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# $Id: paypal_build_invoice_from_email,v 1.2 2013/02/08 14:59:34 gilles Exp gilles $
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
my ($msg_id_file, $msg_id);
my ($amount, $name, $email);
my (
$paypal_line, $paypal_info,
$buyer, $description, $object,
$url, $release, $release_exe,
) ;
my( $day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction,
$postal_address ) ;
my ( $help, $debug, $tests ) ;
my $numopt = scalar( @ARGV ) ;
my $test_builder = Test::More->builder;
my $opt_ret = GetOptions(
"help" => \$help,
"debug!" => \$debug,
"tests!" => \$tests,
if ($tests) {
usage() and exit if ($help or ! $numopt) ;
$msg_id_file = $ARGV[1];
$msg_id = firstline($msg_id_file);
$debug and print "Hi!\n" ;
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 1:$_" ;
next if ( ! /^(.*Num.+ro de transaction.*)$/ );
$paypal_line = $1;
$paypal_info = "===== Paypal id =====\n$paypal_line\n";
$debug and print "paypal_line: [$paypal_line]\n" ;
( $day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction )
= paypal_infos( $paypal_line ) ;
$debug and print "$day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction\n" ;
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 2:$_" ;
if ( /^Vous avez re.*paiement d'un montant de (.*) de la part de (.*) \((.*)\)/) {
($amount, $name, $email) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ( /^Vous avez re.*paiement d'un montant de (.*) de la part de (.*)/) {
($amount, $name, $email) = ($1, "", $2);
$release = firstline( '/g/public_html/imapsync/VERSION' ) ;
$release_exe = firstline( '/g/public_html/imapsync/VERSION_EXE' ) ;
my $path_last = firstline( '/g/public_html/imapsync/dist/path_last.txt' ) ;
$url = "http://ks.lamiral.info/imapsync/dist/$path_last/" ;
#print "[$amount] [$name] [$email] [$paypal_line]\n";
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 3:$_" ;
if ( /^Acheteur/ ) {
$buyer .= "===== Acheteur =====\n";
if ( /^Informations sur l'acheteur/ ) {
$buyer .= "===== Acheteur =====\n";
chomp( $name = <> );
$buyer .= "$name\n" ;
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 4a:$_" ;
$buyer .= $_ if ( ! /^Adresse de livraison/ );
last if ( /^Adresse de livraison/ );
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 4b:$_" ;
$postal_address .= $_ if ( ! /^Instructions .* l'attention du marchand/ and "\n" ne $_ );
last if ( /^Instructions .* l'attention du marchand/ );
my @postal_address = split( "\n", $postal_address ) ;
my $country = $postal_address[-1] ;
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 4c:$_" ;
$buyer .= $_ if ( ! /^-----------------------------------/ );
last if ( /^-----------------------------------/ );
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 5:$_" ;
next if ( ! /^Description :(.*)/ );
$object = $1 ;
$description = "===== Details =====\n";
$description .= $_;
while(<>) {
$debug and print "LINE 6:$_" ;
$description .= $_;
last if ( /^Paiement envoy/ );
last if ( /^N.*d'avis de r.*ception/ );
my $address = 'gilles.lamiral@laposte.net';
my $address2 = 'gilles@lamiral.info';
my $rcstag = '$Id: paypal_build_invoice_from_email,v 1.2 2013/02/08 14:59:34 gilles Exp gilles $';
my $download_info = "You will find the latest imapsync.exe binary (release $release_exe)
and the latest imapsync source code (release $release) at the following link:
$url" ;
my $next_releases =
"Next imapsync releases will be available to you for one year without extra payment.
You'll be subscribed to a newsletter [imapsync_update] announcing new releases.
Just keep this message and ask for the new links in case you miss the newsletter.
Run imapsync without any argument to know if a new release is available." ;
my $thanks_software = "I thank you for buying and using imapsync,
I wish you successful transfers!" ;
my $thanks_support = "I thank you for buying support and using imapsync,
I wish you successful transfers, I will help you to succeed." ;
my $support_info = 'Now you have access to imapsync professional support.
You can contact me (Gilles LAMIRAL) by email or phone.
Email address: gilles.lamiral@laposte.net.
Professionnal phone number: +33 951 84 42 42 (France)
Mobile phone number: +33 620 79 76 06 (France).
I can call you back for free in many countries on landline telephone numbers
and to mobile numbers in the United States and France. So do not hesitate
to send me a note if you need vocal support.' ;
my $text_software = "$download_info\n
You will receive an invoice soon.\n
$thanks_software" ;
my $text_support = "$support_info\n
You will receive an invoice soon.\n
$thanks_support" ;
my $subject_software = "[imapsync download] imapsync release $release [$email]" ;
my $subject_support = "[imapsync support] imapsync release $release [$email]" ;
my $subject ;
my $text ;
if ( 'imapsync support' eq $object ) {
$text = $text_support ;
$subject = $subject_support ;
$text = $text_software ;
$subject = $subject_software ;
my $message = <<EOM
X-Comment: $rcstag
In-Reply-To: $msg_id
From: Gilles LAMIRAL <$address>
To: <$email>
Bcc: Gilles LAMIRAL <$address>, <$address2>
Subject: $subject
Hello $name,
==== Vendeur ====
4 La Billais
35580 Baulon
Tel: +33 951 84 42 42
Mob: +33 620 79 76 06
Fax: +33 956 84 42 42
email: $address
Au revoir, 09 51 84 42 42
Gilles Lamiral. France, Baulon (35580) 06 20 79 76 06
#print $message;
#print "[$amount] [$name] [$email] [$paypal_line] [$object]\n";
print "[$postal_address]
\n" ;
sub firstline {
# extract the first line of a file (without \n)
my($file) = @_;
my $line = "";
open FILE, $file or die("error [$file]: $! ");
chomp($line = <FILE>);
close FILE;
$line = ($line) ? $line: "error !EMPTY! [$file]";
return $line;
sub tests {
skip "No test in normal run" if ( not $tests ) ;
tests_paypal_infos() ;
sub paypal_infos {
my $paypal_infos = shift ;
$paypal_infos =~ /(\d{1,2}) (.*) (\d{4}) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (.*) \| Num.*ro de transaction : (.*)/ ;
my( $day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction )
= ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 ) ;
#print "$day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction\n" ;
return( $day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction ) ;
sub tests_paypal_infos {
#ok( 1 == 1 ) ;
my( $day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction )
= paypal_infos( "14 mar 2012 01:47:55 CET | Num<75>ro de transaction : 75E02654YS4206549" ) ;
ok( '14' eq $day, 'paypal_infos: day' ) ;
ok( 'mar' eq $month, 'paypal_infos: month' ) ;
ok( '2012' eq $year, 'paypal_infos: year' ) ;
ok( '01' eq $hour, 'paypal_infos: hour' ) ;
ok( '47' eq $min, 'paypal_infos: min' ) ;
ok( '55' eq $sec, 'paypal_infos: sec' ) ;
ok( 'CET' eq $fuseau, 'paypal_infos: fuseau' ) ;
ok( '75E02654YS4206549' eq $transaction, 'paypal_infos: transaction' ) ;
( $day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $fuseau, $transaction )
= paypal_infos( "1 f<>v 2012 20:18:10 CET | Num<75>ro de transaction : 5HF11160SD123724S" ) ;
ok( '1' eq $day, 'paypal_infos: day' ) ;
ok( 'f<>v' eq $month, 'paypal_infos: month' ) ;