mirror of https://github.com/imapsync/imapsync.git synced 2024-11-17 08:12:48 +01:00
Nick Bebout c08a56e486 1.504
2012-09-02 19:08:57 -05:00

1173 lines
36 KiB
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# $Id: paypal_bilan,v 1.58 2012/08/11 00:01:46 gilles Exp gilles $
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::CSV_XS ;
use IO::Handle ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use Unicode::MapUTF8 qw(to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_supported_charset);
use Test::More 'no_plan' ;
die unless (utf8_supported_charset('ISO-8859-1'));
my $rcs = '$Id: paypal_bilan,v 1.58 2012/08/11 00:01:46 gilles Exp gilles $ ' ;
$rcs =~ m/,v (\d+\.\d+)/ ;
my $VERSION = ($1) ? $1: "UNKNOWN" ;
my $total_usd_received = 0 ;
my $total_usd_invoice = 0 ;
my $total_HT_EUR_exo = 0 ;
my $total_HT_EUR_ass = 0 ;
my $total_TVA_EUR = 0 ;
my $total_HT_EUR_sup = 0 ;
my $total_TVA_EUR_sup = 0 ;
my $total_eur_received = 0 ;
my $total_eur_invoice = 0 ;
my $nb_invoice = 0 ;
my $nb_invoice_refund = 0 ;
my $nb_invoice_suspended = 0 ;
my $nb_invoice_canceled = 0 ;
my ( $tests, $testeur ) ;
my $debug ;
my $debug_csv ;
my $debug_dev ;
my $debug_invoice ;
my $debug_invoice_utf8 ;
my $first_invoice = 1 ;
my $print_details = '' ;
my $bnc = '' ;
my $exportbnc = '' ;
my $usdeur = 1.2981 ;
my $invoices ;
my %invoice_refund ;
my %invoice_canceled ;
my %invoice_suspended ;
my $write_invoices = 0 ;
my $avoid_numbers ;
my $dir_invoices = '/g/var/paypal_invoices' ;
my $option_ret = GetOptions (
'tests' => \$tests,
'debug' => \$debug,
'debug_csv' => \$debug_csv,
'debug_dev' => \$debug_dev,
'debug_invoice' => \$debug_invoice,
'debug_invoice_utf8' => \$debug_invoice_utf8,
'first_invoice=i' => \$first_invoice,
'print_details|details' => \$print_details,
'bnc' => \$bnc,
'exportbnc=s' => \$exportbnc,
'usdeur=f' => \$usdeur,
'invoices=s' => \$invoices,
'write_invoices!' => \$write_invoices,
'avoid_numbers=s' => \$avoid_numbers,
$testeur = Test::More->builder ;
$testeur->no_ending(1) ;
if ( $tests ) {
$testeur->no_ending( 0 ) ;
exit( tests( ) ) ;
my @files = @ARGV ;
my %action_of_invoice ;
my %invoice_paypal ;
#$invoice_paypal{ $first_invoice } = 1 ;
my @invoices_wanted = split( /\s+/, $invoices ) if $invoices ;
my @avoid_numbers = split( /\s+/, $avoid_numbers ) if $avoid_numbers ;
my %avoid_numbers ;
@avoid_numbers{ @avoid_numbers } = ( ) if @avoid_numbers ;
#print "@invoices\n" ;
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
my @actions = parse_file( $file ) ;
foreach my $action (@actions) {
my %action = %$action ;
#print $action->{ Nom }, "\n" ;
my( $Date, $Heure, $Fuseau_horaire, $Nom, $Type, $Etat,
$Devise, $Montant, $Numero_davis_de_reception, $Solde,
$Pays, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $Hors_taxe, $Titre_de_l_objet, $Nom_Option_2, $Option_2_Valeur )
= @action{ ( 'Date', 'Heure', 'Fuseau horaire', 'Nom', 'Type', 'Etat',
'Devise', 'Montant', "Num<75>ro d'avis de r<>ception", 'Solde',
'Pays', 'Nom Option 1', 'Valeur Option 1', 'Hors taxe', "Titre de l'objet", 'Nom Option 2', 'Option 2 Valeur') } ;
#print "$Nom\n" ;
( $Etat ) = @action{ ( 'Etat', ) } || @action{ ( '<27>tat' ) } ;
my $invoice = 'NONE' ;
$Montant = $action->{ Net } if not defined $Montant;
compute_line($action, $invoice, $Date, $Heure, $Fuseau_horaire, $Nom, $Type, $Etat,
$Devise, $Montant, $Numero_davis_de_reception, $Solde,
$Pays, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $Hors_taxe, $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
# index by invoice number
$action_of_invoice{ $action->{ 'invoice' } } = $action ;
delete $action_of_invoice{ 'NONE' } ;
my $last_invoice ;
my @invoice_paypal = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %invoice_paypal ;
$last_invoice = $invoice_paypal[-1] || 0 ;
my $first_invoice_paypal = $invoice_paypal[0] || 0 ;
@invoices_wanted = ( $first_invoice .. $last_invoice ) if ( ! @invoices_wanted ) ;
my @invoice_sent ;
