Patrick Griffis 628100c19f build: Replace Autotools with Meson
Quick rundown of benefits:

- Much faster:
  - Autotools (with autogen): 22 seconds
  - Meson: 7 seconds
  - Meson (with ccache): 2 seconds

- Simpler:
  - ~1000 lines smaller
  - Single simple language

- Potentially better Windows (Visual Studio) support

What is not done:

- Complete Windows support
- OSX support (easy)

Closes #2013
Closes #1937
Closes #1803
2017-06-13 23:54:51 -04:00

13 lines
495 B

param ([string] $templateFilename, [string] $outputFilename)
$versionParts = Select-String -Path "${env:SOLUTIONDIR}meson.build" -Pattern " version: '([^']+)',$" | Select-Object -First 1 | %{ $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value.Split('.') }
[string[]] $contents = Get-Content $templateFilename -Encoding UTF8 | %{
while ($_ -match '^(.*?)<#=(.*?)#>(.*?)$') {
$_ = $Matches[1] + $(Invoke-Expression $Matches[2]) + $Matches[3]
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($outputFilename, $contents)