.. _codesnippets: Advanced Instaloader Examples ============================= .. currentmodule:: instaloader .. highlight:: python .. contents:: :backlinks: none Here we present code examples that use the :ref:`python-module-instaloader` for more advanced Instagram downloading or metadata mining than what is possible with the Instaloader command line interface. The scripts presented here can be downloaded from our source tree: `instaloader/docs/codesnippets/ `__ .. For each code snippet: - title - brief description of what it does / motivation / how it works - code, or link to code - link to discussion issue - link used methods Download Posts in a Specific Period ----------------------------------- To only download Instagram pictures (and metadata) that are within a specific period, you can play around with :func:`~itertools.dropwhile` and :func:`~itertools.takewhile` from :mod:`itertools` like in this snippet. .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/121_since_until.py See also :class:`Post`, :meth:`Instaloader.download_post`. Discussed in :issue:`121`. Likes of a Profile / Ghost Followers ------------------------------------ To obtain a list of your inactive followers, i.e. followers that did not like any of your pictures, into a file you can use this approach. .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/120_ghost_followers.py See also :meth:`Profile.get_posts`, :meth:`Post.get_likes`, :meth:`Profile.get_followers`, :meth:`Instaloader.load_session_from_file`, :meth:`Profile.from_username`. Discussed in :issue:`120`. Track Deleted Posts ------------------- This script uses Instaloader to obtain a list of currently-online Instagram and compares it with the set of posts that you already have downloaded. It outputs a list of posts which are online but not offline (i.e. not yet downloaded) and a list of posts which are offline but not online (i.e. deleted in the profile). .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/56_track_deleted.py See also :func:`load_structure_from_file`, :meth:`Profile.from_username`, :meth:`Profile.get_posts`, :class:`Post`. Discussed in :issue:`56`. Only one Post per User ---------------------- To download only the one most recent post from each user, this snippet creates a :class:`set` that contains the users of which a post has already been downloaded. While iterating the posts, it checks whether the post's owner already is in the set. If not, the post is downloaded from Instagram and the user is added to that set. .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/113_only_one_per_user.py See also :class:`Post`, :meth:`Instaloader.download_post`, :attr:`Post.owner_profile`, :class:`Profile`. Discussed in :issue:`113`. Top X Posts of User ------------------- With Instaloader, it is easy to download the few most-liked pictres of a user. .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/194_top_x_of_user.py Discussed in :issue:`194`. Upgrade Images by Local Copies ------------------------------ The following script finds local versions of images fetched by Instaloader, in order to upgrade the downloaded images by locally-found versions with better quality. It uses image hashing to identify similar images. `updgrade-instaloader-images.py `__ (external link to GitHub Gist) Discussed in :issue:`46`. Add Captions to Images ---------------------- Instaloader does not modify the downloaded JPEG file. However, one could combine it with an imaging library such as Pillow or PIL to render the caption on Instagram pictures. The following shows an approach. .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/110_pil_captions.py See also :attr:`Post.caption`, :attr:`Post.url`, :meth:`Post.from_shortcode`, :func:`load_structure_from_file`. Discussed in :issue:`110`. Metadata JSON Files ------------------- The JSON files Instaloader saves along with each Post contain all the metadata that has been retrieved from Instagram while downloading the picture and associated required information. With `jq `__, a command-line JSON processor, the metadata can be easily post-processed. For example, Instaloader's JSON files can be pretty-formatted with: .. code-block:: none xzcat 2018-05-13_11-18-45_UTC.json.xz | jq .node However, Instaloader tries to do as few metadata requests as possible, so, depending on how Instaloader has been invoked, it may occur that these files do not contain the complete available metadata structure. Nevertheless, the file can be loaded into Instaloader with :func:`load_structure_from_file` and the required metadata then be accessed via the :class:`Post` or :class:`Profile` attributes, which trigger an Instagram request if that particular information is not present in the JSON file.