Resumable Iterations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. module:: instaloader :noindex: .. highlight:: python .. contents:: :backlinks: none For many download targets, Instaloader is able to resume a previously-interrupted iteration. It provides an interruptible Iterator :class:`NodeIterator` and a context manager :func:`resumable_iteration`, which we both present here. .. versionadded:: 4.5 ``NodeIterator`` """""""""""""""" .. autoclass:: NodeIterator :no-show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: FrozenNodeIterator :no-show-inheritance: A serializable representation of a :class:`NodeIterator` instance, saving its iteration state. It can be serialized and deserialized with :func:`save_structure_to_file` and :func:`load_structure_from_file`, as well as with :mod:`json` and :mod:`pickle` thanks to being a :func:`~collections.namedtuple`. ``resumable_iteration`` """"""""""""""""""""""" .. autofunction:: resumable_iteration