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synced 2024-11-23 11:12:40 +01:00
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384 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2022 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://www.weibo.com/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, exception
from ..cache import cache
import itertools
import random
import json
BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.|m\.)?weibo\.c(?:om|n)"
USER_PATTERN = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:(u|n|p(?:rofile)?)/)?([^/?#]+)(?:/home)?"
class WeiboExtractor(Extractor):
category = "weibo"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user[screen_name]}")
filename_fmt = "{status[id]}_{num:>02}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{status[id]}_{num}"
root = "https://weibo.com"
request_interval = (1.0, 2.0)
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self._prefix, self.user = match.groups()
self.retweets = self.config("retweets", True)
self.videos = self.config("videos", True)
self.livephoto = self.config("livephoto", True)
cookies = _cookie_cache()
if cookies is not None:
def request(self, url, **kwargs):
response = Extractor.request(self, url, **kwargs)
if response.history and "passport.weibo.com" in response.url:
response = Extractor.request(self, url, **kwargs)
return response
def items(self):
original_retweets = (self.retweets == "original")
for status in self.statuses():
if self.retweets and "retweeted_status" in status:
if original_retweets:
status = status["retweeted_status"]
files = self._files_from_status(status)
files = itertools.chain(
files = self._files_from_status(status)
status["date"] = text.parse_datetime(
status["created_at"], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y")
yield Message.Directory, status
for num, file in enumerate(files, 1):
if file["url"].startswith("http:"):
file["url"] = "https:" + file["url"][5:]
if "filename" not in file:
text.nameext_from_url(file["url"], file)
file["status"] = status
file["num"] = num
yield Message.Url, file["url"], file
def _files_from_status(self, status):
pic_ids = status.get("pic_ids")
if pic_ids:
pics = status["pic_infos"]
for pic_id in pic_ids:
pic = pics[pic_id]
pic_type = pic.get("type")
if pic_type == "gif" and self.videos:
yield {"url": pic["video"]}
elif pic_type == "livephoto" and self.livephoto:
yield pic["largest"].copy()
file = {"url": pic["video"]}
file["filehame"], _, file["extension"] = \
yield file
yield pic["largest"].copy()
if "page_info" in status:
page_info = status["page_info"]
if "media_info" not in page_info or not self.videos:
media = max(page_info["media_info"]["playback_list"],
key=lambda m: m["meta"]["quality_index"])
yield media["play_info"].copy()
def _status_by_id(self, status_id):
url = "{}/ajax/statuses/show?id={}".format(self.root, status_id)
return self.request(url).json()
def _user_id(self):
if self.user.isdecimal():
return self.user[-10:]
url = "{}/ajax/profile/info?{}={}".format(
"screen_name" if self._prefix == "n" else "custom",
return self.request(url).json()["data"]["user"]["idstr"]
def _pagination(self, endpoint, params):
url = self.root + "/ajax" + endpoint
headers = {
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Referer": "{}/u/{}".format(self.root, params["uid"]),
while True:
response = self.request(url, params=params, headers=headers)
headers["Accept"] = "application/json, text/plain, */*"
headers["X-XSRF-TOKEN"] = response.cookies.get("XSRF-TOKEN")
data = response.json()
if not data.get("ok"):
if "since_id" not in params: # first iteration
raise exception.StopExtraction(
'"%s"', data.get("msg") or "unknown error")
data = data["data"]
statuses = data["list"]
if not statuses:
yield from statuses
if "next_cursor" in data:
params["cursor"] = data["next_cursor"]
elif "page" in params:
params["page"] += 1
elif data["since_id"]:
params["sinceid"] = data["since_id"]
params["since_id"] = statuses[-1]["id"] - 1
def _sina_visitor_system(self, response):
self.log.info("Sina Visitor System")
passport_url = "https://passport.weibo.com/visitor/genvisitor"
headers = {"Referer": response.url}
data = {
"cb": "gen_callback",
"fp": '{"os":"1","browser":"Gecko91,0,0,0","fonts":"undefined",'
page = Extractor.request(
self, passport_url, method="POST", headers=headers, data=data).text
data = json.loads(text.extract(page, "(", ");")[0])["data"]
passport_url = "https://passport.weibo.com/visitor/visitor"
params = {
"a" : "incarnate",
"t" : data["tid"],
"w" : "2",
"c" : "{:>03}".format(data["confidence"]),
"gc" : "",
"cb" : "cross_domain",
"from" : "weibo",
"_rand": random.random(),
response = Extractor.request(self, passport_url, params=params)
_cookie_cache.update("", response.cookies)
class WeiboUserExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo user profiles"""
subcategory = "user"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"(?:$|#)"
test = (
("https://weibo.com/1758989602", {
