mirror of https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl.git synced 2024-11-25 20:22:36 +01:00

358 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for https://www.boosty.to/"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text, util, exception
BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?boosty\.to"
class BoostyExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for boosty extractors"""
category = "boosty"
root = "https://www.boosty.to"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user[blogUrl]} ({user[id]})",
"{post[date]:%Y-%m-%d} {post[int_id]}")
filename_fmt = "{num:>02} {file[id]}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{file[id]}"
cookies_domain = ".boosty.to"
cookies_names = ("auth",)
def _init(self):
self.api = BoostyAPI(self)
self._user = None if self.config("metadata") else False
self.only_allowed = self.config("allowed", True)
self.only_bought = self.config("bought")
videos = self.config("videos")
if videos is None or videos:
if isinstance(videos, str):
videos = videos.split(",")
elif not isinstance(videos, (list, tuple)):
videos = ("quad_hd", "ultra_hd", "full_hd",
"high", "medium", "low")
self.videos = videos
def items(self):
for post in self.posts():
if not post.get("hasAccess"):
self.log.warning("Not allowed to access post %s", post["id"])
files = self._process_post(post)
data = {
"post" : post,
"user" : post.pop("user", None),
"count": len(files),
yield Message.Directory, data
for data["num"], file in enumerate(files, 1):
data["file"] = file
url = file["url"]
yield Message.Url, url, text.nameext_from_url(url, data)
def posts(self):
"""Yield JSON content of all relevant posts"""
def _process_post(self, post):
files = []
post["content"] = content = []
post["links"] = links = []
if "createdAt" in post:
post["date"] = text.parse_timestamp(post["createdAt"])
if self._user:
post["user"] = self._user
for block in post["data"]:
type = block["type"]
if type == "text":
if block["modificator"] == "BLOCK_END":
c = util.json_loads(block["content"])
elif type == "image":
files.append(self._update_url(post, block))
elif type == "ok_video":
if not self.videos:
self.log.debug("%s: Skipping video %s",
post["int_id"], block["id"])
fmts = {
fmt["type"]: fmt["url"]
for fmt in block["playerUrls"]
if fmt["url"]
formats = [
for fmt in self.videos
if fmt in fmts
if formats:
formats = iter(formats)
block["url"] = next(formats)
block["_fallback"] = formats
"%s: Found no suitable video format for %s",
post["int_id"], block["id"])
elif type == "link":
url = block["url"]
elif type == "audio_file":
files.append(self._update_url(post, block))
self.log.debug("%s: Unsupported data type '%s'",
post["int_id"], type)
except Exception as exc:
self.log.debug("%s: %s", exc.__class__.__name__, exc)
del post["data"]
return files
def _update_url(self, post, block):
url = block["url"]
sep = "&" if "?" in url else "?"
signed_query = post.get("signedQuery")
if signed_query:
url += sep + signed_query[1:]
sep = "&"
migrated = post.get("isMigrated")
if migrated is not None:
url += sep + "is_migrated=" + str(migrated).lower()
block["url"] = url
return block
class BoostyUserExtractor(BoostyExtractor):
"""Extractor for boosty.to user profiles"""
subcategory = "user"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/([^/?#]+)(?:\?([^#]+))?$"
example = "https://boosty.to/USER"
def posts(self):
user, query = self.groups
params = text.parse_query(query)
if self._user is None:
self._user = self.api.user(user)
return self.api.blog_posts(user, params)
class BoostyMediaExtractor(BoostyExtractor):
"""Extractor for boosty.to user media"""
subcategory = "media"
directory_fmt = "{category}", "{user[blogUrl]} ({user[id]})", "media"
filename_fmt = "{post[id]}_{num}.{extension}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/([^/?#]+)/media/([^/?#]+)(?:\?([^#]+))?"