my %invoice_sent ;
my @invoice_not_sent ;
my %invoice_not_sent ;
foreach my $invoice ( @invoices_wanted ) {
my $action = $action_of_invoice{ $invoice } ;
next if ! $action ;
my $email_address = $action->{ "De l'adresse email" } ;
my $invoice_sent = invoice_sent( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $email_address ) ;
#print "$invoice $invoice_sent\n" ;
if ( $invoice_sent ) {
$invoice_sent{ $invoice }++ ;
#build_invoice( $invoice ) ;
}elsif( not ( $invoice_canceled{ $invoice } or $invoice_refund{ $invoice } ) ) {
$invoice_not_sent{ $invoice }++ ;
build_invoice( $invoice ) ;
@invoice_sent = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %invoice_sent ) ;
my $nb_invoice_sent = scalar( @invoice_sent ) ;
@invoice_not_sent = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %invoice_not_sent ) ;
my @invoice_canceled = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %invoice_canceled ) ;
my @invoice_suspended = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %invoice_suspended ) ;
my @invoice_refund = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %invoice_refund ) ;
print( "\n", "=" x 60, "\n" ) if $bnc ;
print "USD banque $total_usd_received\n" ;
print "USD invoice $total_usd_invoice\n" ;
my $total_eur_from_usd ;
$total_eur_from_usd = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_usd_invoice / $usdeur ) ; # au 30 nov 2010 http://fr.finance.yahoo.com/devises/convertisseur/#from=EUR;to=USD;amt=1
print "EUR from USD $total_eur_from_usd\n" ;
print "EUR banque $total_eur_received\n" ;
print "EUR invoice $total_eur_invoice\n" ;
my $total_eur = $total_eur_from_usd + $total_eur_invoice ;
$total_HT_EUR_exo = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_HT_EUR_exo) ;
$total_HT_EUR_ass = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_HT_EUR_ass) ;
$total_TVA_EUR = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_TVA_EUR) ;
$total_HT_EUR_sup = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_HT_EUR_sup) ;
$total_TVA_EUR_sup = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_TVA_EUR_sup) ;
$total_eur = sprintf('%2.2f', $total_eur) ;
print "EUR total $total_eur\n" ;
print "EUR total HT exo $total_HT_EUR_exo\n" ;
print "EUR total HT assuj $total_HT_EUR_ass\n" ;
print "EUR total TVA $total_TVA_EUR\n" ;
print "EUR total HT sup $total_HT_EUR_sup\n" ;
print "EUR total TVA sup $total_TVA_EUR_sup\n" ;
print "Nb invoice $nb_invoice ( from $first_invoice_paypal to $last_invoice )\n" ;
print "Nb invoice canceled ($nb_invoice_canceled) @invoice_canceled\n" ;
print "Nb invoice suspended ($nb_invoice_suspended) @invoice_suspended\n" ;
print "Nb invoice refund ($nb_invoice_refund) @invoice_refund\n" ;
print "Nb invoice sent $nb_invoice_sent\n" ;
print "Have to send invoices @invoice_not_sent\n" if ( @invoice_not_sent ) ;
my $total_eur2 = $total_HT_EUR_exo + $total_HT_EUR_ass + $total_TVA_EUR + $total_HT_EUR_sup + $total_TVA_EUR_sup ;
print "$total_eur != $total_eur2 = $total_HT_EUR_exo + $total_HT_EUR_ass + $total_TVA_EUR + $total_HT_EUR_sup + $total_TVA_EUR_sup\n"
if ( $total_eur != $total_eur2 ) ;
sub parse_one_line_io {
my $csv = shift ;
my $io = shift ;
my $line = $csv->getline($io) ;
return if ( $csv->eof( ) ) ;
if ( not defined( $line ) ) {
my($cde, $str, $pos) = $csv->error_diag () ;
print "[$cde] [$str] [$pos]\n" ;
return( $line ) ;
sub hash_and_count_dupplicate {
my @columns = @_ ;
my %columns ;
#@columns_def{ @columns_def } = ( ) ;
foreach my $col ( @columns ) {
$columns{ $col } += 1 ;
$debug_csv and print "Nb columns: ", scalar( keys %columns ), " ", scalar( @columns ), "\n" ;
# debug how many time a title is defined
foreach my $col (1 .. scalar( @columns )) {
$debug_csv and print "$col | ",
deci_to_AA( $col ) , " | ",
$columns{ $columns[ $col - 1 ] }, " | ",
$columns[ $col - 1 ], "\n" ;
# exit in case two columns have the same name
die "Erreur : doublons dans les titres\n" if ( scalar( keys %columns ) != scalar( @columns ) ) ;
