.. _contributing: Contributing to Instaloader =========================== As an open source project, Instaloader heavily depends on the contributions from its community. In this document, we advise on how you may help Instaloader to become an even greater tool. Instaloader's development is organized on `GitHub `__, where Issues and Pull Requests are discussed. Reporting Bugs -------------- If you encounter a bug, do not hesitate to report it in our `Issue Tracker `__. Since Instaloader is actively developed, the majority of bugs is fixed within only **3 days** after being reported. When reporting a problem, please keep the following in mind: - Ensure you **use the latest version** of Instaloader. The currently-installed version can be found out with ``instaloader --version``. - Briefly **check whether the bug has already been reported**. If you find an issue reporting the same bug you encountered, comment there rather than opening a new issue. However, if unsure, please create a new issue. - State **how the bug can be reproduced**, i.e. how Instaloader was invoked when the problem occurred (of course, you may anonymize profile names etc.). - Include all **error messages and tracebacks** in the report. - If not obvious, describe **which behavior you expected** instead of what actually happened. - If you think an issue has been closed accidentally or inappropriately, feel free to reopen it. Writing Code or Improving the Documentation ------------------------------------------- Changes of the Instaloader source can be proposed as a `Pull Request `__. There are only few things to consider: - Sometimes, the most current code is not in the ``master`` branch. Check that you forked from the most recent branch. - We use `Pylint `__ for error and syntax checking of the source. The file ``.travis.yml`` in the project's root directory shows how it is invoked. Note that sometimes it might be better to disable a warning rather than adapting the code to Pylint's desires. - The documentation source is located in the ``docs`` folder. The file ``cli-options.rst`` is merely an RST-formatted copy of ``instaloader --help`` output, of which the source is in ``instaloader/__main__.py``. - Feel free to contact us, even if you "only" have Proof-of-Concepts or not-fully integrated changes. They already might be an advance for the project. Suggesting Features ------------------- If you have an idea of how Instaloader should be enhanced, but do not want to implement the feature yourself, feel free to open a ticket in our `Issue Tracker `__. Please consider the following: - Instaloader already has plenty of features. **Check the documentation** beforehand to ensure your desired suggestion is not already implemented. - Briefly **ensure that your idea has not already been suggested**. If you find an issue suggesting the same or a similar feature, share your thoughts in a comment there, instead of opening a new issue. - If possible, provide us a **use case of the feature**: How could the user invoke the new function? Which problem would it solve? If new information is obtained, how would it be further processed? - **Be patient**. Naturally, bugs and pull requests have a higher priority than feature suggestions. Keep in mind that this is a free software project, and unfortunately we only have limited time to work on it. Donations --------- .. donations-start It is a pleasure for us to share our Instaloader to the world, and we are proud to have attracted such an active and motivating community, with so many users who share their suggestions and ideas with us. Buying a community-sponsored beer or coffee from time to time is very likely to further raise our passion for the development of Instaloader. We have a PayPal.Me link for donations: `PayPal.me/aandergr `__ .. donations-end .. (Discussion in :issue:`130`) IRC Channel ----------- .. ircchannel-start For a direct and personal communication within Instaloader's community, we have an IRC channel **#instaloader** on **Freenode**. Freenode provides a `Web IRC Client `__, allowing to join our channel without having an IRC client installed. .. ircchannel-end