.. meta:: :description: Command line tool to download pictures (and videos) from Instagram. Instaloader downloads public and private profiles, hashtags, user stories, feeds, comments, geotags, captions and other metadata of each post. Instaloader =========== .. highlight:: none **Instaloader** is a tool to download pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram. With `Python `__ installed, do:: $ pip3 install instaloader $ instaloader profile [profile ...] **Instaloader** - downloads **public and private profiles, hashtags, user stories and feeds**, - downloads **comments, geotags and captions** of each post, - automatically **detects profile name changes** and renames the target directory accordingly, - allows **fine-grained customization** of filters and where to store downloaded media, - is free `open source `__ software written in Python. :: instaloader [--comments] [--geotags] [--stories] [--login YOUR-USERNAME] [--fast-update] profile | "#hashtag" | :stories | :feed Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation basic-usage cli-options as-module Useful Links ------------ - `Git Repository (on GitHub) `__ - `PyPI Project Page `__ - `Issue Tracker / Bug Tracker `__ - `Version History `__ .. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: disclaimer-start :end-before: disclaimer-end .. * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`