REM REM $Id: sync_loop_windows.bat,v 1.5 2013/04/18 14:53:56 gilles Exp gilles $ REM REM imapsync massive sync example batch for Windows users REM lines beginning with REM are just comments REM REM You have to rename this file from sync_loop_windows.bat.txt to sync_loop_windows.bat REM in order to make it a batch command file that your system will recognize and execute. REM REM Replace "" and "" with your own values REM REM ==== Log file ==== REM This loop will also create a log file called log_%%I.txt for each account transfer REM where %%I is just a variable containing the user2 account name. REM and %mydate%_%mytime% is date and time formatted for a filename. REM Since "date /t" is localy dependent you may have to adapt the REM order of %%x variables (a b c d) in mydate=%%c_%%a_%%b_%%d REM It is not important, just sugar to a useful listing of LOG directory REM ==== Parallel executions ==== REM If you want to do parallel runs of imapsync then this current script is a good start. REM Just copy it several times and replace, on each copy, the csvfile variable value. REM Instead of SET csvfile=file.txt write for example REM SET csvfile=file01.txt in the first copy REM then also REM SET csvfile=file02.txt in the second copy etc. REM Of course you also have to split the data contained in file.txt REM into file01.txt file02.txt etc. REM After that, just double-clic on each batch file to launch each process REM @echo off DATE /t TIME /t FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=-/: " %%a IN ('DATE /t') DO (SET mydate=%%c_%%a_%%b_%%d) FOR /f "tokens=1-2 delims=-/: " %%a IN ('TIME /t') DO (SET mytime=%%a_%%b) ECHO %mydate%_%mytime% SET csvfile=file.txt if not exist LOG mkdir LOG FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=; eol=#" %%G IN (%csvfile%) DO ECHO syncing to user %%I & imapsync ^ --host1 --user1 %%G --password1 %%H ^ --host2 --user2 %%I --password2 %%J ^ > LOG\log_%%I_%mydate%_%mytime%.txt 2>&1 ECHO Loop finished ECHO log files are in LOG directory PAUSE