return( %columns ) ;
sub deci_to_AA {
my $deci = shift ;
my $AA = '';
while ( $deci > 0 ) {
my $quot = int( ( $deci - 1 ) / 26 ) ;
my $rest = $deci - 1 - ( 26 * $quot ) ;
my $char = chr ( ord('A') + $rest ) ;
$AA = $char . $AA ;
$deci = $quot ;
#print "col=$AA\n" ;
return( $AA ) ;
sub remove_first_blank {
my $string = shift ;
$string =~ s/^ +// ;
return( $string ) ;
sub parse_file {
my $file = shift ;
open my $io, "<", $file or die "$file: $!" ;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( {
sep_char => ',',
binary => 1,
keep_meta_info => 1,
eol => $/,
} ) ;
my $line_1 = parse_one_line_io( $csv, $io ) ;
die if ( not defined $line_1 ) ; # first line must have no problem
my @columns_def_orig = @$line_1 ;
my @columns_def = map { remove_first_blank( $_ ) } @columns_def_orig ;
$debug_csv and print "columns_def = ", map( { "[$_]" } @columns_def ), "\n";
my %columns_def = hash_and_count_dupplicate( @columns_def ) ;
my $nb_columns_def = scalar @columns_def ;
my $line_counter = 2 ;
my @actions ;
while ( 1 ) {
$debug_csv and print "ligne $line_counter ", $csv->eof( ), "\n" ;
my $line = parse_one_line_io( $csv, $io ) ;
last if ( $csv->eof( ) ) ;
if ( not defined $line ) {
print "Erreur ligne $line_counter : ", $csv->error_diag, "\n\n";
++$line_counter ;
next ;
my @columns = @$line ;
if ( $nb_columns_def != scalar @columns ) {
print "Erreur ligne $line_counter : nombre de colonnes = ", scalar @columns, " != $nb_columns_def\n" ;
++$line_counter ;
next ;
my %columns ;
@columns{ @columns_def } = @columns ;
$columns{ 'file_csv' } = $file ;
$columns{ 'line_number' } = $line_counter ;
$csv->combine( @columns ) ;
my $line_csv = $csv->string();
$columns{ 'line_csv' } = $line_csv ;
$debug_csv and print map( { "[$_] = [" . $columns{$_} . "]\n" }
@columns_def, 'line_number', 'line_csv', 'file_csv' ),
++$line_counter ;
push( @actions, \%columns ) ;
close( $io );
return( reverse @actions ) ;
sub next_invoice {
my @current_numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } ( $first_invoice - 1, keys( %invoice_paypal ) ) ;
my $last_invoice = $current_numbers[ -1 ] || 0 ;
#keys( %avoid_numbers ),
my $next_invoice = $last_invoice + 1 ;
while ( exists( $avoid_numbers{ $next_invoice } ) ) { $next_invoice++ ; }
$invoice_paypal{ $next_invoice } = 1 ;
#print "AAA [@current_numbers] [$last_invoice] [$next_invoice]\n" ;
return( $next_invoice ) ;
sub keyval {
my %hash = @_ ;
return( join( " ", map( { "$_ => " . $hash{ $_ } } keys %hash ) ) . "\n" ) ;
sub tests_next_invoice {
ok( 1 == next_invoice( ), 'next_invoice: 1' ) ;
ok( 2 == next_invoice( ), 'next_invoice: 2' ) ;
@avoid_numbers{ (3, 4, 6, 8 ) } = ( ) ;
ok( 5 == next_invoice( ), 'next_invoice: 7' ) ;
ok( 7 == next_invoice( ), 'next_invoice: 8' ) ;
ok( 9 == next_invoice( ), 'next_invoice: 9' ) ;
%invoice_paypal = () ;
$first_invoice = 7 ;
ok( 7 == next_invoice( ), 'next_invoice: 7' ) ;
sub tests {
tests_next_invoice( ) ;
#tests_half( ) ;
tests_cut( ) ;
sub compute_line {
my( $action, $invoice, $Date, $Heure, $Fuseau_horaire, $Nom, $Type, $Etat,
$Devise, $Montant, $Numero_davis_de_reception, $Solde,
$Pays, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $Hors_taxe_paypal, $Titre_de_l_objet ) = @_ ;
$debug and print( "-" x 60, "\n",
"[$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] ",
"[$Devise] [$Hors_taxe_paypal] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n",
"[$Pays] [$Nom_Option_1] [$Valeur_Option_1] [$Titre_de_l_objet]\n" ) ;
$Montant =~ s/[^0-9-,.]//g ;
$Montant =~ s/,/./g ;
#$debug and print "MM[$Montant]\n" ;
$Hors_taxe_paypal =~ s/,/./g ;
my $MontantEUR;
my( $montant_HT_EUR_exo, $montant_HT_EUR_ass, $montant_TVA_EUR ) ;
my( $montant_HT_EUR_sup, $montant_TVA_EUR_sup ) ;
if ( $bnc ) {
$MontantEUR = $Montant ;
$MontantEUR = sprintf( "%.4f", $Montant/$usdeur ) if ($Devise eq 'USD') ;
print( "\n", "=" x 60, "\n" ) ;
