#!/bin/cat # $Id: INSTALL.Centos.txt,v 1.5 2016/01/14 20:25:32 gilles Exp gilles $ ================================= = Installing imapsync on CentOS = ================================= There is one section for Centos 7 and one for Centos 6. ============== == Centos 7 == ============== First install access to the Epel repository via yum: yum install epel-release Then install imapsync and its dependencies: yum install imapsync After installing imapsync, it should be able to work on your system. A good test that shows also the basic example: imapsync A live test: imapsync --testslive Unit tests: imapsync --tests ============== == Centos 6 == ============== This section has been tested with imapsync release 1.670 First, install access to the Epel repository wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm Then install imapsync and its dependencies: yum install imapsync After installing imapsync, it should be able to work on your system. A good test that shows also the basic example: imapsync A live test: imapsync --testslive Unit tests: imapsync --tests