Imapsync list of imap server softwares supported (and the failures one) (back to menu)

Let's start with the long reported success stories list: 63 different imap server softwares supported!
[host1] means "source server" and [host2] means "destination server":

Please report to the author ( any success or bad story with imapsync and do not forget to mention the IMAP server software names and version on both sides. This will help future users. To help the author maintaining this section report the two lines at the begining of the output if they are useful to know the softwares. Example:

 Host1 software:* OK louloutte Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.19 server ready
 Host2 software:* OK Courier-IMAP ready

You can use option --justconnect to get those lines. Examples:

  imapsync --host1 --host2 --justconnect

  imapsync --host1 --ssl1 --host2 --ssl2 --justconnect

And now the success imap server software list:

Let's finish with reported failure stories over the past.
Maybe new imapsync releases can run successfully with them.
Don't hesitate to have a try, It's been a long time since last failure occured, I will help you and make efforts to switch them to the success list, that's my job.

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