# [httpstatuses.com][5] [httpstatuses.com][5] is an easy to reference database of HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references. ## httpstatus.es Previously the project was known as [httpstatus.es][6] but [as per this GitHub issue][7] we have migrated to [httpstatuses.com][5] for SEO reasons. The httpstatus.es domain will remain available long term but use of httpstatuses.com is preferred, everything 301's to https://httpstatuses.com. ## Contributing All contributions are welcome! If you have an idea to improve the website please submit a pull request or [create an issue][1], or provide your thoughts on any [open issues][1]. Each status code lives in a Markdown file at [contents/codes](contents/codes), the easiest way to submit changes is via the GitHub editor. When contributing changes to the status codes please be mindful of the following: * Soft line length of 80 for Markdown * Markdown links should be used as [references instead of inline][2] * If an RFC or external document is referenced, make the reference a link * Source information on a status code from the most recent standards available (Status Code standards directory is available on [iana.org][3]) * The opening paragraph of a status code should describe the meaning, following paragraphs can describe implementation * Don't edit the meaning of descriptions, but formatting and structural changes are a-okay * [Don't double-space after a period][4], and remove any examples of it * If the description references a section in the current RFC, always add the RFC identifier. For example "Section 6.6" should become "RFC1234 Section 6.6" [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: