2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
return array(
// client
2014-08-23 22:45:32 +02:00
'organization' => 'Organisasjon',
'name' => 'Navn',
'website' => 'Webside',
'work_phone' => 'Telefon',
'address' => 'Adresse',
'address1' => 'Gate',
'address2' => 'Nummer',
'city' => 'By',
'state' => 'Fylke',
'postal_code' => 'Postnummer',
'country_id' => 'Land',
'contacts' => 'Kontakter',
'first_name' => 'Fornavn',
'last_name' => 'Etternavn',
'phone' => 'Telefon',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'email' => 'Email',
2014-08-23 22:45:32 +02:00
'additional_info' => 'Tilleggsinfo',
'payment_terms' => 'Betalingsvilk<6C>r',
'currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'size_id' => 'St<53>rrelse',
'industry_id' => 'Sektor',
'private_notes' => 'Private notater',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// invoice
2014-08-23 22:45:32 +02:00
'invoice' => 'Faktura',
'client' => 'Klient',
'invoice_date' => 'Faktureringsdato',
'due_date' => 'Betalingsfrist',
'invoice_number' => 'Fakturanummer',
'invoice_number_short' => 'Faktura #',
'po_number' => 'Ordrenummer',
'po_number_short' => 'Ordre #',
'frequency_id' => 'Frekvens',
'discount' => 'Rabatt',
'taxes' => 'Skatter',
'tax' => 'Skatt',
'item' => 'Bel<65>pstype',
'description' => 'Beskrivese',
'unit_cost' => '<27> pris',
'quantity' => 'STK',
'line_total' => 'Sum',
'subtotal' => 'Totalbel<65>p',
'paid_to_date' => 'Betalt',
'balance_due' => 'Gjenst<73>ende',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'invoice_design_id' => 'Design',
2014-08-23 22:45:32 +02:00
'terms' => 'Vilk<6C>r',
'your_invoice' => 'Din faktura',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
2014-08-23 22:45:32 +02:00
'remove_contact' => 'Fjern kontakt',
'add_contact' => 'Legg til kontakt',
'create_new_client' => 'Opprett ny klient',
'edit_client_details' => 'Endre klientdetaljer',
'enable' => 'Aktiver',
'learn_more' => 'L<>r mer',
'manage_rates' => 'Administrer priser',
'note_to_client' => 'Merknad til klient',
'invoice_terms' => 'Vilk<6C>r for fakturaen',
'save_as_default_terms' => 'Lagre som standard vilk<6C>r',
'download_pdf' => 'Last ned PDF',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'pay_now' => 'Betal n<>',
'save_invoice' => 'Lagre faktura',
'clone_invoice' => 'Kopier faktura',
'archive_invoice' => 'Arkiver faktura',
'delete_invoice' => 'Slett faktura',
'email_invoice' => 'Send faktura p<> epost',
'enter_payment' => 'Oppgi betaling',
'tax_rates' => 'Skattesatser',
'rate' => 'Sats',
'settings' => 'Innstillinger',
'enable_invoice_tax' => 'Aktiver for <20> spesifisere en <b>faktura skatt</b>',
'enable_line_item_tax' => 'Aktiver for <20> spesifisere <b>artikkel skatt</b>',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// navigation
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'clients' => 'Klienter',
'invoices' => 'Fakturaer',
'payments' => 'Betalinger',
'credits' => 'Kreditter',
'history' => 'Historie',
'search' => 'S<>k',
'sign_up' => 'Registrer deg',
'guest' => 'Gjest',
'company_details' => 'Firmainformasjon',
'online_payments' => 'Online betaling',
'notifications' => 'Varsler',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'import_export' => 'Import/Export',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'done' => 'Ferdig',
'save' => 'Lagre',
'create' => 'Lag',
'upload' => 'Last opp',
'import' => 'Importer',
'download' => 'Last ned',
'cancel' => 'Avbryt',
'close' => 'Lukk',
'provide_email' => 'Vennligst oppgi en gyldig e-postadresse',
'powered_by' => 'Drevet av',
'no_items' => 'Ingen elementer',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// recurring invoices
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'recurring_invoices' => 'Gjentakende fakturaer',
'recurring_help' => '<p>Automatisk send klienter de samme fakturaene ukentlig, bi-m<EFBFBD>nedlig, m<EFBFBD>nedlig, kvartalsvis eller <EFBFBD>rlig.</p>
<p>Bruk :MONTH, :QUARTER eller :YEAR for dynamiske datoer. Grunnleggende matematikk fungerer ogs<EFBFBD>, for eksempel :MONTH-1.</p>
<p>Eksempler p<EFBFBD> dynamiske faktura variabler:</p>
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
<li>"Treningsmedlemskap for m<>neden :MONTH" => "Treningsmedlemskap for m<>neden Juli"</li>
<li>":YEAR+1 <20>rlig abonnement" => "2015 <20>rlig abonnement"</li>
<li>"Forh<EFBFBD>ndsbetaling for :QUARTER+1" => "Forh<EFBFBD>ndsbetaling for Q2"</li>
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// dashboard
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'in_total_revenue' => 'totale inntekter',
'billed_client' => 'fakturert klient',
'billed_clients' => 'fakturerte klienter',
'active_client' => 'aktiv klient',
'active_clients' => 'aktive klienter',
'invoices_past_due' => 'Fakturaer forfalt',
'upcoming_invoices' => 'Forest<73>ende fakturaer',
'average_invoice' => 'Gjennomsnittlige fakturaer',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// list pages
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'archive' => 'Arkiv',
'delete' => 'Slett',
'archive_client' => 'Arkiver klient',
'delete_client' => 'Slett klient',
'archive_payment' => 'Arkiver betaling',
'delete_payment' => 'Slett betaling',
'archive_credit' => 'Arkiver kreditt',
'delete_credit' => 'Slett kreditt',
'show_archived_deleted' => 'Vis slettet/arkivert',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'filter' => 'Filter',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'new_client' => 'Ny klient',
'new_invoice' => 'Ny faktura',
'new_payment' => 'Ny betaling',
'new_credit' => 'Ny kreditt',
'contact' => 'Kontakt',
'date_created' => 'Dato opprettet',
'last_login' => 'Siste p<>logging',
'balance' => 'Balanse',
'action' => 'Handling',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'status' => 'Status',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'invoice_total' => 'Faktura total',
'frequency' => 'Frekvens',
'start_date' => 'Startdato',
'end_date' => 'Sluttdato',
'transaction_reference' => 'Transaksjonsreferanse',
'method' => 'Betalingsm<73>te',
'payment_amount' => 'Bel<65>p',
'payment_date' => 'Betalingsdato',
'credit_amount' => 'Kredittbel<65>p',
'credit_balance' => 'Kreditsaldo',
'credit_date' => 'Kredittdato',
'empty_table' => 'Ingen data er tilgjengelige i tabellen',
'select' => 'Velg',
'edit_client' => 'Rediger klient',
'edit_invoice' => 'Rediger faktura',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// client view page
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'create_invoice' => 'Lag faktura',
'enter_credit' => 'Oppgi kreditt',
'last_logged_in' => 'Sist p<>logget',
'details' => 'Detaljer',
'standing' => 'St<53>ende',
'credit' => 'Kreditt',
'activity' => 'Aktivitet',
'date' => 'Dato',
'message' => 'Beskjed',
'adjustment' => 'Justering',
'are_you_sure' => 'Er du sikker?',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// payment pages
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'payment_type_id' => 'Betalingsmetode',
'amount' => 'Bel<65>p',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// account/company pages
'work_email' => 'Email',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'language_id' => 'Spr<70>k',
'timezone_id' => 'Tidssone',
'date_format_id' => 'Dato format',
'datetime_format_id' => 'Dato/Tidsformat',
'users' => 'Brukere',
'localization' => 'Lokaliseing',
'remove_logo' => 'Fjern logo',
'logo_help' => 'St<53>ttedefiltyper: JPEG, GIF og PNG. Anbefalt st<73>rrelse: 200px bredde by 120px h<>yde',
'payment_gateway' => 'Betalingsl<73>sning',
'gateway_id' => 'Tilbyder',
'email_notifications' => 'Varsel via email',
'email_sent' => 'Varsle n<>r en faktura er <b>sendt</b>',
'email_viewed' => 'Varsle n<>r en faktura er <b>sett</b>',
'email_paid' => 'Varsle n<>r en faktura er <b>betalt</b>',
'site_updates' => 'Nettsted oppdateringer',
'custom_messages' => 'Tilpassede meldinger',
'default_invoice_terms' => 'Sett standard fakturavilk<6C>r',
'default_email_footer' => 'Sett standard emailsignatur',
'import_clients' => 'Importer klientdata',
'csv_file' => 'Velg CSV-fil',
'export_clients' => 'Exporter klientdata',
'select_file' => 'Vennligst velg en fil',
'first_row_headers' => 'Bruk f<>rste rad som overskrifter',
'column' => 'Kolonne',
'sample' => 'Eksempel',
'import_to' => 'Importer til',
'client_will_create' => 'Klient vil bli opprettet',
'clients_will_create' => 'Klienter vil bli opprettet',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// application messages
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'created_client' => 'Klient opprettet suksessfullt',
'created_clients' => 'Klienter opprettet suksessfullt',
'updated_settings' => 'Innstillger oppdatert',
'removed_logo' => 'Logo fjernet',
'sent_message' => 'Melding sendt',
'invoice_error' => 'Vennligst s<>rg for <20> velge en klient og rette eventuelle feil',
'limit_clients' => 'Dessverre, dette vil overstige grensen p<> :count klienter',
'payment_error' => 'Det oppstod en feil under din betaling. Vennligst pr<70>v igjen senere.',
'registration_required' => 'Vennligst registrer deg for <20> sende e-postfaktura',
'confirmation_required' => 'Vennligst bekreft din e-postadresse',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'updated_client' => 'Klient oppdatert',