"pattern": r"^https://weibo\.com/u/1758989602\?tabtype=feed$",
def items(self):
base = "{}/u/{}?tabtype=".format(self.root, self._user_id())
return self._dispatch_extractors((
(WeiboHomeExtractor , base + "home"),
(WeiboFeedExtractor , base + "feed"),
(WeiboVideosExtractor , base + "video"),
(WeiboNewvideoExtractor, base + "newVideo"),
(WeiboAlbumExtractor , base + "album"),
), ("feed",))
class WeiboHomeExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo 'home' listings"""
subcategory = "home"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"\?tabtype=home"
test = ("https://weibo.com/1758989602?tabtype=home", {
"range": "1-30",
"count": 30,
def statuses(self):
endpoint = "/profile/myhot"
params = {"uid": self._user_id(), "page": 1, "feature": "2"}
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
class WeiboFeedExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo user feeds"""
subcategory = "feed"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"\?tabtype=feed"
test = (
("https://weibo.com/1758989602?tabtype=feed", {
"range": "1-30",
"count": 30,
("https://weibo.com/zhouyuxi77?tabtype=feed", {
"keyword": {"status": {"user": {"id": 7488709788}}},
"range": "1",
("https://www.weibo.com/n/周于希Sally?tabtype=feed", {
"keyword": {"status": {"user": {"id": 7488709788}}},
"range": "1",
# deleted (#2521)
("https://weibo.com/u/7500315942?tabtype=feed", {
"count": 0,
def statuses(self):
endpoint = "/statuses/mymblog"
params = {"uid": self._user_id(), "feature": "0"}
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
class WeiboVideosExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo 'video' listings"""
subcategory = "videos"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"\?tabtype=video"
test = ("https://weibo.com/1758989602?tabtype=video", {
"pattern": r"https://f\.(video\.weibocdn\.com|us\.sinaimg\.cn)"
"range": "1-30",
"count": 30,
def statuses(self):
endpoint = "/profile/getprofilevideolist"
params = {"uid": self._user_id()}
for status in self._pagination(endpoint, params):
yield status["video_detail_vo"]
class WeiboNewvideoExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo 'newVideo' listings"""
subcategory = "newvideo"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"\?tabtype=newVideo"
test = ("https://weibo.com/1758989602?tabtype=newVideo", {
"pattern": r"https://f\.video\.weibocdn\.com/(../)?\w+\.mp4\?label=mp",
"range": "1-30",
"count": 30,
def statuses(self):
endpoint = "/profile/getWaterFallContent"
params = {"uid": self._user_id()}
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
class WeiboArticleExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo 'article' listings"""
subcategory = "article"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"\?tabtype=article"
test = ("https://weibo.com/1758989602?tabtype=article", {
"count": 0,
def statuses(self):
endpoint = "/statuses/mymblog"
params = {"uid": self._user_id(), "page": 1, "feature": "10"}
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
class WeiboAlbumExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for weibo 'album' listings"""
subcategory = "album"
pattern = USER_PATTERN + r"\?tabtype=album"
test = ("https://weibo.com/1758989602?tabtype=album", {
"pattern": r"https://(wx\d+\.sinaimg\.cn/large/\w{32}\.(jpg|png|gif)"
"range": "1-3",
"count": 3,
def statuses(self):
endpoint = "/profile/getImageWall"
params = {"uid": self._user_id()}
seen = set()
for image in self._pagination(endpoint, params):
mid = image["mid"]
if mid not in seen:
status = self._status_by_id(mid)
if status.get("ok") != 1:
self.log.debug("Skipping status %s (%s)", mid, status)
yield status
class WeiboStatusExtractor(WeiboExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a status on weibo.cn"""
subcategory = "status"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(detail|status|\d+)/(\w+)"
test = (
("https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4323047042991618", {
"pattern": r"https?://wx\d+.sinaimg.cn/large/\w+.jpg",
"keyword": {"status": {"date": "dt:2018-12-30 13:56:36"}},
("https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4339748116375525", {
"pattern": r"https?://f.us.sinaimg.cn/\w+\.mp4\?label=mp4_1080p",
# unavailable video (#427)
("https://m.weibo.cn/status/4268682979207023", {
"exception": exception.NotFoundError,
# non-numeric status ID (#664)
# original retweets (#1542)
("https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4600272267522211", {
"options": (("retweets", "original"),),
"keyword": {"status": {"id": 4600167083287033}},
# type == livephoto (#2146)
("https://weibo.com/5643044717/KkuDZ4jAA", {
"range": "2,4,6",
"pattern": r"https://video\.weibo\.com/media/play\?livephoto="
# type == gif
("https://weibo.com/1758989602/LvBhm5DiP", {
"pattern": r"https://g\.us\.sinaimg.cn/o0/qNZcaAAglx07Wuf921CM0104"
def statuses(self):
status = self._status_by_id(self.user)
if status.get("ok") != 1:
raise exception.NotFoundError("status")
return (status,)
def _cookie_cache():
return None