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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for nijie instances"""
from .common import BaseExtractor, Message, AsynchronousMixin
from .. import text, exception
from ..cache import cache
class NijieExtractor(AsynchronousMixin, BaseExtractor):
"""Base class for nijie extractors"""
basecategory = "Nijie"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user_id}")
filename_fmt = "{image_id}_p{num}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{image_id}_{num}"
def __init__(self, match):
BaseExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.user_id = text.parse_int(match.group(match.lastindex))
def initialize(self):
self.cookies_domain = "." + self.root.rpartition("/")[2]
self.cookies_names = (self.category + "_tok",)
self.user_name = None
if self.category == "horne":
self._extract_data = self._extract_data_horne
def items(self):
for image_id in self.image_ids():
url = "{}/view.php?id={}".format(self.root, image_id)
response = self.request(url, fatal=False)
if response.status_code >= 400:
page = response.text
data = self._extract_data(page)
data["image_id"] = text.parse_int(image_id)
if self.user_name:
data["user_id"] = self.user_id
data["user_name"] = self.user_name
data["user_id"] = data["artist_id"]
data["user_name"] = data["artist_name"]
yield Message.Directory, data
for image in self._extract_images(page):
if not image["extension"]:
image["extension"] = "jpg"
yield Message.Url, image["url"], image
def image_ids(self):
"""Collect all relevant image-ids"""
def _extract_data(page):
"""Extract image metadata from 'page'"""
extr = text.extract_from(page)
keywords = text.unescape(extr(
'name="keywords" content="', '" />')).split(",")
data = {
"title" : keywords[0].strip(),
"description": text.unescape(extr(
'"description": "', '"').replace("&", "&")),
"date" : text.parse_datetime(extr(
'"datePublished": "', '"'), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", 9),
"artist_id" : text.parse_int(extr('/members.php?id=', '"')),
"artist_name": keywords[1],
"tags" : keywords[2:-1],
return data
def _extract_data_horne(page):
"""Extract image metadata from 'page'"""
extr = text.extract_from(page)
keywords = text.unescape(extr(
'name="keywords" content="', '" />')).split(",")
data = {
"title" : keywords[0].strip(),
"description": text.unescape(extr(
'property="og:description" content="', '"')),
"artist_id" : text.parse_int(extr('members.php?id=', '"')),
"artist_name": keywords[1],
"tags" : keywords[2:-1],
"date" : text.parse_datetime(extr(
"itemprop='datePublished' content=", "<").rpartition(">")[2],
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", 9),
return data
def _extract_images(page):
"""Extract image URLs from 'page'"""
images = text.extract_iter(page, "/view_popup.php", "</a>")
for num, image in enumerate(images):
src = text.extr(image, 'src="', '"')
if not src:
url = ("https:" + src).replace("/__rs_l120x120/", "/")
yield text.nameext_from_url(url, {
"num": num,
"url": url,
def _extract_user_name(page):
return text.unescape(text.extr(page, "<br />", "<"))
def login(self):
if self.cookies_check(self.cookies_names):
username, password = self._get_auth_info()
self.cookies_update(self._login_impl(username, password))
@cache(maxage=90*24*3600, keyarg=1)
def _login_impl(self, username, password):
if not username or not password:
raise exception.AuthenticationError(
"Username and password required")
self.log.info("Logging in as %s", username)
url = "{}/login_int.php".format(self.root)
data = {"email": username, "password": password, "save": "on"}
response = self.request(url, method="POST", data=data)
if "/login.php" in response.text:
raise exception.AuthenticationError()
return self.cookies
def _pagination(self, path):
url = "{}/{}.php".format(self.root, path)
params = {"id": self.user_id, "p": 1}
while True:
page = self.request(url, params=params, notfound="artist").text
if self.user_name is None:
self.user_name = self._extract_user_name(page)
yield from text.extract_iter(page, 'illust_id="', '"')
if '<a rel="next"' not in page:
params["p"] += 1
BASE_PATTERN = NijieExtractor.update({
"nijie": {
"root": "https://nijie.info",
"pattern": r"(?:www\.)?nijie\.info",
"horne": {
"root": "https://horne.red",
"pattern": r"(?:www\.)?horne\.red",
class NijieUserExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for nijie user profiles"""
subcategory = "user"
cookies_domain = None
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/members\.php\?id=(\d+)"
example = "https://nijie.info/members.php?id=12345"
def initialize(self):
def items(self):
fmt = "{}/{{}}.php?id={}".format(self.root, self.user_id).format
return self._dispatch_extractors((
(NijieIllustrationExtractor, fmt("members_illust")),
(NijieDoujinExtractor , fmt("members_dojin")),
(NijieFavoriteExtractor , fmt("user_like_illust_view")),
(NijieNuitaExtractor , fmt("history_nuita")),
), ("illustration", "doujin"))
class NijieIllustrationExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for all illustrations of a nijie-user"""
subcategory = "illustration"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/members_illust\.php\?id=(\d+)"
example = "https://nijie.info/members_illust.php?id=12345"
def image_ids(self):
return self._pagination("members_illust")
class NijieDoujinExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for doujin entries of a nijie user"""
subcategory = "doujin"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/members_dojin\.php\?id=(\d+)"
example = "https://nijie.info/members_dojin.php?id=12345"
def image_ids(self):
return self._pagination("members_dojin")
class NijieFavoriteExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for all favorites/bookmarks of a nijie user"""
subcategory = "favorite"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "bookmarks", "{user_id}")
archive_fmt = "f_{user_id}_{image_id}_{num}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/user_like_illust_view\.php\?id=(\d+)"
example = "https://nijie.info/user_like_illust_view.php?id=12345"
def image_ids(self):
return self._pagination("user_like_illust_view")
def _extract_data(self, page):
data = NijieExtractor._extract_data(page)
data["user_id"] = self.user_id
data["user_name"] = self.user_name
return data
class NijieNuitaExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for a nijie user's 抜いた list"""
subcategory = "nuita"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "nuita", "{user_id}")
archive_fmt = "n_{user_id}_{image_id}_{num}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/history_nuita\.php\?id=(\d+)"
example = "https://nijie.info/history_nuita.php?id=12345"
def image_ids(self):
return self._pagination("history_nuita")
def _extract_data(self, page):
data = NijieExtractor._extract_data(page)
data["user_id"] = self.user_id
data["user_name"] = self.user_name
return data
def _extract_user_name(page):
return text.unescape(text.extr(page, "<title>", "さんの抜いた"))
class NijieFeedExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for nijie liked user feed"""
subcategory = "feed"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/like_user_view\.php"
example = "https://nijie.info/like_user_view.php"
def image_ids(self):
return self._pagination("like_user_view")
def _extract_user_name(page):
return ""
class NijieFollowedExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for followed nijie users"""
subcategory = "followed"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/like_my\.php"
example = "https://nijie.info/like_my.php"
def items(self):
url = self.root + "/like_my.php"
params = {"p": 1}
data = {"_extractor": NijieUserExtractor}
while True:
page = self.request(url, params=params).text
for user_id in text.extract_iter(
page, '"><a href="/members.php?id=', '"'):
user_url = "{}/members.php?id={}".format(self.root, user_id)
yield Message.Queue, user_url, data
if '<a rel="next"' not in page:
params["p"] += 1
class NijieImageExtractor(NijieExtractor):
"""Extractor for a nijie work/image"""
subcategory = "image"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/view(?:_popup)?\.php\?id=(\d+)"
example = "https://nijie.info/view.php?id=12345"
def __init__(self, match):
NijieExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.image_id = match.group(match.lastindex)
def image_ids(self):
return (self.image_id,)