["uploader"].startswith("<"):
data["uploader"] = text.unescape(text.extr(
data["uploader"], ">", "<"))
f = data["favorites"][0]
if f == "N":
data["favorites"] = "0"
elif f == "O":
data["favorites"] = "1"
data["lang"] = util.language_to_code(data["language"])
data["tags"] = [
text.unquote(tag.replace("+", " "))
for tag in text.extract_iter(page, 'hentai.org/tag/', '"')
return data
def metadata_from_api(self):
url = self.root + "/api.php"
data = {
"method": "gdata",
"gidlist": ((self.gallery_id, self.gallery_token),),
"namespace": 1,
data = self.request(url, method="POST", json=data).json()
if "error" in data:
raise exception.StopExtraction(data["error"])
return data["gmetadata"][0]
def image_from_page(self, page):
"""Get image url and data from webpage"""
pos = page.index('<div id="i3"><a onclick="return load_image(') + 26
extr = text.extract_from(page, pos)
self.key["next"] = extr("'", "'")
iurl = extr('<img id="img" src="', '"')
orig = extr('hentai.org/fullimg.php', '"')
if self.original and orig:
url = self.root + "/fullimg.php" + text.unescape(orig)
data = self._parse_original_info(extr('ownload original', '<'))
url = iurl
data = self._parse_image_info(url)
except IndexError:
self.log.debug("Page content:\n%s", page)
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"Unable to parse image info for '%s'", url)
data["num"] = self.image_num
data["image_token"] = self.key["start"] = extr('var startkey="', '";')
self.key["show"] = extr('var showkey="', '";')
self._check_509(iurl, data)
return url, text.nameext_from_url(iurl, data)
def images_from_api(self):
"""Get image url and data from api calls"""
api_url = self.root + "/api.php"
nextkey = self.key["next"]
request = {
"method" : "showpage",
"gid" : self.gallery_id,
"imgkey" : nextkey,
"showkey": self.key["show"],
for request["page"] in range(self.image_num + 1, self.count + 1):
page = self.request(api_url, method="POST", json=request).json()
imgkey = nextkey
nextkey, pos = text.extract(page["i3"], "'", "'")
imgurl , pos = text.extract(page["i3"], 'id="img" src="', '"', pos)
origurl, pos = text.extract(page["i7"], '<a href="', '"')
if self.original and origurl:
url = text.unescape(origurl)
data = self._parse_original_info(text.extract(
page["i7"], "ownload original", "<", pos)[0])
url = imgurl
data = self._parse_image_info(url)
except IndexError:
self.log.debug("Page content:\n%s", page)
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"Unable to parse image info for '%s'", url)
data["num"] = request["page"]
data["image_token"] = imgkey
self._check_509(imgurl, data)
yield url, text.nameext_from_url(imgurl, data)
request["imgkey"] = nextkey
def _report_limits(self, data):
ExhentaiExtractor.LIMIT = True
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"Image limit reached! "
"Continue with '%s/s/%s/%s-%s' as URL after resetting it.",
self.root, data["image_token"], self.gallery_id, data["num"])
def _check_limits(self, data):
if not self._remaining or data["num"] % 25 == 0:
self._remaining -= data["cost"]
if self._remaining <= 0:
def _check_509(self, url, data):
# full 509.gif URLs
# - https://exhentai.org/img/509.gif
# - https://ehgt.org/g/509.gif
if url.endswith(("hentai.org/img/509.gif",
def _update_limits(self):
url = "https://e-hentai.org/home.php"
cookies = {
cookie.name: cookie.value
for cookie in self.cookies
if cookie.domain == self.cookies_domain and
cookie.name != "igneous"
page = self.request(url, cookies=cookies).text
current = text.extr(page, "<strong>", "</strong>")
self.log.debug("Image Limits: %s/%s", current, self.limits)
self._remaining = self.limits - text.parse_int(current)
def _gallery_page(self):
url = "{}/g/{}/{}/".format(
self.root, self.gallery_id, self.gallery_token)
response = self.request(url, fatal=False)
page = response.text
if response.status_code == 404 and "Gallery Not Available" in page:
raise exception.AuthorizationError()
if page.startswith(("Key missing", "Gallery not found")):
raise exception.NotFoundError("gallery")
if "hentai.org/mpv/" in page:
self.log.warning("Enabled Multi-Page Viewer is not supported")
return page
def _image_page(self):
url = "{}/s/{}/{}-{}".format(
self.root, self.image_token, self.gallery_id, self.image_num)
page = self.request(url, fatal=False).text
if page.startswith(("Invalid page", "Keep trying")):
raise exception.NotFoundError("image page")
return page
def _parse_image_info(url):
for part in url.split("/")[4:]:
_, size, width, height, _ = part.split("-")
except ValueError:
size = width = height = 0
return {
"cost" : 1,
"size" : text.parse_int(size),
"width" : text.parse_int(width),
"height": text.parse_int(height),
def _parse_original_info(info):
parts = info.lstrip().split(" ")
size = text.parse_bytes(parts[3] + parts[4][0])
return {
# 1 initial point + 1 per 0.1 MB
"cost" : 1 + math.ceil(size / 100000),
"size" : size,
"width" : text.parse_int(parts[0]),
"height": text.parse_int(parts[2]),
class ExhentaiSearchExtractor(ExhentaiExtractor):
"""Extractor for exhentai search results"""
subcategory = "search"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:\?([^#]*)|tag/([^/?#]+))"
example = "https://e-hentai.org/?f_search=QUERY"
def __init__(self, match):
ExhentaiExtractor.__init__(self, match)
_, query, tag = match.groups()
if tag:
if "+" in tag:
ns, _, tag = tag.rpartition(":")
tag = '{}:"{}$"'.format(ns, tag.replace("+", " "))
tag += "$"
self.params = {"f_search": tag, "page": 0}
self.params = text.parse_query(query)
if "next" not in self.params:
self.params["page"] = text.parse_int(self.params.get("page"))
def _init(self):
self.search_url = self.root
def items(self):
data = {"_extractor": ExhentaiGalleryExtractor}
search_url = self.search_url
params = self.params
while True:
last = None
page = self.request(search_url, params=params).text
for gallery in ExhentaiGalleryExtractor.pattern.finditer(page):
url = gallery.group(0)
if url == last:
last = url
data["gallery_id"] = text.parse_int(gallery.group(2))
data["gallery_token"] = gallery.group(3)
yield Message.Queue, url + "/", data
next_url = text.extr(page, 'nexturl="', '"', None)
if next_url is not None:
if not next_url:
search_url = next_url
params = None
elif 'class="ptdd">><' in page or ">No hits found</p>" in page:
params["page"] += 1
class ExhentaiFavoriteExtractor(ExhentaiSearchExtractor):
"""Extractor for favorited exhentai galleries"""
subcategory = "favorite"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/favorites\.php(?:\?([^#]*)())?"
example = "https://e-hentai.org/favorites.php"
def _init(self):
self.search_url = self.root + "/favorites.php"