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2017-09-23 23:54:48 +02:00
# $Cambridge: hermes/src/2exchange/scripts/fix_email_for_exchange.py,v 1.20 2017/01/25 18:33:48 dpc22 Exp $
# Convert message into form that Exchange Online will accept.
# This is a combination of lossless conversions (for example recoding text
# attachments with long lines) and more aggresive conversions which remove
# headers and attachments which Exchange Online cannot accept because of
# hard limits listed on:
# https://technet.microsoft.com/en-GB/library/exchange-online-limits.aspx
MAX_MSG_SIZE = 35*1024*1024
MAX_ATTACHMENTS = 250 # Across the entire message
MAX_SUBPARTS = 250 # In single multipart.
MAX_FILENAME = 255 # for attachments
MAX_DEPTH = 30 # Nested multipart
NUKE_8BIT = True
# (hdr, max_lines, max_items, max_bytes). (-1 => unlimited).
("References", 485, 485, 40000),
("Subject", -1, -1, 255),
import sys
import binascii
from email.parser import Parser
from email.generator import Generator
from email import utils
from cStringIO import StringIO
# NB: utils._qencode() replaces ALL ' ' with '=20', as required by QP
# header strings. We only need to encode trailing whitespace in message
# body. quopri.encodestring (used by utils._qencode()) does this already.
from quopri import encodestring as qp_encode
fp = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") if len(sys.argv) > 1 else sys.stdin
msg_text_crnl = fp.read(); fp.close()
msg_text_nl = msg_text_crnl.replace("\r\n", "\n")
# We want to preserve CRLF and any leading "From" from source message
CRLF = "\r\n" if (len(msg_text_nl) < len(msg_text_crnl)) else "\n"
UNIXFROM = msg_text_nl.startswith("From ")
def max_line_len(str):
return(max([len(i) for i in str.split('\n')]))
def count_attachments(part):
if part.is_multipart():
count = 0 # multipart wrapper doesn't count as attachment itself?
for subpart in part.get_payload():
count += count_attachments(subpart)
count = 1
return count
def find_depth(part):
max_depth = 0
if part.is_multipart():
for subpart in part.get_payload():
depth = find_depth(subpart)
if depth > max_depth:
max_depth = depth
return max_depth + 1
# Replace complex bodypart with simple text/plain explanation
def nuke_part(part, print_stderr, text):
for hdr in ['Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'Content-Disposition']:
if part.has_key(hdr):
del part[hdr]
if part.has_key('Content-Type'):
part.replace_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
part.add_header('X-Mime-Autoconverted', text)
if print_stderr:
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: " + text + "\n")
def rewrite(part, drop_all_multipart_err):
need_rewrite = False
if (part.preamble and max_line_len(part.preamble) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH):
part.preamble = "\n"
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Removed over-long MIME preamble\n")
need_rewrite = True
if (part.epilogue and max_line_len(part.epilogue) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH):
part.epilogue = "\n"
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Removed over-long MIME epilogue\n")
need_rewrite = True
for hdr in part.values():
if max_line_len(hdr) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH:
need_rewrite = True # Force MIME rewrite if we have long headers
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Rewrite forced by long header line\n")
for hdr, max_lines, max_items, max_bytes in NUKE_HDRS:
(hdr, val) = (hdr.lower(), part.get(hdr))
if (val and ((max_lines >= 0 and len(val.split('\n')) > max_lines) or
(max_items >= 0 and len(val.split()) > max_items) or
(max_bytes >= 0 and len(val) > max_bytes))):
del part[hdr]
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Removed long header line: "+hdr+"\n")
need_rewrite = True
# Exchange Online can't cope with very long component in address list
for hdr in ['To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']:
val = part.get(hdr, "")
for addr in val.split(','): # Need better parsing here!
