mirror of https://github.com/imapsync/imapsync.git synced 2024-11-17 08:12:48 +01:00
Nick Bebout 1e03db551f 1.508
2012-09-11 20:50:53 -05:00

173 lines
4.9 KiB

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.008_001;
my @missing;
my %optional = (
"Authen::NTLM" => { for => "Authmechanism 'NTLM'" },
"Authen::SASL" => { for => "Authmechanism 'DIGEST-MD5'" },
"Compress::Zlib" => { for => "COMPRESS DEFLATE support" },
"Digest::HMAC_MD5" => { for => "Authmechanism 'CRAM-MD5'" },
"Digest::MD5" => { for => "Authmechanism 'DIGEST-MD5'" },
"IO::Socket::SSL" => { for => "SSL enabled connections (Ssl => 1)" },
"Test::Pod" => { for => "Pod tests", ver => "1.00" },
foreach my $mod ( sort keys %optional ) {
my $for = $optional{$mod}->{"for"} || "";
my $ver = $optional{$mod}->{"ver"} || "";
eval "use $mod $ver ();";
push @missing, $mod . ( $for ? " for $for" : "" ) if $@;
# similar message to one used in DBI:
if (@missing) {
print( "The following optional modules were not found:",
map( "\n\t" . $_, @missing ), "\n" );
print <<'MSG';
Optional modules are available from any CPAN mirror, reference:
sleep 3;
# HACK: die on broken Parse::RecDescent 1.966002 through 1.967009
# - rt.cpan.org#74593: Recent changes break Module::ExtractUse and ...
# - rt.cpan.org#74733: Fails with Parse::RecDescent >= 1.966_002
do {
eval { require version; require Parse::RecDescent; };
unless ($@) {
my $found = version->parse( Parse::RecDescent->VERSION() );
my $broke = version->parse("1.966002");
my $fixed = version->parse("1.967009");
if ( $found < $fixed and $found >= $broke ) {
die("Found broken Parse::RecDescent $found in your environment.\n",
"Please upgrade to version $fixed or greater.\n");
NAME => 'Mail::IMAPClient',
AUTHOR => 'Phil Pearl (Lobbes) <phil@zimbra.com>',
ABSTRACT => 'IMAP4 client library',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Mail/IMAPClient.pm',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008',
'Carp' => 0,
'Errno' => 0,
'Fcntl' => 0,
'IO::File' => 0,
'IO::Select' => 0,
'IO::Socket' => 0,
'IO::Socket::INET' => 1.26,
'List::Util' => 0,
'MIME::Base64' => 0,
'Parse::RecDescent' => 1.94,
'Test::More' => 0,
'File::Temp' => 0,
clean => { FILES => 'test.txt' },
exit 0;
sub set_test_data {
unless ( -f "lib/Mail/IMAPClient.pm" ) {
warn "ERROR: not in installation directory\n";
return if -s "./test.txt";
print <<'__INTRO';
You have the option of running an extended suite of tests during
'make test'. This requires an IMAP server name, user account, and
password to test with.
Note: this prompt will automatically timeout after 60 seconds.
# HACK: alarm() allows broken interfaces to timeout gracefully...
# - rt.cpan.org#57659: install fails when using cPanel GUI
my $yes;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
$yes = prompt "Do you want to run the extended tests? (n/y)";
print "\n" if $@;
return unless ( $yes and $yes =~ /^y(?:es)?$/i );
unless ( open TST, '>', "./test.txt" ) {
warn "ERROR: couldn't open ./test.txt: $!\n";
my $server = "";
until ($server) {
$server =
prompt "\nPlease provide the hostname or IP address of "
. "a host running an\nIMAP server (or QUIT to skip "
. "the extended tests)";
chomp $server;
return if $server =~ /^\s*quit\s*$/i;
print TST "server=$server\n";
my $user = "";
until ($user) {
$user =
prompt "\nProvide the username of an account on $server (or QUIT)";
chomp $user;
return if $user =~ /^\s*quit\s*$/i;
print TST "user=$user\n";
my $passed = "";
until ($passed) {
$passed = prompt "\nProvide the password for $user (or QUIT)";
chomp $passed;
return if $passed =~ /^\s+$|^quit$/i;
print TST "passed=$passed\n";
my $port = prompt "\nPlease provide the port to connect to on $server "
. "to run the test\n(default is 143)";
chomp $port;
$port ||= 143;
print TST "port=$port\n";
my $authmech = prompt "\nProvide the authentication mechanism to use "
. "on $server to\nrun the test (default is LOGIN)";
chomp $authmech;
$authmech ||= 'LOGIN';
print TST "authmechanism=$authmech\n";
close TST;
print <<'__THANKS';
The information you provided (including the password!) has been stored
in test.txt and SHOULD BE REMOVED (either by hand or by 'make clean')
after testing.