print( "[$Date] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Hors_taxe_paypal] [$Montant] [EUR $MontantEUR]\n",
"[$Pays] [$Nom_Option_1] [$Valeur_Option_1] [$Titre_de_l_objet]\n" ) ;
if (
'Paiement sur site marchand re<72>u' eq $Type
and 'USD' eq $Devise
and ( 'Termin<69>' eq $Etat or 'Compens<6E>' eq $Etat )
) {
$Montant =~tr/,/./;
#print "$Montant\n" ;
my $Montant2_usd;
$Montant2_usd = $Hors_taxe_paypal ;
$total_usd_received += $Montant ;
$total_usd_invoice += $Montant2_usd ;
( $montant_HT_EUR_exo, $montant_HT_EUR_ass, $montant_TVA_EUR, $montant_HT_EUR_sup, $montant_TVA_EUR_sup )
= tva_line( $Devise, $Montant2_usd, $Pays, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
$total_HT_EUR_exo += $montant_HT_EUR_exo ;
$total_HT_EUR_ass += $montant_HT_EUR_ass ;
$total_TVA_EUR += $montant_TVA_EUR ;
#$invoice = $first_invoice + $nb_invoice ;
$invoice = next_invoice( ) ;
$nb_invoice++ ;
$print_details and print ( "[$invoice] [$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n" ) ;
if (
'Paiement sur site marchand re<72>u' eq $Type
and 'EUR' eq $Devise
and ( 'Termin<69>' eq $Etat or 'Compens<6E>' eq $Etat )
) {
$Montant =~tr/,/./;
#print "$Montant\n" ;
my $Montant2_eur;
$Montant2_eur = $Hors_taxe_paypal ;
$total_eur_received += $Montant ;
$total_eur_invoice += $Montant2_eur ;
( $montant_HT_EUR_exo, $montant_HT_EUR_ass, $montant_TVA_EUR, $montant_HT_EUR_sup, $montant_TVA_EUR_sup )
= tva_line( $Devise, $Montant2_eur, $Pays, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
$total_HT_EUR_exo += $montant_HT_EUR_exo ;
$total_HT_EUR_ass += $montant_HT_EUR_ass ;
$total_TVA_EUR += $montant_TVA_EUR ;
$total_HT_EUR_sup += $montant_HT_EUR_sup ;
$total_TVA_EUR_sup += $montant_TVA_EUR_sup ;
#$invoice = $first_invoice + $nb_invoice ;
$invoice = next_invoice( ) ;
$nb_invoice++ ;
$print_details and print ( "[$invoice] [$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n" ) ;
if (
'Paiement sur site marchand re<72>u' eq $Type
and 'EUR' eq $Devise
and 'Rembours<72>' eq $Etat
) {
$invoice = next_invoice( ) ;
$nb_invoice++ ;
$invoice_refund{ $invoice }++ ;
$print_details and print ( "[$invoice] [$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n" ) ;
if (
'Paiement sur site marchand re<72>u' eq $Type
and 'EUR' eq $Devise
and 'Annul<75>' eq $Etat
) {
$invoice = next_invoice( ) ;
$nb_invoice++ ;
$invoice_canceled{ $invoice }++ ;
$print_details and print ( "[$invoice] [$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n" ) ;
if (
'Paiement sur site marchand re<72>u' eq $Type
and 'EUR' eq $Devise
and 'Suspendu' eq $Etat
) {
$invoice = next_invoice( ) ;
$nb_invoice++ ;
$invoice_suspended{ $invoice }++ ;
$print_details and print ( "[$invoice] [$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n" ) ;
if (
'Paiement sur site marchand re<72>u' eq $Type
and 'EUR' eq $Devise
and 'Non compens<6E>' eq $Etat
) {
$invoice = next_invoice( ) ;
$nb_invoice++ ;
$print_details and print ( "[$invoice] [$Date] [$Heure] [$Fuseau_horaire] [$Nom] [$Type] [$Etat] [$Devise] [$Montant] [$Numero_davis_de_reception] [$Solde]\n" ) ;
$action->{ 'invoice' } = $invoice ;
if ( $bnc ) {
my $FR_flag = '' ;
$FR_flag = ' FR' if $Pays eq 'France' ;
my $IND_flag = '' ;
$IND_flag = ' IND' if ('imapsync usage' eq $Nom_Option_1 and 'individual' eq $Valeur_Option_1 ) ;
my $SUPPORT_flag = '' ;
$SUPPORT_flag = ' support' if ( 'imapsync support' eq $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
#print "FE $invoice$FR_flag$IND_flag\n" ;
#printf( "%.2f [EUR %.2f]\n", $Montant, $MontantEUR ) ;
print "FE $invoice$FR_flag$IND_flag imapsync$SUPPORT_flag $Nom\n" ;
print "[$Date]$FR_flag$IND_flag $MontantEUR $Devise \n" ;
sub build_invoice {
my $invoice = shift ;
return if ! $invoice ;
my $action = $action_of_invoice{ $invoice } ;
my $refund = '' ;
$refund = 'REFUND ' if $invoice_refund{ $invoice } ;
my %action = %$action if $action ;
#print Data::Dumper->Dump( [$action] ) ;
my( $Date, $Heure, $Nom, $Type, $Etat, $Devise, $Hors_taxe, $Commission, $Net,