example = "https://boosty.to/USER/media/all"
def posts(self):
user, media, query = self.groups
params = text.parse_query(query)
self._user = self.api.user(user)
return self.api.blog_media_album(user, media, params)
class BoostyFeedExtractor(BoostyExtractor):
"""Extractor for your boosty.to subscription feed"""
subcategory = "feed"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:\?([^#]+))?(?:$|#)"
example = "https://boosty.to/"
def posts(self):
params = text.parse_query(self.groups[0])
return self.api.feed_posts(params)
class BoostyPostExtractor(BoostyExtractor):
"""Extractor for boosty.to posts"""
subcategory = "post"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/([^/?#]+)/posts/([0-9a-f-]+)"
example = "https://boosty.to/USER/posts/01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcd"
def posts(self):
user, post_id = self.groups
if self._user is None:
self._user = self.api.user(user)
return (self.api.post(user, post_id),)
class BoostyFollowingExtractor(BoostyExtractor):
"""Extractor for your boosty.to subscribed users"""
subcategory = "following"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/app/settings/subscriptions"
example = "https://boosty.to/app/settings/subscriptions"
def items(self):
for user in self.api.user_subscriptions():
url = "{}/{}".format(self.root, user["blog"]["blogUrl"])
user["_extractor"] = BoostyUserExtractor
yield Message.Queue, url, user
class BoostyAPI():
"""Interface for the Boosty API"""
root = "https://api.boosty.to"
def __init__(self, extractor, access_token=None):
self.extractor = extractor
self.headers = {
"Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
"Origin": extractor.root,
if not access_token:
auth = self.extractor.cookies.get("auth", domain=".boosty.to")
if auth:
access_token = text.extr(
auth, "%22accessToken%22%3A%22", "%22")
if access_token:
self.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + access_token
def blog_posts(self, username, params):
endpoint = "/v1/blog/{}/post/".format(username)
params = self._merge_params(params, {
"limit" : "5",
"offset" : None,
"comments_limit": "2",
"reply_limit" : "1",
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
def blog_media_album(self, username, type="all", params=()):
endpoint = "/v1/blog/{}/media_album/".format(username)
params = self._merge_params(params, {
"type" : type.rstrip("s"),
"limit" : "15",
"limit_by": "media",
"offset" : None,
return self._pagination(endpoint, params, self._transform_media_posts)
def _transform_media_posts(self, data):
posts = []
for obj in data["mediaPosts"]:
post = obj["post"]
post["data"] = obj["media"]
return posts
def post(self, username, post_id):
endpoint = "/v1/blog/{}/post/{}".format(username, post_id)
return self._call(endpoint)
def feed_posts(self, params=None):
endpoint = "/v1/feed/post/"
params = self._merge_params(params, {
"limit" : "5",
"offset" : None,
"comments_limit": "2",
if "only_allowed" not in params and self.extractor.only_allowed:
params["only_allowed"] = "true"
if "only_bought" not in params and self.extractor.only_bought:
params["only_bought"] = "true"
return self._pagination(endpoint, params, key="posts")
def user(self, username):
endpoint = "/v1/blog/" + username
user = self._call(endpoint)
user["id"] = user["owner"]["id"]
return user
def user_subscriptions(self, params=None):
endpoint = "/v1/user/subscriptions"
params = self._merge_params(params, {
"limit" : "30",
"with_follow": "true",
"offset" : None,
return self._pagination_users(endpoint, params)
def _merge_params(self, params_web, params_api):
if params_web:
web_to_api = {
"isOnlyAllowedPosts": "is_only_allowed",
"postsTagsIds" : "tags_ids",
"postsFrom" : "from_ts",
"postsTo" : "to_ts",
for name, value in params_web.items():
name = web_to_api.get(name, name)
params_api[name] = value
return params_api
def _call(self, endpoint, params=None):
url = self.root + endpoint
while True:
response = self.extractor.request(
url, params=params, headers=self.headers,
fatal=None, allow_redirects=False)
if response.status_code < 300:
return response.json()
elif response.status_code < 400:
raise exception.AuthenticationError("Invalid API access token")
elif response.status_code == 429:
raise exception.StopExtraction("API request failed")
def _pagination(self, endpoint, params, transform=None, key=None):
if "is_only_allowed" not in params and self.extractor.only_allowed:
params["is_only_allowed"] = "true"
while True:
data = self._call(endpoint, params)
if transform:
yield from transform(data["data"])
elif key:
yield from data["data"][key]
yield from data["data"]
extra = data["extra"]
if extra.get("isLast"):
offset = extra.get("offset")
if not offset:
params["offset"] = offset
def _pagination_users(self, endpoint, params):
while True:
data = self._call(endpoint, params)
yield from data["data"]
offset = data["offset"] + data["limit"]
if offset > data["total"]:
params["offset"] = offset