If you server doesn't support crons commands can be run by setting a value for COMMAND_SECRET in the .env file and then loading ``/run_command?command=<command>&secret=<secret>``. The following commands are supported: send-invoices, send-reminders and update-key.
When sending an email in the app the default behavior is to wait for the response, you can use queues to improve the perceived performance. To enable the feature add ``QUEUE_DRIVER=database`` or ``QUEUE_DRIVER=redis`` to the .env file.
- Open webhook: https://invoices.example.com/hook/email_opened
Social/One-Click Login
Create an application in either Google, Facebook, GitHub or LinkedIn and then set the client id, secret and redirect URL in the .env file. For example:
- You can use `this script <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja/develop/resources/test.pjs>`_ to test from the command line, change ``__YOUR_LINK_HERE__`` to the link in the error and then run ``phantomjs test.pjs``.
- If you're using a proxy and/or self-signed certificate `this comment <https://github.com/invoiceninja/dockerfiles/issues/39#issuecomment-282489039>`_ may help.
- It may help to use the `pre-compiled binary from phantomjs.org <https://www.invoiceninja.com/forums/topic/local-phantomjs-pdfs-not-attaching-phantomjs-cloud-works/#post-17256>`_.
- If all else fails you can `try changing the code <https://www.invoiceninja.com/forums/topic/attach-pdfs-to-emails-using-https-domain/>`_ to prevent SSL checks.
- Add a row to the gateways table. ``name`` is used in the gateway select, ``provider`` needs to match the Omnipay driver name
- Clear the cache by adding ``?clear_cache=true`` to the end of the URL
..NOTE:: Most drivers also require `code changes <https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja/tree/master/app/Ninja/PaymentDrivers>`_ to work correctly.
By default the app clears the session when the browser is closed and automatically logs the user out after 8 hours. This can be modified by setting ``REMEMBER_ME_ENABLED`` and ``AUTO_LOGOUT_SECONDS`` in the .env file.
You need to create a `Google Maps API <https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key>`_ key for the Javascript, Geocoding and Embed APIs and then add ``GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=your_key`` to the .env file.
Supporting voice commands requires creating a `LUIS.ai subscription key <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/luis/azureibizasubscription>`_, then set the following values in the .env file.
Our `developer guide <https://www.invoiceninja.com/knowledgebase/developer-guide/>`_ has more details about our application’s codebase.
You can add currencies and date/time formats by adding records to their respective tables in the database. This data is cached, to clear it load any page with ``?clear_cache=true`` added to the end of the URL.
The JavaScript and CSS files are compiled to built files, you can recompile them by running bower install and then ``gulp``.