$De_l_adresse_email, $A_l_adresse_email, $N_de_transaction, $Titre_de_l_objet,
$TVA, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $N_de_transaction_de_reference,
$Adresse_1, $Adresse_2_district_quartier, $Ville,
$Etat_Province, $Code_postal, $Pays, $line_number, $line_csv, $file_csv,
$Nom_Option_2, $Option_2_Valeur )
= @action{ ( 'Date', 'Heure', 'Nom', 'Type', 'Etat', 'Devise', 'Hors taxe', 'Commission', 'Net',
"De l'adresse email", "A l'adresse email", 'N<> de transaction', "Titre de l'objet",
'TVA', 'Nom Option 1', 'Valeur Option 1', 'N<> de transaction de r<>f<EFBFBD>rence',
'Adresse 1', 'Adresse 2/district/quartier', 'Ville',
'Etat/Province/R<>gion/Comt<6D>/Territoire/Pr<50>fecture/R<>publique', 'Code postal', 'Pays', 'line_number', 'line_csv', 'file_csv',
'Nom Option 2', 'Option 2 Valeur' ) } ;
my( $Etat_Province1 ) = @action{ ( 'Etat/Province/R<>gion/Comt<6D>/Territoire/Pr<50>fecture/R<>publique' ) } ;
my( $Etat_Province2 ) = @action{ ( '<27>tat/Province/R<>gion/Comt<6D>/Territoire/Pr<50>fecture/R<>publique' ) } ;
$Etat_Province = @action{ ( 'Etat/Province/R<>gion/Comt<6D>/Territoire/Pr<50>fecture/R<>publique' ) }
|| @action{ ( '<27>tat/Province/R<>gion/Comt<6D>/Territoire/Pr<50>fecture/R<>publique' ) }
|| '' ;
#print "$Hors_taxe $Devise\n" ;
my $Hors_taxe_num = $Hors_taxe ;
$Hors_taxe_num =~ s{,}{.} ;
if ($Hors_taxe_num > 100) {
print "invoice $invoice $Hors_taxe_num > 100\n" ;
#return() ;
my ( $email_message_header, $email_message_body )
= build_email_message( $Date, $Nom, $De_l_adresse_email, $invoice, $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
if ( $write_invoices and ! invoice_sent( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $De_l_adresse_email ) ) {
write_email_message( $dir_invoices, $invoice,
$email_message_header, $email_message_body,
$De_l_adresse_email) ;
write_csv_info( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $file_csv, $line_number, $line_csv ) ;
#print "==== $invoice $refund=================================================" ;
#print $email_message ;
= build_address(
) ;
foreach my $str (
) {
$str =~ s{#}{\\#}g ;
$str =~ s{_}{\\_}g ;
$str =~ s{&}{\\&}g ;
my ( $clientTypeEN, $clientTypeFR ) = client_type( $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1 ) ;
my $quantity = '1' ;
my (
= description_stuff( $Titre_de_l_objet, $clientTypeEN ) ;
my (
= tva_stuff( $clientTypeEN, $Pays, $Hors_taxe, $Devise, $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
my $object_type = object_type( $Titre_de_l_objet ) ;
my ( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) = download_urls( $Date, $object_type ) ;
#print "ZZZ $object_type ( $urlSrc, $urlExe )\n" ;
my ( $Nom1 ) = cut( $Nom, 42 ) ;
my $clientVAT = '' ;
if ( ( 'VAT if professional in Europe' eq $Nom_Option_2 ) and $Option_2_Valeur ) {
$clientVAT = $Option_2_Valeur ;
my $tex_variables = qq{
%% Begin input from paypal_bilan $VERSION
%% End input from paypal_bilan
} ;
my $tex_variables_utf8 = to_utf8( { -string => $tex_variables, -charset => 'ISO-8859-1' } ) ;
print $tex_variables_utf8 if $debug_invoice_utf8 ;
print $tex_variables if $debug_invoice ;
#print "$invoice ", invoice_sent( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $De_l_adresse_email ), "\n" ;
if ( $write_invoices and ! invoice_sent( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $De_l_adresse_email ) ) {
write_tex_variables_file( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $Date, $tex_variables_utf8 ) ;
sub description_stuff {
my ( $object, $clientTypeEN ) = @_ ;
my $object_type = object_type( $object ) ;
my ( $descriptionFR, $descriptionEN ) ;
if ( 'software' eq $object_type ) {
$descriptionFR = 'Logiciel imapsync. Tous droits c<>d<EFBFBD>s.' ;
$descriptionEN = '(Imapsync software. All rights conceded.)' ;
my ( $usageFR, $usageEN ) ;
if ( 'professional' eq $clientTypeEN
and 'software' eq $object_type ) {
$usageFR = 'Usage <20> titre professionnel.' ;
