.. _troubleshooting: Troubleshooting =============== .. highlight:: python 429 Too Many Requests --------------------- Instaloader has a logic to keep track of its requests to Instagram and to obey their rate limits. Since they are nowhere documented, we try them out experimentally. We have a daily cron job running to confirm that Instaloader still stays within the rate limits. Nevertheless, the rate control logic assumes that - at one time, Instaloader is the only application that consumes requests, i.e. neither the Instagram browser interface, nor a mobile app, nor another Instaloader instance is running in parallel, and - no requests had been consumed when Instaloader starts. The latter one implies that restarting or reinstantiating Instaloader often within short time is prone to cause a 429. If a request is denied with a 429, Instaloader retries the request as soon as the temporary ban is assumed to be expired. In case the retry continuously fails for some reason, which should not happen under normal conditions, consider adjusting the :option:`--max-connection-attempts` option. There have been observations that services, that in their nature offer promiscuous IP addresses, such as cloud, VPN and public proxy services, might be subject to significantly stricter limits for anonymous access. However, logged-in accesses (see :option:`--login`) do not seem to be affected. Too many queries in the last time --------------------------------- **"Too many queries in the last time"** is not an error. It is a notice that the rate limit has almost been reached, according to Instaloader's own rate accounting mechanism. We regularly adjust this mechanism to match Instagram's current rate limiting. Private but not followed ------------------------ You have to follow a private account to access most of its associated information. Login error ----------- Instaloader's login *should* work fine, both with and without Two-Factor-Authentication. It also supports handling the *checkpoint challenge*, issued when Instagram suspects authentication activity on your account, by pointing the user to an URL to be opened in a browser. Nevertheless, in :issue:`92` and :issue:`615` users reported problems with logging in. We recommend to always keep the session file which Instaloader creates when using :option:`--login`. If a session file is present, :option:`--login` does not make make use of the failure-prone login procedure. Also, session files usually do not expire and can be copied between different computers without any problems. If you do not have a session file present, you may use the following script (:example:`615_import_firefox_session.py`) to workaround login problems by importing the session cookies from Firefox and bypassing Instaloader's login and so still use Instaloader's logged-in functionality. .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/615_import_firefox_session.py To use this script, #. Download the script: :example:`615_import_firefox_session.py`, #. Login to Instagram in Firefox, #. Execute the snippet, e.g. with ``python 615_import_firefox_session.py``, #. Then, ``instaloader -l USERNAME`` should work fine. This script also supports specifying a cookie file path, which may be useful if you use multiple Firefox profiles or if your operating system has the directory structure differently set up. Also, you can specify an alternative session file path.