Adds preview web server and removes Vagrant (#51)

* Adds preview web server and removes Vagrant

* Removes preview web-server on test
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Ryan 2016-04-21 00:26:38 +01:00
parent 940cfac548
commit f6ac3b85c6
6 changed files with 46 additions and 373 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
node_modules node_modules
build build

View File

@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
# [][5] # [][5]
[![Build Status](](
[][5] is an easy to reference database of [][5] is an easy to reference database of
HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references. HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references, each
code is at ``. All standard codes are included, as are
## some non-standard codes that have significant presence in the wild.
Previously the project was known as [][6] but
[as per this GitHub issue][7] we have migrated to [][5] for
SEO reasons. The domain will remain available long term but
use of is preferred, everything 301's to
## Contributing ## Contributing
To build you need nodejs, run `npm install` to pull in dependencies and then
`node build`, a preview will be available at [localhost:4887][8].
All contributions are welcome! If you have an idea to improve the website please All contributions are welcome! If you have an idea to improve the website please
submit a pull request or [create an issue][1], or provide your thoughts on any submit a pull request or [create an issue][1], or provide your thoughts on
[open issues][1]. [open issues][1].
Each status code lives in a Markdown file at [contents/codes](contents/codes), Each status code lives in a Markdown file at [contents/codes](contents/codes),
@ -34,6 +33,17 @@ changes to the status codes please be mindful of the following:
* If the description references a section in the current RFC, always add the RFC * If the description references a section in the current RFC, always add the RFC
identifier. For example "Section 6.6" should become "RFC1234 Section 6.6" identifier. For example "Section 6.6" should become "RFC1234 Section 6.6"
Previously the project was known as [][6] but
[as per this GitHub issue][7] we migrated to [][5] in November
2015 for SEO reasons. The domain will remain available long term but
use of is preferred, everything 301's to The months following the migration have seen a
significant uptake in search engine traffic, if you're running a project on
a ccTLD not considered generic by Google and SEO matters it might be worth
switching to a generic too.
[1]: <> [1]: <>
[2]: <> [2]: <>
[3]: <> [3]: <>
@ -41,3 +51,4 @@ changes to the status codes please be mindful of the following:
[5]: <> [5]: <>
[6]: <> [6]: <>
[7]: <> [7]: <>
[8]: <http://localhost:4887>