$usageEN = '(professional usage.)' ;
if ( 'individual' eq $clientTypeEN
and 'software' eq $object_type ) {
$usageFR = 'Usage <20> titre individuel.' ;
$usageEN = '(individual usage.)' ;
if ( 'support' eq $object_type ) {
$descriptionFR = 'Support sur le logiciel imapsync.' ;
$descriptionEN = '(Imapsync support.)' ;
$usageFR = '' ;
$usageEN = '' ;
return( $descriptionFR, $descriptionEN, $usageFR, $usageEN ) ;
sub object_type {
my $object = shift ;
if ( 'imapsync' eq $object
or 'imapsync.exe' eq $object
or 'imapsync source' eq $object
or 'imapsync source code' eq $object
) {
return( 'software' ) ;
}elsif ( 'imapsync support' eq $object ) {
return( 'support' ) ;
sub build_email_message {
my ( $date, $name, $email, $invoice, $objet ) = @_ ;
my $object_type = object_type( $objet ) ;
my $message_header_software = qq{X-imapsync: invoice $invoice for imapsync software
From: Gilles LAMIRAL <gilles.lamiral\@laposte.net>
Bcc: gilles\@lamiral.info
Subject: [imapsync invoice] $invoice ($date) for imapsync software
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <gilles.lamiral\@laposte.net>
} ;
my $message_header_support = qq{X-imapsync: invoice $invoice for imapsync support
From: Gilles LAMIRAL <gilles.lamiral\@laposte.net>
Bcc: gilles\@lamiral.info
Subject: [imapsync invoice] $invoice ($date) for imapsync support
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <gilles.lamiral\@laposte.net>
} ;
my $message_body_software = qq{
Hello $name,
First of all, I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
You'll find in the attachment the invoice of imapsync
software you bought and paid (dd/mm/yyyy $date).
The invoice file is named facture_imapsync-${invoice}.pdf
This invoice is in PDF format, ready to be print.
Should you need a hardcopy of this invoice,
I'll send it to you upon request by regular mail.
As the law requires, this numeric invoice PDF file
is signed with my private gpg key.
The resulting gpg signature is in the file named
you will also find in the attachment.
You can check I (Gilles LAMIRAL) really did generate
this invoice with the following command line:
gpg --verify facture_imapsync-${invoice}.pdf.asc facture_imapsync-${invoice}.pdf
or any other gpg graphical tool.
Once more, thank you for buying and using imapsync.
Any feedback is welcome.
Best Regards, 09 51 84 42 42
Gilles Lamiral. France, Baulon (35580) 06 20 79 76 06
} ;
my $message_body_support = qq{
Hello $name,
First of all, I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
You'll find in the attachment the invoice of imapsync
support you bought and paid (dd/mm/yyyy $date).
The invoice file is named facture_imapsync-${invoice}.pdf
This invoice is in PDF format, ready to be print.
Should you need a hardcopy of this invoice,
I'll send it to you upon request by regular mail.
As the law requires, this numeric invoice PDF file
is signed with my private gpg key.
The resulting gpg signature is in the file named
you will also find in the attachment.
You can check I (Gilles LAMIRAL) really did generate
this invoice with the following command line:
gpg --verify facture_imapsync-${invoice}.pdf.asc facture_imapsync-${invoice}.pdf
or any other gpg graphical tool.
Once more, thank you for buying imapsync support.
Any feedback is welcome.
Best Regards, 09 51 84 42 42
Gilles Lamiral. France, Baulon (35580) 06 20 79 76 06
} ;
my $message_body_blabla = qq{
Here is the fingerprint of my public key
pub 1024D/FDA2B3DC 2002-05-08
Key fingerprint = 7906 F53D 0D62 0C67 304A 4CF0 6928 869B FDA2 B3DC
uid Gilles LAMIRAL <gilles.lamiral\@laposte.net>
sub 1024g/A2C4CB42 2002-05-08
Of course the verification doesn't prove anything until
all the following conditions are met:
- you met me,
- I agree that the fingerprint above is really mine
- I prove I'm Gilles LAMIRAL with an official paper.
Normally we won't have to verify anything unless
I disagree with this invoice and the payment
you made for imapsync.