'created_client' => 'Klient lagret',
'archived_client' => 'Klient arkivert',
'archived_clients' => 'Arkiverte :count klienter',
'deleted_client' => 'Klient slettet',
'deleted_clients' => 'Slettet :count kliener',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'updated_invoice' => 'Faktura oppdatert',
'created_invoice' => 'Faktura opprettet',
'cloned_invoice' => 'Faktura kopiert',
'emailed_invoice' => 'Emailfaktura sendt',
'and_created_client' => 'og klient opprettet',
'archived_invoice' => 'Faktura arkivert',
'archived_invoices' => 'Fakturaer arkivert',
'deleted_invoice' => 'Faktura slettet',
'deleted_invoices' => 'Slettet :count fakturaer',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'created_payment' => 'Betaling opprettet',
'archived_payment' => 'Betaling arkivert',
'archived_payments' => 'Arkiverte :count betalinger',
'deleted_payment' => 'Betaling slettet',
'deleted_payments' => 'Slettet :count betalinger',
'applied_payment' => 'Betaling lagret',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'created_credit' => 'Kreditt opprettet',
'archived_credit' => 'Kreditt arkivert',
'archived_credits' => 'Arkiverte :count kreditter',
'deleted_credit' => 'Kreditt slettet',
'deleted_credits' => 'Slettet :count kreditter',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
// Emails
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'confirmation_subject' => 'Invoice Ninja Account bekreftelse',
'confirmation_header' => 'Kontobekreftelse',
'confirmation_message' => 'Vennligst <20>pne koblingen nedenfor for <20> bekrefte kontoen din.',
'invoice_subject' => 'Ny faktura fra :account',
'invoice_message' => 'Sor <20> se din faktura p<> :amount, klikk linken nedenfor.',
'payment_subject' => 'Betaling mottatt',
'payment_message' => 'Takk for din betaling p<>lydende :amount.',
'email_salutation' => 'Kj<4B>re :name,',
'email_signature' => 'Med vennlig hilsen,',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'email_from' => 'The InvoiceNinja Team',
2014-08-24 01:08:50 +02:00
'user_email_footer' => 'For <20> justere varslingsinnstillingene vennligst bes<65>k '.SITE_URL.'/company/notifications',
'invoice_link_message' => 'Hvis du vil se din klientfaktura klikk p<> linken under:',
'notification_invoice_paid_subject' => 'Faktura :invoice betalt av :client',
'notification_invoice_sent_subject' => 'Faktura :invoice sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_viewed_subject' => 'Faktura :invoice sett av :client',
2014-08-23 21:48:34 +02:00
'notification_invoice_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards Invoice :invoice.',
'notification_invoice_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Invoice :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_invoice_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Invoice :invoice for :amount.',
'reset_password' => 'You can reset your account password by clicking the following link:',
'reset_password_footer' => 'If you did not request this password reset please email our support: ' . CONTACT_EMAIL,
// Payment page
'secure_payment' => 'Secure Payment',
'card_number' => 'Card number',
'expiration_month' => 'Expiration month',
'expiration_year' => 'Expiration year',
'cvv' => 'CVV',
// Security alerts
'confide' => [
'too_many_attempts' => 'Too many attempts. Try again in few minutes.',
'wrong_credentials' => 'Incorrect email or password.',
'confirmation' => 'Your account has been confirmed!',
'wrong_confirmation' => 'Wrong confirmation code.',
'password_forgot' => 'The information regarding password reset was sent to your email.',
'password_reset' => 'Your password has been changed successfully.',
'wrong_password_reset' => 'Invalid password. Try again',
// Pro Plan
'pro_plan' => [
'remove_logo' => ':link to remove the Invoice Ninja logo by joining the Pro Plan',
'remove_logo_link' => 'Click here',
'logout' => 'Log Out',
'sign_up_to_save' => 'Sign up to save your work',
'agree_to_terms' =>'I agree to the Invoice Ninja :terms',
'terms_of_service' => 'Terms of Service',
'email_taken' => 'The email address is already registered',
'working' => 'Working',
'success' => 'Success',
'success_message' => 'You have succesfully registered. Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.',
'erase_data' => 'This will permanently erase your data.',
'password' => 'Password',
'pro_plan_product' => 'Pro Plan',
'pro_plan_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'pro_plan_success' => 'Thanks for choosing Invoice Ninja\'s Pro plan!<p/> <br/>
<b>Next Steps</b><p/>A payable invoice has been sent to the email
