#!/bin/zsh # HoloISO Installer v2 # This defines all of the current variables. CMD_PACMAN_INSTALL=(/usr/bin/pacman --noconfirm -S --needed) CMD_PACMAN_UPDATE=(/usr/bin/pacman -Sy) CPU_VENDOR=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'vendor' | uniq | cut -c 13-) SYSTEM_LOCALE="${SYSTEM_LOCALE:-en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8}" HOLO_INSTALL_DIR="${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR:-/mnt}" if [[ "${CPU_VENDOR}" == "AuthenticAMD" ]]; then UCODE_INSTALL_MSG="AMD CPU detected, installing AMD ucode..." UCODE_INSTALL="amd-ucode" else UCODE_INSTALL_MSG="Intel CPU detected, installing Intel ucode..." UCODE_INSTALL="intel-ucode" fi base_os_install() { lsblk read "?Enter your desired drive node here (for example, sda or nvme0n1): " DRIVEDEVICE read "?WARNING: This drive is going to be erased fully. Press enter to continue, or CTRL+Z to terminate" DEVICE="/dev/${DRIVEDEVICE}" INSTALLDEVICE="${DEVICE}" echo ${DEVICE} | grep -q -P "^/dev/(nvme|loop|mmcblk)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then INSTALLDEVICE="${DEVICE}p" fi echo "Creating partitions..." sfdisk --delete ${DEVICE} wipefs -a ${DEVICE} parted ${DEVICE} mklabel gpt parted ${DEVICE} mkpart primary fat32 2M 256M parted ${DEVICE} set 1 boot on parted ${DEVICE} set 1 esp on parted ${DEVICE} mkpart primary btrfs 256M 100% root_partition="${INSTALLDEVICE}2" mkfs -t vfat ${INSTALLDEVICE}1 fatlabel ${INSTALLDEVICE}1 HOLOEFI mkfs -t btrfs -f ${root_partition} btrfs filesystem label ${root_partition} holo-root echo "Partition creating complete, mounting and pacstrapping..." echo "${UCODE_INSTALL_MSG}" mount -t btrfs -o subvol=/,compress-force=zstd:1,discard,noatime,nodiratime ${root_partition} ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} pacstrap -i ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} base base-devel ${UCODE_INSTALL} core/linux core/linux-headers linux-neptune linux-neptune-headers linux-firmware echo "Base system installation done, generating fstab..." genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab cp /etc/pacman.conf /mnt/etc/pacman.conf cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /mnt/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist read "?Enter your hostname for this installation: " HOLOHOSTNAME echo ${HOLOHOSTNAME} > ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/hostname read "?Enter your username for this installation: " HOLOUSER read "?Enter your user password for this installation: " HOLOPASS echo "Creating user ${HOLOUSER}..." echo -e "root\nroot" | arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} passwd root arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} useradd --create-home ${HOLOUSER} echo -e "${HOLOPASS}\n${HOLOPASS}" | arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} passwd ${HOLOUSER} echo "${HOLOUSER} ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" > ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/sudoers.d/${HOLOUSER} chmod 0440 ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/sudoers.d/${HOLOUSER} echo " ${HOLOHOSTNAME}" >> ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/hosts cp /etc/holoinstall/osinfo /mnt/etc/os-release echo "Installing bootloader..." arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_UPDATE} mkdir ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/boot/efi mount -t vfat ${INSTALLDEVICE}1 ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/boot/efi arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_INSTALL} core/grub efibootmgr inetutils mkinitcpio neofetch networkmanager sddm arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} systemctl enable NetworkManager systemd-timesyncd arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=holo --removable arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} sed -i 's/Arch Linux/SteamOS/g' /boot/grub/grub.cfg echo "Setting up locale..." echo "${SYSTEM_LOCALE}" >> ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/locale.gen arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} locale-gen echo "LANG=$(echo ${SYSTEM_LOCALE} | cut -d' ' -f1)" > ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/locale.conf } gamescope_only_install() { cp /etc/holoinstall/steamos-restart-sddm /mnt/usr/bin/steamos-session-select cp /etc/holoinstall/steamos-update /mnt/usr/bin/steamos-update arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} chmod +x /usr/bin/steamos-session-select arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} chmod +x /usr/bin/steamos-update arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_UPDATE} arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_INSTALL} archlinux-keyring blueman bluez bluez-qt bluez-utils curl ffmpegthumbs gamescope git glxinfo go jupiter-hw-support lib32-pipewire lib32-pipewire-jack lib32-pipewire-v4l2 lib32-vulkan-radeon mangohud noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-media-session pipewire-pulse pipewire-v4l2 steam-jupiter-stable tar vulkan-radeon yay zsh arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} usermod -a -G rfkill ${HOLOUSER} echo "Configuring Steam Deck UI..." mkdir ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/sddm.conf.d echo "[Autologin] User=${HOLOUSER} Session=gamescope-wayland.desktop" >> ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin.conf arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} systemctl enable sddm bluetooth } full_install() { cp /etc/holoinstall/steamos-session-select /mnt/usr/bin/steamos-session-select cp /etc/holoinstall/steamos-update /mnt/usr/bin/steamos-update arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} chmod +x /usr/bin/steamos-session-select arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} chmod +x /usr/bin/steamos-update arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_UPDATE} arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_INSTALL} archlinux-keyring cheese chromium cups curl dolphin ffmpegthumbs gamescope git glxinfo go gwenview jupiter-hw-support kdegraphics-thumbnailers konsole kwrite lib32-pipewire lib32-pipewire-jack lib32-pipewire-v4l2 lib32-vulkan-radeon mangohud noto-fonts-cjk pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-media-session pipewire-pulse pipewire-v4l2 plasma-meta plasma-nm spectacle steam-jupiter-stable steamdeck-kde-presets tar ufw vlc vulkan-radeon yay zsh echo "Installing Bluetooth dependencies..." arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMD_PACMAN_INSTALL} blueman bluez bluez-qt bluez-utils arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} systemctl enable bluetooth arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} usermod -a -G rfkill ${HOLOUSER} echo "Configuring Steam Deck UI by default..." mkdir ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/sddm.conf.d echo "[Autologin] User=${HOLOUSER} Session=gamescope-wayland.desktop" >> ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin.conf mkdir /mnt/home/${HOLOUSER}/Desktop cp /etc/holoinstall/steamos-gamemode.desktop /mnt/home/${HOLOUSER}/Desktop/steamos-gamemode.desktop arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} chmod +x /home/${HOLOUSER}/Desktop/steamos-gamemode.desktop arch-chroot ${HOLO_INSTALL_DIR} systemctl enable sddm } # The installer itself. Good wuck. echo "SteamOS 3 Installer, version SteamOS_Holo_RC1-20220505_0837_amdgpu-x86_64" echo "Start time: $(date)" echo "Please choose installation type:" echo "1) barebones: Barebones OS-only installation" echo "2) gameonly: Steam Deck UI only (AMD GPU only; no desktop)" echo "3) deckperience: Full SteamOS 3 experience" read "?Enter your choice here: " HOLO_INSTALL_TYPE if [[ "${HOLO_INSTALL_TYPE}" == "1" ]]; then echo "Installing SteamOS, barebones configuration..." base_os_install echo "Installation finished! You may reboot now, or type arch-chroot /mnt to make further changes" else echo "Invalid choice. Exiting installer..." fi if [[ "${HOLO_INSTALL_TYPE}" == "2" ]]; then echo "Installing SteamOS, gameonly configuration..." base_os_install gamescope_only_install echo "Installation finished! You may reboot now, or type arch-chroot /mnt to make further changes" fi if [[ "${HOLO_INSTALL_TYPE}" == "3" ]]; then echo "Installing SteamOS, deckperience configuration..." base_os_install full_install echo "Installation finished! You may reboot now, or type arch-chroot /mnt to make further changes" fi echo "End time: $(date)"