} ;
my ( $message_header, $message_body ) ;
if ( 'support' eq $object_type ) {
$message_header = $message_header_support ;
$message_body = $message_body_support ;
}elsif ( 'software' eq $object_type ) {
$message_header = $message_header_software ;
$message_body = $message_body_software ;
return( $message_header, $message_body ) ;
sub write_csv_info {
my( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $file_csv, $line_number, $line_csv ) = @_ ;
open( CSVINFO, "> $dir_invoices/$invoice/csv_info.txt") or die ;
print CSVINFO join( "\n", $file_csv, $line_number, $line_csv ) ;
close( CSVINFO ) ;
sub invoice_sent {
my ( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $email_address ) = @_ ;
return( 1 ) if ( -f "$dir_invoices/$invoice/SENT_TO_$email_address" ) ;
return( 0 ) ;
sub write_email_message {
my ( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $message_header, $message_body, $email_address ) = @_ ;
my $message_body_utf8 = to_utf8({ -string => $message_body, -charset => 'ISO-8859-1' });
mkdir( "$dir_invoices/$invoice" ) or die if ! -d "$dir_invoices/$invoice" ;
open( HEADER, "> $dir_invoices/$invoice/facture_message_header.txt") or die ;
print HEADER $message_header ;
close( HEADER ) ;
open( BODY, "> $dir_invoices/$invoice/facture_message_body.txt") or die ;
print BODY $message_body_utf8 ;
close( BODY ) ;
open( ADDRESS, "> $dir_invoices/$invoice/email_address.txt") or die ;
print ADDRESS "$email_address\n" ;
close( ADDRESS ) ;
sub write_tex_variables_file {
my ( $dir_invoices, $invoice, $date_jjSmmSaaaa, $tex_variables_utf8 ) = @_ ;
mkdir( "$dir_invoices/$invoice" ) or die if ! -d "$dir_invoices/$invoice" ;
open( FILE, "> $dir_invoices/$invoice/imapsync_var.tex") or die ;
print FILE $tex_variables_utf8 ;
close( FILE ) ;
if ( ! -f "$dir_invoices/$invoice/imapsync_var_manual.tex" ) {
open( FILE, "> $dir_invoices/$invoice/imapsync_var_manual.tex") or die ;
print FILE "%% $0 created file
%% Can be used to override imapsync_var.tex definitions\n" ;
print FILE $tex_variables_utf8 ;
close( FILE ) ;
sub download_urls {
my $date_jjSmmSaaaa = shift ;
my $object_type = shift ;
my $date_aaaa_mm_jj = date_aaaa_mm_jj( $date_jjSmmSaaaa ) ;
#print "$date_aaaa_mm_jj $date_jjSmmSaaaa $object_type\n" ;
my ( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
if ('2011_05_01' le $date_aaaa_mm_jj
and 'software' eq $object_type ) {
$urlSrc = 'http://ks.lamiral.info/imapsync/paypal_return.shtml' ;
$urlExe = '' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
if ('2011_05_01' le $date_aaaa_mm_jj
and 'support' eq $object_type ) {
$urlSrc = 'http://ks.lamiral.info/imapsync/paypal_return_support.shtml' ;
$urlExe = '' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
if ('2011_03_24' le $date_aaaa_mm_jj) {
$urlSrc = 'http://www.linux-france.org/prj/imapsync/paypal_return.shtml' ;
$urlExe = '' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
if ('2011_02_21' le $date_aaaa_mm_jj) {
$urlSrc = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2011_02_21/OUMbo7/' ;
$urlExe = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2011_02_21/rHSVNs/' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
if ('2011_01_18' le $date_aaaa_mm_jj) {
$urlSrc = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2011_01_18/zPRRNt/' ;
$urlExe = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2011_01_18/FO1QzG/' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
if ('2011_01_18' le $date_aaaa_mm_jj) {
$urlSrc = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2010_11_28/SiNdlZ/' ;
$urlExe = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2010_11_28/R3ZAyr/' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
$urlSrc = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2010_11_08/X2PWMe/' ;
$urlExe = 'http://www.linux-france.org/depot/2010_11_08/ZZ7zSc/' ;
return( $urlSrc, $urlExe ) ;
sub date_aaaa_mm_jj {
my $date_jjSmmSaaaa = shift ;
if ( $date_jjSmmSaaaa =~ m{(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)} ) {
my( $jj, $mm, $aaaa ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ) ;
return( join( '_', $aaaa, $mm, $jj ) ) ;
return( '9999_12_31' ) ;
sub tva_line {
my( $Devise, $Montant2, $Pays, $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1, $Titre_de_l_objet ) = @_ ;
my( $montant_HT_EUR_exo, $montant_HT_EUR_ass, $montant_TVA_EUR ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ) ;
my( $montant_HT_EUR_sup, $montant_TVA_EUR_sup ) = ( 0, 0 ) ;
$Montant2 = $Montant2/$usdeur if 'USD' eq $Devise ;
if ( 'imapsync' eq $Titre_de_l_objet
or 'imapsync.exe' eq $Titre_de_l_objet
or 'imapsync source' eq $Titre_de_l_objet
or 'imapsync source code' eq $Titre_de_l_objet
) {
if (
( 'imapsync usage' eq $Nom_Option_1 and 'individual' eq $Valeur_Option_1 )
( 'France' eq $Pays )
) {
$montant_HT_EUR_ass = $Montant2 / 1.196 ;
$montant_TVA_EUR = $Montant2 / 1.196 * 0.196 ;
$debug_dev and print "$Montant2 $Pays $Valeur_Option_1\n" ;
$montant_HT_EUR_exo = $Montant2 ;
if ( 'imapsync support' eq $Titre_de_l_objet ) {
#print "ZZZZ $Titre_de_l_objet $Montant2\n" ;
$montant_HT_EUR_sup = $Montant2 / 1.196 ;
$montant_TVA_EUR_sup = $Montant2 / 1.196 * 0.196 ;
return( $montant_HT_EUR_exo, $montant_HT_EUR_ass, $montant_TVA_EUR, $montant_HT_EUR_sup, $montant_TVA_EUR_sup ) ;
sub tva_stuff {
my( $clientTypeEN, $Pays, $Hors_taxe, $Devise, $Titre_de_l_objet ) = @_ ;
my $priceTTCusd = '' ;
$Hors_taxe =~ s{,}{.} ;
if ( $Devise eq 'USD' ) {
$priceTTCusd = "(usd $Hors_taxe)" ;
$Hors_taxe = ( $Hors_taxe/$usdeur ) ;
my (
) ;
if ( ( 'individual' eq $clientTypeEN)
( 'France' eq $Pays )
( 'imapsync support' eq $Titre_de_l_objet )
) {
$priceHT = sprintf('%2.2f', $Hors_taxe/1.196) ;
$tvaFR = '19,60\%';
$tvaEN = '';
$priceTVA = sprintf('%2.2f', $Hors_taxe/1.196*0.196) ;
$priceTTC = sprintf('%2.2f', $Hors_taxe) ;
$HTorTTC = 'TTC' ;
$messageTVAFR = '' ;
$messageTVAEN = '' ;
$priceHT = sprintf('%2.2f', $Hors_taxe) ;
$tvaFR = '' ;
$tvaEN = '' ;
$priceTVA = 'n<>ant (none)' ;
$priceTTC = $priceHT ;
$HTorTTC = 'HT' ;
$messageTVAFR = 'Exon<6F>ration de TVA, articles 262 1-2 et ter du Code G<>n<EFBFBD>ral des Imp<6D>ts';
$messageTVAEN = '(VAT tax-exempt, articles 262 1-2 and ter of French General Tax Code)';
foreach my $price ( $priceHT, $priceTVA, $priceTTC, $priceTTCusd ) {
#print "[$price]\n" ;
$price =~ s{\.}{, } ;
) ;
sub client_type {
my ( $Nom_Option_1, $Valeur_Option_1 ) = @_ ;
my ( $clientTypeEN, $clientTypeFR ) = ( 'professional', 'professionnel' ) ;
if ('imapsync usage' eq $Nom_Option_1 and 'individual' eq $Valeur_Option_1 ) {
$clientTypeEN = 'individual' ;
$clientTypeFR = 'individuel' ;
}elsif ('imapsync usage' eq $Nom_Option_1 and 'professional' eq $Valeur_Option_1 ) {
$clientTypeEN = 'professional' ;
$clientTypeFR = 'professionnel' ;
return( $clientTypeEN, $clientTypeFR ) ;
sub build_address {
) = @_ ;
my $addr = "
Nom $Nom
Adresse_1 $Adresse_1
Adresse_2_district_quartier $Adresse_2_district_quartier
Ville Code_postal $Ville $Code_postal
Etat_Province $Etat_Province
Pays $Pays
" ;
#print $addr ;
my @address ;
$Nom = '' if ( $Nom =~ m/^\s+$/ ) ;
my( $Nom1, $Nom2 ) = cut( $Nom, 42 ) ;
push( @address, $Nom1 ) if $Nom1 ;
#push( @address, $Nom2 ) if $Nom2 ;
push( @address, $Adresse_1 ) if $Adresse_1 ;
push( @address, $Adresse_2_district_quartier ) if $Adresse_2_district_quartier ;
push( @address, "$Ville $Code_postal" ) if ( $Ville or $Code_postal );
push( @address, $Etat_Province ) if $Etat_Province ;
push( @address, $Pays, ) if $Pays ;
my $clientAdrA = shift( @address ) || '' ;
my $clientAdrB = shift( @address ) || '' ;
my $clientAdrC = shift( @address ) || '' ;
my $clientAdrD = shift( @address ) || '' ;
my $clientAdrE = shift( @address ) || '' ;
my $clientAdrF = shift( @address ) || '' ;
$addr = "
#print $addr ;
) ;
sub half {
my $string = shift ;
my $half = int( lenght( $string ) / 2 ) ;
sub tests_half {
my( $aa, $bb ) = half( 'aa bb' ) ;
ok( 'aa' eq $aa, 'half: aa' ) ;
ok( 'bb' eq $bb, 'half: bb' ) ;
sub cut {
my $string = shift ;
my $offset = shift ;
return( $string, '' ) if length( $string ) < $offset ;
my $first = substr( $string, 0, $offset ) ;
my $last = substr( $string, $offset ) ;
return( $first, $last ) ;
sub tests_cut {
my( $aa, $bb ) = cut("123456789", 4 ) ;
ok( '1234' eq $aa, 'cut 123456789 4 => first 1234' ) ;
ok( '56789' eq $bb, 'cut 123456789 4 => last 56789' ) ;