address associated with your account. To unlock all of the awesome
Pro features, please follow the instructions on the invoice to pay
for a year of Pro-level invoicing.<p/>
Can\'t find the invoice? Need further assistance? We\'re happy to help
-- email us at contact@invoiceninja.com',
'unsaved_changes' => 'You have unsaved changes',
'custom_fields' => 'Custom fields',
'company_fields' => 'Company Fields',
'client_fields' => 'Client Fields',
'field_label' => 'Field Label',
'field_value' => 'Field Value',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'set_name' => 'Set your company name',
'view_as_recipient' => 'View as recipient',
// product management
'product_library' => 'Product Library',
'product' => 'Product',
'products' => 'Products',
'fill_products' => 'Auto-fill products',
'fill_products_help' => 'Selecting a product will automatically <b>fill in the description and cost</b>',
'update_products' => 'Auto-update products',
'update_products_help' => 'Updating an invoice will automatically <b>update the product library</b>',
'create_product' => 'Create Product',
'edit_product' => 'Edit Product',
'archive_product' => 'Archive Product',
'updated_product' => 'Successfully updated product',
'created_product' => 'Successfully created product',
'archived_product' => 'Successfully archived product',
'pro_plan_custom_fields' => ':link to enable custom fields by joining the Pro Plan',
'advanced_settings' => 'Advanced Settings',
'pro_plan_advanced_settings' => ':link to enable the advanced settings by joining the Pro Plan',
'invoice_design' => 'Invoice Design',
'specify_colors' => 'Specify colors',
'specify_colors_label' => 'Select the colors used in the invoice',
'chart_builder' => 'Chart Builder',
'ninja_email_footer' => 'Use :site to invoice your clients and get paid online for free!',
'go_pro' => 'Go Pro',
// Quotes
'quote' => 'Quote',
'quotes' => 'Quotes',
'quote_number' => 'Quote Number',
'quote_number_short' => 'Quote #',
'quote_date' => 'Quote Date',
'quote_total' => 'Quote Total',
'your_quote' => 'Your Quote',
'total' => 'Total',
'clone' => 'Clone',
'new_quote' => 'New Quote',
'create_quote' => 'Create Quote',
'edit_quote' => 'Edit Quote',
'archive_quote' => 'Archive Quote',
'delete_quote' => 'Delete Quote',
'save_quote' => 'Save Quote',
'email_quote' => 'Email Quote',
'clone_quote' => 'Clone Quote',
'convert_to_invoice' => 'Convert to Invoice',
'view_invoice' => 'View Invoice',
'view_client' => 'View Client',
'view_quote' => 'View Quote',
'updated_quote' => 'Successfully updated quote',
'created_quote' => 'Successfully created quote',
'cloned_quote' => 'Successfully cloned quote',
'emailed_quote' => 'Successfully emailed quote',
'archived_quote' => 'Successfully archived quote',
'archived_quotes' => 'Successfully archived :count quotes',
'deleted_quote' => 'Successfully deleted quote',
'deleted_quotes' => 'Successfully deleted :count quotes',
'converted_to_invoice' => 'Successfully converted quote to invoice',
'quote_subject' => 'New quote from :account',
'quote_message' => 'To view your quote for :amount, click the link below.',
'quote_link_message' => 'To view your client quote click the link below:',
'notification_quote_sent_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_quote_viewed_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_quote_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_quote_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'session_expired' => 'Your session has expired.',
'invoice_fields' => 'Invoice Fields',
'invoice_options' => 'Invoice Options',
'hide_quantity' => 'Hide quantity',
'hide_quantity_help' => 'If your line items quantities are always 1, then you can declutter invoices by no longer displaying this field.',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'Hide paid to date',
'hide_paid_to_date_help' => 'Only display the "Paid to Date" area on your invoices once a payment has been received.',
'charge_taxes' => 'Charge taxes',
'user_management' => 'User Management',
'add_user' => 'Add User',
'send_invite' => 'Send invitation',
'sent_invite' => 'Successfully sent invitation',
'updated_user' => 'Successfully updated user',
'invitation_message' => 'You\'ve been invited by :invitor. ',
'register_to_add_user' => 'Please sign up to add a user',
'user_state' => 'State',
'edit_user' => 'Edit User',
'delete_user' => 'Delete User',
'active' => 'Active',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'deleted_user' => 'Successfully deleted user',
'limit_users' => 'Sorry, this will exceed the limit of ' . MAX_NUM_USERS . ' users',