mirror of https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl.git synced 2024-11-25 12:12:34 +01:00
2024-06-05 16:48:51 +02:00

194 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for Philomena sites"""
from .booru import BooruExtractor
from .. import text, exception
import operator
class PhilomenaExtractor(BooruExtractor):
"""Base class for philomena extractors"""
basecategory = "philomena"
filename_fmt = "{filename}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{id}"
request_interval = (0.5, 1.5)
page_start = 1
per_page = 50
def _init(self):
self.api = PhilomenaAPI(self)
if not self.config("svg", True):
self._file_url = operator.itemgetter("view_url")
def _file_url(self, post):
if post["format"] == "svg":
return post["view_url"].rpartition(".")[0] + ".svg"
return post["view_url"]
def _prepare(post):
post["date"] = text.parse_datetime(post["created_at"])
BASE_PATTERN = PhilomenaExtractor.update({
"derpibooru": {
"root": "https://derpibooru.org",
"pattern": r"(?:www\.)?derpibooru\.org",
"filter_id": "56027",
"ponybooru": {
"root": "https://ponybooru.org",
"pattern": r"(?:www\.)?ponybooru\.org",
"filter_id": "2",
"furbooru": {
"root": "https://furbooru.org",
"pattern": r"furbooru\.org",
"filter_id": "2",
class PhilomenaPostExtractor(PhilomenaExtractor):
"""Extractor for single posts on a Philomena booru"""
subcategory = "post"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:images/)?(\d+)"
example = "https://derpibooru.org/images/12345"
def __init__(self, match):
PhilomenaExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.image_id = match.group(match.lastindex)
def posts(self):
return (self.api.image(self.image_id),)
class PhilomenaSearchExtractor(PhilomenaExtractor):
"""Extractor for Philomena search results"""
subcategory = "search"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{search_tags}")
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:search/?\?([^#]+)|tags/([^/?#]+))"
example = "https://derpibooru.org/search?q=QUERY"
def __init__(self, match):
PhilomenaExtractor.__init__(self, match)
groups = match.groups()
if groups[-1]:
q = groups[-1].replace("+", " ")
for old, new in (
("-colon-" , ":"),
("-dash-" , "-"),
("-dot-" , "."),
("-plus-" , "+"),
("-fwslash-", "/"),
("-bwslash-", "\\"),
if old in q:
q = q.replace(old, new)
self.params = {"q": text.unquote(text.unquote(q))}
self.params = text.parse_query(groups[-2])
def metadata(self):
return {"search_tags": self.params.get("q", "")}
def posts(self):
return self.api.search(self.params)
class PhilomenaGalleryExtractor(PhilomenaExtractor):
"""Extractor for Philomena galleries"""
subcategory = "gallery"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "galleries",
"{gallery[id]} {gallery[title]}")
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/galleries/(\d+)"
example = "https://derpibooru.org/galleries/12345"
def __init__(self, match):
PhilomenaExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.gallery_id = match.group(match.lastindex)
def metadata(self):
return {"gallery": self.api.gallery(self.gallery_id)}
except IndexError:
raise exception.NotFoundError("gallery")
def posts(self):
gallery_id = "gallery_id:" + self.gallery_id
params = {"sd": "desc", "sf": gallery_id, "q": gallery_id}
return self.api.search(params)
class PhilomenaAPI():
"""Interface for the Philomena API
def __init__(self, extractor):
self.extractor = extractor
self.root = extractor.root + "/api"
def gallery(self, gallery_id):
endpoint = "/v1/json/search/galleries"
params = {"q": "id:" + gallery_id}
return self._call(endpoint, params)["galleries"][0]
def image(self, image_id):
endpoint = "/v1/json/images/" + image_id
return self._call(endpoint)["image"]
def search(self, params):
endpoint = "/v1/json/search/images"
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
def _call(self, endpoint, params=None):
url = self.root + endpoint
while True:
response = self.extractor.request(url, params=params, fatal=None)
if response.status_code < 400:
return response.json()
if response.status_code == 429:
# error
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"%s %s", response.status_code, response.reason)
def _pagination(self, endpoint, params):
extr = self.extractor
api_key = extr.config("api-key")
if api_key:
params["key"] = api_key
filter_id = extr.config("filter")
if filter_id:
params["filter_id"] = filter_id
elif not api_key:
params["filter_id"] = extr.config_instance("filter_id") or "2"
params["page"] = extr.page_start
params["per_page"] = extr.per_page
while True:
data = self._call(endpoint, params)
yield from data["images"]
if len(data["images"]) < extr.per_page:
params["page"] += 1