HOST1=localhost HOST2=localhost perl_syntax passed Here is imapsync 2.223 on host petite, a linux system with 0.1/2.0 free GiB of RAM, 107.34% used by processes. with Perl 5.22.1 and Mail::IMAPClient 3.43 Transfer started at jeudi 07 juillet 2022-07-07 09:53:06 +0200 CEST PID is 31799 my PPID is 31540 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Load is 0.16 0.29 0.33 3/628 on 2 cores Current directory is /home/gilles/public_html/imapsync Real user id is gilles (uid 1000) Effective user id is gilles (euid 1000) $RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 2.223 $ $Date: 2022/07/03 10:39:30 $ Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl: ./imapsync --gmail1 --user1 --passfile1 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl_gmail --gmail2 --user2 --passfile2 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl_gmail --no-modulesversion --justfolderlists Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath ) kill -QUIT 31799 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -TERM 31799 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -INT 31799 # special behavior: call to sub catch_reconnect kill -HUP 31799 # special behavior: call to sub catch_print kill -USR1 31799 # special behavior: call to sub toggle_sleep File /tmp/ does not exist PID file is /tmp/ ( to change it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" ) Writing my PID 31799 in /tmp/ Writing also my logfile name in /tmp/ : LOG_imapsync/ Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags. SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug) Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host1 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host1 Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host2 Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1. Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1 Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2 Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host1: imap connection keepalive is on on host1. Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it. Host2: imap connection keepalive is on on host2. Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it. Host1: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host2: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host1: connecting and login on host1 [] port [993] with user [] Host1 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c07::6c Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host1 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 t12mb104916042wmq Host1 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host1: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host2: connecting and login on host2 [] port [993] with user [] Host2 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c07::6d Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host2 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 f11mb222883796wri Host2 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host2: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host1: state Authenticated Host2: state Authenticated Host1 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host2 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host1: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host1") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host2") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: QUOTA capability found, presented in raw IMAP on next lines Sending: 5 GETQUOTAROOT INBOX Sent 22 bytes Read: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "" * QUOTA "" (STORAGE 23274 15728640) 5 OK Success Host2: Quota current storage is 23832576 bytes. Limit is 16106127360 bytes. So 0.15 % full Host2: found APPENDLIMIT=35651584 in CAPABILITY (use --appendlimit xxxx to override this automatic setting) Host2: Setting maxsize to appendlimit 35651584 Host1: Compression is off. Use --compress1 to allow compression on host1 Host2: Compression is off. Use --compress2 to allow compression on host2 Host1: found 144 folders. Host2: found 144 folders. Host1: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host1: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host2: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host2: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host1: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host1: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host2: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host2: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host1: separator and prefix: [/][] Host2: separator and prefix: [/][] Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders. Excluding folders matching pattern \[Gmail\]$ [[Gmail]] Host1: Checking wanted folders exist. Use --nocheckfoldersexist to avoid this check (shared of public namespace targeted). Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check. Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping ) Host1: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host1: special [Gmail]/Bin = \Trash Host1: special [Gmail]/Drafts = \Drafts Host1: special [Gmail]/Sent Mail = \Sent Host1: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host1: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged Host2: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host2: special [Gmail]/Bin = \Trash Host2: special [Gmail]/Drafts = \Drafts Host2: special [Gmail]/Sent Mail = \Sent Host2: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host2: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged ++++ Listing folders All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername. When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form [X] = [Y] where X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and Y is the utf8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it. Host1: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\"qq\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\"uni\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "A B" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "A:B:C" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Aa" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Aa/B" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Aa/B/C" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/ blanc_begin" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/\"qq\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/\"uni\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/A" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/A B" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/A:B:C" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Draft" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Giancarlo" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Junk" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Messagesenvoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/NUL_char" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Note" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/SMS" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Sent" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/Trash" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Trash/Giancarlo" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/[bracket]" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/a@bc" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/addheader" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/backstar\\*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/bigmail2" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "BBB/blanc " * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc /blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc middle" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc/blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc_begin" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/disarm" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/duplicates" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/errors" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/f g\\h\"i'j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/f g\\h_i_j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/few_emails" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/lalala" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/longline" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/new_folder" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/oneemail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/oneemail2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/oneemail3" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/partial" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/ppp" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/qqq" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/regexmess" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/scwchu" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/size_null" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/star*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/uni" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/useuid" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/YAP" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "BBB/yop/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yap/yip" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup/yip" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap/yep" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yopX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yopX/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yopX/yup" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz_1" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz_2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz_3" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Chats" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Draft" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Dumb" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Giancarlo" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "Gmail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Gmail/Messages envoyes" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Junk" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Messages_envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Messagesenvoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Note" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "SMS" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Sent" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Trash" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Updates_L" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Bin" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Chats" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/te*st" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "a@bc" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "addheader" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "backstar\\*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "bigmail2" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "blanc" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "blanc " * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc /blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc middle" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc/blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc_begin" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "blanc_end" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc_end/blanc2" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "blanc_end2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc_end2/blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "duplicates" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "f g\\h\"i'j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "f g\\h_i_j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "few_emails" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "inbox_copy" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "lalala" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "new_folder" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "oneemail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "oneemail2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "oneemail3" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "ppp" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "qqq" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "regexmess" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "scwchu" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "size_null" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "star*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "te*st" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "uni" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "useuid" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yop/yap" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop/yup" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop/yup/yip" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop/yup/yip/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yop/yup/yip/yap/yep" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yopX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yopX/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yopX/yup" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "zz" 153 OK Success ["qq"] ["uni"] [A B] [A:B:C] [Aa] [Aa/B] [Aa/B/C] [BBB] [BBB/ blanc_begin] [BBB/"qq"] [BBB/"uni"] [BBB/A] [BBB/A B] [BBB/A:B:C] [BBB/Draft] [BBB/Drafts] [BBB/Giancarlo] [BBB/INBOX] [BBB/Junk] [BBB/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [BBB/Messages envoyés] [BBB/Messagesenvoy&AOk-s] = [BBB/Messagesenvoyés] [BBB/NUL_char] [BBB/Note] [BBB/SMS] [BBB/Sent] [BBB/Trash] [BBB/Trash/Giancarlo] [BBB/[bracket]] [BBB/a@bc] [BBB/addheader] [BBB/backstar\*] [BBB/bigmail2] [BBB/blanc] [BBB/blanc /blanc2] [BBB/blanc middle] [BBB/blanc/blanc2] [BBB/blanc_begin] [BBB/disarm] [BBB/duplicates] [BBB/errors] [BBB/f g\h"i'j] [BBB/f