#!/bin/cat # $Id: FAQ.Security.txt,v 1.3 2016/01/18 18:14:12 gilles Exp gilles $ ======================================================= Imapsync tips about security. Issues and solutions. ======================================================= ====================================================================== Q. Imapsync used to use SSL_VERIFY_PEER now it uses SSL_VERIFY_NONE. How can I change this back to the more secure SSL_VERIFY_PEER? R1. In function "sub set_ssl", replace IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE() by IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER() R2. After imapsync 1.673, for example to set SSL_verify_mode to SSL_VERIFY_PEER on host1 and SSL_verify_mode to SSL_VERIFY_NONE on host2 imapsync ... --ssl1 --ssl2 \ --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 \ --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=0 \ C1. Don't do this in function "sub set_tls" since it won't work by principle, tls is done AFTER the application level connexion is established