if len(addr) > 1950:
part['X-Broken-' + hdr] = val
del part[hdr]
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Renamed broken " + hdr +
" to X-Broken-" + hdr + "\n")
need_rewrite = True
ct = part.get_content_type()
max_name_len = 0
params = part.get_params()
if params:
for (key,value) in part.get_params():
if key in ['name', 'filename']:
if len(value) > max_name_len:
max_name_len = len(value)
if max_name_len > MAX_FILENAME:
need_rewrite = True
part_str = ('Removed ' + ct +
' with long filename (' + str(max_name_len) +
' characters) which chokes Exchange Online')
nuke_part(part, 1, part_str)
return need_rewrite
if part.is_multipart():
if (drop_all_multipart_err):
need_rewrite = True
part_str = drop_all_multipart_err
nuke_part(part, 0, part_str)
elif (len(part.get_payload()) > MAX_SUBPARTS):
need_rewrite = True
part_str = ('Removed ' + ct +
' with ' + str(part_count) +
' subparts/attachments which chokes Exchange Online')
nuke_part(part, 1, part_str)
elif ct in ['multipart/appledouble']:
need_rewrite = True
part_str = ('Removed ' + ct +
' which chokes Exchange Online')
nuke_part(part, 1, part_str)
for subpart in part.get_payload():
if rewrite(subpart, drop_all_multipart_err):
need_rewrite = True
return need_rewrite
payload = part.get_payload()
max_line_length = max_line_len(payload)
cte = part.get('content-transfer-encoding', '').lower().strip()
if cte in ['8bit', '7bit', 'binary', '']:
# Encode unencoded forms which contain 8bit characters or long lines
update_cte = part.replace_header if (cte != '') else part.add_header
nonascii_count = [(ord(c) >= 128) for c in payload].count(True)
if ((NUKE_8BIT and nonascii_count > 0) or
max_line_length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH):
if nonascii_count < 100:
update_cte('Content-Transfer-Encoding', "quoted-printable")
update_cte('Content-Transfer-Encoding', "base64")
need_rewrite = True
elif (cte in ['quoted-printable', 'base64']):
decode_error = False
if cte == 'quoted-printable':
if (len(payload) > 100) and (len(raw) < len(payload)/10):
raise binascii.Error
except binascii.Error:
decode_error = True
if decode_error:
# Discard broken attachment which would no decode
need_rewrite = True
part_str = ('Removed ' + ct +
' with broken attachment which failed to decode')
nuke_part(part, 1, part_str)
elif max_line_length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH:
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Recoded " +
(cte or "none") + " attachment [Long lines]\n")
# Recode quoted-printable or base64 with long lines
need_rewrite = True
if cte == 'quoted-printable':
newcte = part.get('content-transfer-encoding', '').lower().strip()
if (newcte and (newcte != cte)):
"from " + (cte or "none") + " to " + newcte)
if max_line_length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH:
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Attachment converted " +
"from " + (cte or "none") + " to " + newcte +
" [Long lines]\n")
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: Attachment converted " +
"from " + (cte or "none") + " to " + newcte +
" [Raw Binary data]\n")
return need_rewrite
msg_size = len(msg_text_nl)
msg_depth = find_depth(msg)
attachments_count = count_attachments(msg)
if msg_size > MAX_MSG_SIZE:
err= ("message is too large for" +
" Exchange Online (" + str(msg_size / (1024*1024)) + " Mbytes)")
need_rewrite=rewrite(msg, err)
if need_rewrite:
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: " + err + "\n")
elif msg_depth > MAX_DEPTH:
err=("Removed multipart message with " + str(msg_depth) +
" nested messages which chokes Exchange Online")
need_rewrite=rewrite(msg, err)
if need_rewrite:
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: " + err + "\n")
elif attachments_count > MAX_SUBPARTS:
err=("Removed multipart message with " + str(attachments_count) +
" attachments which chokes Exchange Online")
need_rewrite=rewrite(msg, err)
if need_rewrite:
sys.stderr.write("FIXUP NEXT: " + err + "\n")
need_rewrite=rewrite(msg, '')
if not need_rewrite and not FORCE_REWRITE:
if need_rewrite:
# Log message headers if structure has changed
for hdr in ['Message-Id', 'From', 'Subject', 'Date']:
if msg.get(hdr):
sys.stderr.write(" " + hdr + ": " + msg.get(hdr) + "\n")
buffer = StringIO()
gen=Generator(buffer, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
gen.flatten(msg, unixfrom=UNIXFROM)
for line in buffer.readlines():
sys.stdout.write(line.rstrip('\n')); sys.stdout.write(CRLF)