g\h_i_j] [BBB/few_emails] [BBB/lalala] [BBB/longline] [BBB/new_folder] [BBB/oneemail] [BBB/oneemail2] [BBB/oneemail3] [BBB/partial] [BBB/ppp] [BBB/qqq] [BBB/regexmess] [BBB/scwchu] [BBB/size_null] [BBB/star*] [BBB/uni] [BBB/useuid] [BBB/yop] [BBB/yop/YAP] [BBB/yop/yap/yip] [BBB/yop/yup] [BBB/yop/yup/yip] [BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap] [BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap/yep] [BBB/yopX] [BBB/yopX/yap] [BBB/yopX/yup] [BBB/zz] [BBB/zz_1] [BBB/zz_2] [BBB/zz_3] [Chats] [Draft] [Drafts] [Dumb] [Giancarlo] [Gmail/Messages envoyes] [INBOX] [Important] [Junk] [Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [Messages envoyés] [Messages_envoy&AOk-s] = [Messages_envoyés] [Messagesenvoy&AOk-s] = [Messagesenvoyés] [Note] [SMS] [Sent] [Test] [Trash] [Updates_L] [[Gmail]] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Bin] [[Gmail]/Chats] [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [[Gmail]/Messages envoyés] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] [[Gmail]/te*st] [a@bc] [addheader] [backstar\*] [bigmail2] [blanc] [blanc /blanc2] [blanc middle] [blanc/blanc2] [blanc_begin] [blanc_end] [blanc_end/blanc2] [blanc_end2] [blanc_end2/blanc2] [duplicates] [f g\h"i'j] [f g\h_i_j] [few_emails] [inbox_copy] [lalala] [new_folder] [oneemail] [oneemail2] [oneemail3] [ppp] [qqq] [regexmess] [scwchu] [size_null] [star*] [te*st] [uni] [useuid] [yop] [yop/yap] [yop/yup] [yop/yup/yip] [yop/yup/yip/yap] [yop/yup/yip/yap/yep] [yopX] [yopX/yap] [yopX/yup] [zz] Host2: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\"qq\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\"uni\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "A B" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "A:B:C" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Aa" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Aa/B" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Aa/B/C" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/ blanc_begin" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/\"qq\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/\"uni\"" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/A" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/A B" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/A:B:C" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Draft" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Giancarlo" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Junk" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Messagesenvoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/NUL_char" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Note" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/SMS" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Sent" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/Trash" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/Trash/Giancarlo" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/[bracket]" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/a@bc" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/addheader" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/backstar\\*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/bigmail2" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "BBB/blanc " * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc /blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc middle" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc/blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/blanc_begin" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/disarm" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/duplicates" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/errors" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/f g\\h\"i'j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/f g\\h_i_j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/few_emails" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/lalala" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/longline" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/new_folder" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/oneemail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/oneemail2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/oneemail3" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/partial" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/ppp" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/qqq" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/regexmess" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/scwchu" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/size_null" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/star*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/uni" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/useuid" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/YAP" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "BBB/yop/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yap/yip" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup/yip" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap/yep" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "BBB/yopX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yopX/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/yopX/yup" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz_1" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz_2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "BBB/zz_3" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Chats" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Draft" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Dumb" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Giancarlo" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "Gmail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Gmail/Messages envoyes" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Junk" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Messages_envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Messagesenvoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Note" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "SMS" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Sent" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Trash" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Updates_L" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Bin" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Chats" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/te*st" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "a@bc" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "addheader" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "backstar\\*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "bigmail2" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "blanc" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "blanc " * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc /blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc middle" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc/blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc_begin" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "blanc_end" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc_end/blanc2" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "blanc_end2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "blanc_end2/blanc2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "duplicates" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "f g\\h\"i'j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "f g\\h_i_j" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "few_emails" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "inbox_copy" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "lalala" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "new_folder" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "oneemail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "oneemail2" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "oneemail3" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "ppp" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "qqq" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "regexmess" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "scwchu" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "size_null" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "star*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "te*st" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "uni" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "useuid" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yop/yap" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop/yup" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop/yup/yip" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yop/yup/yip/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yop/yup/yip/yap/yep" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "yopX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yopX/yap" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "yopX/yup" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "zz" 11 OK Success ["qq"] ["uni"] [A B] [A:B:C] [Aa] [Aa/B] [Aa/B/C] [BBB] [BBB/ blanc_begin] [BBB/"qq"] [BBB/"uni"] [BBB/A] [BBB/A B] [BBB/A:B:C] [BBB/Draft] [BBB/Drafts] [BBB/Giancarlo] [BBB/INBOX] [BBB/Junk] [BBB/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [BBB/Messages envoyés] [BBB/Messagesenvoy&AOk-s] = [BBB/Messagesenvoyés] [BBB/NUL_char] [BBB/Note] [BBB/SMS] [BBB/Sent] [BBB/Trash] [BBB/Trash/Giancarlo] [BBB/[bracket]] [BBB/a@bc] [BBB/addheader] [BBB/backstar\*] [BBB/bigmail2] [BBB/blanc] [BBB/blanc /blanc2] [BBB/blanc middle] [BBB/blanc/blanc2] [BBB/blanc_begin] [BBB/disarm] [BBB/duplicates] [BBB/errors] [BBB/f g\h"i'j] [BBB/f g\h_i_j] [BBB/few_emails] [BBB/lalala] [BBB/longline] [BBB/new_folder] [BBB/oneemail] [BBB/oneemail2] [BBB/oneemail3] [BBB/partial] [BBB/ppp] [BBB/qqq] [BBB/regexmess] [BBB/scwchu] [BBB/size_null] [BBB/star*] [BBB/uni] [BBB/useuid] [BBB/yop] [BBB/yop/YAP] [BBB/yop/yap/yip] [BBB/yop/yup] [BBB/yop/yup/yip] [BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap] [BBB/yop/yup/yip/yap/yep] [BBB/yopX] [BBB/yopX/yap] [BBB/yopX/yup] [BBB/zz] [BBB/zz_1] [BBB/zz_2] [BBB/zz_3] [Chats] [Draft] [Drafts] [Dumb] [Giancarlo] [Gmail/Messages envoyes] [INBOX] [Important] [Junk] [Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [Messages envoyés] [Messages_envoy&AOk-s] = [Messages_envoyés] [Messagesenvoy&AOk-s] = [Messagesenvoyés] [Note] [SMS] [Sent] [Test] [Trash] [Updates_L] [[Gmail]] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Bin] [[Gmail]/Chats] [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [[Gmail]/Messages envoyés] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] [[Gmail]/te*st] [a@bc] [addheader] [backstar\*] [bigmail2] [blanc] [blanc /blanc2] [blanc middle] [blanc/blanc2] [blanc_begin] [blanc_end] [blanc_end/blanc2] [blanc_end2] [blanc_end2/blanc2] [duplicates] [f g\h"i'j] [f g\h_i_j] [few_emails] [inbox_copy] [lalala] [new_folder] [oneemail] [oneemail2] [oneemail3] [ppp] [qqq] [regexmess] [scwchu] [size_null] [star*] [te*st] [uni] [useuid] [yop] [yop/yap] [yop/yup] [yop/yup/yip] [yop/yup/yip/yap] [yop/yup/yip/yap/yep] [yopX] [yopX/yap] [yopX/yup] [zz] Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping): [[Gmail]/Starred] -> [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Bin] -> [[Gmail]/Bin] [[Gmail]/Drafts] -> [[Gmail]/Drafts] [Junk] -> [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] -> [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/All Mail] -> [[Gmail]/All Mail] [Sent] -> [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [Trash] -> [[Gmail]/Bin] [[Gmail]/Spam] -> [[Gmail]/Spam] [Drafts] -> [[Gmail]/Drafts] Exiting because of --justfolderlists Exiting with return value 0 (EX_OK: successful termination) 0/50 nb_errors/max_errors PID 31799 Removing pidfile /tmp/ Disconnecting from host1 user1 Disconnecting from host2 user2 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Here is imapsync 2.223 on host petite, a linux system with 0.1/2.0 free GiB of RAM, 108.00% used by processes. with Perl 5.22.1 and Mail::IMAPClient 3.43 Transfer started at jeudi 07 juillet 2022-07-07 09:53:35 +0200 CEST PID is 31806 my PPID is 31540 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Load is 0.18 0.28 0.32 3/630 on 2 cores Current directory is /home/gilles/public_html/imapsync Real user id is gilles (uid 1000) Effective user id is gilles (euid 1000) $RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 2.223 $ $Date: 2022/07/03 10:39:30 $ Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl: ./imapsync --gmail1 --user1 --passfile1 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl0_gmail --gmail2 --user2 --passfile2 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl0_gmail --no-modulesversion --justfolderlists Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath ) kill -QUIT 31806 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -TERM 31806 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -INT 31806 # special behavior: call to sub catch_reconnect kill -HUP 31806 # special behavior: call to sub catch_print kill -USR1 31806 # special behavior: call to sub toggle_sleep File /tmp/ does not exist PID file is /tmp/ ( to change it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" ) Writing my PID 31806 in /tmp/ Writing also my logfile name in /tmp/ : LOG_imapsync/ Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags. SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug) Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host1 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host1 Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host2 Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1. Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1 Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2 Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host1: imap connection keepalive is on on host1. Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it. Host2: imap connection keepalive is on on host2. Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it. Host1: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host2: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host1: connecting and login on host1 [] port [993] with user [] Host1 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c07::6c Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host1 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 u13mb163543970wrs Host1 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host1: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host2: connecting and login on host2 [] port [993] with user [] Host2 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c07::6d Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host2 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 i2mb49702066wmh Host2 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host2: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host1: state Authenticated Host2: state Authenticated Host1 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host2 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host1: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host1") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host2") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: QUOTA capability found, presented in raw IMAP on next lines Sending: 5 GETQUOTAROOT INBOX Sent 22 bytes Read: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "" * QUOTA "" (STORAGE 687 15728640) 5 OK Success Host2: Quota current storage is 703488 bytes. Limit is 16106127360 bytes. So 0.00 % full Host2: found APPENDLIMIT=35651584 in CAPABILITY (use --appendlimit xxxx to override this automatic setting) Host2: Setting maxsize to appendlimit 35651584 Host1: Compression is off. Use --compress1 to allow compression on host1 Host2: Compression is off. Use --compress2 to allow compression on host2 Host1: found 8 folders. Host2: found 8 folders. Host1: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host1: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host2: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host2: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host1: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host1: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host2: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host2: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host1: separator and prefix: [/][] Host2: separator and prefix: [/][] Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders. Excluding folders matching pattern \[Gmail\]$ Host1: Checking wanted folders exist. Use --nocheckfoldersexist to avoid this check (shared of public namespace targeted). Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check. Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping ) Host1: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host1: special [Gmail]/Drafts = \Drafts Host1: special [Gmail]/Sent Mail = \Sent Host1: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host1: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged Host1: special [Gmail]/Trash = \Trash Host2: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host2: special [Gmail]/Drafts = \Drafts Host2: special [Gmail]/Sent Mail = \Sent Host2: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host2: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged Host2: special [Gmail]/Trash = \Trash ++++ Listing folders All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername. When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form [X] = [Y] where X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and Y is the utf8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it. Host1: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash" 18 OK Success [INBOX] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] Host2: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash" 11 OK Success [INBOX] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping): [[Gmail]/Starred] -> [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] -> [[Gmail]/Trash] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] -> [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Drafts] -> [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Spam] -> [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/All Mail] -> [[Gmail]/All Mail] Exiting because of --justfolderlists Exiting with return value 0 (EX_OK: successful termination) 0/50 nb_errors/max_errors PID 31806 Removing pidfile /tmp/ Disconnecting from host1 user1 Disconnecting from host2 user2 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Here is imapsync 2.223 on host petite, a linux system with 0.1/2.0 free GiB of RAM, 108.07% used by processes. with Perl 5.22.1 and Mail::IMAPClient 3.43 Transfer started at jeudi 07 juillet 2022-07-07 09:53:44 +0200 CEST PID is 31811 my PPID is 31540 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Load is 0.23 0.28 0.32 4/631 on 2 cores Current directory is /home/gilles/public_html/imapsync Real user id is gilles (uid 1000) Effective user id is gilles (euid 1000) $RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 2.223 $ $Date: 2022/07/03 10:39:30 $ Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl: ./imapsync --gmail1 --user1 --passfile1 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl1_gmail --gmail2 --user2 --passfile2 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl1_gmail --no-modulesversion --justfolderlists Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath ) kill -QUIT 31811 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -TERM 31811 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -INT 31811 # special behavior: call to sub catch_reconnect kill -HUP 31811 # special behavior: call to sub catch_print kill -USR1 31811 # special behavior: call to sub toggle_sleep File /tmp/ does not exist PID file is /tmp/ ( to change it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" ) Writing my PID 31811 in /tmp/ Writing also my logfile name in /tmp/ : LOG_imapsync/ Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags. SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug) Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host1 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host1 Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host2 Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1. Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1 Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2 Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host1: imap connection keepalive is on on host1. Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it. Host2: imap connection keepalive is on on host2. Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it. Host1: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host2: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host1: connecting and login on host1 [] port [993] with user [] Host1 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c04::6c Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host1 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 2mb79178924wmo Host1 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host1: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host2: connecting and login on host2 [] port [993] with user [] Host2 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c04::6d Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host2 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 y2mb272977894wrd Host2 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host2: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host1: state Authenticated Host2: state Authenticated Host1 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host2 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host1: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host1") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host2") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: QUOTA capability found, presented in raw IMAP on next lines Sending: 5 GETQUOTAROOT INBOX Sent 22 bytes Read: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "" * QUOTA "" (STORAGE 391 15728640) 5 OK Success Host2: Quota current storage is 400384 bytes. Limit is 16106127360 bytes. So 0.00 % full Host2: found APPENDLIMIT=35651584 in CAPABILITY (use --appendlimit xxxx to override this automatic setting) Host2: Setting maxsize to appendlimit 35651584 Host1: Compression is off. Use --compress1 to allow compression on host1 Host2: Compression is off. Use --compress2 to allow compression on host2 Host1: found 12 folders. Host2: found 12 folders. Host1: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host1: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host2: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host2: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host1: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host1: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host2: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host2: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host1: separator and prefix: [/][] Host2: separator and prefix: [/][] Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders. Excluding folders matching pattern \[Gmail\]$ Host1: Checking wanted folders exist. Use --nocheckfoldersexist to avoid this check (shared of public namespace targeted). Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check. Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping ) Host1: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host1: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged Host2: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host2: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged ++++ Listing folders All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername. When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form [X] = [Y] where X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and Y is the utf8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it. Host1: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Work" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Starred" 22 OK Success [Blabla] [Blan Blan] [Coucou] [INBOX] [Test] [Work] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Starred] [\Important] [\Inbox] [\Starred] Host2: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Work" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Starred" 11 OK Success [Blabla] [Blan Blan] [Coucou] [INBOX] [Test] [Work] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Starred] [\Important] [\Inbox] [\Starred] Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping): [[Gmail]/Starred] -> [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/All Mail] -> [[Gmail]/All Mail] Exiting because of --justfolderlists Exiting with return value 0 (EX_OK: successful termination) 0/50 nb_errors/max_errors PID 31811 Removing pidfile /tmp/ Disconnecting from host1 user1 Disconnecting from host2 user2 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Here is imapsync 2.223 on host petite, a linux system with 0.1/2.0 free GiB of RAM, 109.22% used by processes. with Perl 5.22.1 and Mail::IMAPClient 3.43 Transfer started at jeudi 07 juillet 2022-07-07 09:53:57 +0200 CEST PID is 31816 my PPID is 31540 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Load is 0.42 0.32 0.34 2/634 on 2 cores Current directory is /home/gilles/public_html/imapsync Real user id is gilles (uid 1000) Effective user id is gilles (euid 1000) $RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 2.223 $ $Date: 2022/07/03 10:39:30 $ Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl: ./imapsync --gmail1 --user1 --passfile1 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl2_gmail --gmail2 --user2 --passfile2 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl2_gmail --no-modulesversion --justfolderlists Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath ) kill -QUIT 31816 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -TERM 31816 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -INT 31816 # special behavior: call to sub catch_reconnect kill -HUP 31816 # special behavior: call to sub catch_print kill -USR1 31816 # special behavior: call to sub toggle_sleep File /tmp/ does not exist PID file is /tmp/ ( to change it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" ) Writing my PID 31816 in /tmp/ Writing also my logfile name in /tmp/ : LOG_imapsync/ Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags. SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug) Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host1 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host1 Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host2 Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1. Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1 Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2 Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host1: imap connection keepalive is on on host1. Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it. Host2: imap connection keepalive is on on host2. Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it. Host1: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host2: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host1: connecting and login on host1 [] port [993] with user [] Host1 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c04::6c Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host1 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 f9mb238805277wmg Host1 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host1: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host2: connecting and login on host2 [] port [993] with user [] Host2 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c04::6d Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host2 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 bi26mb169281364wmb Host2 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host2: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host1: state Authenticated Host2: state Authenticated Host1 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host2 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host1: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host1") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host2") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: QUOTA capability found, presented in raw IMAP on next lines Sending: 5 GETQUOTAROOT INBOX Sent 22 bytes Read: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "" * QUOTA "" (STORAGE 1177 15728640) 5 OK Success Host2: Quota current storage is 1205248 bytes. Limit is 16106127360 bytes. So 0.01 % full Host2: found APPENDLIMIT=35651584 in CAPABILITY (use --appendlimit xxxx to override this automatic setting) Host2: Setting maxsize to appendlimit 35651584 Host1: Compression is off. Use --compress1 to allow compression on host1 Host2: Compression is off. Use --compress2 to allow compression on host2 Host1: found 26 folders. Host2: found 26 folders. Host1: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host1: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host2: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host2: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host1: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host1: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host2: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host2: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host1: separator and prefix: [/][] Host2: separator and prefix: [/][] Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders. Excluding folders matching pattern \[Gmail\]$ Host1: Checking wanted folders exist. Use --nocheckfoldersexist to avoid this check (shared of public namespace targeted). Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check. Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping ) Host1: special [Gmail]/Brouillons = \Drafts Host1: special [Gmail]/Corbeille = \Trash Host1: special [Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s = \Sent Host1: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host1: special [Gmail]/Suivis = \Flagged Host1: special [Gmail]/Tous les messages = \All Host2: special [Gmail]/Brouillons = \Drafts Host2: special [Gmail]/Corbeille = \Trash Host2: special [Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s = \Sent Host2: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host2: special [Gmail]/Suivis = \Flagged Host2: special [Gmail]/Tous les messages = \All ++++ Listing folders All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername. When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form [X] = [Y] where X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and Y is the utf8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it. Host1: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "Archive" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Work" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Work" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Brouillons" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Corbeille" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Suivis" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Tous les messages" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Starred" 36 OK Success [Archive/Bob] [Archive/Bob/Blabla] [Archive/Bob/Blan Blan] [Archive/Bob/Coucou] [Archive/Bob/INBOX] [Archive/Bob/Test] [Archive/Bob/Work] [Archive/Bob/\Important] [Archive/Bob/\Inbox] [Archive/Bob/\Starred] [Blabla] [Blan Blan] [Coucou] [INBOX] [Test] [Work] [[Gmail]/Brouillons] [[Gmail]/Corbeille] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [[Gmail]/Messages envoyés] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Suivis] [[Gmail]/Tous les messages] [\Important] [\Inbox] [\Starred] Host2: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "Archive" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Work" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Work" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Brouillons" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Corbeille" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Suivis" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Tous les messages" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "\\Starred" 11 OK Success [Archive/Bob] [Archive/Bob/Blabla] [Archive/Bob/Blan Blan] [Archive/Bob/Coucou] [Archive/Bob/INBOX] [Archive/Bob/Test] [Archive/Bob/Work] [Archive/Bob/\Important] [Archive/Bob/\Inbox] [Archive/Bob/\Starred] [Blabla] [Blan Blan] [Coucou] [INBOX] [Test] [Work] [[Gmail]/Brouillons] [[Gmail]/Corbeille] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [[Gmail]/Messages envoyés] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Suivis] [[Gmail]/Tous les messages] [\Important] [\Inbox] [\Starred] Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping): [[Gmail]/Spam] -> [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Tous les messages] -> [[Gmail]/Tous les messages] [[Gmail]/Corbeille] -> [[Gmail]/Corbeille] [[Gmail]/Suivis] -> [[Gmail]/Suivis] [[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [[Gmail]/Messages envoyés] -> [[Gmail]/Messages envoy&AOk-s] = [[Gmail]/Messages envoyés] [[Gmail]/Brouillons] -> [[Gmail]/Brouillons] Exiting because of --justfolderlists Exiting with return value 0 (EX_OK: successful termination) 0/50 nb_errors/max_errors PID 31816 Removing pidfile /tmp/ Disconnecting from host1 user1 Disconnecting from host2 user2 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Here is imapsync 2.223 on host petite, a linux system with 0.1/2.0 free GiB of RAM, 109.03% used by processes. with Perl 5.22.1 and Mail::IMAPClient 3.43 Transfer started at jeudi 07 juillet 2022-07-07 09:54:09 +0200 CEST PID is 32065 my PPID is 31540 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) Load is 0.54 0.36 0.35 3/635 on 2 cores Current directory is /home/gilles/public_html/imapsync Real user id is gilles (uid 1000) Effective user id is gilles (euid 1000) $RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 2.223 $ $Date: 2022/07/03 10:39:30 $ Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl: ./imapsync --gmail1 --user1 --passfile1 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl3_gmail --gmail2 --user2 --passfile2 ../../var/pass/secret.imapsync.gl3_gmail --no-modulesversion --justfolderlists Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath ) kill -QUIT 32065 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -TERM 32065 # special behavior: call to sub catch_exit kill -INT 32065 # special behavior: call to sub catch_reconnect kill -HUP 32065 # special behavior: call to sub catch_print kill -USR1 32065 # special behavior: call to sub toggle_sleep File /tmp/ does not exist PID file is /tmp/ ( to change it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" ) Writing my PID 32065 in /tmp/ Writing also my logfile name in /tmp/ : LOG_imapsync/ Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags. SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug) Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host1 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host1 Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the server certificate. Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the server certificate. of host2 Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1. Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1 Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2 Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds Host1: imap connection keepalive is on on host1. Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it. Host2: imap connection keepalive is on on host2. Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it. Host1: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host2: IMAP server [] port [993] user [] Host1: connecting and login on host1 [] port [993] with user [] Host1 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c04::6c Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host1 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 o9mb168635237wmr Host1 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host1: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host2: connecting and login on host2 [] port [993] with user [] Host2 IP address: 2a00:1450:400c:c04::6d Local IP address: 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 Host2 banner: * OK Gimap ready for requests from 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7 l4mb132600559wml Host2 capability before authentication: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 XYZZY SASL-IR AUTH=XOAUTH2 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN AUTH=OAUTHBEARER AUTH=XOAUTH AUTH Host2: success login on [] with user [] auth [LOGIN] or [LOGIN] Host1: state Authenticated Host2: state Authenticated Host1 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host2 capability once authenticated: IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA ID XLIST CHILDREN X-GM-EXT-1 UIDPLUS COMPRESS=DEFLATE ENABLE MOVE CONDSTORE ESEARCH UTF8=ACCEPT LIST-EXTENDED LIST-STATUS LITERAL- SPECIAL-USE APPENDLIMIT=35651584 COMPRESS UTF8 APPENDLIMIT Host1: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host1") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now. In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid Sending: 4 ID ("name" "imapsync" "version" "2.223" "os" "linux" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "03-Jul-2022 10:39:30 +0000" "side" "host2") Sent 181 bytes Read: * ID ("name" "GImap" "vendor" "Google, Inc." "support-url" "" "version" "gmail_imap_220624.08_p0" "remote-host" "2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7") 4 OK Success Host2: QUOTA capability found, presented in raw IMAP on next lines Sending: 5 GETQUOTAROOT INBOX Sent 22 bytes Read: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "" * QUOTA "" (STORAGE 443 15728640) 5 OK Success Host2: Quota current storage is 453632 bytes. Limit is 16106127360 bytes. So 0.00 % full Host2: found APPENDLIMIT=35651584 in CAPABILITY (use --appendlimit xxxx to override this automatic setting) Host2: Setting maxsize to appendlimit 35651584 Host1: Compression is off. Use --compress1 to allow compression on host1 Host2: Compression is off. Use --compress2 to allow compression on host2 Host1: found 19 folders. Host2: found 19 folders. Host1: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host1: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host2: guessing separator from folder listing: [/] Host2: separator given by NAMESPACE: [/] Host1: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host1: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host2: guessing prefix from folder listing: [] Host2: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [] Host1: separator and prefix: [/][] Host2: separator and prefix: [/][] Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders. Excluding folders matching pattern \[Gmail\]$ Host1: Checking wanted folders exist. Use --nocheckfoldersexist to avoid this check (shared of public namespace targeted). Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check. Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping ) Host1: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host1: special [Gmail]/Drafts = \Drafts Host1: special [Gmail]/Sent Mail = \Sent Host1: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host1: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged Host1: special [Gmail]/Trash = \Trash Host2: special [Gmail]/All Mail = \All Host2: special [Gmail]/Drafts = \Drafts Host2: special [Gmail]/Sent Mail = \Sent Host2: special [Gmail]/Spam = \Junk Host2: special [Gmail]/Starred = \Flagged Host2: special [Gmail]/Trash = \Trash ++++ Listing folders All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername. When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form [X] = [Y] where X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and Y is the utf8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it. Host1: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Archive" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Work" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash" 29 OK Success [Archive] [Archive/Bob] [Archive/Bob/Blabla] [Archive/Bob/Blan Blan] [Archive/Bob/Coucou] [Archive/Bob/INBOX] [Archive/Bob/Test] [Archive/Bob/Work] [Archive/Bob/\Important] [Archive/Bob/\Inbox] [Archive/Bob/\Starred] [INBOX] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] Host2: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]): * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Archive" * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blabla" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Blan Blan" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Coucou" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/INBOX" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Test" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/Work" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Inbox" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Archive/Bob/\\Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" * LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Gmail]" * LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/All Mail" * LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Drafts" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Gmail]/Important" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam" * LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Gmail]/Starred" * LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Gmail]/Trash" 11 OK Success [Archive] [Archive/Bob] [Archive/Bob/Blabla] [Archive/Bob/Blan Blan] [Archive/Bob/Coucou] [Archive/Bob/INBOX] [Archive/Bob/Test] [Archive/Bob/Work] [Archive/Bob/\Important] [Archive/Bob/\Inbox] [Archive/Bob/\Starred] [INBOX] [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Important] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Starred] [[Gmail]/Trash] Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping): [[Gmail]/Trash] -> [[Gmail]/Trash] [Archive] -> [Archive] [[Gmail]/Spam] -> [[Gmail]/Spam] [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] -> [[Gmail]/Sent Mail] [[Gmail]/All Mail] -> [[Gmail]/All Mail] [[Gmail]/Drafts] -> [[Gmail]/Drafts] [[Gmail]/Starred] -> [[Gmail]/Starred] Exiting because of --justfolderlists Exiting with return value 0 (EX_OK: successful termination) 0/50 nb_errors/max_errors PID 32065 Removing pidfile /tmp/ Disconnecting from host1 user1 Disconnecting from host2 user2 Log file is LOG_imapsync/ ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging ) gmail_glX_all_justfolderlist passed