Vagrantfile vendored
View File

@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Config Github Settings
github_username = "fideloper"
github_repo = "Vaprobash"
github_branch = "1.4.1"
github_url = "{github_username}/#{github_repo}/#{github_branch}"
# Because this:
github_pat = ""
# Server Configuration
hostname = ""
# Set a local private network IP address.
# See for explanation
# You can use the following IP ranges:
# -
# -
# -
server_ip = ""
server_cpus = "1" # Cores
server_memory = "384" # MB
server_swap = "768" # Options: false | int (MB) - Guideline: Between one or two times the server_memory
# UTC for Universal Coordinated Time
# EST for Eastern Standard Time
# US/Central for American Central
# US/Eastern for American Eastern
server_timezone = "UTC"
# Database Configuration
mysql_root_password = "root" # We'll assume user "root"
mysql_version = "5.5" # Options: 5.5 | 5.6
mysql_enable_remote = "false" # remote access enabled when true
pgsql_root_password = "root" # We'll assume user "root"
mongo_version = "2.6" # Options: 2.6 | 3.0
mongo_enable_remote = "false" # remote access enabled when true
# Languages and Packages
php_timezone = "UTC" #
php_version = "5.6" # Options: 5.5 | 5.6
ruby_version = "latest" # Choose what ruby version should be installed (will also be the default version)
ruby_gems = [ # List any Ruby Gems that you want to install
go_version = "latest" # Example: go1.4 (latest equals the latest stable version)
# To install HHVM instead of PHP, set this to "true"
hhvm = "false"
# PHP Options
composer_packages = [ # List any global Composer packages that you want to install
# Default web server document root
# Symfony's public directory is assumed "web"
# Laravel's public directory is assumed "public"
public_folder = "/vagrant/build"
laravel_root_folder = "/vagrant/laravel" # Where to install Laravel. Will `composer install` if a composer.json file exists
laravel_version = "latest-stable" # If you need a specific version of Laravel, set it here
symfony_root_folder = "/vagrant/symfony" # Where to install Symfony.
nodejs_version = "5" # By default "latest" will equal the latest stable version
nodejs_packages = [ # List any global NodeJS packages that you want to install
# RabbitMQ settings
rabbitmq_user = "user"
rabbitmq_password = "password"
sphinxsearch_version = "rel22" # rel20, rel21, rel22, beta, daily, stable
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Set server to Ubuntu 14.04 = "ubuntu/trusty64"
config.vm.define "" do |vapro|
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-hostmanager")
config.hostmanager.enabled = true
config.hostmanager.manage_host = true
config.hostmanager.ignore_private_ip = false
config.hostmanager.include_offline = false
# Create a hostname, don't forget to put it to the `hosts` file
# This will point to the server's default virtual host
# TO DO: Make this work with virtualhost along-side URL
config.vm.hostname = hostname
# Create a static IP :private_network, ip: server_ip :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8000
# Enable agent forwarding over SSH connections
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
# Use NFS for the shared folder
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant",
id: "core",
:nfs => true,
:mount_options => ['nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime,actimeo=2']
# Replicate local .gitconfig file if it exists
if File.file?(File.expand_path("~/.gitconfig"))
config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/.gitconfig", destination: ".gitconfig"
# If using VirtualBox
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| = ""
# Set server cpus
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", server_cpus]
# Set server memory
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", server_memory]
# Set the timesync threshold to 10 seconds, instead of the default 20 minutes.
# If the clock gets more than 15 minutes out of sync (due to your laptop going
# to sleep for instance, then some 3rd party services will reject requests.
vb.customize ["guestproperty", "set", :id, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/--timesync-set-threshold", 10000]
# Prevent VMs running on Ubuntu to lose internet connection
# vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
# vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
# If using VMWare Fusion
config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |vb, override|
override.vm.box_url = ""
# Set server memory
vb.vmx["memsize"] = server_memory
# If using Vagrant-Cachier
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier")
# Configure cached packages to be shared between instances of the same base box.
# Usage docs:
config.cache.scope = :box
config.cache.synced_folder_opts = {
type: :nfs,
mount_options: ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'nolock']
# Adding vagrant-digitalocean provider -
# Needs to ensure that the vagrant plugin is installed
config.vm.provider :digital_ocean do |provider, override|
override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
override.ssh.username = 'vagrant' = 'digital_ocean'
override.vm.box_url = ""
provider.token = 'YOUR TOKEN'
provider.image = 'ubuntu-14-04-x64'
provider.region = 'nyc2'
provider.size = '512mb'
# Base Items
# Provision Base Packages
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [github_url, server_swap, server_timezone]
# optimize base box
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: true
# Provision PHP
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [php_timezone, hhvm, php_version]
# Enable MSSQL for PHP
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Provision Vim
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: github_url
# Provision Docker
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: "permissions"
# Web Servers
# Provision Apache Base
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [server_ip, public_folder, hostname, github_url]
# Provision Nginx Base
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [server_ip, public_folder, hostname, github_url]
# Databases
# Provision MySQL
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [mysql_root_password, mysql_version, mysql_enable_remote]
# Provision PostgreSQL
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: pgsql_root_password
# Provision SQLite
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Provision RethinkDB
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: pgsql_root_password
# Provision Couchbase
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Provision CouchDB
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Provision MongoDB
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [mongo_enable_remote, mongo_version]
# Provision MariaDB
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [mysql_root_password, mysql_enable_remote]
# Provision Neo4J
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Search Servers
# Install Elasticsearch
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install SphinxSearch
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [sphinxsearch_version]
# Search Server Administration (web-based)
# Install ElasticHQ
# Admin for: Elasticsearch
# Works on: Apache2, Nginx
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# In-Memory Stores
# Install Memcached
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Provision Redis (without journaling and persistence)
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Provision Redis (with journaling and persistence)
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: "persistent"
# NOTE: It is safe to run this to add persistence even if originally provisioned without persistence
# Utility (queue)
# Install Beanstalkd
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install Heroku Toolbelt
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""
# Install Supervisord
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install Kibana
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install ØMQ
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install RabbitMQ
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", args: [rabbitmq_user, rabbitmq_password]
# Additional Languages
# Install Nodejs
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false, args: nodejs_packages.unshift(nodejs_version, github_url)
# Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false, args: ruby_gems.unshift(ruby_version)
# Install Go Version Manager (GVM)
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false, args: [go_version]
# Frameworks and Tooling
# Provision Composer
# You may pass a github auth token as the first argument
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false, args: [github_pat, composer_packages.join(" ")]
# Provision Laravel
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false, args: [server_ip, laravel_root_folder, public_folder, laravel_version]
# Provision Symfony
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false, args: [server_ip, symfony_root_folder, public_folder]
# Install Screen
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install Mailcatcher
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install git-ftp
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/", privileged: false
# Install Ansible
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Install Android
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "#{github_url}/scripts/"
# Local Scripts
# Any local scripts you may want to run post-provisioning.
# Add these to the same directory as the Vagrantfile.
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "./"

View File

@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ var ignore = require('metalsmith-ignore');
var collectionGrouping = require('metalsmith-collection-grouping'); var collectionGrouping = require('metalsmith-collection-grouping');
var fingerprint = require('metalsmith-fingerprint-ignore'); var fingerprint = require('metalsmith-fingerprint-ignore');
var excerpts = require('metalsmith-better-excerpts'); var excerpts = require('metalsmith-better-excerpts');
var finalhandler = require('finalhandler')
var http = require('http')
var serveStatic = require('serve-static')
var metalsmith = Metalsmith(__dirname); var metalsmith = Metalsmith(__dirname);
metalsmith metalsmith
@ -57,4 +60,18 @@ var metalsmith = Metalsmith(__dirname);
.build(function (err) { .build(function (err) {
if (err) throw err; if (err) throw err;
console.log('Build successful!'); console.log('Build successful!');
if (process.argv[2] != 'without-preview') startPreviewServer();
}); });
function startPreviewServer() {
http.createServer(function(req, res){
var done = finalhandler(req, res)
var serve = serveStatic('build', {'index': ['index.html'], 'extensions': ['html']})
serve(req, res, done)
console.log('A local webserver has been launched, visit localhost:4887 in your browser to preview your build.');
console.log('Exit this process to kill the webserver :-)');
console.log('To build without the local webserver use `node build without-preview`');

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ machine:
dependencies: dependencies:
post: post:
- node build - node build without-preview
deployment: deployment:
production: production:

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"main": "build.js", "main": "build.js",
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"start": "node build.js", "start": "node build.js",
"test": "node build.js" "test": "node build.js without-preview"
}, },
"repository": { "repository": {
"type": "git", "type": "git",
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
}, },
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"finalhandler": "^0.4.1",
"http": "0.0.0",
"jade": "^1.11.0", "jade": "^1.11.0",
"lodash.groupby": "^3.1.1", "lodash.groupby": "^3.1.1",
"metalsmith": "^2.1.0", "metalsmith": "^2.1.0",
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@
"metalsmith-markdown": "^0.2.1", "metalsmith-markdown": "^0.2.1",
"metalsmith-sass": "^1.3.0", "metalsmith-sass": "^1.3.0",
"metalsmith-writemetadata": "^0.4.5", "metalsmith-writemetadata": "^0.4.5",
"serve-static": "^1.10.2",
"skeleton-scss": "^2.0.4" "skeleton-scss": "^2.0.4"
} }
} }