@REM $Id: test_testsdebug.bat,v 1.3 2017/07/08 00:02:13 gilles Exp gilles $ @SETLOCAL @ECHO OFF ECHO Currently running through %0 %* CD /D %~dp0 REM Remove the error file because its existence means an error occured during this script execution IF EXIST LOG_bat\%~nx0.txt DEL LOG_bat\%~nx0.txt @REM CALL :handle_error perl .\imapsync --justbanner CALL :handle_error perl .\imapsync --testsdebug --debug @REM CALL :handle_error perl .\imapsync --tests @REM @PAUSE @ENDLOCAL @EXIT /B :handle_error SETLOCAL ECHO IN %0 with parameters %* %* SET CMD_RETURN=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %CMD_RETURN% EQU 0 ( ECHO GOOD END ) ELSE ( ECHO BAD END IF NOT EXIST LOG_bat MKDIR LOG_bat ECHO Failure running %* >> LOG_bat\%~nx0.txt ) ENDLOCAL EXIT /B