#!/bin/sh # # $Id: sync_loop_unix.sh,v 1.4 2014/05/22 14:22:15 gilles Exp gilles $ # Example for imapsync massive migration on Unix systems. # # Data is supposed to be in file.txt in the following format # user001_1;password001_1;user001_2;password001_2 # ... # Separator is character semi-colon ";" it can be changed by any character changing IFS=';' # in the while loop below. # Each data line contains 4 columns, columns are parameters for --user1 --password1 --user2 --password2 # # For Mac users you may have to add a fake fifth element in file.txt to avoid that a CR character # goes in the p2 variable. Change also the read command to "read u1 p1 u2 p2 fake". # # Replace "imap.side1.org" and "imap.side2.org" with your own hostname values. # You can add extra options after --password2 "$p2" # Use character backslash \ at the end of each suplementary line, exept for the last one. echo Looping on account credentials found in file.txt echo { while IFS=';' read u1 p1 u2 p2 do { echo "$u1" | egrep "^#" ; } > /dev/null && continue # this skip commented lines in file.txt echo "==== Syncing user $u1 to user $u2 ====" imapsync --host1 imap.side1.org --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" \ --host2 imap.side2.org --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2" echo "==== End syncing user $u1 to user $u2 ====" echo done } < file.txt