mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 12:01:41 +01:00
only leave them in oauth.py as noop results
239 lines
8.2 KiB
239 lines
8.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://www.weasyl.com/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text
BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https://)?(?:www\.)?weasyl.com/"
class WeasylExtractor(Extractor):
category = "weasyl"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{owner_login}")
filename_fmt = "{submitid} {title}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{submitid}"
root = "https://www.weasyl.com"
def populate_submission(data):
# Some submissions don't have content and can be skipped
if "submission" in data["media"]:
data["url"] = data["media"]["submission"][0]["url"]
data["date"] = text.parse_datetime(
data["posted_at"][:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
text.nameext_from_url(data["url"], data)
return True
return False
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.session.headers['X-Weasyl-API-Key'] = self.config("api-key")
def request_submission(self, submitid):
return self.request(
"{}/api/submissions/{}/view".format(self.root, submitid)).json()
def retrieve_journal(self, journalid):
data = self.request(
"{}/api/journals/{}/view".format(self.root, journalid)).json()
data["extension"] = "html"
data["html"] = "text:" + data["content"]
data["date"] = text.parse_datetime(data["posted_at"])
return data
def submissions(self, owner_login, folderid=None):
url = "{}/api/users/{}/gallery".format(self.root, owner_login)
params = {
"nextid" : None,
"folderid": folderid,
while True:
data = self.request(url, params=params).json()
for submission in data["submissions"]:
if self.populate_submission(submission):
submission["folderid"] = folderid
# Do any submissions have more than one url? If so
# a urllist of the submission array urls would work.
yield Message.Url, submission["url"], submission
if not data["nextid"]:
params["nextid"] = data["nextid"]
class WeasylSubmissionExtractor(WeasylExtractor):
subcategory = "submission"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"(?:~[\w~-]+/submissions|submission)/(\d+)"
test = (
("https://www.weasyl.com/~fiz/submissions/2031/a-wesley", {
"pattern": "https://cdn.weasyl.com/~fiz/submissions/2031/41ebc1c29"
"keyword": {
"comments" : int,
"date" : "dt:2012-04-20 00:38:04",
"description" : "<p>(flex)</p>\n",
"favorites" : int,
"folder_name" : "Wesley Stuff",
"folderid" : 2081,
"friends_only": False,
"owner" : "Fiz",
"owner_login" : "fiz",
"rating" : "general",
"submitid" : 2031,
"subtype" : "visual",
"tags" : list,
"title" : "A Wesley!",
"type" : "submission",
"views" : int,
def __init__(self, match):
WeasylExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.submitid = match.group(1)
def items(self):
data = self.request_submission(self.submitid)
if self.populate_submission(data):
yield Message.Directory, data
yield Message.Url, data["url"], data
class WeasylSubmissionsExtractor(WeasylExtractor):
subcategory = "submissions"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"(?:~|submissions/)([\w~-]+)/?$"
test = (
("https://www.weasyl.com/~tanidareal", {
"count": ">= 200"
def __init__(self, match):
WeasylExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.owner_login = match.group(1)
def items(self):
yield Message.Directory, {"owner_login": self.owner_login}
yield from self.submissions(self.owner_login)
class WeasylFolderExtractor(WeasylExtractor):
subcategory = "folder"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{owner_login}", "{folder_name}")
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"submissions/([\w~-]+)\?folderid=(\d+)"
test = ("https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/tanidareal?folderid=7403", {
"count": ">= 12"
def __init__(self, match):
WeasylExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.owner_login, self.folderid = match.groups()
def items(self):
iter = self.submissions(self.owner_login, self.folderid)
# Folder names are only on single submission api calls
msg, url, data = next(iter)
details = self.request_submission(data["submitid"])
yield Message.Directory, details
yield msg, url, data
yield from iter
class WeasylJournalExtractor(WeasylExtractor):
subcategory = "journal"
filename_fmt = "{journalid} {title}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{journalid}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"journal/(\d+)"
test = ("https://www.weasyl.com/journal/17647/bbcode", {
"keyword": {
"title" : "BBCode",
"date" : "dt:2013-09-19 23:11:23",
"content": "<p><a>javascript:alert(42);</a></p>\n\n"
"<p>No more of that!</p>\n",
def __init__(self, match):
WeasylExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.journalid = match.group(1)
def items(self):
data = self.retrieve_journal(self.journalid)
yield Message.Directory, data
yield Message.Url, data["html"], data
class WeasylJournalsExtractor(WeasylExtractor):
subcategory = "journals"
filename_fmt = "{journalid} {title}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{journalid}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"journals/([\w~-]+)"
test = ("https://www.weasyl.com/journals/charmander", {
"count": ">= 2",
def __init__(self, match):
WeasylExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.owner_login = match.group(1)
def items(self):
yield Message.Directory, {"owner_login": self.owner_login}
url = "{}/journals/{}".format(self.root, self.owner_login)
page = self.request(url).text
for journalid in text.extract_iter(page, 'href="/journal/', '/'):
data = self.retrieve_journal(journalid)
yield Message.Url, data["html"], data
class WeasylFavoriteExtractor(WeasylExtractor):
subcategory = "favorite"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{owner_login}", "Favorites")
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"favorites\?userid=(\d+)"
test = ("https://www.weasyl.com/favorites?userid=184616&feature=submit", {
"count": ">= 5",
def __init__(self, match):
WeasylExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.userid = match.group(1)
def items(self):
owner_login = lastid = None
url = self.root + "/favorites"
params = {
"userid" : self.userid,
"feature": "submit",
while True:
page = self.request(url, params=params).text
pos = page.index('id="favorites-content"')
if not owner_login:
owner_login = text.extract(page, '<a href="/~', '"')[0]
for submitid in text.extract_iter(page, "/submissions/", "/", pos):
if submitid == lastid:
lastid = submitid
submission = self.request_submission(submitid)
if self.populate_submission(submission):
submission["user"] = owner_login
yield Message.Directory, submission
yield Message.Url, submission["url"], submission
if "&nextid=" not in page:
params["nextid"] = submitid