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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://hiperdex.top/"""
from .common import ChapterExtractor, MangaExtractor
from .. import text
from ..cache import memcache
import re
BASE_PATTERN = (r"((?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?"
class HiperdexBase():
"""Base class for hiperdex extractors"""
category = "hiperdex"
root = "https://hiperdex.top"
def manga_data(self, manga, page=None):
if not page:
url = "{}/manga/{}/".format(self.root, manga)
page = self.request(url).text
extr = text.extract_from(page)
return {
"url" : text.unescape(extr(
'property="og:url" content="', '"')),
"manga" : text.unescape(extr(
' property="name" title="', '"')),
"score" : text.parse_float(extr(
'id="averagerate">', '<')),
"author" : text.remove_html(extr(
'class="author-content">', '</div>')),
"artist" : text.remove_html(extr(
'class="artist-content">', '</div>')),
"genre" : text.split_html(extr(
'class="genres-content">', '</div>'))[::2],
"type" : extr(
'class="summary-content">', '<').strip(),
"release": text.parse_int(text.remove_html(extr(
'class="summary-content">', '</div>'))),
"status" : extr(
'class="summary-content">', '<').strip(),
"description": text.remove_html(text.unescape(extr(
'class="description-summary">', '</div>'))),
"language": "English",
"lang" : "en",
def chapter_data(self, chapter):
if chapter.startswith("chapter-"):
chapter = chapter[8:]
chapter, _, minor = chapter.partition("-")
data = {
"chapter" : text.parse_int(chapter),
"chapter_minor": "." + minor if minor and minor != "end" else "",
return data
class HiperdexChapterExtractor(HiperdexBase, ChapterExtractor):
"""Extractor for hiperdex manga chapters"""
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"(/mangas?/([^/?#]+)/([^/?#]+))"
example = "https://hiperdex.top/manga/MANGA/CHAPTER/"
def __init__(self, match):
root, path, self.manga, self.chapter = match.groups()
self.root = text.ensure_http_scheme(root)
ChapterExtractor.__init__(self, match, self.root + path + "/")
def metadata(self, _):
return self.chapter_data(self.chapter)
def images(self, page):
return [
(url.strip(), None)
for url in re.findall(
r'id="image-\d+"\s+(?:data-)?src="([^"]+)', page)
class HiperdexMangaExtractor(HiperdexBase, MangaExtractor):
"""Extractor for hiperdex manga"""
chapterclass = HiperdexChapterExtractor
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"(/mangas?/([^/?#]+))/?$"
example = "https://hiperdex.top/manga/MANGA/"
def __init__(self, match):
root, path, self.manga = match.groups()
self.root = text.ensure_http_scheme(root)
MangaExtractor.__init__(self, match, self.root + path + "/")
def chapters(self, page):
data = self.manga_data(self.manga, page)
self.manga_url = url = data["url"]
url = self.manga_url + "ajax/chapters/"
headers = {
"Accept": "*/*",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Origin": self.root,
"Referer": "https://" + text.quote(self.manga_url[8:]),
html = self.request(url, method="POST", headers=headers).text
results = []
for item in text.extract_iter(
html, '<li class="wp-manga-chapter', '</li>'):
url = text.extr(item, 'href="', '"')
chapter = url.rstrip("/").rpartition("/")[2]
results.append((url, self.chapter_data(chapter)))
return results
class HiperdexArtistExtractor(HiperdexBase, MangaExtractor):
"""Extractor for an artists's manga on hiperdex"""
subcategory = "artist"
categorytransfer = False
chapterclass = HiperdexMangaExtractor
reverse = False
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"(/manga-a(?:rtist|uthor)/(?:[^/?#]+))"
example = "https://hiperdex.top/manga-artist/NAME/"
def __init__(self, match):
self.root = text.ensure_http_scheme(match.group(1))
MangaExtractor.__init__(self, match, self.root + match.group(2) + "/")
def chapters(self, page):
results = []
for info in text.extract_iter(page, 'id="manga-item-', '<img'):
url = text.extr(info, 'href="', '"')
results.append((url, {}))
return results