mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 03:51:42 +01:00
keep the old 'tag_string' values around, similar to sankaku a lot of repeat code ... would be a lot less bad if "".split(" ") returned an empty list
295 lines
9.8 KiB
295 lines
9.8 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://danbooru.donmai.us/ and other Danbooru instances"""
from .common import BaseExtractor, Message
from .. import text, util
import datetime
class DanbooruExtractor(BaseExtractor):
"""Base class for danbooru extractors"""
basecategory = "Danbooru"
filename_fmt = "{category}_{id}_{filename}.{extension}"
page_limit = 1000
page_start = None
per_page = 200
request_interval = (0.5, 1.5)
def _init(self):
self.ugoira = self.config("ugoira", False)
self.external = self.config("external", False)
self.includes = False
threshold = self.config("threshold")
if isinstance(threshold, int):
self.threshold = 1 if threshold < 1 else threshold
self.threshold = self.per_page
username, api_key = self._get_auth_info()
if username:
self.log.debug("Using HTTP Basic Auth for user '%s'", username)
self.session.auth = util.HTTPBasicAuth(username, api_key)
def skip(self, num):
pages = num // self.per_page
if pages >= self.page_limit:
pages = self.page_limit - 1
self.page_start = pages + 1
return pages * self.per_page
def items(self):
self.session.headers["User-Agent"] = util.USERAGENT
includes = self.config("metadata")
if includes:
if isinstance(includes, (list, tuple)):
includes = ",".join(includes)
elif not isinstance(includes, str):
includes = "artist_commentary,children,notes,parent,uploader"
self.includes = includes + ",id"
data = self.metadata()
for post in self.posts():
url = post["file_url"]
except KeyError:
if self.external and post["source"]:
yield Message.Directory, post
yield Message.Queue, post["source"], post
text.nameext_from_url(url, post)
post["date"] = text.parse_datetime(
post["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
post["tags"] = (
post["tag_string"].split(" ")
if post["tag_string"] else ())
post["tags_artist"] = (
post["tag_string_artist"].split(" ")
if post["tag_string_artist"] else ())
post["tags_character"] = (
post["tag_string_character"].split(" ")
if post["tag_string_character"] else ())
post["tags_copyright"] = (
post["tag_string_copyright"].split(" ")
if post["tag_string_copyright"] else ())
post["tags_general"] = (
post["tag_string_general"].split(" ")
if post["tag_string_general"] else ())
post["tags_meta"] = (
post["tag_string_meta"].split(" ")
if post["tag_string_meta"] else ())
if post["extension"] == "zip":
if self.ugoira:
post["frames"] = self._ugoira_frames(post)
post["_http_adjust_extension"] = False
url = post["large_file_url"]
post["extension"] = "webm"
if url[0] == "/":
url = self.root + url
yield Message.Directory, post
yield Message.Url, url, post
def metadata(self):
return ()
def posts(self):
return ()
def _pagination(self, endpoint, params, prefix=None):
url = self.root + endpoint
params["limit"] = self.per_page
params["page"] = self.page_start
first = True
while True:
posts = self.request(url, params=params).json()
if isinstance(posts, dict):
posts = posts["posts"]
if posts:
if self.includes:
params_meta = {
"only" : self.includes,
"limit": len(posts),
"tags" : "id:" + ",".join(str(p["id"]) for p in posts),
data = {
meta["id"]: meta
for meta in self.request(
url, params=params_meta).json()
for post in posts:
if prefix == "a" and not first:
yield from posts
if len(posts) < self.threshold:
if prefix:
params["page"] = "{}{}".format(prefix, posts[-1]["id"])
elif params["page"]:
params["page"] += 1
params["page"] = 2
first = False
def _ugoira_frames(self, post):
data = self.request("{}/posts/{}.json?only=media_metadata".format(
self.root, post["id"])
ext = data["ZIP:ZipFileName"].rpartition(".")[2]
fmt = ("{:>06}." + ext).format
delays = data["Ugoira:FrameDelays"]
return [{"file": fmt(index), "delay": delay}
for index, delay in enumerate(delays)]
BASE_PATTERN = DanbooruExtractor.update({
"danbooru": {
"root": None,
"pattern": r"(?:(?:danbooru|hijiribe|sonohara|safebooru)\.donmai\.us"
"atfbooru": {
"root": "https://booru.allthefallen.moe",
"pattern": r"booru\.allthefallen\.moe",
"aibooru": {
"root": None,
"pattern": r"(?:safe\.)?aibooru\.online",
"booruvar": {
"root": "https://booru.borvar.art",
"pattern": r"booru\.borvar\.art",
class DanbooruTagExtractor(DanbooruExtractor):
"""Extractor for danbooru posts from tag searches"""
subcategory = "tag"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{search_tags}")
archive_fmt = "t_{search_tags}_{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/posts\?(?:[^&#]*&)*tags=([^&#]*)"
example = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=TAG"
def __init__(self, match):
DanbooruExtractor.__init__(self, match)
tags = match.group(match.lastindex)
self.tags = text.unquote(tags.replace("+", " "))
def metadata(self):
return {"search_tags": self.tags}
def posts(self):
prefix = "b"
for tag in self.tags.split():
if tag.startswith("order:"):
if tag == "order:id" or tag == "order:id_asc":
prefix = "a"
elif tag == "order:id_desc":
prefix = "b"
prefix = None
elif tag.startswith(
("id:", "md5", "ordfav:", "ordfavgroup:", "ordpool:")):
prefix = None
return self._pagination("/posts.json", {"tags": self.tags}, prefix)
class DanbooruPoolExtractor(DanbooruExtractor):
"""Extractor for posts from danbooru pools"""
subcategory = "pool"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "pool", "{pool[id]} {pool[name]}")
archive_fmt = "p_{pool[id]}_{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/pool(?:s|/show)/(\d+)"
example = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/12345"
def __init__(self, match):
DanbooruExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.pool_id = match.group(match.lastindex)
def metadata(self):
url = "{}/pools/{}.json".format(self.root, self.pool_id)
pool = self.request(url).json()
pool["name"] = pool["name"].replace("_", " ")
self.post_ids = pool.pop("post_ids", ())
return {"pool": pool}
def posts(self):
params = {"tags": "pool:" + self.pool_id}
return self._pagination("/posts.json", params, "b")
class DanbooruPostExtractor(DanbooruExtractor):
"""Extractor for single danbooru posts"""
subcategory = "post"
archive_fmt = "{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/post(?:s|/show)/(\d+)"
example = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/12345"
def __init__(self, match):
DanbooruExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.post_id = match.group(match.lastindex)
def posts(self):
url = "{}/posts/{}.json".format(self.root, self.post_id)
post = self.request(url).json()
if self.includes:
params = {"only": self.includes}
post.update(self.request(url, params=params).json())
return (post,)
class DanbooruPopularExtractor(DanbooruExtractor):
"""Extractor for popular images from danbooru"""
subcategory = "popular"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "popular", "{scale}", "{date}")
archive_fmt = "P_{scale[0]}_{date}_{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:explore/posts/)?popular(?:\?([^#]*))?"
example = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/explore/posts/popular"
def __init__(self, match):
DanbooruExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.params = match.group(match.lastindex)
def metadata(self):
self.params = params = text.parse_query(self.params)
scale = params.get("scale", "day")
date = params.get("date") or datetime.date.today().isoformat()
if scale == "week":
date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(date)
date = (date - datetime.timedelta(days=date.weekday())).isoformat()
elif scale == "month":
date = date[:-3]
return {"date": date, "scale": scale}
def posts(self):
return self._pagination("/explore/posts/popular.json", self.params)